
Kylee Krunk| Arizona| A Skylit Drive and Pierce the Veil are my favorite bands and I love black cats with baby blue eyes (RaNdOm)| If you want to know anything more about me or maybe see if we have anything in common just ask

people say scene kings are "emo" "wrist cutters" many people criticize scene kids and truth is the term "scene" is just a statement to describe a person, the term "scene" is nothing but a label. i personally think "scene" kids are are people who have their own sence of style that like a certain way of dress.

I'm andreia, I'm 22, taken.I'm generally quite talkative and friendly. I can be nice, but get on my bad side, and I can be one of the rudest, cold hearted people known to man kind. I don't argue like anyone else, I get personal.
I don't think like your average 17 year old. I have a higher intellect than most 22 year olds, I find it hard to have a proper conversation with most people. I can't stand talking to people who don't type in proper English and who I can't actually talk to. My perspective on life is so much more complex than anyone else I have ever known. I think things far too indepth and my view and opinion on things are so much more detailed to what others are. I enjoy going to the beach to think. I enjoy being quiet and thinking to myself sometimes. I like heart to hearts, they give me a chance to get to know someone.
I don't think like your average 17 year old. I have a higher intellect than most 22 year olds, I find it hard to have a proper conversation with most people. I can't stand talking to people who don't type in proper English and who I can't actually talk to. My perspective on life is so much more complex than anyone else I have ever known. I think things far too indepth and my view and opinion on things are so much more detailed to what others are. I enjoy going to the beach to think. I enjoy being quiet and thinking to myself sometimes. I like heart to hearts, they give me a chance to get to know someone.

What Is Scene To Me?
Scene is showing your beauty in a way not natural to others. It isn’t weird to be scene; everyone just finds it weird because it’s not their everyday “normal” style. Scene is where girls or guys can show their unique style to the world. Not everyone is the same why try to act like it? Show who you are and Be unique! It’s what scene is all about.
Scene is showing your beauty in a way not natural to others. It isn’t weird to be scene; everyone just finds it weird because it’s not their everyday “normal” style. Scene is where girls or guys can show their unique style to the world. Not everyone is the same why try to act like it? Show who you are and Be unique! It’s what scene is all about.

I go by Kady Karma. (Kay- dee) You can give me present and cake on July 2nd. I am 16 years young. :D I am Singlee! If you want to talk to me out of myyearbook, ask for my number or email me at (hxc_scream_scene @yahoo.com) My Best Friends would have to be Haydon, Devin, Josh, Nicki And Jessica. I am bi sexual. mostly into guys tho but i am looking so girls too so dont be shy hun. I am a Sophomore at Stivers School For The Arts. I go there for Theater. But i hate it. :/ I Speak English, A Little Bit Of Spanish & German. I Am Learning How To Skateboard. I Love Sports. Mostly Football, Baseball, Soccer & Track. I Dont have a Religion. I just know that theres a devil & a god. But i believe in god. I am Native American, Dutch, German, Irish & Of Course White. I refuse to be 2nd best. I will always be first, so guys, don't think since you going after some chick and it don't work out cause she rejected you, that you come to me cause you also "like" me. Not gonna happen. I have anger management problems but there getting better. Well no ones perfect, so yeah I'm not perfect and any one who wants me to be perfect can go fine some barbie doll cause you wont find any girl in this world that is perfect. I am a believer in God & i go to church every Wed & Sunday. I try not to judge people cause i don't want someone judging me. I try to live by the saying "Treat others the way you would want to be treated." I'm Very Outgoing. Not That Shy. Get to know mee!! :D i dont bite.... that hard ;) Any Question? Ask Me(:
Teasing your hair!

