Alexis Angelbites

Well Hello im Lexi , they call me Alexis Angelbites . Ive benn on scene queens for about 9 months . Im 13 . I wear band tees , aeropostale , hollister , skinny jeans , and tons of colors . I usaully starighten my hair and tease it . Well thats it . Bye <3
Leanna Kannibal

BE BRUTAL AND BEAUTIFUL. Dont let it back you down. Fight through it!
XxSiLeNtXx Christina

Hi ^^
My name is Christina, but I've been called almost everything you could think of... Weird, scary, emo, loner, ugly...ect.. and I use to believe it when I heard people say it. It hurt. It made my heart feel like it was going to explode. But now, it doesn't bother me. So I have somethin to say to the Labelers/Haters... Thank you. thank u for hurting me and labeling me, because now when people call me things, it doesn't hurt. Thank you for making me stronger. Now I can be myself :)
My name is Christina, but I've been called almost everything you could think of... Weird, scary, emo, loner, ugly...ect.. and I use to believe it when I heard people say it. It hurt. It made my heart feel like it was going to explode. But now, it doesn't bother me. So I have somethin to say to the Labelers/Haters... Thank you. thank u for hurting me and labeling me, because now when people call me things, it doesn't hurt. Thank you for making me stronger. Now I can be myself :)
Bobbi Breakdown Putlovis

Where I am from, Scene doesn't really exist. People are not really open for change. So, I am considered one of the weird kids. But, even with everything people say about me and the weird looks I get I still love being myself and my hair being every color in the rainbow, I can't think of a color I haven't tried. I love who I am, even if that means people giving me dirty looks so be it. Life is too short to try to be who people want you to be.
For a long time I was like several kids here, Scared to stand out and be who I really am. People can be really cruel about it if you try to do so but if you step up for yourself then at least people are hating you for who you really are and not loving you for who you are not. I do not wear huge amounts of dark makeup or tease my hair, so maybe Im not the original type of scene girl, but it is a style and I believe that it is what you make of it, it fits to who you are.
Along with bright random colored hair and makeup, I love my clothes and my music.
I live in a small country town so a lot of the girls are "county" girls but thats just not me.
I get criticized a lot by them because I think that even they are afraid to show who they really are, step out of the cliques they are apart of.
I think that my courage of standing out, ,one day, will help those that are afraid to be who they are step out of the shell they created for themselves and let them be who they really are.
Showing your true colors are the most beautiful part of being unique.
I personally love meeting new people and making friends, Im social and I try to be nice to everyone, a lot of my friends don't understand me because even when the more "Popular" girls are making fun of me or insulting me, Im still nice to them.
If people could learn to except people for who we really are and are comfortable being, then there wouldn't be cliques and such, but everyone just wants to fit in.
So really, I think that being scene is about showing your personality in makeup, hair, clothes, and music.
For a long time I was like several kids here, Scared to stand out and be who I really am. People can be really cruel about it if you try to do so but if you step up for yourself then at least people are hating you for who you really are and not loving you for who you are not. I do not wear huge amounts of dark makeup or tease my hair, so maybe Im not the original type of scene girl, but it is a style and I believe that it is what you make of it, it fits to who you are.
Along with bright random colored hair and makeup, I love my clothes and my music.
I live in a small country town so a lot of the girls are "county" girls but thats just not me.
I get criticized a lot by them because I think that even they are afraid to show who they really are, step out of the cliques they are apart of.
I think that my courage of standing out, ,one day, will help those that are afraid to be who they are step out of the shell they created for themselves and let them be who they really are.
Showing your true colors are the most beautiful part of being unique.
I personally love meeting new people and making friends, Im social and I try to be nice to everyone, a lot of my friends don't understand me because even when the more "Popular" girls are making fun of me or insulting me, Im still nice to them.
If people could learn to except people for who we really are and are comfortable being, then there wouldn't be cliques and such, but everyone just wants to fit in.
So really, I think that being scene is about showing your personality in makeup, hair, clothes, and music.
Elfy Sydnee

