Morgan Marie

How To Tease Scene Hair by MorganMarie
Have you always wanted the big hair that all the pretty
scene girls have, but never understood how to make it?
Here's all the steps you need.
Straighten your hair. It isn't too smart to tease it curly or wavy because it damages it easier. DO NOT FORGET TO USE A HEAT PROTECTANT FOR YOUR HAIR.
Scene hair gets damaged easily, with all the teasing and straightening. The least you can do is take every precaution to prevent damage as much as possible. Brush hair to make sure all knots are out.
Tie back the top layer of your hair, leaving the bottom hanging loose.
Using a rattail comb, separate the piece of hair you want to tease. Clip back everything else.
Tease the hair. It is just brushing your hair backwards, starting at the end and brushing towards the root. Pass as many times to achieve desired height.
Start about halfway up the hair and quickly brush it down to the root.
Spray the piece with a firm hold hairspray.
Repeat the steps with all hair you want to tease.
When you have finished teasing with a comb, it is a good idea to go back through and tease the top layers gently with a brush.
When finished, use both hands to smooth back your hair, or, for extra volume, push up the layers of your hair from the roots with your fingers.
Fluff your hair my shaking your head a little.
Spray all of your hair with hairspray.
-DO NOT BRUSH OUT A TEASE! It will break your hair badly.
-Regularly wash and condition your hair and don't
tease EVERYday as it causes damage to your hair.
Things You'll Need
-Rattail comb
Have you always wanted the big hair that all the pretty
scene girls have, but never understood how to make it?
Here's all the steps you need.
Straighten your hair. It isn't too smart to tease it curly or wavy because it damages it easier. DO NOT FORGET TO USE A HEAT PROTECTANT FOR YOUR HAIR.
Scene hair gets damaged easily, with all the teasing and straightening. The least you can do is take every precaution to prevent damage as much as possible. Brush hair to make sure all knots are out.
Tie back the top layer of your hair, leaving the bottom hanging loose.
Using a rattail comb, separate the piece of hair you want to tease. Clip back everything else.
Tease the hair. It is just brushing your hair backwards, starting at the end and brushing towards the root. Pass as many times to achieve desired height.
Start about halfway up the hair and quickly brush it down to the root.
Spray the piece with a firm hold hairspray.
Repeat the steps with all hair you want to tease.
When you have finished teasing with a comb, it is a good idea to go back through and tease the top layers gently with a brush.
When finished, use both hands to smooth back your hair, or, for extra volume, push up the layers of your hair from the roots with your fingers.
Fluff your hair my shaking your head a little.
Spray all of your hair with hairspray.
-DO NOT BRUSH OUT A TEASE! It will break your hair badly.
-Regularly wash and condition your hair and don't
tease EVERYday as it causes damage to your hair.
Things You'll Need
-Rattail comb
Melissa Curbstomp

imm Melissa curbstomp.and no,imm not fake.imm 13.7th grader /: i need a boyfriend.real bad !don't you think imm pretty guys? ;(
Aileen Attack

Hika. Haha I'm Aileen Attack.
I'm 13 and i live in a place we're scene is laughed at.
People say its a label but its a lifestyle. I live, breath, sleep scene.
Scene is expressing yourself you don't have to listen to people and how to be scene.
Be yourself. It made me who I am today. Yes. people laugh at scene kids.
But Don't get in a fight about it or don't be like killing or cutting yourself if they laugh.
Promise me I've been though it. Scene is to be yourself an stand out. It helps girls be confident about them selfs or guys. So ya.
I'm 13 and i live in a place we're scene is laughed at.
People say its a label but its a lifestyle. I live, breath, sleep scene.
Scene is expressing yourself you don't have to listen to people and how to be scene.
Be yourself. It made me who I am today. Yes. people laugh at scene kids.
But Don't get in a fight about it or don't be like killing or cutting yourself if they laugh.
Promise me I've been though it. Scene is to be yourself an stand out. It helps girls be confident about them selfs or guys. So ya.
Jojo CupcakeKillerr

Katie Babee

Scene to me is just your won style. Just make yourself your own. Create yourself, be yourslef, express yourself. Just have fun with yourself and be your own person.
Zo-wee Rawrr

