Challie Candyholic

Hey everyone.
I don't know what to write, but I think I'll start with the basic information.
My name is Charlie, but also know as ChallieCandyholic.
I'm fifteen years old, and I come from Denmark.
I don't know what to write, but I think I'll start with the basic information.
My name is Charlie, but also know as ChallieCandyholic.
I'm fifteen years old, and I come from Denmark.
Milly Molly Mandy

people get judged everywhere in the world. Without a doubt there will be certain people who do not like you, but you were not brought in this world to please every human being. You need to believe in yourself. Don't let people throw you about like you are useless because you are an individual because that is not the case. Just take into consideration that you are who you want to be and not what others what you to become. Stand out and be proud of who you are! The 'scene look' isn't the type of 'look' that people wouldn't glare at, so you have to be prepared for that, a lot of people will look at you, and probably say horrible things or mumble under their breath about you, but you have to be the one smiling and standing tall. On the other hand, some people will absolutely admire you and say that they love you hair, your piercings ect. BUT don't get to over confident or even call yourself scene because you will then be classed as a wannabe or a poser, and they are two looks no one would want to be. And you also don't want to be hated for the reason of judging people the the way they dress. You should be nice and not treat people horrible because if you do that, you will have no friends. Make sure that this is who you want to be and you aren't just dressing scene to fit in with your peer group.
Muffin Day

Im not the biggest BITCH in the world .
Emi Ecstacy Emi

Being 'scene' isn't just a style; It's about the people who were born to stand out and make a scene. We all have our own style even if we fall under one label. Our personality is wild and colorful so why should we dress and act dull? Different is beautiful. Of course, some are posers but, no matter what..We've got heart.
Mandie Massacre

People are hate. You have to just know you're above their level. I'm going to try to come from my heart on this, but it's hard for me to do it, because i have trouble taking my own advice sometimes. I mean, adults, kids, teenagers just like us, staring at you until they cant move their necks anymore, whispering things as you walk past, giggling. It's hard but we all make it through it somehow. This is all about being who you are, and if anyone tries to put you down, don't listen. They're jealous because you chose to not follow everyone else. You know who you are, be proud. Having this style is the best thing in the world if you know how to handle it. But with the style comes this huge role no one is even ready for, i think. And you have to be ready to be strong enough to take it on, the glares, the jealousy, the hate, the laughing and the jokes. But don't get me wrong, this style has the best ups too. We can pull off any crazy style and make it look gorgeous. We all have the best hair, makeup and clothes. I know whenever someone needs to look nice and needs makeup and hair done, they come to us, right? We're creative, artistic, unique people, just like alot of others, but we grasp every bit of it and take it to levels alot of people are scared to reach, and that's why we remain above the "normal".
Piinkiie Paralyze

People always judge. It’s a fact. People judge me all the time because of my look. But you have to tell yourself one thing; if people Judge you, it’s because they’re jealous. They’re jealous because you have the guts to dress has you want and not them.
So be proud of who you are and keep dressing has you want and put has many colors in your hair has you want, because that’s who you are, and you are Unique.
We are Special, that’s why we are on this site. It’s to show the hole world who we are and haw amazing we are.
Love you all!!
So be proud of who you are and keep dressing has you want and put has many colors in your hair has you want, because that’s who you are, and you are Unique.
We are Special, that’s why we are on this site. It’s to show the hole world who we are and haw amazing we are.
Love you all!!
Haleigh Scene

Get It Out.
The screaming
and the crying
In my head
Is deafening.
Get it out.
I need to get away.
Drown it all.
Get it out
My hands are shaking.
My heart's racing.
Get it out.
Get it out.
I rasie the gun
to my neck.
No more of this.
Get it out.
Finger on the trigger.
Get it out.
And as i lay here
I only now realize
They were mine.
The screaming
and the crying
In my head
Is deafening.
Get it out.
I need to get away.
Drown it all.
Get it out
My hands are shaking.
My heart's racing.
Get it out.
Get it out.
I rasie the gun
to my neck.
No more of this.
Get it out.
Finger on the trigger.
Get it out.
And as i lay here
I only now realize
They were mine.
Daisey Distruction

To be 'scene' means to stand out.And to stand out is to be differant.Being differant means you can be whatever you want and when people critisize you you dont give a shit.You are who you are and its your life.
Jacqueline-Ann Jacque