Live life. Be you.. Be true... Don't listen to others.... Find the way through everything..... Cherish the people you have...... Love every second<3
Aldabell Abomination

Well Scene isn't something you just come out and be liKE BAM! Thats make you a total pouser and thats not a very good name that you want to be branded. Its hurtful and horrible that some people don't care about your feelings. Scene isn't just the new "style" its a way of life "yeah im totaly scene it's so cool." Um? no 1 how is it cool and 2 scene people don't usualy lable themselves as "scene" becuase i know that i don't so scene is basically the hair teh makeup music and personality takes it all . And if you don't like certain bands or hairstyles or clothes or even makeup. them Don't quit and say man this isn't for me because really then you are a posuer. Try to teach your self to like new things or be different from the other scene groups. But if you ever do this to please your friends or siblings wow you really don't know what your getting yourself into. Scene can be fun and very amuzing to some at times but believe me its hard work with teh makeup and hair but when you love something you definetly go for it! Love, Aldabell Abomination (:

Um I really have no idea what to do here haha.
I guess you could call me a scene kid. I love makeup (: I love teasing my hair. I usually wear skinnies, sometimes a skirt with some pretty tights (:
I'm a straight up person. If I think you're a bullshitter, I'll tell you so.
I guess I've been scene for about two years now. I use extensions when I want color in my hair. I usually either dye my hair black or I leave it my natural color, which is a pretty dark brown.
The way I do my makeup: I first use maybelline Dream Matte in classic ivory. After that I use a light powder from LoveMyFace. I use 2 different kinds if mascara when I'm too lazy to put my faux lashes on. Then I outline my eyes with eyeliner. I use Jordana because it's a cheap brand and good for just outlining my eyes. Then I go over everything with liquid eyeliner. I use Maybelline Ultraliner liquid liner.
I use a very light pale pink blush. Go over one more time with powder, and done!
I guess that's all I can really think to put haha. Thanks for reading <3
I guess you could call me a scene kid. I love makeup (: I love teasing my hair. I usually wear skinnies, sometimes a skirt with some pretty tights (:
I'm a straight up person. If I think you're a bullshitter, I'll tell you so.
I guess I've been scene for about two years now. I use extensions when I want color in my hair. I usually either dye my hair black or I leave it my natural color, which is a pretty dark brown.
The way I do my makeup: I first use maybelline Dream Matte in classic ivory. After that I use a light powder from LoveMyFace. I use 2 different kinds if mascara when I'm too lazy to put my faux lashes on. Then I outline my eyes with eyeliner. I use Jordana because it's a cheap brand and good for just outlining my eyes. Then I go over everything with liquid eyeliner. I use Maybelline Ultraliner liquid liner.
I use a very light pale pink blush. Go over one more time with powder, and done!
I guess that's all I can really think to put haha. Thanks for reading <3

I wouldn’t classify scene as a “lifestyle” like most do it’s more of a way of dressing.
Big hair, bright makeup, and crazy clothes?
I think so:)
Most people go all out, and dress this way just to impress certain people, but not me.
It’s all about being yourself, and expressing your originality.
Also getting a chance to show the world how unique and creative you are.
Most people claim that scene kids are obnoxious and immature… How come?
Because we look better then you and have fun while doing it? Because our hair’s teased super high and our makeup’s not the normal colors your use to seeing?
Because we listen to “weird” music and just don’t give a f*ck?
So what if we like dinosaurs, hello kitty, fluffy tutus, and little girl bows.
If anything it’s affecting our lives not yours:)
So why hate on us if we’re not hurting you?
Hate me, talk you trash, honestly I don’t care(:
Your just making yourself look even more stupid for wasting your time trying to break someone like me down to nothing.
Go ahead say my name… because “haters make us famous” ;)
I wouldn’t classify scene as a “lifestyle” like most do it’s more of a way of dressing.
Big hair, bright makeup, and crazy clothes?
I think so:)
Most people go all out, and dress this way just to impress certain people, but not me.
It’s all about being yourself, and expressing your originality.
Also getting a chance to show the world how unique and creative you are.
Most people claim that scene kids are obnoxious and immature… How come?
Because we look better then you and have fun while doing it? Because our hair’s teased super high and our makeup’s not the normal colors your use to seeing?
Because we listen to “weird” music and just don’t give a f*ck?
So what if we like dinosaurs, hello kitty, fluffy tutus, and little girl bows.
If anything it’s affecting our lives not yours:)
So why hate on us if we’re not hurting you?
Hate me, talk you trash, honestly I don’t care(:
Your just making yourself look even more stupid for wasting your time trying to break someone like me down to nothing.
Go ahead say my name… because “haters make us famous” ;)
JizzyVon Dizzy

