Hiiiiii :) So I always see that people like to post things you need to be scene and yes you need some stuff but really scene is just a fun way of saying be CREATIVE and be your self and have a goober amount of fun :D But I'm JenaxX and I'm a scene girl and happy to be, but sadly most people call scene EMO :( poo..not emo just colorful If I could marry a rainbow I would :) Bye bye))**
XxJena KayxX
XxJena KayxX
toxicc emmaa

so, scene? well... i think scene is more style then anything. to be scene you need few things...(I only use few things). like...eyeliner, I don't go anywhere without it, its like a must, eye powder... bright colours! to make it more "fun" a little blush, to make your face look like a cutie just talked to you. A comb, i like using small little dollar store combs, they seem to work best (i think dollar store eyeliner works great so don't be scared to use it) i always paint my nails black, they always have to be black or silver
love, Toxicc Emmaa.
love, Toxicc Emmaa.
Atrocious Alexx

Being scene is alot more than just wearing skinny jeans and bright and colorful bows in your hair. It's about being yourself and not caring what other people think. Whenever i walk into a store or Wallie Mart. People stare at me like im a weirdo or something. I just ignore them cause they don't know me and I seriously couldn't give a f*** about what they think. That's the meaning of being scene. To be scene you have to have courage, but also be nice. When i moved to New York people thought I was going to be a major b**** to them but of course i wasn't. (: Scene is pretty much everything about me. If you wanna be scene just learn to be nice, not care what people think about you, and don't let anyone tell you who you are. Cause only you can be the judge of that.
Sarah SoBright

****Scene Queens****
Scene Queens are often thought of as rude, disrespectful, as well as many other names. However, they really aren't! They are fun-loving, caring individuals with delightful personalities. They are hand-picked by professionals who make sure they will not let people down. Also to make sure they don't act like some people believe they do! Have you ever met a Scene Queen? If you haven't I suggest you do! You'll soon find you have a new bestfriend!
Scene Queens are often thought of as rude, disrespectful, as well as many other names. However, they really aren't! They are fun-loving, caring individuals with delightful personalities. They are hand-picked by professionals who make sure they will not let people down. Also to make sure they don't act like some people believe they do! Have you ever met a Scene Queen? If you haven't I suggest you do! You'll soon find you have a new bestfriend!
Princess Jazzmine

HOw to be ulzzang.!
first of all ulzzang means best face in korean and is a korean trend. To be ulzzang most people have a childish face.
Some things you'd need to complete the look
-fake eyelashes
-circle lenses
-white eyeliner
-and lip gloss
as long as you have a cute and childish look to you, you can complete the ulzzang style
first of all ulzzang means best face in korean and is a korean trend. To be ulzzang most people have a childish face.
Some things you'd need to complete the look
-fake eyelashes
-circle lenses
-white eyeliner
-and lip gloss
as long as you have a cute and childish look to you, you can complete the ulzzang style
AllyLuna Dawn

i am 15 date of birth is August 17
i have many sitemodeling sites i model for
i want to help sored the word about scene queens.coman
d i will be active in this site and i will do whatever it takes to make it to the top
i have many sitemodeling sites i model for
i want to help sored the word about scene queens.coman
d i will be active in this site and i will do whatever it takes to make it to the top
Jenny Rexic

Introducing Jenny Rexic
hello kids! meh name is Jenny Rexic. aha i recently found Scenequeens.com and thot it was raad! ahaha well im 15 1/2 and im down for anything. i juss got into the scene look and yu can thank meh best frand Alli for that. shes megga scene and tried the look on me and it ended up working for meee! soo yeah now im all about the teased hair and makeup:) but being scene really is all about being yurself and i dont think i found scene...i think scene found ME! teehee im ouuut!
love Jenny Rexic
hello kids! meh name is Jenny Rexic. aha i recently found Scenequeens.com and thot it was raad! ahaha well im 15 1/2 and im down for anything. i juss got into the scene look and yu can thank meh best frand Alli for that. shes megga scene and tried the look on me and it ended up working for meee! soo yeah now im all about the teased hair and makeup:) but being scene really is all about being yurself and i dont think i found scene...i think scene found ME! teehee im ouuut!
love Jenny Rexic
Kenzie Katastrophe