Scene people are people who are not afraid to express who they are through there appernce. They love colors and are always trying to stay possitive. That is important because you want to be happy and colorful. But being scene isnt all about apperance.. Its about the adittude. If you truly want to be scene.. Do it. Have the conffidince to show who you are.
SceneKitti GoRAWR

Basically emos wear a lot of black, but unlike goths this is usually paired up with some bright and funky colours, for example if you were wearing dark jeans and a black shirt, you might wear a bright crimson red tie and white jacket, with matching or contrasting accessories. Band t-shirts are also popular, but make sure you buy a band you actually like and know a bit about, and not just some popular band like 'My Chemical Romance' just because you think they might be cool. For emos being clued up to music is a must, and you will look totally shallow and fake if you wear a band name that you don't know anything about. Hoodies are also a must, especially as jackets are not really in the emo fashion picture, so think about motifs such as skulls, stars and crosses. If you are very confident with your style you might also get away with some printed ironic catchphrases and logos, but you should stay away from anything that actually says 'emo' as you will look like a major wannabe. Layers are also a good emo look, such as a t-shirt over a long sleeve shirt, or a long sleeve stretch top under a vest top. Scarves are great for creating a layered look as well, and also brightening up dark outfits. You can get thin silk and linen scarves to wear in the summer, just loosely draped around the neck purely as an accessory. Those big long stripy winter scarves are very cool and you can also get cute matching mittens or even better fingerless gloves which are very much part of the emo look.
* Emos never wear sports logos such as Adidas or Nike - way too mainstream, but the odd article of designer clothing is acceptable, such as a really nice pair of tight jeans or a super stylish black shirt, as long as it doesn't have the label in a really obvious place. Jeans of course as mentioned should be tight for an emo look, and also well cut. The emo style usually stays well away from scruffy, so make sure all your trousers are the right length so they are not dragging on the ground and getting tatty, and also the right fit for your legs.
* Shoes should be flat, think funky pumps for girls and Converse or Vans trainers for girls and boys. Stay away from big chunky boots as this will look at little too punk, especially when teemed with skirts and tights for the girls. High heels are acceptable in some cases, especially if matched with an appropriate emo outfit, such as killer glossy red high heels matched with a black skirt and fitted sexy shirt, fishnet tights, and red accessories.
* Accessories are not vital, but they can help to jazz up a dark outfit. Layering accessories is a popular emo look, such as having lots of bangles on your wrists, or lots of necklaces. Cute tote bags and little backpacks are good too, but stay away from designer or leather handbags, as they look way to formal and showy for this emo style. Piercing and tattoos are also popular, but in moderation otherwise you are straying into punk/goth/metalhead territory.
* Makeup is a key part of the emo fashion. The emphasis is on the eyes, maybe because these are said to be the windows to the soul, and emos love to delve into the human psyche and express their emotions. Highlight the eyes with plenty of black eyeliner and smoky eye shadows. The odd bright colour is okay, but keep it simple and striking to avoid looking like a goth or eighties pop reject! Boys can wear a little eyeliner too, but they should keep it rough and ready and stay way from eye shadow, foundation or lip gloss to avoid looking too high maintenance. Nail polish should be dark and nails kept short, for boys and girls.
* Emos never wear sports logos such as Adidas or Nike - way too mainstream, but the odd article of designer clothing is acceptable, such as a really nice pair of tight jeans or a super stylish black shirt, as long as it doesn't have the label in a really obvious place. Jeans of course as mentioned should be tight for an emo look, and also well cut. The emo style usually stays well away from scruffy, so make sure all your trousers are the right length so they are not dragging on the ground and getting tatty, and also the right fit for your legs.
* Shoes should be flat, think funky pumps for girls and Converse or Vans trainers for girls and boys. Stay away from big chunky boots as this will look at little too punk, especially when teemed with skirts and tights for the girls. High heels are acceptable in some cases, especially if matched with an appropriate emo outfit, such as killer glossy red high heels matched with a black skirt and fitted sexy shirt, fishnet tights, and red accessories.
* Accessories are not vital, but they can help to jazz up a dark outfit. Layering accessories is a popular emo look, such as having lots of bangles on your wrists, or lots of necklaces. Cute tote bags and little backpacks are good too, but stay away from designer or leather handbags, as they look way to formal and showy for this emo style. Piercing and tattoos are also popular, but in moderation otherwise you are straying into punk/goth/metalhead territory.
* Makeup is a key part of the emo fashion. The emphasis is on the eyes, maybe because these are said to be the windows to the soul, and emos love to delve into the human psyche and express their emotions. Highlight the eyes with plenty of black eyeliner and smoky eye shadows. The odd bright colour is okay, but keep it simple and striking to avoid looking like a goth or eighties pop reject! Boys can wear a little eyeliner too, but they should keep it rough and ready and stay way from eye shadow, foundation or lip gloss to avoid looking too high maintenance. Nail polish should be dark and nails kept short, for boys and girls.
Lady Dynamite.