Scene is such a delicious word. I don't really LOVE labels, but I love to stand out. I always think outside of the box, and started my own trend, So I thought. Soon to find out, people remembered me because of my big hair and bright ass clothes. When I think of Scene girls, I think NEON!<3 I think coon tails, (I've had those,) piercings, big hair, and one hell of a personality. Great style and a badass attitude. I love people who have that if they've got it, flaunt it attitude. Partying is so much fun with Scene kids. We always have a good time<3 I love to promote others, especially ones who are Scene. I have a modelling site, just for Scene kids. Screeeam! Scene Modelling. My goal is to expand the Scene kids, make this shit worldwide. Now, that'd be amazing. A world full of Scene kids? Sign me up.
Bring Me The Faitherss

Personality makes a scene kid. No one wants to be around someone boring. Be random PLEASE. Everyone love a random person. Anyone can be a scene kid. Stand out. People will say stuff just smile and walk away. BE CONFIDENT!!! Its one of the most important things. No matter, what be yourself. Don't stress about the small stuff or about pleasing everyone.
LoVe HoPe
Bring Me the Faitherss
LoVe HoPe
Bring Me the Faitherss
AideKitty Aide Robles

People say scene kids are "dead" that "scene is dead" to me the scene style will never die and most people who say that are just haters.Most people hate scene kids because they are very confident and most people are intimidated by that.They hate scene kids because no matter how hard they try to put us down our confidence is stronger than their words.LONG LIVE THE SCENE.
lana drown destiny

people say scene kids are wanna be. scene kids arn't wanna be they are who they are. to become scene don't worry about people likeing you. most people won't. us secen dress differently and add our own style. most poeple think scene style is unnormalbut to us its normal. be who you are not what others want uoy to be. bring your own style to your scene look and wear what you want and dont let people tell you what to do. if people judge you don't let it bring you down. be glad being yourself.
Brutal Bitch Klick

Every wear you go people stare no matter what you wear. You could be wearing the most gorgeous thing or the most horrifying thing. But it depends on how you act in it. If you act like you care there will be dirty looks. If you at like you don't there will still be dirty looks but it's only because there jealous. Just remember to be who you are and wear what you want. That's how Scene kids act.
Every wear you go people stare no matter what you wear. You could be wearing the most gorgeous thing or the most horrifying thing. But it depends on how you act in it. If you act like you care there will be dirty looks. If you at like you don't there will still be dirty looks but it's only because there jealous. Just remember to be who you are and wear what you want. That's how Scene kids act.
HachikocupcakesAmane Tiara

MichieBearr Michelle

Not everyone is the same, even if ppl want us to be. I've gotten called everything, Emo,Fag,Wannabe. But u gotta be strong n shrug it off. I personaly hate stereotypes. But thts just me, i don't call myself scene, i call myself me. No matter what anyone thinks of u, be urslef, always. If someone eles is going thru the same crap u went thru, help them thru it. It's hard finding urself, ur style may change a million times, but u'll always be u. Scene kids get called every name in the book, just because we r different shouldnt mean anything. We act the same,talk the same, have the same frinds, but they still hate us. We r different than the average teengaer and always will be. You dont have to have purple hair, and snakebites to be called scene. Ur attitude and how u want to present yourself is what makes you scene,or emo,or a prep. It's the same everywhere, There are wannabee scene kids, the ones who want to be scene but don't have what it takes,and real scene kids. You can tell from just looking at the way a person walks or dresses, if they try too hard theyre a wannabee, if they dont care wtf u think tht is a true scene kid. We are different and we need to stay strong always and forever, MichieBear<3
Mika Rawrasaur