Hmm not really sure what I'm supposed to write in thiss.
Oh well :3
So yeah..I'm Kenzie Katastrophe
I'm scene because its kickass, and different and just fun
Even though a bunch of people are being "scene" nowadays, i still like it alot.
And yeah
Thats it(:
Oh well :3
So yeah..I'm Kenzie Katastrophe
I'm scene because its kickass, and different and just fun
Even though a bunch of people are being "scene" nowadays, i still like it alot.
And yeah
Thats it(:
Darlene Haupt

Hi im Darlene Haupt:D! Oh yeah be exitedBe really nice to everyone you meet. Scene girls often come off as rude teens. Most people would be pleasantly surprised if a scene kid came up to them and was super nice.things you could wear could be flats like ballet shoes and even metallic/designer flats, Tutu like skirts, Slip-on Vans are very popular among scene kids, as well as most other Vans. You could also try some checkered or colorful shoe laces, Skinny jeans, Tight fitting, graphic tees are a must, Animal print, checkers, plaid, stripes - anything that describes your personality, merchandise from places like Hello Kitty, Gloomy Bear, Care Bears, Elmo, etc. Brand tees are a must. Colorful skinny jeans, tutus, jean skirts, and Vans and Converse are awesome, Wear bright random t-shirts with funky designs on them, kiddish bracelets, Over-sized pearl necklaces or other long necklaces, hoodies, Pyramid stud belts, classic white belts and much more be creative. Wear bright eye make-up.Get a new hairstyle, but keep it classy and original. Colour your hair if you want. Feel free to listen to just about whatever you want; after all, the scene culture was originally based off of music.
Emmy GirWafflezz

"aww it likes me"-OMG OMG THE THING LIKES ME!!
"I love this show"-OMFG THIS SHOW IS SO RAD!!!(i dont even knoe this show??!!)
"He's getting eatin by a shark!"-HOLY **** SAVE THIS DUDE 911!!
"I loved u piggy,ILOVED U!!"-DONT DIE DONT DIE!!!!T_T
"To make room for tuna ^_^"-SCREW U I WANT MY TUNA NOT THE TRACKING DEVICE!!!!!!
"aww it likes me"-OMG OMG THE THING LIKES ME!!
"I love this show"-OMFG THIS SHOW IS SO RAD!!!(i dont even knoe this show??!!)
"He's getting eatin by a shark!"-HOLY **** SAVE THIS DUDE 911!!
"I loved u piggy,ILOVED U!!"-DONT DIE DONT DIE!!!!T_T
"To make room for tuna ^_^"-SCREW U I WANT MY TUNA NOT THE TRACKING DEVICE!!!!!!

What is scene?
I think scene is just a way to express yourself. Being different is a talent and you should take advantage of it. Being scene means being confident! Love who you are and show it in dress and personality. I take pride in how i dress:) Just change it up a bit with your hair, or jeans... Throw a bow in your hair, or tease a bit:) Just have fun, express yourself with as much color and just be bold:)
I think scene is just a way to express yourself. Being different is a talent and you should take advantage of it. Being scene means being confident! Love who you are and show it in dress and personality. I take pride in how i dress:) Just change it up a bit with your hair, or jeans... Throw a bow in your hair, or tease a bit:) Just have fun, express yourself with as much color and just be bold:)
Annabelle-Rose ZebRaSaur