People say scene kids are.. Crazy, Weird, Phsyco.
But does that really matter?
if u wanna be scene. go right ahead!
It shouldn't matter what people think about you. If your happy.. Then that's all that matters!
& I wanna be a SceneQueen because i think i'd be pretty awesome(:
and seriously.. i dont really care what people think of me.. They can think i'm crazy weird phsyco.. i don't care.. i don't think people should judge other people for how they look. Looks don't matter! It's who they are inside that matters.♥
But does that really matter?
if u wanna be scene. go right ahead!
It shouldn't matter what people think about you. If your happy.. Then that's all that matters!
& I wanna be a SceneQueen because i think i'd be pretty awesome(:
and seriously.. i dont really care what people think of me.. They can think i'm crazy weird phsyco.. i don't care.. i don't think people should judge other people for how they look. Looks don't matter! It's who they are inside that matters.♥
rare bear

I hate it when people make fun of me because of mi clothes and the way i look, an i no sceenqueen it wont stop. But here i wont be alone because you dont usually see emos or scene girl walking around school expecially is your black. Here i think i can actually be myself.
Thank you
Thank you
Angie Apocalypse

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are..... overly confident and weird wanna be emo kids .but in my perspective we are just kids expreccing ourself and i am a rare scene kid in my area and im used to the stares and i dont care wat ppple have to say about me. i am who i am and if someone doesnt like it its all good.
Brookie Bloodlust

No matter who you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you, it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want.Its like the saying "We learn from our mistakes!". Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and looks you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice.If you loose friends while your scene or becoming scene it means they just went the right friends and you will easily make more when your scene...But this process should not be rushed or you will be called a total "Poser!" and we dont want that boys and girls do we?
Kayla Skr3amz

No matter where you are, what you do, how you act or the way you dress you have to get up every morning and face the world of hate, stereotypes, fakes ect.
My main concern is the "bashing" (stereotypes). Kids who cut them selfs get called emo and/or told to just kill them selfe.
Boys with long hair get called faggots
Girls with short hair get called names such as rainbow hoes/ pu**y lickers... ect.
Everyone will always have that hater who will make them feel like shit.. But, they will always have that one friend and/or family member to let them know they are who they are and they dont have to change it.
People hate on us secene kids because we stick out and look so much better than them all :D
My main concern is the "bashing" (stereotypes). Kids who cut them selfs get called emo and/or told to just kill them selfe.
Boys with long hair get called faggots
Girls with short hair get called names such as rainbow hoes/ pu**y lickers... ect.
Everyone will always have that hater who will make them feel like shit.. But, they will always have that one friend and/or family member to let them know they are who they are and they dont have to change it.
People hate on us secene kids because we stick out and look so much better than them all :D

3rd app in im kinda done with that be true to yourself school mentor stuff. Therefore
~with love GADIA <3 GRINCH
~with love GADIA <3 GRINCH
Maria Massacre

Scene, often considered an offshoot of emo, has become a bigger influence on youth, with the emo stereotypes purposely avoided to instead focus on innocence and playful youth definitions. Black dyed hair and an entirely black wardrobe has been replaced with a rainbow of loud, bright colors. Clothes purposely clash and accessories accentuate youth, such as candy bracelets and lighted pacifiers.
!sidney. sinns!

