Get ready with Scene

When I get ready every day I start out by straightening my hair then I put in my hair extensions that match my hair color. Then I pick out which color hair extensions I want to wear that day. After I get my hair to look good I put in a bow or flower in my hair. After, I start doing my makeup. I put on black eyeliner on the bottom of my eye then put a thicker line on the top of my eye. I connect the top and bottom line to make a cat eye design. Next, I choose a color of eye shadow to use. I usually use a dark purple or black. Finally, I put on mascara. I put on enough so tat my eyelashes are long and bold. After this, I pick out and outfit to wear. I usually wear skinny jeans and a band tee shirt or a character shirt. I also wear belts and put on lots of bracelets and jewelry!