To be a site model you dont have to be pretty, but you MUST be able to take good pictures! ive modeled for over 60 sites on facebook and have three profesional photographers that take most of my photos, but when you need photos weekly, its hard to have all profesional photos. so being able to take good phone or camera pics is very important.
what i do is put a mirror in front of my and aim the camera at me, then look at the screen of my camera or phone in the mirror to make sure i have a good angel. once you get good at that you'll be able to do it without a mirror.
Not evert picture is perfect so if you take a bad picture or two dont get upset. I take well over 100 pictures every shoot and wuill have only 40 or so ones i like. so dont be hard on yourself. :)
When your taking sitemodeling pictures its okay to be out rageous, tease your hair big, put on crazy (but good) makeup. You can wear short shorts and low shirt ( but be careful of your boobs, dont want them hanging out eh?) wear some ripped leggings and a tutu. Jelwrey is always fun to, i usually wear four or five neckalaces for a photo shoot, four rings and as many bracelets as i can find that so together XD bows or headbands for the hair and some lip gloss never hurt either ;) look atother site models pictures to get ideas, but enver copy, thats bad taste and annoying to the person that came up with it.
personality for site modeling:
just be nice to everyone, your going to get ALOT of creepers, if they annoy you allot black them. dont swear or get angry at them. Dont piss of modelig sites, allot of modeling sites are close with other sites and if you pisso ne off it can be hard to get into other ones. your personal page is going to get allot of attention, be yourself, but be nice when talking to people.
now the only left is for you to go take allot of scened up pictues and go apply to modeling sites, you could be the next biggest scene queen ;D
what i do is put a mirror in front of my and aim the camera at me, then look at the screen of my camera or phone in the mirror to make sure i have a good angel. once you get good at that you'll be able to do it without a mirror.
Not evert picture is perfect so if you take a bad picture or two dont get upset. I take well over 100 pictures every shoot and wuill have only 40 or so ones i like. so dont be hard on yourself. :)
When your taking sitemodeling pictures its okay to be out rageous, tease your hair big, put on crazy (but good) makeup. You can wear short shorts and low shirt ( but be careful of your boobs, dont want them hanging out eh?) wear some ripped leggings and a tutu. Jelwrey is always fun to, i usually wear four or five neckalaces for a photo shoot, four rings and as many bracelets as i can find that so together XD bows or headbands for the hair and some lip gloss never hurt either ;) look atother site models pictures to get ideas, but enver copy, thats bad taste and annoying to the person that came up with it.
personality for site modeling:
just be nice to everyone, your going to get ALOT of creepers, if they annoy you allot black them. dont swear or get angry at them. Dont piss of modelig sites, allot of modeling sites are close with other sites and if you pisso ne off it can be hard to get into other ones. your personal page is going to get allot of attention, be yourself, but be nice when talking to people.
now the only left is for you to go take allot of scened up pictues and go apply to modeling sites, you could be the next biggest scene queen ;D
KtJane Kahlua

