kiki neon

the best thing about being scen is, its wild, its crtazy, its chill, its awesome!!!, it is the best thing ever, u geet to do your hair diffrently, u get to have fun, you get to take cool pictures, and it makes you fill better abut youself. most teen age kids dont like there body image. being scen helps you fight that, its like a knew you. you get to start out new and fresh. its the best thing to do. so if you wont to kill your self plz dont like im seirous that is so stuiped your making the people around you sad if you do that i might start to cry.
Heather Heartbreak

My name is Heather. I'm 19 and I live in Florida.
I'm taken by an amazing guy called Zachary.
We're been together for almost a year now and it's been the best year of my life tbh.
This guy means more to me then anything on this earth. All my friends love him 'cause he treats me so well :3
I'm properly the luckiest girl on earth because I have my Zakysaurus <3
I wanna be wild.
I've made mistakes. A lot of mistakes and people have gotten hurt because of them. That terrifies me.
I'm taken by an amazing guy called Zachary.
We're been together for almost a year now and it's been the best year of my life tbh.
This guy means more to me then anything on this earth. All my friends love him 'cause he treats me so well :3
I'm properly the luckiest girl on earth because I have my Zakysaurus <3
I wanna be wild.
I've made mistakes. A lot of mistakes and people have gotten hurt because of them. That terrifies me.
Nikkie Sixxteen

well in life alot of people took advantage of me in one way or another. im so nice and carefree and people perceive it to be weekness. im not week. i will fight anyone anyday. but not physical cuz thats not right to me, a battle using only my words. those can kill. i live for my self and not for u, i live only to saticfy my needs and wants. if u cant haddle that then u need to start living a little more selfishly instead of always trying to please others. scene kids now how it is...
redheaded scenie(:

BE YOURSELF!(: it’s the best thing you can do. Make the best out of what you got. And if what you got is big crazy hair, skinny jeans, dark makeup , and bows I think that’s pretty awesome! Sticking out is away of life. A way of being an individual . A way of being true to yourself and that’s all that matters!(:
Alex Apocalypse ♥

Hi there , i'm alex . :) & to me scene is not being scared to express yourself , not having any limits , just saying to the world " this is who i I AM , colorful , weird , scene , emo , punk , whatever you wanna call it , that's who i am , like it or not , i could care less :) " people are always gonna criticize you , but who cares atleast you have the courage to be different , to stand out , to be unique ,to be creative :)
xoxo , Alex Apocalypse ♥
xoxo , Alex Apocalypse ♥
Rain RecKless

Okay, well first off..My real name is not Rain; It's a nickname. My real name is something I won't share(: I welcome haters because they are my biggest fans. I love piercings and dying my hair, although im not allowed to dye my whole head, So my hair color changes quite often. I believe that it's a great way of expressing yourself without harming anyone around you. I hate the term "Emo" because most people do not use it correctly. They think it is a style of hair or the clothes you wear. It is not. It simply means "emotional". Although being "Scene" IS a style of hair and clothes and its about being unique in your own way. I really enjoy this type of style, and if someone doesn't like me because of my image...well, that's their problem.
Rain. <3
Rain. <3
Meagnz Machine-Gunnz

Hey Peoples of the World and the Scene King!I'm going to tell you guys some things about my self. I'm a very out going girl. my birthday is on April Fools Day!I'm 13. I 1st heard of Scene Queens.com from a girl on You Tube.com her name is Juri-San.I love doing my on make-up and hair. and yeah i love Techno songs!and Can make Kani Stars!Tehehe. <3And there are only 2 people in my whole school me and my Best Friend Arudey.
I hope you guys Like me and most of all you the Scene King!<3
I hope you guys Like me and most of all you the Scene King!<3
Nikki Homicide

In many cases people want to be scene because it looks cool. They go from other styles like hip-hop and stuff to scene. I think scene isnt something done over night its something that comes natrual it is a styl but its also a feeling. People will always discriminate the scene but that doesnt mean that we are any different. You need to find yourself and no matter what people think of you its who u are. Never be ashamed of being yourslef because people will hate so let them hate if you hate with them then that doesnt make u any better of a person so be the best. Dont let yourself go because of what other people say because the only person you should ever listen to is you.
xFrankayyx xFreakshowx

i am xFrankayy Freakshowx. I am the only scene kid at my school well scene girl any way. people say scene kids are attention seeker, wanna bes, cutters, and trying to fit in. Its not like that at all. Its more about the music and style. :D agreed? i spend a lot of my time on make up and hair. Also we are more of the laid back down to earth type people. and its Great to know that we are one of a kind and unique. No matter what people say we have our own sense of style and we dont follow in the preps or jocks. We go out of our way to make our selves individually noticeable in this place we call a world.
It would be a honor if i was accepted. :D i would be forever greatfull
thank you for giving the oppertunity :D
It would be a honor if i was accepted. :D i would be forever greatfull
thank you for giving the oppertunity :D
Barbie Harcore