where is the love?
scene kidds!!
we love them! you wouldn't be here unless you don't!!(;
but really, if people don't like, don't waste your time.
scene kids are confident!!
but not everyone has that amazingly high self esteem that allows a negative comment to never hurt them.
if you don't like us,
quit leaving negative comments,
what did we do to you!?
we're just like everyone else, trying to be happy and enjoy our lives!
no, not all scene kids our stuck up,
honestly, those people are frowned upon.
all the scene girls i know are sweethearts!!
we definitely are not perfect,
baby, just 'cause we dress cute and go to the shows,
listen to amazing music and make lots of friends
doesn't mean you can hate.
yeah, we can dye our hair crazy colors,
because your negative comments only fuel our fires,
to be better than the people who have no lives that
stalk us
and bad mouth us.
but either way babydoll,
love us or hate us,
we're still on your mind, (;
scene kidds!!
we love them! you wouldn't be here unless you don't!!(;
but really, if people don't like, don't waste your time.
scene kids are confident!!
but not everyone has that amazingly high self esteem that allows a negative comment to never hurt them.
if you don't like us,
quit leaving negative comments,
what did we do to you!?
we're just like everyone else, trying to be happy and enjoy our lives!
no, not all scene kids our stuck up,
honestly, those people are frowned upon.
all the scene girls i know are sweethearts!!
we definitely are not perfect,
baby, just 'cause we dress cute and go to the shows,
listen to amazing music and make lots of friends
doesn't mean you can hate.
yeah, we can dye our hair crazy colors,
because your negative comments only fuel our fires,
to be better than the people who have no lives that
stalk us
and bad mouth us.
but either way babydoll,
love us or hate us,
we're still on your mind, (;
TashaPanda Fangs

HMMMM. I obviously know people will Judge me no matter what i say.
So what if i say i dont care, I actually do care. People who say they dont care usually care enough to say they DGAF.
Im pretty nice to people. Even if theyre beauty isnt what i expect but, Im not going to say "Your ugly" Il probably just say something like "Everybody is beautiful in their own way" Haha so, Yeah feel free to judge all you want.
I just know the truth...Thats all.
- Tasha
So what if i say i dont care, I actually do care. People who say they dont care usually care enough to say they DGAF.
Im pretty nice to people. Even if theyre beauty isnt what i expect but, Im not going to say "Your ugly" Il probably just say something like "Everybody is beautiful in their own way" Haha so, Yeah feel free to judge all you want.
I just know the truth...Thats all.
- Tasha
October Scene

well, first off. Scene people are a very intellegent and very different type of people. they are very unique and amazing in their own type of way. People pick on them and say mean and very crule things behind their back, is it because of jelously? yes. Just because Scene people are different and have their very own way of expressing their feeling by dressing and dyen their hair, and other things. thats how they exspress themselfs. people shouldnt put other people down for something so little like that. everyone is different in their own way, much more than others and much more less than others. but Scene people should not think that they are a bad person for ho wthey dress and everything they are just different in their own unique kind of ways and they are very awesome i must say. they are fun though. scene people are deffiently funi love it(:
xxKayla_x x_Katastrophexx

Within the hearts of everyone there exists an energy so powerful and extraordinary that it takes one of great determination to let the colors of that energy show and to not be afraid of what lies are spread. Those lies get your name around, but in bad ways. Stand your ground, let your colors show, and show the world what you're made of. It takes devotion to be unique. Get the haters and you get attention. Haters make us famous. If your knees crumble get braces and continue walking. Be yourself because if you didn't exist, someone somewhere would not either. There's always that one person who needs you as their other half to survive and without you there to help them then how could they possibly hang on? The sparkle in your eyes is worth more than a million words. Say them through appearance. UNIQUE! <3
Cassidy troublemaker

People always make fun of scene kids. But why I have no idea. I am the only scene kid in my school. I and I can careless what they think. I'm happy that if I'm anything I'm a scene kid. It's more of a fashion sense then anything.
Lola London

I live in a small town and i just couldn't fit it with the preps and the farmers and there and know room for change but now that I'm became scene i don't need to fit in i learned that i should let my true colors show and not what everybody else wants me to be. I can finally be my self and teach other to be there self. altho i have a long way to i have learned allot about my self and others. My quest is far from over and the journey ahead is hard and will not be easy but i know i can do it i believe i can become a scene queen and share the things i know with the scene world and maybe some day ill help other peoples lives just like others helped mine so here i stand asking you to not be shy not my afraid of what people will say and be your self! Im my self and its all i know how to be!
Oofie Overload;;