Not everyvody has to be unique, like emo/scene.
i dont understand why people have to be disaprooved.
'Hate' is a very strong word, but sometimes 'Different' Needs to be good. you need to stand out and face the world.
be Who you want to be and not what nobody eles wants yout to be.
the world is shite.
People say scene kids are emo. and like slitting thereselfs and look like they got gangbanged by cralola or something.
but, we just like to be different.
and if you dont like it.
i dont understand why people have to be disaprooved.
'Hate' is a very strong word, but sometimes 'Different' Needs to be good. you need to stand out and face the world.
be Who you want to be and not what nobody eles wants yout to be.
the world is shite.
People say scene kids are emo. and like slitting thereselfs and look like they got gangbanged by cralola or something.
but, we just like to be different.
and if you dont like it.
caotic carleigh

Every one is unique and every one is different, don’t matter if people criticize you. All you need to know is that your happy just the way you are, scene kids are different that’s what makes them special, there might be one or two people who dislike it but that’s only because they don’t understand different yuu should always be confident and proud of who you are and never let anyone bring you down because of it.

Corrine Calamity

People think scene queens are not your typical people. Some despise and others love,but whether you're in the love or hate categorie...we can't keep worrying about what people think. When I walk into a room with my hair teased,neon tutu,and arms covered and bracelets, I don't care about the couple glaring at me from across the room,or the nasty things being saidd by some elderly woman. I walk with pride, talk with pride, and act with pride. So, no matter how many people judge you, don't let them get in the way of you and your scene dream. Got that? As I always say, "To be scene, you must make a scene." <3
CuppyCakez Phillips

Critisism is everywhere.Theres never not gonna be someone who hates you, not everyone is pleasable. So just embrace your imperfections. Its important to know who you are and what you want in life. Never forget people hate others because they cant reach the same expectations, they are jelous and feel powerless. Be a noob, stand out and have fun, there's nothing more important than you! People say scene kids are freaks but in reality are they? Or is it the people who critisize the freaks. No one's perfect so never change!
livi lynn

Everyone is unique in there own way. No matter where you go, there is going to be people that don't like you. You are who you are and no one can change that but you. Remeber that confidence it beautiful!! But try not to be over confident because then you might come off as stuck up and you don't want that. Some people may hate you because you are pretty and they may even try to hurt you. It is important not to let those kind of people get you down. If you know the thruth then thats all that matters! Remember that scene girls are not very common so be ready for dirty looks and being rejected by others. There will ALWAYS be people who will accept you for who you are so stick with those kinds of people. Do not ever become scene to please other people. Being scene is about being unique and embracing your differences. Also remeber that everyone has flaws so never feel like you are the only one who is not perfect. Never put yourself down because it is un-attractive and draws negative attention to yourself. If people insult you for being scene ignore them because you ARE beautiful and words can't change that.But also try not to be a door mat. Be confident with yourself and love who you are! You are you for a reason so let it show and be proud of the person that you are!!
Kyles KylieAnn

Well, i’m sitting here at 12:03 a.m, tryna think of ideas for this article. Since i’m not exactly good at that, i’ll just tell you a little about myself. I’m Kylie Ann. My nickname is Kyles. I’m 14 years of age. I’m single. I play volleyball. I <3 make-up, hanging out, texting, partying, internet, photography, skateboarding, &&much more. I hate drama, disgusting things, fakes, &&fighting. I party a lot, I’ve drunken before. I’m no fake. There aren’t many people yu can consider ‘scene’ or ‘emo’ at my school. Most people like to tease people for being even dressing like one. i’m not here to please everybody, &&be ‘Barbie’, I’m here to show what kind of person I am. Any questions? Ask.[:
kat martin