My name is barbie and i do not care what people think of me, i have the most amazing sister, we are scene no matter how others like to label us. i do believe i like being very colorful and there is a high possible you will never see me match, all else i have to say is get to know me i may change your life XD
Cienna Cinema

People get the preception that Scene is just a label. But in my eyes, it's way more important than that. It's called Scene for a reason. It's a way of expressing yourself and not being afraid to show who you are. A little taste of your artistic side. It's also a fashion statement. I hate how people have such bad things to say about Scene people. So what if you want some personality and spunk? It's all about being creative. Our heart beats, our minds race, we love, we have pain, and we are human. I personally like sticking out in the crowd and having people look at me like I'm crazy. No matter what, in the end everyone is going to get judged by someone. Fight for who you love to be and show those haters who the better person is. I intend to make a change in how people look at us. <3
Cinderella Stella

Chaos? Psh Bring it.I'm the kinda girl that can be so hurt but can still look at you and smile, the type of girl who will brighten your day even if I cant brighten my own. I've lost people that are very important to me but I think its all part of your book, Yea we have all made mistakes, but imagine what a different person you would be if you hadn't. Don't forget the past, just change your future. If you spent your life concentrating on what everyone else thought of you, would you forget who you really were? What if the face you showed the world turned out to be a mask with nothing beneath it? I believe that humans were originally created with 4 arms, 4 legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves. You know what music is? God's little reminder that there's something else besides us in this universe, a harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars. When people tell you not to be who you are, don't listen. Be free. (:
mikkie kayk

:Dif u have ater caling u a powser and or anbe it proble becaus there the anbe or poser so dont fell bad and dont tack it fight back and love how u are
Treasure Toxxxic

here are so many types of beautiful out in the world. every girl deserves her chance to show how beautiful she is inside and out.Flaws are what make you notice the beauty you have. Scene kids are unique and rock it with the attitude and style they have form their hair to their socks!
taytay love

I'm a cool and fun person and i'm a models and and i'm scene and i hate people that real rude mean and that bulling and that call me names but i'll take just i'll warn them so
Christi Chaotic

The thing I like about being a scene kid is it's all about being yourself.Also being unique and not what everyone expects you to be. I also like the fact that scene kids aren't judgemental and aren't harsh. I also like the fact that when you see scene kids you never see the same thing twice and how they are Inspirational in every aspect. That is why I like being a scene kid.
Kayla Killjoy

Where I live there are barely any scene kids at all. I'm the only one who has fake blood all over their body in pictures. I'm the only one who finds it fun to be creative and different. People ask all the time.. "Why can't you take normal pictures like the rest of us?" I was so upset I literally took my time to make and unedited album on facebook just to make people happy. Then I realized that I was doing what THEY wanted, but not what I wanted. I started NOT caring at all what people thought of me. I went to the movies the other night and obviously people recognized me from facebook and my pictures. Someone actually had the nerve to call me a "freak" when I walked by them. What did I do? I laughed and walked away. No matter what you get called, or what is said to you..DO NOT let people change who you are. Because while you're having fun and being different..They are still the same old jerk that probably doesn't have many friends.
Schizophrenic Savannah

Imperfection is great, and so is individuality. Be yourself, never let anyone change you. Many people do hate on scene kids, just go with it. Move on. There opinion is far from important, and you should care less. Yew should be kind to others, but not too kind that they feel they can walk all over yew. Be different, normal is overrated. Who even knows what normal is anymore? People say scene kids, are strange, awkward, funny, fashionable, and listen to screamo. Which is not correct in all cases. This sterotype of scene kids has somewhat "Clashed" with the modern definition of "Emo". I believe a true scene kid, is outgoing, not scared to dress a certain way, likes music, and is a true individual.
tori twiggy

M3gAn MaYh3m

Scene is not about the clothing you wear or by the big hair you have. Being scene is much more than that being scene is by showing the world who you really are and letting the world see how beautiful and unique your style is. Being differant is not a bad thing and if people say that than they dont know what they are talkin about. So dont caring what others think and what others say about you because they dont know what its like to walk on the other side of the road. Scene is what you are as a person scene doesnt make the person scene is inside you. The scene queens,kings, and kidds are one big loving family that you are apart of they dont care what color skin you have or where you came form because everyone is unique in there own way.Being yourself is the best think it shows that you have passion in yourself and thats all people can hope for. Thats why I look up to the Scene Queens and Kings because they show us that its ok to be different, and that the world is not going to end because everyone doesnt look the same. When you enter the scene world, their are people in all shapes and sizes. Some people became scene because they see everyone else doin it and if you see others doin it you think you should follow them but thats not true you should strive to be yourself. But if your just doin that to follow others then scene is just not for you. when Some people look at us all they see is the piercings or how many we have but they never see the loving, thoughtful and caring people that we are. They think we are no good and they think we dont have any respect in our selfs well you know what we do. I knew i was differant and i thought that no one got me, my own mother didnt understand me but she trys and thats why i love her for that. When i found the scene world i found were i belong and were i can be myself, were others understood me and felt the same way that i did. My little brother and sister thinks being scene is being emo but its not, scene and emo are two differant kinds of worlds.Sure we may have the same hair and sure we may like the same kind of music but we are not the same. Once i knew all of that i knew i was scene and i started to take a stand. Becoming scene was the best thing that ever happend to me and let me tell you this i fuckin love every little thing about it because you know what its me. Yea thats right im labeling myself and you know what who the hell cares so what if some people call me a poser. The only way you can be a poser its say that your something than turning around sayin your not thats what makes you a poser in my book. When you say your scene that means you're proud of being yourself, that you not only knew in you mind but in your heart that you are scene. If they call you a poser or a fake just stick your middle finger up and say those 2 little words FUCK UP because you know what im proud of who i am and if you dont like it than who the hell cares. So what im trying to say is scene is a lable im proud to carry. Thats what being scene means to me and maybe even others!!
kim vanitycruch