The first thing you should do when you tease your hair is make sure your hair is straightened and just the way you like it. After you have straightened all your hair begin with the under layers. You can clip the other layers back with a clip or a hair tie as you take a comb and brush it towards your roots. You should start closest to the roots and slowly work outwards, once your done with one layer of your hair tease the other layers one at a time and brush the top layer so it is smooth and doesn't look messy. After you finish one side proceed to doing the other side with the same "layer by layer" technique, making one side smaller than the other. Make sure to tease your bangs slightly as well so they won't be flat and look out of place. You can clip your bangs with a cute colorful bow or some sort of hair clip or just leave them as is! It isn't necessary to tease your hair for school, usually just for dances/concerts/or special occasions will do. If your hair is damaged you should not tease your hair all the time because it could make it worse. Also people will look at you weird for having huge hair but just remember to be yourself and be confident.
Good Luck!
- Taryn Torture
Good Luck!
- Taryn Torture
Scene Blonde

You don't have to have bleached blonde hair.. Dark Black eyeliner to be scene.. You have to have ORIGINALITY.. I live in a family where if your different your stupid.. I'm the stupid one of my family.. I choose to express myself not because I want to be cool.. I do it because I was born this way.. Scene to me means embracing your flaws..Being original.. Following music.. Music means the world to me.. My hair is my best quality.. I don't look like that many people.. I laugh till someone yells at me.. I don't care about what others think.. Because I am Sara Anne.
Soo Adorable!

About a year ago me and my friends really got into you tube videos of people doing scene hair & make up and well we fell in love my friend Brooke really helps me with my style doing my hair when she spends the night and everything she's really my inspiration.when i do go on my own and i go to my youth group sometimes i do get teased for being different but i just brush it all off and i really don't care what anyone thinks or says about me family is sportive of me being a SQ and that really helps me
Scene kids

People say scene kids are weired, but i say we are unique. We have an appearance that stands out in a crowed but we dont care. I know for a fact that i like to be diffrent. I exspress myself throught my appearance. Whether its the way i style my hair, do my make-up, or dress. Its diffrent. Im one of a kind. I find that i get stared at alot in public but i dont care i keep my head up high and continue walking. I also find that i get steriotyped also. I dont let them get to me though i just tell them to screw off. Im proud my appearance and wouldnt change for anyone. I feel confident and strong because of it. So when i hear someone down talk me i just ignore them beccause i know its stupidity on their behalf.
Scene Style

Hello, I’m MirlyZombieCupcakeEater.
What I believe in about the style about Scene is they are the happiest people and the most unique because we are different from most people but in a good way. You don’t have to be gorgeous or ugly, just be yourself. Never do something because your friends do it. Always stand out and don’t fit in. That’s what matters most.
In my opinion makeup is, a lot of different colored eyeliner pops out your eyes to make them more noticeable and teasing your hair and making lots of choppy layers make your hair look like you have more volume in the hair & add a few wild colors to spark up your looks. If you can’t dye your hair, use extensions. They are not too much money. Or buy white hair extensions and dye them any colors you want.
Clothing & Jewelry
Colorful crazy-looking socks and dark colored skinny jeans with bleached spots make your legs look longer and sexier. Solid colored spaghetti straps and plaid buttoned shirts will make you look skinny and curvy but only button the shirt half way to show off your spaghetti straps. For shoes, use either flip flops or Air walks and wear Fluffy Leg Warmers over them. I personally love wearing a lot of jewelry like Jelly bracelets, chokers, Brass knuckles, piercings and toe rings.
But it’s most important that you keep smiling and don’t let haters make you blue. Every hater makes you famous and they all make you stronger. Last thing is, Follow your dreams and let no one get in between that.
What I believe in about the style about Scene is they are the happiest people and the most unique because we are different from most people but in a good way. You don’t have to be gorgeous or ugly, just be yourself. Never do something because your friends do it. Always stand out and don’t fit in. That’s what matters most.
In my opinion makeup is, a lot of different colored eyeliner pops out your eyes to make them more noticeable and teasing your hair and making lots of choppy layers make your hair look like you have more volume in the hair & add a few wild colors to spark up your looks. If you can’t dye your hair, use extensions. They are not too much money. Or buy white hair extensions and dye them any colors you want.
Clothing & Jewelry
Colorful crazy-looking socks and dark colored skinny jeans with bleached spots make your legs look longer and sexier. Solid colored spaghetti straps and plaid buttoned shirts will make you look skinny and curvy but only button the shirt half way to show off your spaghetti straps. For shoes, use either flip flops or Air walks and wear Fluffy Leg Warmers over them. I personally love wearing a lot of jewelry like Jelly bracelets, chokers, Brass knuckles, piercings and toe rings.
But it’s most important that you keep smiling and don’t let haters make you blue. Every hater makes you famous and they all make you stronger. Last thing is, Follow your dreams and let no one get in between that.