Everyone is special in there own way. You will never come across someone who is exactly like you. There will always be people that don't like you or that are jealous of you. Just try to ignore those people and stay true to yourself. Never change to make other people happy. If you are happy with the way you are then that's all that matters. Be confident! You ARE gorgeouse and no one's words can change that about you. Don't become scene to make yourself seem cool. You may be called a fake, and you will be rejected alot. If you choose to be scene then it shouldd be because this is what YOU want to be not what your friends want you want to be. Scene queens are not very common so you will not always be accepted. But you will definatly find people that like you for who you are. If you choose to be scene then remember that you will probably never be part of the "it" crowd. But that is sometimes a good thing. If you are yourself then you are more likely to find people who like you for you. Those people will be there for you until the end. So be yourself, be confident, and embrace the differences inside of you!!!
Caitie CrunkkFayce

Scene is not dead! Most people think scene is dying but those people who think that are wrong! Scene has been going on for quite some years but it is not dead or dying. Scene is on offspring of punk. Punk has been going on for over 30 years! So punk is alive...but scene is dead? This style is not dead, and never will die.
Taiya Terror

What does scene mean to me?
Scene is a wonderful thing! Its not only a style, or way u act, its a way of life. Being scene you have a little bit of childhood left inside that easily shows, and you can be proud of it! Being scene shows you that your not afraid to be who you are and to stand out. I love to confident in the way i am, but not overcoinfident..... There might be people who will hate and make fun of you but a true scene person will love being scene too much to stop! Be who you are for yourself, not for others <33
Taiya Terror XD
Scene is a wonderful thing! Its not only a style, or way u act, its a way of life. Being scene you have a little bit of childhood left inside that easily shows, and you can be proud of it! Being scene shows you that your not afraid to be who you are and to stand out. I love to confident in the way i am, but not overcoinfident..... There might be people who will hate and make fun of you but a true scene person will love being scene too much to stop! Be who you are for yourself, not for others <33
Taiya Terror XD
Mariah Riot

Scene isn't about hair or make-up,its about being you,being unique. People say thats scenes are weird,crazy&Outragious,but thats who we are. We Are not afraid to make a scene. Confident is a big thing! Don't let anyone's judgements affect you,cus their low-life people who have nothing to do then just judge other people without getting to know them first. Scenes are creative,intellegent,amazing people you'll ever meet. Their fun,Just completely friendly and ofcourse dare-devils. Their style is just mind-blowing,and their good at photography. Even though some people say scenes are snobby.Don't believe them. It takes courage to stand up for your style,your you,your unique,your scene :)
Mina MakeOut