Hello:] I guess I'm making this account because I love the style of scene, I love to see what different ideas and themes other scene girls go with. I'm a dancer, singer, and trying to get into modeling >_> Haha, sounds stereotypical, but it's not, really. I dance lyrical, jazz, hip hop, contemporary, musical theatre, ballet, tap, and do a bit of gymnastics.
Casey Cutter

i dont know what this is o.e
skeptic skye


people think that scene kidds are posers but their not.they are normal people just like us.we're just different.different style,different look the way we act. we are weird because we can be nobody can judge u be confdent.dont be afraid to be urself around non scene kidds.if they dont accept u well who care u r gonna have people that love and care for u just for being u. so should scene kidds change for othr people i dont think soo.dont be afraid to STAND OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND BE CONFIDENT ABOUT URSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KittyJay janice

Theres many ways to express who u are, and this is my favorite way,to have the scene look. i don't like to put the quotation marks when i say scene look beacause i'm not ashamed of it.
Chandler West

I wanna be a scene queen. Scene queen is perfect for me. :) You guys are so cool and it'd be RADDDD to be on scene queeeen(: xoxoxoxoxo love<3
mercy thiel

you are who you are. no one else's opinion should matter, but your's. being unique is expressing yourself no matter what everyone thinks. and everyone has flaws. imperfection is beauty. and no matter where you go there will be people from a different group who is either jealous of you and doesn't really like your style, but that's when you ignore their words and looks, and walk past them with your head high. enjoy who you were meant to be. don't let those people make you think there's something wrong with you and that you should change. there's absolutely nothing wrong with being scene.

I’m Taylor, or as my friends like to call me 'DiN0atemyMUM'.
Being scene is all about expressing who you are, its having your bright and fun personality shine through. It makes you feel happy, alive and like nothing can tear you down.
The first thing people seem to notice in a scene kid is there hair, clothes, and make up. The hair is usually teased making you really stand out from the crowd. When we apply are make up we like to make are eyes really stand out, making that the main feature. we embrace are flaws, we make a positive out of a negative. A scene kid can get away wearing pretty much anything if they have the hair and the make up right. We Mostly wear skinny jeans and band tees, bangles and big necklaces. Being scene is creative so bright colours are a must. This reflects the outgoing, bubbly person a scene kid actually is.
I’m from Britain, so you don’t see many that are into the scene culture. The clothes I wear do consist of skinny jeans and for tops I wear pretty much anything i can find that has had something to do with my past, whether its a top with all the different kind of sweets i like on it or a top from a Disney film (e.g. Cinderella). I love shoes, you really cant move for shoes in my wardrobe. I own hi-tops, plimsolls, pumps, all types and it just doesn’t stop there.
I Wear everything iron fist.! I’ve always loved Jeffree Star, Audrey Kitching and Sabina Kelley so I would say that they are a great influence on my life, I think they are amazing people with big personalities.
The five shops that have really got me hooked would be:
· Truffle Shuffle
· Pulp
· New Look
· Torrid
· All Saints
Hairspray Is a HUGE part of my life, you wont see me go anywhere without it. I Take it school, shopping, even if I'm just nipping to the local supermarket! At the moment I'm using ‘Elnett Satin - The Diamond Hold & shine' hairspray which helps keep my hair big and bold but at the same time it makes it silky soft. The next best hairspray that I would recommend for others would definitely be ‘Rave’ Hairspray that gives a long last which is good for those that don’t comb out their hair at the end of the day.
Something Personal...
Okay, I’m not the thinnest girl in the world, i never have been but the older I've got I've come to love myself for who i am.
I Actually love my size believe it or not. I embrace this fact about me because at the end of the day I'm the girl looking back in the mirror loving what I see and not caring what anyone else thinks. That's who I am and who I'll always be so why not embrace it? :D
For my conclusion i would like to say that there is nothing wrong with being scene. Its simply being artistic and creative with your clothing and loving who you are. :D Apologies for the long paragraphs, I’m rather passionate about the Scene culture xD paha. Thankies for reading. xXx

All through middle school I've been bullied.And 'till this day as a Freshman in highschool I still am.But I've learned to ignore all the name calling and being make fun of.Life goes by too quick to deal with all the drama.Nobody's perfect and everybody has their flaws so remember that when somebody says something about you.No matter what anybody says don't be afraid to be yourself and stand out from the crowd.
Rae Renegade