Now, being labeled as "scene" myself as early as 2008; I've come across the good, the bad, and the UGLY of the scene culture. I've witnessed girls' COUNTLESS attempts at emulating their idols like Amor Hilton, Brookelle Bones, Kiki Kannibal, and of course, the lovely miss Audrey Kitching. Even I am guilty of such a thing; my style derived mainly from Brookelle and Izzy Hilton until mid-'09, but I later added a few other kinds of styles into the mix and ended up with something along the lines of a tomboy-skatepunk-meets-Visual-Kei-meets-Hello-Kitty-obsessed-thing-with-some-boho-thrown-in-for-reasons-unknown. Never been much of the "girly" scenester, really. Besides, the boys' clothes were sooo comfy. I regret nothing. Now, however, if you asked me what my idea of "scene" was, I couldn't truly give you a concrete answer. What I can give you is a list of things that I, personally, would consider suggesting to anyone interested in this social group:
A)For the love of Pete, cut your own hair. Do not, by any means, take a picture of some girl's already-styled hair to the hairdresser. It will come out a big mess. I had to learn this the hard way. Don't know how to cut your own hair? I suggest YouTube; that's how I learned how to cut mine on my own.
B)Have fun with color, but try not to go overboard. A POP of color is both acceptable and appreciated. Hell, even make your color your trademark. Mine is purple, Audrey's is pink, Kiki's is an electric blue, etc.
B)Practice your eyeliner application. This is another mistake many girls make (and they end up on fuckthissceneshit.tumblr.com. Follow them, by the way, it'll show you what NOT to look like) and play around with it for a little while before you're satisfied. A common misconception is that ALL scenesters wear very thick eyeliner; this is, of course, not always the case. Dani Gore, for example, wears a simple cat-eye with neutral shadows. If you think this is the look for you, and you don't care about makeup prices, Stila's eyeshadow products have the best nude tones, in my opinion. I wear them often.
C)Get CREATIVE with your photographic self-portraits, people! That same old angle and that same old, bug-eyed stare is just awkward. How can we say we're individuals and we're "expressing ourselves" if we look the same as everyone else in our photos? Common sense.
A)For the love of Pete, cut your own hair. Do not, by any means, take a picture of some girl's already-styled hair to the hairdresser. It will come out a big mess. I had to learn this the hard way. Don't know how to cut your own hair? I suggest YouTube; that's how I learned how to cut mine on my own.
B)Have fun with color, but try not to go overboard. A POP of color is both acceptable and appreciated. Hell, even make your color your trademark. Mine is purple, Audrey's is pink, Kiki's is an electric blue, etc.
B)Practice your eyeliner application. This is another mistake many girls make (and they end up on fuckthissceneshit.tumblr.com. Follow them, by the way, it'll show you what NOT to look like) and play around with it for a little while before you're satisfied. A common misconception is that ALL scenesters wear very thick eyeliner; this is, of course, not always the case. Dani Gore, for example, wears a simple cat-eye with neutral shadows. If you think this is the look for you, and you don't care about makeup prices, Stila's eyeshadow products have the best nude tones, in my opinion. I wear them often.
C)Get CREATIVE with your photographic self-portraits, people! That same old angle and that same old, bug-eyed stare is just awkward. How can we say we're individuals and we're "expressing ourselves" if we look the same as everyone else in our photos? Common sense.
Sandra HeartStop

my name is Kassandra Nunez i`m 15 and live in Odessa,Texas. Scene look to me is to be bold and bright and you have to love attention because if you don`t your going to have it anyways. I`m not a tall skinny scene but i sure can rock the scene style and the camera. I`m a bright outgoing colorful girl and i love to stand out, and being a scene queen would be so much fun. i love being scene. :D
Loli Rose

Things Required To Be A Scene Queen:
1) Hair Accessories
Hair Extentions
Hair Dye
Hair Spray
Hair Straighteners
A Comb(To Tease The Bangs)
2) Make-Up
Pressed Powder
Liquid Cover-up
Eye Liner(Liquid Or Pencil)
Eye-Shadow (Bright Or Dark Colors)
Mascara (Any Color)
3) Clothes
Skinny Jeans
Concert T-Shirts
Graphic Hoodies
1) Hair Accessories
Hair Extentions
Hair Dye
Hair Spray
Hair Straighteners
A Comb(To Tease The Bangs)
2) Make-Up
Pressed Powder
Liquid Cover-up
Eye Liner(Liquid Or Pencil)
Eye-Shadow (Bright Or Dark Colors)
Mascara (Any Color)
3) Clothes
Skinny Jeans
Concert T-Shirts
Graphic Hoodies
xxKendallxx xxParawhorexx