Hi my name is Bailey. I am 15 years old and live in minnesota. I have been teasing my hair since i was 13. I change my hair regualarly...lets just say ive had basically any color you can think of.I have alota haters but to be honest i dont give a fuck i beleieve every person is different and why die a copy when you can die an original? I think you should be who you wanna be after all haters make you famous.I usually wear skinny jeans and band tees. I mix it up though. I cn go from wearing band tees ripped up skinnys and converse to. Wearing a striped sweater with skinnys and flats. I wear alot of make up because i like my eyes to stand out.I pretty much always have big hair if i dont you'll probably thinkim sick.Big hair is always amust flat hair juss ehh icky but i think i should be in Scene Queens because im confident, pretty, have good hair, im sweet, kind, and straight forward :] thank you for your time love Bailey BlackHeart <3

Draven Storm Chaos<3
15 years young(:
So yepp this is me ^_^ I don't give a crappp if yu like me or not! Ima SQUIRREL! OOPPPS! lol. I have a ton of fun mainly because I can be random and HYPER! SUGAR! 0-0 If your judemental and do those stero types let me say GET OFF MY PAGE! have a good life ^_^ If yu hurt meh or my friendss i will be forced to kill yus! ^_^ Trustt meh i can make it look like an acident! ^_^ i love mtn dew!!!!! <33 anyways(: im 15 years young && enjoying lifee(: horses. music.cookies. squirrels. yepp :) MUSIC = LIFE<3 Squirrels - are frickin amazin! they jump & its like wee!!! yesh i do run circles and say wee at random points ^_^ take me or leave me. (: I don't change for people so stop trying! :) People i could care less about! Fakes r annoying! lies are stupid. cookies are sweet, chewy, awesome wit cooffffeeeee!!!! :) burrittos are gods! Gir & Hello Kitty need to become empires of the world! :) My music is a mixture of: screamo, metal, emo, some 80's rock, & techino. Lifee is not funn without randomness! i love chainsaws! :) my style is whatever is in my closet! ;] movies: horror!
cookies: chocolate! dislikes: noobs && fakes likes: not yu ;] status: idk bored lol xD ;] favorite movie: A Haunting in Connecticut :) idk what else to say ohhhh yeahhh! Loves: Drawing, Music, Guitar, Track, && cookies n squirrels. :) <3 lol will tehehe scene forever <3 lol
bai bye :)
-Draven Storm Chaos <3 ^_^
15 years young(:
So yepp this is me ^_^ I don't give a crappp if yu like me or not! Ima SQUIRREL! OOPPPS! lol. I have a ton of fun mainly because I can be random and HYPER! SUGAR! 0-0 If your judemental and do those stero types let me say GET OFF MY PAGE! have a good life ^_^ If yu hurt meh or my friendss i will be forced to kill yus! ^_^ Trustt meh i can make it look like an acident! ^_^ i love mtn dew!!!!! <33 anyways(: im 15 years young && enjoying lifee(: horses. music.cookies. squirrels. yepp :) MUSIC = LIFE<3 Squirrels - are frickin amazin! they jump & its like wee!!! yesh i do run circles and say wee at random points ^_^ take me or leave me. (: I don't change for people so stop trying! :) People i could care less about! Fakes r annoying! lies are stupid. cookies are sweet, chewy, awesome wit cooffffeeeee!!!! :) burrittos are gods! Gir & Hello Kitty need to become empires of the world! :) My music is a mixture of: screamo, metal, emo, some 80's rock, & techino. Lifee is not funn without randomness! i love chainsaws! :) my style is whatever is in my closet! ;] movies: horror!
cookies: chocolate! dislikes: noobs && fakes likes: not yu ;] status: idk bored lol xD ;] favorite movie: A Haunting in Connecticut :) idk what else to say ohhhh yeahhh! Loves: Drawing, Music, Guitar, Track, && cookies n squirrels. :) <3 lol will tehehe scene forever <3 lol
bai bye :)
-Draven Storm Chaos <3 ^_^