15 Years of age.
Drums - Yeah, they're my life.
I love my family, but they cause too much pain.
Bisexual. Yep, I go for boys and girls. ;) But girls are better. :L
Scene and emo style - love it.
Heavy Metal, Screamo, Post Hardcore, Crunk - ♥ Music.
I love cute things. :3
I love hugs, so when you see me, don't be afraid to hug me. :D
I'm not short! I'm fun sized. :)
I'm willing to do a lot of crazy shit.
My friends are the sex.
♂+♂= ♥
♀+♀= ♥
♀+♂= ♥
I love it.
Don't like me, get over it.
Wanna use me, get fucked.
You love me, I love you too!
You hate me, I really don't care.
Can't stand me, sit down.
Think I'm trippin', tie my shoelace.
Can't face me, turn around.
I love making new friends. :)
Don't be afraid to add me or talk to me.
Oh and,
My eyes orgasm when I see Ronnie Radke, Andy Sixx, or Craig Mabbitt, it's fair intensexxx
Drums - Yeah, they're my life.
I love my family, but they cause too much pain.
Bisexual. Yep, I go for boys and girls. ;) But girls are better. :L
Scene and emo style - love it.
Heavy Metal, Screamo, Post Hardcore, Crunk - ♥ Music.
I love cute things. :3
I love hugs, so when you see me, don't be afraid to hug me. :D
I'm not short! I'm fun sized. :)
I'm willing to do a lot of crazy shit.
My friends are the sex.
♂+♂= ♥
♀+♀= ♥
♀+♂= ♥
I love it.
Don't like me, get over it.
Wanna use me, get fucked.
You love me, I love you too!
You hate me, I really don't care.
Can't stand me, sit down.
Think I'm trippin', tie my shoelace.
Can't face me, turn around.
I love making new friends. :)
Don't be afraid to add me or talk to me.
Oh and,
My eyes orgasm when I see Ronnie Radke, Andy Sixx, or Craig Mabbitt, it's fair intensexxx
Kristel Pistol

I've been talked about, ridiculed, backstabbed, and used because of who i am. No matter how much or how many times this has happened i haven't changed the person i am. I used to be so self concious and worry about what people thought, Today i realized i just don't care what people think. There's always going to be someone talking about me or trying to get to me and see me unhappy. It's not going to happen! No one should ever feel like that and dress the way you think other people will like you to dress or act the way people want you to act. A scene kid is a person who stands out and doesn't follow everyone else.
buıʌoɹ R❤SY

Im Rosy, im 16 and live in Texas. First thing you should know about me....I love to observe people. o.o sound a bit creepy? Well maybe it is a little. I just find it fascinating how people react to different things, causing other people to feel different. My main hobbies are singing, drawing, and photography of many varieties. :] at least i think so.
Love? The answer is in the question. Impossible to answer. I think it can be found in anyone, even in the coldest of people. A soul is a soul, not what's covering it. Yes i am bisexual. Right now im in love with Michael Navarro. He's an asshole no lies, but wouldn't switch him for any other one, and im waiting for when we can be together again.
Music music music. I can never narrow down my favorites well....into favorites. Plus it's kind of pointless to name a huge list..if your that interested, go here -----> . Although i can say my first real concert was performed by Rooney. I was completely StArStRuCk @.@!
Religion?? Uhh.... No matter what anyone believes in, im totally cool with it. :] I actually kind of go by my own religion :P I call it roving religion haha. Its that all religions exsist, but in different worlds or galaxies or whatever is out there. I just think there are way to many ideas for just one of them to be right.
I can talk for hours to some of the most random people, but sometimes i can barely speak three minutes without those awkward silences.Im highly weird, and proud to be. I always make racial comments (none of them forizzle) but everyone laughs because im usually at least part of whatever race im commenting on :p.
Well i guess thats it for now, thanks for reading and member my favorite quote, "Every great oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who stood their ground!"
Live, Laugh, Cake,
-buıʌoɹ R❤SY
Love? The answer is in the question. Impossible to answer. I think it can be found in anyone, even in the coldest of people. A soul is a soul, not what's covering it. Yes i am bisexual. Right now im in love with Michael Navarro. He's an asshole no lies, but wouldn't switch him for any other one, and im waiting for when we can be together again.
Music music music. I can never narrow down my favorites well....into favorites. Plus it's kind of pointless to name a huge list..if your that interested, go here -----> . Although i can say my first real concert was performed by Rooney. I was completely StArStRuCk @.@!
Religion?? Uhh.... No matter what anyone believes in, im totally cool with it. :] I actually kind of go by my own religion :P I call it roving religion haha. Its that all religions exsist, but in different worlds or galaxies or whatever is out there. I just think there are way to many ideas for just one of them to be right.
I can talk for hours to some of the most random people, but sometimes i can barely speak three minutes without those awkward silences.Im highly weird, and proud to be. I always make racial comments (none of them forizzle) but everyone laughs because im usually at least part of whatever race im commenting on :p.
Well i guess thats it for now, thanks for reading and member my favorite quote, "Every great oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who stood their ground!"
Live, Laugh, Cake,
-buıʌoɹ R❤SY
Franciia Creepy Kaulitz