Typical scene makeup is bold and always makes a statement. Allow me to educate you on how to create your own scene makeup look.
First, start with your foundation. This is your starting point because everything else goes on top of it. Pick a light shade of liquid foundation, but make sure it’s close to your skin color. Use a makeup sponge to apply. Make sure it’s blended in well and there aren’t any harsh lines around your cheeks, neck, eyes, etc….
Next, apply powder a shade lighter than your foundation color with a large makeup brush. This adds the picture perfect finish to your skin and creates a flawless surface.
Next step, EYE SHADOW! Scene girls typically choose bright glittery colors if they’re going out, but if they’re staying in they wear more neutral and light colors. One may wear multiple colors. Usually, scene girls plan their eye shadow so that it matches their outfit. Use a small makeup brush for matte colors, and your finger or an eye shadow sponge for more bold colors so they will show up better. If you are using more than one color, make sure they are blended in well so there are no harsh lines.
After you put on your eye shadow, use a white or a light pink as a highlight color. Apply it with a small makeup brush and sweep it along your brow bone under your eye brow.
Clean up any fallout (a.k.a. the eye shadow that has fallen off your lid and landed under your bottom lash line or cheek) with your foundation sponge.
Next , put on eyeliner. Scene girls go for more of a “dramatic eye.” To do so, use a pencil liner and carefully line your water line. Make it as thick as you want it. Next, line the top lash line carefully. Then, use liquid liner to go over the pencil liner on your top lash line. Do not line your waterline with liquid eyeliner because it will get in your eye and it stings, however; you may line your lower lash line with liquid eyeliner carefully.
After you’ve done your eyeliner, curl your eye lashes and give them a thick coat of lengthening mascara. Typically, scene girls wear fake lashes when they are going out, but just mascara when they’re staying in. Usually, black is worn, but on occasion, colorful mascaras such as blue and pink are worn.
When your mascara is dry, use a blush brush to lightly apply a sheer shade of pink or peach to your cheek bones. Make a fish face or smile so you can easily find your cheek bones. Make sure your blush looks natural and isn’t too bright.
After you’ve done your blush, take your foundation sponge and rub it over your lips to bring out their natural color. Then swipe on some clear or light pink lip gloss.
Now, grab a camera and take pictures of your scene makeup look and put them on the social networking website of your choice.
Typical scene makeup is bold and always makes a statement. Allow me to educate you on how to create your own scene makeup look.
First, start with your foundation. This is your starting point because everything else goes on top of it. Pick a light shade of liquid foundation, but make sure it’s close to your skin color. Use a makeup sponge to apply. Make sure it’s blended in well and there aren’t any harsh lines around your cheeks, neck, eyes, etc….
Next, apply powder a shade lighter than your foundation color with a large makeup brush. This adds the picture perfect finish to your skin and creates a flawless surface.
Next step, EYE SHADOW! Scene girls typically choose bright glittery colors if they’re going out, but if they’re staying in they wear more neutral and light colors. One may wear multiple colors. Usually, scene girls plan their eye shadow so that it matches their outfit. Use a small makeup brush for matte colors, and your finger or an eye shadow sponge for more bold colors so they will show up better. If you are using more than one color, make sure they are blended in well so there are no harsh lines.
After you put on your eye shadow, use a white or a light pink as a highlight color. Apply it with a small makeup brush and sweep it along your brow bone under your eye brow.
Clean up any fallout (a.k.a. the eye shadow that has fallen off your lid and landed under your bottom lash line or cheek) with your foundation sponge.
Next , put on eyeliner. Scene girls go for more of a “dramatic eye.” To do so, use a pencil liner and carefully line your water line. Make it as thick as you want it. Next, line the top lash line carefully. Then, use liquid liner to go over the pencil liner on your top lash line. Do not line your waterline with liquid eyeliner because it will get in your eye and it stings, however; you may line your lower lash line with liquid eyeliner carefully.
After you’ve done your eyeliner, curl your eye lashes and give them a thick coat of lengthening mascara. Typically, scene girls wear fake lashes when they are going out, but just mascara when they’re staying in. Usually, black is worn, but on occasion, colorful mascaras such as blue and pink are worn.
When your mascara is dry, use a blush brush to lightly apply a sheer shade of pink or peach to your cheek bones. Make a fish face or smile so you can easily find your cheek bones. Make sure your blush looks natural and isn’t too bright.
After you’ve done your blush, take your foundation sponge and rub it over your lips to bring out their natural color. Then swipe on some clear or light pink lip gloss.
Now, grab a camera and take pictures of your scene makeup look and put them on the social networking website of your choice.
Arabella Luckless