be safe! be poofing hair :)
Mary Mayhem

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are..... druggies, posers, emo wanabies, and that they don't take anything seriously. Well, personally, I wouldn't want tomeet a scene kid that didn't take life so seriously! That's one of the things being scene is all about! Expressing your creativity! So some people won't "approve" of you. Guess what, alot more people will have mad respect for you and who you are. You don't have to make everyone happy; that's not your job. Be who you are and love who you are. Never ever ever let anybody tell you who to be or how to act. If they don't like you, they probably aren't gushing with self confidence either.
Mz Disaster

life is too short, grudges are a waste of perfect happiness
laugh when you can – apologize when you should
and let go of what you can’t change. love deeply and forgive quickly
take chances – give everything – have no regrets
life is too short to be unhappy you have to take the good with the bad
smile when you’re sad – love what you got
and always remember what you had always forgive but never forget
learn from your mistakes but never regret people change & things go wrong
but always remember life goes on.
laugh when you can – apologize when you should
and let go of what you can’t change. love deeply and forgive quickly
take chances – give everything – have no regrets
life is too short to be unhappy you have to take the good with the bad
smile when you’re sad – love what you got
and always remember what you had always forgive but never forget
learn from your mistakes but never regret people change & things go wrong
but always remember life goes on.
RaveVictoria Rave

Well I sent one before, but now im all better and not sick (: so thats me. Im sorry im not coated in piercings. I am who I am I guess.
Caitlyn Cupcakes

Skinny Jeans, hair, make-up, animals, and music... Those complete my life!! Im Caitlyn Cupcakes. Some people look at me weird but i dont care because I like the way i am. I have many wonderful friends that I will love forever! If you are scene I love yewww because we are the amazing people! People say that scene kidz are stupid and a waste of life..(my experience) but dont let anybody put you down because they are just jealous and not being self-confident about themselves... :) bye bye!! :3
Smashed Berry

Life is about being you, it's about having fun and enjoying the time you have. Who you are is something you should always keep sacred and never forget. After all; the only person you have your whole life is yourself. So if you can't love yourself, who can? If you want to be scene, then be it. Don't be it because somebody told you to be it and if someone makes fun of you just laugh them in the face. They are probably not comfortable with who they are and therefor jealous because you acctually know who you are. Being scene is about being gorgous and confident.<3
Kookie Kali

My character isn’t that unique, but I still love the “scene” style. The picture I have with the sign is not how my hair looks now. I just recently got it cut to fit the image most of us know as scene. What I do with my hair is to basically straighten it and put a little accessory in it. The accessories add more to the outfit or spices up the hair. You don’t want it to be lifeless. I also put volumizing foam in which expands the hair upward, hence the word “volume”. I don’t have much else to say, but thank you!
-Kookie Kali
-Kookie Kali
Shinae VonVanity

i wasn't put on this earth to be like you, i was put on this earth to be me im not going to try to please you so don't expect me to this is who i am and if you don't want to accept me idgaf want to spread rumors? do it, your making me famous
i listen to the music i like im not changing who i am to fit in, im going to be true to myself!
i listen to the music i like im not changing who i am to fit in, im going to be true to myself!
Sabrina Saurus!

All I wanna say is just be yourself be as unique as you can bee! <3 ^__<3
Brianna Beautician

Be who YOU want to be
Not what OTHERS want you to be.
I don't get many angry glares but people do stare at me, it's kind of funny but I just brush it off.
A lot of people think I am mad beautiful, or so I heard
but about half of other people don't think so or they are just jealous.
but yeah...if people are being mean to you in ANY way, whether you are a goth, scene or preppy person; it's just because they are jealous and have nothing better to do, than to make themselves feel all powerful, when in reality it only makes them look like idiots.
All us scene chicks, should take over the world
Not what OTHERS want you to be.
I don't get many angry glares but people do stare at me, it's kind of funny but I just brush it off.
A lot of people think I am mad beautiful, or so I heard
but about half of other people don't think so or they are just jealous.
but yeah...if people are being mean to you in ANY way, whether you are a goth, scene or preppy person; it's just because they are jealous and have nothing better to do, than to make themselves feel all powerful, when in reality it only makes them look like idiots.
All us scene chicks, should take over the world