Pretend is only fun and acceptable when you're a child. Don't be someone you're not just to fit into society's so-called "Guidelines". Be who you are, not who other want you to be. If you want to shout something random and maybe even immature, go for it! If people like you for who you pretend to be rather than who you truly are, they don't really like you, do they? If someone doesn't like your style or whatever it may be, shrug it off. It's not worth getting angry at. Plus, it's a lot less stressful and people will recognize you and a very kind person. If people criticize you, laugh, don't get mad. At least you're you. No matter how many haters you have, you always have more admirers. In fact, someone probably will look up to you for being different than others and not acting like a perfect little princess. Sure, you want to be polite, but say things from the heart. Don't think about what you should say, or what people will think of it, just say it! If people don't like it, oh well. If they do, great! The point isn't to please other people, it's to do something you enjoy. So enjoy it!

Being scene isn't about being the same as everyone else. You have to stand-out of the crowd and be yourself. If you become what your friends want you to, your not yourself, your a clone. Being scene is being nice but still tough. You have to be powerful. You have to be tough to be scene because many of us get degraded by who we are. Everyone criticizes, it's how we are we can't help it, but don't let it get to your feeling. A flaw is just a word people use to tell you that you look wrong or act wrong but use it to your strengths, don't let it be a weakness. People say scene kids are scary, some say ugly, or wierd. That's not what we are, we are unique.
Mariah Riot

Whatever people say about you doesn’t matter because you are beautiful inside and out. Everyday you will go through tough challenges and by means of challenges, Getting called names and people spreading rumors about you. To be a scene, you got to be confident. Confidence is the key to success. Scene is a different style and some might say their just wannabees, But look at other scene queens; For example Audrey Kitching or Kiki Kannibal. They both had different styles and they weren’t wannabees. They were they, they were confident. People will hate you but Haters makes you famous, right?
If you’re going to be a snobby scene, what’s the point? A lot of people say “scenes” are snobby and they’re all up themselves. Prove them wrong!
Be creative, Make a Scene…because girl you are beautiful and remember that: D
Xoxo Mariah,
If you’re going to be a snobby scene, what’s the point? A lot of people say “scenes” are snobby and they’re all up themselves. Prove them wrong!
Be creative, Make a Scene…because girl you are beautiful and remember that: D
Xoxo Mariah,
Destiny Medlock

Be differen't Don't be afraid to express yourself and make you're own. You don't have to fallow stupid rules to be scene its all you and how you make it. If people call you a poser Don't care, If they call you a fake leave it alone you are the star here and you shine no matter what. So be you and rock their world.
xoxo--Destiny Medlock
xoxo--Destiny Medlock
Flaming Aleah

No matter how you look people will criticize and talk bad about you... You cant please everyone !! So just be yourself :) Don't try to be something because your friends are. No matter how many people talk bad about you dont become upset and don't act like a downer or be rude to people just be nice ! Many people say that scene kids are rude but most scene kids aren't rude or anything .. XD So just be nice and be yourself !!
Veronica Freaking Vicious

Hi! My name is Veronica. I'm really nice,weird,and somewhat anything else. I love Green Day, and will do pracitically anything to see them! Love neon colours, espicially with black skinnys. I have a boyfriend, and I love him so freaking much! <3
Addie GlumBear

love is something everyone has even if they think they dont. love is something that should be cherished and cared about. love is something that you should never let go. because no matter what you will always have it. either because your beautiful, your smart, your fun, or your just matter what you think about yourself or others think about you, you should always no that you ARE amazing! that you should live your life having fun and not caring what other people say to you. dress the way you want to and stand out and you own perfection. be confident in yourself! love your self! other people dont matter if they dont like you because if they dont their probably just jelous! being sad all the time is not how you wanna live your life. life is ment to have fun and expressing yourself and making the most out of it! hug everyone and love everyone! make new friends because if your being yourself everyone will love you! always feel good with your body and how you are. you should never change for anybody because you are who you are and your perfect the way you are! <3
Christine Charmed