Being Scene, Can Be Hard
By Arabella Luckless
From experience, I have learned that being Scene, is possibly the hardest trend possible. If you are Scene, other Scene people tend to call you fake or a poser. If you are Scene, Preps and Etc, tend to call you a freak.
Definition of Scene: Some that has big or colorful hair, Colorful clothing, A bubbly personality, and a great fashion and music sense.
To continue the article, you have to stay true to who you are. Punch the b**ches that want to start anything. Hug the kids that love you for who you are. So wear that tease and skinnies proudly. Do not let anyone get to you. Giving in to what other people want you to be can break a person, even physically. People have killed themselves of depression, from stress of having to be what others want. Gays and Scenes being the majority of those poor people.
Stay Scene, Stay Proud, And watch some Invader Zim. I'll be proud.
By Arabella Luckless
From experience, I have learned that being Scene, is possibly the hardest trend possible. If you are Scene, other Scene people tend to call you fake or a poser. If you are Scene, Preps and Etc, tend to call you a freak.
Definition of Scene: Some that has big or colorful hair, Colorful clothing, A bubbly personality, and a great fashion and music sense.
To continue the article, you have to stay true to who you are. Punch the b**ches that want to start anything. Hug the kids that love you for who you are. So wear that tease and skinnies proudly. Do not let anyone get to you. Giving in to what other people want you to be can break a person, even physically. People have killed themselves of depression, from stress of having to be what others want. Gays and Scenes being the majority of those poor people.
Stay Scene, Stay Proud, And watch some Invader Zim. I'll be proud.
Massecre Moe

XxHow I Do My Eye Make-UpXx
Well, first of all.. you can do this with any colors you want :D So, whatever makes YOUR eyes pop, go ahead and use !!!
xPut a farely thick layer of eyeliner on both top and bottoms of your eyes. The most common color i use is black, becuause it seems to make all the colors of the eyeshadow really pop !
xPut a light color on your inner lid. For an example, i use gray or blue most days.
xThen, put a darker color on the outer lid. Again, for an example, i use black.
xTake your finger and blend the two colors together in the middle of your eyelid !
xWhen all is said and done, the eyeliner will be a bit lighter,(From the eyeshadow) so if you want to, you can go back over the eyeliner to make it darker. I usually just leave it.. but it's your eyes, so make it you :3
xYou obviously can't forget about masscara !! Put it on your top and bottom lashes !
xAdd your own finishing touches to your gorgeous eyes and WHAAALAAA !! All done[:
Well, first of all.. you can do this with any colors you want :D So, whatever makes YOUR eyes pop, go ahead and use !!!
xPut a farely thick layer of eyeliner on both top and bottoms of your eyes. The most common color i use is black, becuause it seems to make all the colors of the eyeshadow really pop !
xPut a light color on your inner lid. For an example, i use gray or blue most days.
xThen, put a darker color on the outer lid. Again, for an example, i use black.
xTake your finger and blend the two colors together in the middle of your eyelid !
xWhen all is said and done, the eyeliner will be a bit lighter,(From the eyeshadow) so if you want to, you can go back over the eyeliner to make it darker. I usually just leave it.. but it's your eyes, so make it you :3
xYou obviously can't forget about masscara !! Put it on your top and bottom lashes !
xAdd your own finishing touches to your gorgeous eyes and WHAAALAAA !! All done[:
Brittneyx Breakup

I am going to write an article on me. My name is Brittney Louia. I was born in Oklahoma. I was born July 1st 1997. Ever since I was around the age of 11, I have had an intrest in colorful hair and clothing. I would see these girls and boys on the computer and I was just amazed. Thats where it started. My whole hair dying-skinny jean faze. I know it sounds like I was trying to copy people. But I really wasn't I do not know how to explain what I was doing though. Soon I eventually forgot about all that and was what most people called me a "prep". I never really understood it. Then one day about a year later, I died my hair and cut it. It look amazing. I had dark brown hair and bangs. I thought I was one hot girl. Haha. Well after that I kept getting more and more outrageous with my hair styles and colors. Now here I am now. I have changed so much. I am proud of who I am and wouldn't change myself at all. Excpet maybe my hair in a couple weeks xp!
Canny Cupcake

