Broke and need junk

Have you ever been caught trying to keep up your teased hair? Some might tell you to put in more hair spray or whatever but HELLO! That would only make your carbon foot print even bigger! Thus more damage to the atmosphere! (Yes I know I’m dorky :p) and then if you try to shower it out and you’re stuck with your hand caught in a sticky messy ball of hair gloop, ewwww! And it all goes so fast! And not to mention how damaged your hair is if you can’t afford an expensive hair treatment for it every week!
Well, actually there is a simple solution that most well known scene girls wouldn’t do. Buy everything cheap! Cause I mean really if you’re out of cash cause you spent your last $50.00 at hot topic buying those ultra cute skinnies then you wake up in the morning and find you are almost out of hair spray and eye liner where are you gonna get more? Go ahead and borrow your friends until you get enough money to buy that $20.00 pencil when you can get the exact same quality eyeliner for cheap! Yeah if you use different colored eyeliners then you might wanna stick to that plan……but if it’s just plain black, covergirl works just as well and can be easily bought at dollar stores or general stores and even Walgreens and cvs’s the kind I use was only five dollars for two pencils . in fact….if you really want to dye your hair again but just too broke use the splat colors they’re great! They don’t fry your hair as quickly come with a bleaching kit and only cost $10.00! WOW now compare that to ebay or hottopic or even a salon. And at the dollar stores they have tresseme’ hair sprays they are GREAT! Cause before my only hair spray was black colored Halloween hair junk….big mess…..and expensive too… 20 buck for a small can but if you go to dollar tree or something then they have really good holding hair sprays and conditioners and even hair straightners! And they have they cutest little nail polishes in the make up isle and even awesome eyeshadows you would only find at malls.
So, I hope this help a lot of you out!
Well, actually there is a simple solution that most well known scene girls wouldn’t do. Buy everything cheap! Cause I mean really if you’re out of cash cause you spent your last $50.00 at hot topic buying those ultra cute skinnies then you wake up in the morning and find you are almost out of hair spray and eye liner where are you gonna get more? Go ahead and borrow your friends until you get enough money to buy that $20.00 pencil when you can get the exact same quality eyeliner for cheap! Yeah if you use different colored eyeliners then you might wanna stick to that plan……but if it’s just plain black, covergirl works just as well and can be easily bought at dollar stores or general stores and even Walgreens and cvs’s the kind I use was only five dollars for two pencils . in fact….if you really want to dye your hair again but just too broke use the splat colors they’re great! They don’t fry your hair as quickly come with a bleaching kit and only cost $10.00! WOW now compare that to ebay or hottopic or even a salon. And at the dollar stores they have tresseme’ hair sprays they are GREAT! Cause before my only hair spray was black colored Halloween hair junk….big mess…..and expensive too… 20 buck for a small can but if you go to dollar tree or something then they have really good holding hair sprays and conditioners and even hair straightners! And they have they cutest little nail polishes in the make up isle and even awesome eyeshadows you would only find at malls.
So, I hope this help a lot of you out!