Scene . ... Scene is a style . It's fashion . Usually you see scene kids walking around in Skinny Jeans , Band Tees , and some kind of skater shoe brand , for example Osiris ( Very popular ) . But it's more than that . You don't always have to wear 'band tees' , get creative . Where stuff with cartoon characters , for example : Hello Kitty ( Not to much ) , Mario , Domo , ect. . Also , you don't have to wear skater shoes , i mean you could wear any kind of shoes except like Mary Jane's . What is really good for 'scene' style is Converse , flats , and the occasional skater brand shoe . But the most important thing about the scene style is HAIR AND MAKE-UP ♥ . First off , don't wear make-up if your parents don't want you to , they have reason . Hair ! - Hair for scene kids is probably the most important thing about their individual style . Every scene kid has there own personal touches to there hair , colored streaks , random burst of color , teased hair , swooshy bangs , straight bangs , side bangs , long thin hair , short thin hair , spikey , flat (mostly not) , poofy , and CHOPPY LAYERED . Choppy layers is the most important thing on 'scene' hair , and bangs of course . I wouldn't recommend cutting your own hair unless you are good at it , but in my position I am good at it and I cut my friends hair also . MAKE-UP ! - again don't wear it if you're not allowed . 'Scene' make-up isn't complicated , but it can be . Just counts on the way you want it to look . On a normal day to school I usually just wear eyeliner not to thick on the bottom and sometimes on the top eyelid and on the top waterline . Mascara is also good , that is good for school . But for pictures , you can put colorful eye shadow , like Blue , Pink , Yellow , Green , and even a little black , but not to much . You don't want the 'emo' or 'goth' STYLE label . This is practically the 'scene' style , but remember be different , try to be different , be confident , and you've got it all down .
- Signed ,
Christine Charmed
also known as ,
- Signed ,
Christine Charmed
also known as ,
Jessicahh Lynn

Lari Scream

People say scene kids are weird or out of control....when all it living up life as best as you can! Life is too short, people shouldn't be grumpy faces they should have fun!:D

People say the scene has died. I don't. People say scene isn't cool anymore. I don't. People say scenes are just emo posers. I says scenes are just their selves. People need to stfu cause they don't know a thing. Except people the way that they are
Alexxx AsHeS

I really dont know what to wright so Im gonna wing it. Ive been made fun of all my life becaues Ive been "diffrent". We are not difftent we are made of skin and bones musles and tissue. We look diffrent no two people are alike thats what people judge me on. How I look! I meen they dont get to know me they just judge. So I were band tees and have cool colors in my hair thats because I dont want to be the same! If we all looked the same we wouldnt be who we are who we want to be. You need to get to know me before you judge and mabey youll like me. I dont care what you say but sometimes it hurts.
People need to stop judging and start loving.
People need to stop judging and start loving.
Yllek De La Mieux

Where to buy Colorful Skinny Jeans.
If you've search "Where to find colorful skinny jeans" on Google, you've probably found results of yahoo answers from 2-4 years ago, back then stores had them, but now, not so much.
I live in Connecticut and the only colorful pants I've seen have been pink jeans, or sea-green legging things that are very stretchy and aren't very tight at all.
I went online searching one day and came across this site called
Its located in Great Britain and has ALOT! of colorful jeans, both bright colors and prints. For regular blue jeans, or the pink and sea-green i mentioned above, or white or gray jeans, go to
So far... I normally wear these jeans:
Pink Jeans (Hollister)
Hot Pink Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
Purple Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
Lime Green Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
Turquoise Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
White Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
Gray Jeans (Hollister)
Light Blue Jeans with Zippers at the bottom (Hollister)
Natural Leopard Print Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
Natural Zebra Print Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
3 Hollister is a bit larger than a size 8 in 3rd and 56th street, or at least in the hips.
Hope this helps ^^ - Yllek De La Mieux aka Kelly McPherson
If you've search "Where to find colorful skinny jeans" on Google, you've probably found results of yahoo answers from 2-4 years ago, back then stores had them, but now, not so much.
I live in Connecticut and the only colorful pants I've seen have been pink jeans, or sea-green legging things that are very stretchy and aren't very tight at all.
I went online searching one day and came across this site called
Its located in Great Britain and has ALOT! of colorful jeans, both bright colors and prints. For regular blue jeans, or the pink and sea-green i mentioned above, or white or gray jeans, go to
So far... I normally wear these jeans:
Pink Jeans (Hollister)
Hot Pink Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
Purple Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
Lime Green Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
Turquoise Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
White Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
Gray Jeans (Hollister)
Light Blue Jeans with Zippers at the bottom (Hollister)
Natural Leopard Print Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
Natural Zebra Print Jeans (3rd and 56th street)
3 Hollister is a bit larger than a size 8 in 3rd and 56th street, or at least in the hips.
Hope this helps ^^ - Yllek De La Mieux aka Kelly McPherson