Classic rock at heart, yet I do have another side called Alternative. My charateristics are rock and roll. Folk is when I have something to say; rap is when I have a lot to say. My happiness shines through pop. I laugh through country, I cry through the blues, I dance through hip hop, and I sing through opera. Ambient-- my nature, techno-- my craziness, R&B-- my love life, classical-- my relaxation, emo-- my anger, and gospel-- my religion (which is practiced through reggae, my spirituality). Jazz is my superficiality. And for anyone special in my life, tango since two can tango (and they can salsa). Indie is my unheard of nature (and trust me, I am very often unheard). Punk is my rebellious self, which sprung through my deep dark secrets in heavy metal. Acoustic is when I am best heard, soft rock is when I am best known. My confusion is trance. My actions are disco. Generally, foreign = my nationality. Renaissance, my history. And if people ever met me, they'd describe me as rhapsody. I can be best heard through my characteristics, acoustic rock; be rebellious from my characteristics, punk rock; and be natural because it's my characteristic, ambient rock.
I am the music.
Look, just be who you wanna be(:
I am the music.
Look, just be who you wanna be(:
Noa Nightmare

How to keep your scene hair healthy!
To keep your hair healthy you should deep condition your hair at least 3 times a month.
Also when you get out of the shower let your hair air dry.
You could use leave in conditioner so your hair is super soft through out the day.
And remember to use a heat protecting spray when straighting or curling your hair.
Enjoy having health scene hair-
Luv Noa Nightmare =P
To keep your hair healthy you should deep condition your hair at least 3 times a month.
Also when you get out of the shower let your hair air dry.
You could use leave in conditioner so your hair is super soft through out the day.
And remember to use a heat protecting spray when straighting or curling your hair.
Enjoy having health scene hair-
Luv Noa Nightmare =P
Bailey Berry

Hey, im bailey berry, my friends say that im fun shy and really creative, i live in a small town and there are not alot of scene's here, and im 13, i write love stories but i never shown any but my friends.
annie abstract

being a scene queen is a lot of work. it is not all about teasing your hair. You have to keep up with whats new. you have to have band tees and lots of them :) you need colorful skinnies :D converse and flats and vans. you need tutus and hair clips. but it is not all about your looks. you have to be nice to everyone. its not a job it is a choice to be in the category of style. you are full on obligated to stay in style :)
Mii Mii Monster

To be scene is to be funii n energetic... you dress colorfull , come off to be a person everyone loves!! They person everii one wants to hangout with and do everything with... just dress your personality and dress AWSOME!!! :))
To be scene is to be funii n energetic... you dress colorfull , come off to be a person everyone loves!! They person everii one wants to hangout with and do everything with... just dress your personality and dress AWSOME!!! :))
Keke Kaboom

Hot topic is the best place to shop for clothes, they also have all the stuff you need to complete your outfits like jewlry and even shoes. Jewlry there has everything from hello kitty necklaces to really wacky rings and bracelets. The shoes there are the best, the heels are really cool looking and so are there boots. They also have alternative style clothes that everyone would love and there not that expensive as well. That makes hot topic the #1 place to get clothes.
Trisha Asphyxiate

Being a Scene? Well to me,what it means is to just be yourself because, Scene basically means that it's you!! It also means that to create your own scene. You don't to be a perfect perfect Scene girl because, what really matters is what your style is!! My advice is to just be yourself! I mean, you don't have to change completely everything about you just to it in with other people!! being you what matters the most. if you seriously want to be the perfect scene queen..
you will need these items:
hair straighteners
hello kitty! (^-^)
cute accessories
mobile phones
ipod touch
nail polish (black and neon colours)
Great hairstyle!
makeup (mascara, eye liner etc.)
flat (ballet shoes or designer)
you will need these items:
hair straighteners
hello kitty! (^-^)
cute accessories
mobile phones
ipod touch
nail polish (black and neon colours)
Great hairstyle!
makeup (mascara, eye liner etc.)
flat (ballet shoes or designer)
Kittie Kayoss