HI im Jasmine A.K.A Juicemen grape juice FTW xD my friend Alyssa candyQueen is epic she said to join so we could take pics together i live in Virgina thts as far as im going o3o BUTTT i love my friends cause we can be ninjas all we want im crazy and SUPER NINJA WACHA xDDD i love to draw im good at ask inyone <3 if i had not learned this style from others and pics i saw i would be weird xDDD (PEACE) -pooferz- n_n

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance.
you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are alot of things. Some say that they're gorgeous, others say they're fake posers of other styles, I think scene kids are just people who're finding a way to be unique in a crowd of the same ol' same ol'. It isn't about teasing your hair, eyeliner, or how many friends you can get on some site, it's about having fun with people who take delight in being bright and cheeful.
you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are alot of things. Some say that they're gorgeous, others say they're fake posers of other styles, I think scene kids are just people who're finding a way to be unique in a crowd of the same ol' same ol'. It isn't about teasing your hair, eyeliner, or how many friends you can get on some site, it's about having fun with people who take delight in being bright and cheeful.
How to be Scene

how to b scene(:
well 1szt of all evrybody can b scene(:
well lesz qet to the qood sztuff(:<33
well almoszt all scene qirlsz wear qkute dressesz or rlly tqht skinny jeans with a qkute top.(:
ur shirtsz can be band t shirts or cartoon characters(:
skinny jeans..! thy can b any type of skiny jeans(:
well the shoesz can be vans or converse(:
make up(:
well all moszt scene qirls habve their eyes black or in color..!:D u habve to habve B I G..! eye lashes and thy can be black or diff color(:
ur hair..<3
ur har needsz to be puffy or teaszed howebver uwant to call it(:
hmm u can dye ur hair in many colorsz liqke me(:
i hbe it pink&black(:
well ur hair needsz to b biq biq(:
well thtsz all the qood sztuff(:
well 1szt of all evrybody can b scene(:
well lesz qet to the qood sztuff(:<33
well almoszt all scene qirlsz wear qkute dressesz or rlly tqht skinny jeans with a qkute top.(:
ur shirtsz can be band t shirts or cartoon characters(:
skinny jeans..! thy can b any type of skiny jeans(:
well the shoesz can be vans or converse(:
make up(:
well all moszt scene qirls habve their eyes black or in color..!:D u habve to habve B I G..! eye lashes and thy can be black or diff color(:
ur hair..<3
ur har needsz to be puffy or teaszed howebver uwant to call it(:
hmm u can dye ur hair in many colorsz liqke me(:
i hbe it pink&black(:
well ur hair needsz to b biq biq(:
well thtsz all the qood sztuff(:

Heyy Brandy iz who I am(: I have an open <3 so come on inn. I'm the type of person who constantly needs 2 b reminded that everything will b ok. I am easily saddened. I'm terrified of spiderz and I have a hole in my skinny jeans:P I am an unusual gurl ( u could say ) I am very friendly so thatts gewd. My perform smells like a candle shop(: syrup is yummy:p I do not need to get a mohawk or punch sum wallz 2 show how hardcore I rly amm. I make up my own wordz:p I'm extremely insecure but I deal. Give me sour kandy nd I'll look Chinese fer yuu. I trust nobody except fer my big bro(: Ima dork. I hava crush on my ipod. . . its getting pritty serious so . . .I cannot go a day without listening to music, it is my medicine. I'm so clumsy, but I've been told its cute. I cannot keep a straight face xD I'm totally short(: I write poetry/stories. I can be a perv and I laugh at inappropriate things. I almost always get those days when I feel like this, "Intoxicating emotions rise drowning my hopes. I watch as I grab for the surface. too full of these toxic emotions. and im a little scared of what's coming. its all dark and im floating in a red sea of ones blood. whats wrong with me? Forget my flaws." I <3: My Bff's Family Evanescence Tacos Pandas Polar bears Skulls Hello kitty Happy bunny Piercings Tattoos Boyz Gurls Drawing Art Singing Poetry Writing Guitar Keyboard Skateboarding Horse shampoo Weeny doggyz Never shout never Perform Candles Roses Invader zim Zombie land Cellphone Cookies Polka dots Bows Scarfs Skinny jeans LOVE. Love me, hate me, whatever(:

Im Sammi :)
I love being me its just who i am ,
I dont let haters bring me down !
I love being scene , and if anyone doesnt like that its there problem !
Being scene shouldnt be just to impress your friends it should be who you are and what you want to be !!!!
I love being me its just who i am ,
I dont let haters bring me down !
I love being scene , and if anyone doesnt like that its there problem !
Being scene shouldnt be just to impress your friends it should be who you are and what you want to be !!!!

well,my scene name is drizzy dreamscape ive tried to become a scene queen for almost two years
im 13 :] about to turn 14 dec. 3rd
im a dork
compleatly insane and very diffrent, but hey that makes me SPecial anyway you wanna see it :]
i have died my hair purple, its a dark purple but its stilll amazing. i cut and dye my own hair.
and yeah you wanna know anything else hit me up on youtube or shoot me an email
[email protected]
lol i said something extreamly lame..who says shoot me an email??
XD anyway i dont really care what people say in the long run its not like they effect me
so i usally just focas on school work i dont have a lot going for me in the modeling world recntly but ive got time and my gutair so im good
im 13 :] about to turn 14 dec. 3rd
im a dork
compleatly insane and very diffrent, but hey that makes me SPecial anyway you wanna see it :]
i have died my hair purple, its a dark purple but its stilll amazing. i cut and dye my own hair.
and yeah you wanna know anything else hit me up on youtube or shoot me an email
[email protected]
lol i said something extreamly lame..who says shoot me an email??
XD anyway i dont really care what people say in the long run its not like they effect me
so i usally just focas on school work i dont have a lot going for me in the modeling world recntly but ive got time and my gutair so im good

When i first got into high school, (grade 7) i was really scared that i wasnt going to be popular. I wasnt confident at all, i felt ugly and i always thought i was fat. At my school, we have to wear uniforms, so its hard to show who i really am. I always felt super ugly in my uniforms. There was this girl at my school, she was basically the most popular girl. She had perfect hair, perfect clothes, she was friends with everyone and all the guys liked her. I guess you could say i was jelous of her. I would always try to wear the popular clothes and i'd try to like the popular music like she did. I was trying to copy the popular style so people would like me better. I felt super unconfident when i saw her, because she'd always look better than me. Im in Grade 8 now and at the begining of the school year, i started to become interested in 'Scene' music and style. I stopped liking 'popular' music and clothes. Theres barly anyone at my school with the scene style, so at first i was scared to dress in the clothes that i like because its different.
Dont be afraid to dress the way you like. Because being a scene kid has made me super confident and i feel BEAUTIFUL. I feel like i finaly found 'MYSELF'. Even if yu get bullied or made fun of, for wanting to be yourself, fuck the haters and dont change because yu want to be popular. But dont ever become scene to impress someone or because thats whats popular. I just wanted to share my story because there are millions of girls in the world who arent confident, i just want to say to all those girls always 'BE YOUR SELF' and NEVER change for anyone.
im scene and im proud.
i fucking lovee SceneQueens.com <3
Dont be afraid to dress the way you like. Because being a scene kid has made me super confident and i feel BEAUTIFUL. I feel like i finaly found 'MYSELF'. Even if yu get bullied or made fun of, for wanting to be yourself, fuck the haters and dont change because yu want to be popular. But dont ever become scene to impress someone or because thats whats popular. I just wanted to share my story because there are millions of girls in the world who arent confident, i just want to say to all those girls always 'BE YOUR SELF' and NEVER change for anyone.
im scene and im proud.
i fucking lovee SceneQueens.com <3