this is me, the girl that everyone seems strange that girl who always hides behind the wall of rejection, I want to live in the perfect world where all is happiness and love, where you never feel pain, and can be as realmmente am and not as people want me to be.
Thejade lee

Being scene Is not easy, People will hate you, make fun of you, and think your weird. But there are many good things too! liiike, Some people will want to be your friend because you look kool (only if you aint no fake or poser) and have the CUTEST hair andd style! i love being the way i am now.<3
Fallen Refuge

Being different nowadays is always a challenge. Either we are too different or not different enough. There is almost never a common ground between the two.
So many people get thrashed based on how they look, instead of how they act. The nicest people in the world get called whores, just for wearing a bit too much make up. Of course, really caring people get the stereotype of being jerks, all for playing a sport. Sometimes both of these stereotypes are true, sometimes they are not.
What is true is that opinions should be based on the person them self, not their exterior. Honestly, what separates you from me? Some bright colored fabrics, make up styles, hairspray, music? If you are willing to look past those tiny differences, then I am too.
So, I am Fallen. Who are you?
So many people get thrashed based on how they look, instead of how they act. The nicest people in the world get called whores, just for wearing a bit too much make up. Of course, really caring people get the stereotype of being jerks, all for playing a sport. Sometimes both of these stereotypes are true, sometimes they are not.
What is true is that opinions should be based on the person them self, not their exterior. Honestly, what separates you from me? Some bright colored fabrics, make up styles, hairspray, music? If you are willing to look past those tiny differences, then I am too.
So, I am Fallen. Who are you?
xxBrenna Bloodlustxx

scene to me is just to be yourself. its about being unique and confident with who you are. in my opinion, its better to be different. scene is not all about the way you look. its about being happy with yourself and standing out.
~xxBrenna Bloodlustxx
~xxBrenna Bloodlustxx
Alysia Destruction

Being an scene kid people some times make fun of you and call you names and not be very nice to you because your diffrent than them and probally have diffrent likes and dislikes. But one thing you should always remember is to not worry about the people who a rude to you or call you names and focouse more on the kids that are nice to you and appreciate who you are. And also you should also appreciate who you are and not let what other people say effect who you are.Also don't try to be some thing your not be who you want to be. Dont be some one eals to impress the people around you be your self to impress your self and be proud of who you are.
Kristina Rose

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are being "scene" means you are a self-indulgent douche bag you uploads eleventy-billion pictures of yourself looking "scene" but in reality we are more then that. Actually we are not even that. We are a unique group of people who aren't afraid to stand out. Even though people make fun of us or something, we are the stronger ones because we are able to be unique and stand out and not let all this hate effect us. So being scene is basically self expression and being able to be unique and stand out.
Jaclyn Massacre

I believe that the most beautiful thing in the world is having a mind that is open to new ideas, and beautiful thoughts. People may judge me of how I look, but people like that haven't really judged me for who i am internally. My dad has always told me "the most beautiful person in the world is someone who can learn to love everyone and can stay true to themselves". I believe everyone is beautiful and people should be judged from the inside and not with looks itself.
<3 xx
<3 xx