hey, Im Kittie Kayoss, Im 15 and im an INDIVIDUAL!!
I took this picture I look like crapp.
BUT I don't care, thats part of being an indivual & being your own person.
I'm not saying I don't care AT ALL... I doo:D
But certin things you shouldn't care about. Like what people say about you
I took this picture I look like crapp.
BUT I don't care, thats part of being an indivual & being your own person.
I'm not saying I don't care AT ALL... I doo:D
But certin things you shouldn't care about. Like what people say about you
Karlee KillJoy

When being a scene queen its essential to have big hair, excessive amounts of make up, neon clothes, and lots of jewelry. You have to know who Blood On The Dance Floor, Dot Dot Curve, Nickasaur, and BrokenCyde are. And its normal to have an over-sized crush on Andy Six from Black Veil Brides. Being bi is not just a trend and is very popular in the scene world. Most scene queens wear flats, toms, DC hightops, Nike hightops, or converse. All black or rainbow. We all believe in unicorns and love candy. Tall and skinny emo/scene boys are necessary. It takes at least 30 minutes to do make up and hair. The only pans allowed are skinny or short. It fun to be scene.
Karina Kritical

How to be a Human Cat! or as some may say 'how to be strange/weird' :D
1. You must be very random :P
2. Wear cat ears
3. Wear black eye liner with a flick
4. wear black skinnies, a tutu or shorts
5. Say Meow often (to your friends and family and on your social networking sites)
6. Bite your friends (not hard)
7. Often say that you wish you had kitty fangs
8. Stare at leafs.... Hmm... that was random, scrap that... anyway,
9. Don't stare at leafs, its offensive... Jokes O.o
10. Roleplay as if you was a cat
So if you want to be a Human Cat/ Weird, thats all the simple steps you need to do, sorry i'm so random but i am a human cat and thats one of the things you need to do :P lawlz, MEOW YOUR HEART OUT CAT LOVERS :D! ps. i'm allergic to cats.. D:
Lawlz, so random but i have an obsession with doing all of the above :P lawl, :3
Karina, xx
1. You must be very random :P
2. Wear cat ears
3. Wear black eye liner with a flick
4. wear black skinnies, a tutu or shorts
5. Say Meow often (to your friends and family and on your social networking sites)
6. Bite your friends (not hard)
7. Often say that you wish you had kitty fangs
8. Stare at leafs.... Hmm... that was random, scrap that... anyway,
9. Don't stare at leafs, its offensive... Jokes O.o
10. Roleplay as if you was a cat
So if you want to be a Human Cat/ Weird, thats all the simple steps you need to do, sorry i'm so random but i am a human cat and thats one of the things you need to do :P lawlz, MEOW YOUR HEART OUT CAT LOVERS :D! ps. i'm allergic to cats.. D:
Lawlz, so random but i have an obsession with doing all of the above :P lawl, :3
Karina, xx
Miracle Mira Kills

- ohai' there. my name is Miracle Lataiya, but you can call me Mira. Im fifteen. I often get called a scene kid because I tease my hair & wear bight colors. So I wanted to try this out. I really love the fact scene queens are very confident. :)I really look up to Kookie The Great, she is so GOREGOUS! :D but, yeeee. ;3
so, yess ^ thats me up there. :p
&& you can find me on facebook. :)
idunno if this is allowed. but yeaahh .
but add me :p
ladedadeda :)alrighty *
&& i dont have my hair layered or died. C;
but i strive to perfect the scene look by all means possible. :D
- mira kills . xx o.O
so, yess ^ thats me up there. :p
&& you can find me on facebook. :)
idunno if this is allowed. but yeaahh .
but add me :p
ladedadeda :)alrighty *
&& i dont have my hair layered or died. C;
but i strive to perfect the scene look by all means possible. :D
- mira kills . xx o.O