Being scene in a hot country.
Okay, so I know how hard it can be to keep looking cool in the heat. I’ve been scene now for six years now maybe? And I’m from England but every summer, my family and I travel to Cyprus…oh dear, the heat can honestly be unbearable and this applies to a lot of hot countries.
So how can you stay scene but still keep cool? Well to start with, the hair, straighten it obviously and use things such as Garnier Fructis Intense Anti-Frizz Serum, I recommend something like this so once you go out side your hair won’t go POOF! From all the humidity. Secondly, you don’t need a big sweeping bangs/fringe to be scene, sometimes its just too hot for that, take your bangs/fringe and backcomb it slightly, spray it with extra hold hairspray and sweep back into a quiff, it keeps you looking trendy and hard core without making your forehead sweat like crazy. Also, some days, it can be too hot to keep your hair down, so tie it up! Having your hair in pigtails can be very scene and cute, especially on short hair (high pig tails) and on long hair (low pig tails). For both, backcomb the crown before tieing into desired style. Also a side pony tail looks gorgeous, backcomb the crown, do a large quiff or side swept bangs then back comb the pony tail its self. This looks very gorgeous and is sported by scene girls around the world. And it will keep you cool no matter what. But trust me, with all the crazy coloured hair and clips and bows, it WILL look gorgeously scene.
Alright, next, the clothes. Thankfully, scene girls often like dolly flats so phew! Wear maybe a strappy pink tank top, a black rara skirt covered in stars, and some cute flats a lot with a hello kitty bow and bracelet. Thankfully clothes are simple.
Next, make up, alright, here you have two options really. Firstly, if you have good skin, wear a little tinted moisturiser and no foundation, reason? You will sweat off that foundation soo quickly. Next, heres where you have the choice on the eye makeup, you can go for all black eyeliner, but it often can look harsh if your wearing summery clothing, so instead you can wear smudged black pencil eyeliner, it gives a little Smokey look and abit of colourful eye shadow and save the harsh black eyeliner till night time.
Oh and I totally just winged this. LOL
Okay, so I know how hard it can be to keep looking cool in the heat. I’ve been scene now for six years now maybe? And I’m from England but every summer, my family and I travel to Cyprus…oh dear, the heat can honestly be unbearable and this applies to a lot of hot countries.
So how can you stay scene but still keep cool? Well to start with, the hair, straighten it obviously and use things such as Garnier Fructis Intense Anti-Frizz Serum, I recommend something like this so once you go out side your hair won’t go POOF! From all the humidity. Secondly, you don’t need a big sweeping bangs/fringe to be scene, sometimes its just too hot for that, take your bangs/fringe and backcomb it slightly, spray it with extra hold hairspray and sweep back into a quiff, it keeps you looking trendy and hard core without making your forehead sweat like crazy. Also, some days, it can be too hot to keep your hair down, so tie it up! Having your hair in pigtails can be very scene and cute, especially on short hair (high pig tails) and on long hair (low pig tails). For both, backcomb the crown before tieing into desired style. Also a side pony tail looks gorgeous, backcomb the crown, do a large quiff or side swept bangs then back comb the pony tail its self. This looks very gorgeous and is sported by scene girls around the world. And it will keep you cool no matter what. But trust me, with all the crazy coloured hair and clips and bows, it WILL look gorgeously scene.
Alright, next, the clothes. Thankfully, scene girls often like dolly flats so phew! Wear maybe a strappy pink tank top, a black rara skirt covered in stars, and some cute flats a lot with a hello kitty bow and bracelet. Thankfully clothes are simple.
Next, make up, alright, here you have two options really. Firstly, if you have good skin, wear a little tinted moisturiser and no foundation, reason? You will sweat off that foundation soo quickly. Next, heres where you have the choice on the eye makeup, you can go for all black eyeliner, but it often can look harsh if your wearing summery clothing, so instead you can wear smudged black pencil eyeliner, it gives a little Smokey look and abit of colourful eye shadow and save the harsh black eyeliner till night time.
Oh and I totally just winged this. LOL
scenebellaqueen fashionlover

I am one girl who might not look skinny or cute and have long hair but it's not about looks or size or how tall you are. I belive that any girl or guy can be thich,skinny,short,or tall, young or old you can always be a star and even a "model". In that case I am only 5'4 and 150 pounds and seventeen. I love fashion and I love to dance and show off my personal style. I think that modeling can be for anyone,even though everyone is always saying you can't be a model because your not hot or not tall and skinny and beaitiful but it's really about personality and inner beauty. So I say give people a chance and not just skinny pretty girls. I can make it happen and I can make a difference. So please let me be a model and let me prove to the world who I really am. Thank you
scream;KAITLIN kaitlin

The names kaitlin. Im scenekid, from Good ol' crack head barre vermont. I don't care what people have to say about me, im me. So what if i wear a tutu to school? People can stare all they want. so what? i have big hair, and to many colors to count in my hair. Sure, My clothes have no matching colors. So what if i wear pink skinnys with a hello kitty shirt? fuck what others think. I am me. I set styles
GinnaCakes Kelsey