being scene is about being unique and different in a good way . the black eyes, the big hair, the r just the symbols showing that we dont follow the crowd. we are not followers but leaders. the name shows are uniqueness i was born a dull popular name how unique is that there are 4 girl with my name in my pe class alone. but my scene name is. how many teens are called CLASSIC CLECHe. dont let the crowd tease u. you have your own mind, your own style. and they.... well they follow.

Im not totally sure what to make an article about, but what i can say is....be who you are. If your a black scene kid its gonna be kind of hard because it is out of "the NORM" for most people, but thats what make you diiferent. Use your stlye, make it your own, and make it something other people want. it could be a signature look for you=]
=]Jazmine Renée
=]Jazmine Renée

Hello there scene queens.com :) people say scene kids are nasty little kids who are rude do drugs and just party and get wasted. well, that's not true most of us are nice and kind to who ever we meet. Yes, some scene kids do drugs. Also, some party a little bit to much, but that's not all or even half. We scene kids express ourselves with this style called 'scene". We don't try to be clones like other people. We try to be ourselves in our own way.
Gorgeous !

My name is :D:
Scene: SammmiMoooo
Real: Samantha Garelick
Why doo people do it? Do they get a joy out of watching others break down peice by peice or is it getting them to the pointt of suicide? Why do people do it? It's, to say the least, sadd to see so many young, beautiful, teenagers give up the greatest gift solely as a result of bullying. When you look at the population of boys and girls (teenagers especially) being bullyed, it truly is depressing. It seems all young men and women have to deal with this universal issue. It's sad to know that more scene kids have been getting bullied forr expressing themselves in a way that shows off their inner beauty. Homosexuals would also be a target for this dreadful mistreatment happening mainly in schools. This is not something anyone should support and deffinitely not something someone should take part of. It's a hurtful monstrocity and coming from a person who was bullied during elemtary school, I can surely say it was a terrible thing to feel. No one should ever have to be put through that.
People get bullied for how much they weigh, the type of music they listen to, the way interact with others, even the way they look. Calling names or even just profanities of any kind to someone relatively innocent is simply a disgusting thing to do. Saying "Your ugly" can do a lot more damage than what it seems. As human beings, I believe it is our duty to take action and do something big to stop it. Something even bigger than what is happening now. Stop teenages of all ages from taking their lives... Sacrificing literally everything. It all just needs to stop. Everybody is beautiful in their own way and is perfect. After reading this article, I challenge you, yes you, to speak out the next time you see any kind of bullying. Directly stop the horrific cycle, intervene, and possibly save a life.
-Sammmimooo (J@nett!c M@gnet!c loves Sammmimooo ♥)
Scene: SammmiMoooo
Real: Samantha Garelick
Why doo people do it? Do they get a joy out of watching others break down peice by peice or is it getting them to the pointt of suicide? Why do people do it? It's, to say the least, sadd to see so many young, beautiful, teenagers give up the greatest gift solely as a result of bullying. When you look at the population of boys and girls (teenagers especially) being bullyed, it truly is depressing. It seems all young men and women have to deal with this universal issue. It's sad to know that more scene kids have been getting bullied forr expressing themselves in a way that shows off their inner beauty. Homosexuals would also be a target for this dreadful mistreatment happening mainly in schools. This is not something anyone should support and deffinitely not something someone should take part of. It's a hurtful monstrocity and coming from a person who was bullied during elemtary school, I can surely say it was a terrible thing to feel. No one should ever have to be put through that.
People get bullied for how much they weigh, the type of music they listen to, the way interact with others, even the way they look. Calling names or even just profanities of any kind to someone relatively innocent is simply a disgusting thing to do. Saying "Your ugly" can do a lot more damage than what it seems. As human beings, I believe it is our duty to take action and do something big to stop it. Something even bigger than what is happening now. Stop teenages of all ages from taking their lives... Sacrificing literally everything. It all just needs to stop. Everybody is beautiful in their own way and is perfect. After reading this article, I challenge you, yes you, to speak out the next time you see any kind of bullying. Directly stop the horrific cycle, intervene, and possibly save a life.
-Sammmimooo (J@nett!c M@gnet!c loves Sammmimooo ♥)

