Scene hair by Jackie

scene hair is different to everyone. It shows originality and uniqueness. Everyone's hair is not all the same. Some People want short hair. Some like Long hair. It all Varie and the possibilities are endless. No one will ever have the same exact hair cause its just impossible. well, for me i like medium cut hair with layers. I hope one day that i can make my hair rainbow that would be awesome. Some people like their hair to be their natural color, multi-color, or just one color. Your hair is like your signature. It shows alot about you. For example if you have natural colored hair, it shows you like your natural Beauty and that's great cause you love what you look like, Multi-colored could mean your a colorful person and you have oodles of confidence and you don't let no one put you down and you also are great with fashion, one color in your hair for lets say like purple could mean you really admire that color. Layers in hair give it a choppy look and it makes it alot easier to tease. Teasing hair is not painful at all if you know how to do it right. Teasing hair makes bigger hair which is better. The Bigger the better!! XD! Some girls like bows in their hair and some like ribbons or just random little clips that have cool designs on them. Some boys can do fans in the back of thier hair while other boys just have their hair with layers and streaks of colors. Scene hair like i said is unique cause it shows who you are. Well, i hoped this helps with your desicions on what all you girls and guys want with your hair.