Be Who You Wanna Be... Sure People Criticize... But They Are Stupid Because Its What You Wanna Be And That's What They Can't Understand... So Do you Hair Wild... Act Like Your The Most Important Thing In The World... Because Its Your Decision Not The Haters.
Staar Venom Jaymie

I love scene style and everything about it,
its unique and colourful,
i like to be different,and i love putting different colours in my hair,
My makeup is usually white in the corner and different colours on the outside,
Scene style is all about the colours and its about who you are. :)
I love being different, and not a clone like everyone else.
I love scene style and everything about it,
its unique and colourful,
i like to be different,and i love putting different colours in my hair,
My makeup is usually white in the corner and different colours on the outside,
Scene style is all about the colours and its about who you are. :)
I love being different, and not a clone like everyone else.
Jezz_bitchdoll Jessica

nobody is perfect in this world, so do not try to be like people want you to be, because even so you will be criticized even envied, so just be yourself and let the comments and criticisms aside, and do not change because people want, if you'll change change by yourself.
Morgan Moshpitt

To be scene u have to be unique but still be youself and some one your not.. Here are some steps to help you get started.
1.Get the hair;choppy layers,either black or blond,hair extions,and lots of hairspray
2.Skinny jeans are a must! all different colors will do
3.Cool shirts like your fav band or something you belive in. plaid shirts are cool too:)
4.Lots and lots of makeup. go on youtube and u can fer ser find lots of scene makeup looks.
5.Get the attitude. Scene kids are nice,funny,and random.. but dont go around screaming i love gir and hello kitty every other sentence. also scene kids are nice to everyone even the ppl who think you look just plain old crazy.
6.Make a myspace,facebook,youtube,bebo account and anyother cool site thats scene.
7.Become friends with the scene kids around your city
What youll need:
Lots of money.. or your parents
makeup;eyeliner,mascara,eyeshadow ect.
Hair straightner
Hair extenions
cool phone that has internet unless ur parents dont want u to have internet; envy slid,envy 3,plam pree,plam pixi,samsung reality,chololate touch ect
hair dye
dont try going scene over night cuz then ur just a poser.. use summer breaks. no matter what people are gonna judge you.You r gonna have haterz but haterz make you famouse. Have Fun and Good Luck
Remember youtube is a good site to use to find hair and makeup looks =)
1.Get the hair;choppy layers,either black or blond,hair extions,and lots of hairspray
2.Skinny jeans are a must! all different colors will do
3.Cool shirts like your fav band or something you belive in. plaid shirts are cool too:)
4.Lots and lots of makeup. go on youtube and u can fer ser find lots of scene makeup looks.
5.Get the attitude. Scene kids are nice,funny,and random.. but dont go around screaming i love gir and hello kitty every other sentence. also scene kids are nice to everyone even the ppl who think you look just plain old crazy.
6.Make a myspace,facebook,youtube,bebo account and anyother cool site thats scene.
7.Become friends with the scene kids around your city
What youll need:
Lots of money.. or your parents
makeup;eyeliner,mascara,eyeshadow ect.
Hair straightner
Hair extenions
cool phone that has internet unless ur parents dont want u to have internet; envy slid,envy 3,plam pree,plam pixi,samsung reality,chololate touch ect
hair dye
dont try going scene over night cuz then ur just a poser.. use summer breaks. no matter what people are gonna judge you.You r gonna have haterz but haterz make you famouse. Have Fun and Good Luck
Remember youtube is a good site to use to find hair and makeup looks =)
Dree Fo Shizzle

Hey, I'm Dree(=
This is kinda a weird thing for me to do because I live in a place where there aren't really a lot of "scene" people! Now, I don't like to use labels because I don't wanna offend anyone, but sometimes I might, so bare with mee!
There are only about three "scene" people that go to my school. We are kinda given a hard time because it's kind of a crazy style!! But, we learn to deal with it because those people obviously can't accept new thingss :/
I know, I will never be like one of those models like Audrey Kitching or Hanna Beth...But I'm me, and no one can change that. I am Dree and I have learned to live with my flaws and embrace them because those are what make me an InDiViDuAl ;D
This is kinda a weird thing for me to do because I live in a place where there aren't really a lot of "scene" people! Now, I don't like to use labels because I don't wanna offend anyone, but sometimes I might, so bare with mee!
There are only about three "scene" people that go to my school. We are kinda given a hard time because it's kind of a crazy style!! But, we learn to deal with it because those people obviously can't accept new thingss :/
I know, I will never be like one of those models like Audrey Kitching or Hanna Beth...But I'm me, and no one can change that. I am Dree and I have learned to live with my flaws and embrace them because those are what make me an InDiViDuAl ;D
AshleyMarie xP

Hia, I'm AshleyMaire xP. My friends call me Ashwey, for some Bizarre reason.
I really don't like lables but I still understand them.
Being Scene means being different but still you and your happy about it. I haven't been judged much on the way I look or act, but when I do I just smile, laugh an walk away. Everyone gets judged or stereotyped and you have to get over it because your the only one who knows the truth about you. You will be loved and you will be hated, just remember those people are still thinking about you.
~AshleyMarie xP
I really don't like lables but I still understand them.
Being Scene means being different but still you and your happy about it. I haven't been judged much on the way I look or act, but when I do I just smile, laugh an walk away. Everyone gets judged or stereotyped and you have to get over it because your the only one who knows the truth about you. You will be loved and you will be hated, just remember those people are still thinking about you.
~AshleyMarie xP
Paige Paranioa

Ohai Paige Paranoia here :]
through out my life i have learned to take everyones hate and turn it into possitive.
Yes im aware I have flaws.
If i didn't I wouldn't be human.
I've lernt to not care what people think of me.
I love myself the way i am.
I am a unique individual.
I fallow no ones trends.
I fallow my own creativeness.
I am thee nicest person you'll meet.
I love to do hair and make new styles with hair.
I do my make up different everyday.
I am me :]
No one can change that
Oh and im bi. :]
That is all :]
through out my life i have learned to take everyones hate and turn it into possitive.
Yes im aware I have flaws.
If i didn't I wouldn't be human.
I've lernt to not care what people think of me.
I love myself the way i am.
I am a unique individual.
I fallow no ones trends.
I fallow my own creativeness.
I am thee nicest person you'll meet.
I love to do hair and make new styles with hair.
I do my make up different everyday.
I am me :]
No one can change that
Oh and im bi. :]
That is all :]
Kaylee KillJoy

scene names!!
kayso, everyone knows to be 'scene' you gotta have big hair, a love of colors, and the best friken name:) sooooo
imma tell yew this.
make your name YOU, noone needs to be called bailey brutal if they are sweet as cookies:L pick somthing that yew wont get tired of... like Destiny Disaster. don't use common words! like 'horror' 'massacre' Or 'murder' EVERYONE goes for them! but they are sooooo old!! grab a dictionary! the werider and harder the word, the more fun:)
BUTTTTT make sure it rolls of the tounge. don't have people fumbling over it. if you want it to ryhm...well thats probably best.
so yeah,
ahem, so with that
ibid you adu and hope you have a kick butt naem if ya follow this steps.
(if your still having troble with a name... google 'scene name generater' it'll help out!!)
kaylee killjoy
kayso, everyone knows to be 'scene' you gotta have big hair, a love of colors, and the best friken name:) sooooo
imma tell yew this.
make your name YOU, noone needs to be called bailey brutal if they are sweet as cookies:L pick somthing that yew wont get tired of... like Destiny Disaster. don't use common words! like 'horror' 'massacre' Or 'murder' EVERYONE goes for them! but they are sooooo old!! grab a dictionary! the werider and harder the word, the more fun:)
BUTTTTT make sure it rolls of the tounge. don't have people fumbling over it. if you want it to ryhm...well thats probably best.
so yeah,
ahem, so with that
ibid you adu and hope you have a kick butt naem if ya follow this steps.
(if your still having troble with a name... google 'scene name generater' it'll help out!!)
kaylee killjoy