I'm crazy. Many underestimate me when they shouldn't. I get judged a lot and I'm sick of it. People need to get over themselves...I believe everyone deserves second chances. But once a player always a player. One person can make a huge difference. Don't say u love me then turn your back on me. I love who i am and i don't want to change. I'm 14 and one hundred percent real. I don't like fake people. I have never model before in my life but I love to take pictures and yes I do like to be in them because I like to make memories. So, that's pretty much me

Being scene
Being scene, to me, is more than just a fashion statement. It’s about being unafraid to show everyone who I am. To wear neon “in your face” colours to show the world that I’m not going away. Because being scene is about being seen. About standing up and showing the world that it’s okay to be different. That being unique isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Being scene is about being a part of a family of people who are just like me; knowing that I’m not alone. Being scene is not a fashion statement, it’s a lifestyle…
Being scene, to me, is more than just a fashion statement. It’s about being unafraid to show everyone who I am. To wear neon “in your face” colours to show the world that I’m not going away. Because being scene is about being seen. About standing up and showing the world that it’s okay to be different. That being unique isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Being scene is about being a part of a family of people who are just like me; knowing that I’m not alone. Being scene is not a fashion statement, it’s a lifestyle…

Scene clothing and look: There are lots of different ways that you can dress to look scene. First things first, your hair!! Scene hair is colorfull try putting a little color in your hair. Next, the pants while skinny jeans are a great choice for both girls and boys some scene girls prefer to waer skirts usually with fishnets and converse or a skater type shoe. Also keep in mind that color is good espically bright vibrant colors. Then, you have your shirt and jacket (if you want one). Your shirt can range from band tee's to hello kitty tee's. Anything is accetable but you want your clothing to match you don't want to look like a poser now do you? Last, but not least ACSSESORIES!! Girls espically this one is mainly for you. You want to wear lots of necklaces that are really cute, their are hundreds of awesome nacklaces out there. Another thing for girls is a tiara they are very popular. When you put all of that together you have an amazing style that anyone would love.

My name is Kiliana Heather Danielle Uriel Aster DeCroton Abodon. im 16 years old and well not very normal to say in the least.
i came to America when i was 5 years old, i was born in Austria and raised in France by my mother, i dont know my dad but i have a step-dad. =^.^=
i have 8 sibblings
Gage- my twin(im the older one)
odd that out of all of us i am the only girl.
i have my problems yes, but they make me who i am, Kiliana the Feirce, yet small.
speaking of small im 5'2" tall. my twin who i am OLDER then is 6'4". not fair at all.
people call me Kili, Kilikat, kitty, GB, and Liila.
i am me. no one changes that.
forever and evers
i came to America when i was 5 years old, i was born in Austria and raised in France by my mother, i dont know my dad but i have a step-dad. =^.^=
i have 8 sibblings
Gage- my twin(im the older one)
odd that out of all of us i am the only girl.
i have my problems yes, but they make me who i am, Kiliana the Feirce, yet small.
speaking of small im 5'2" tall. my twin who i am OLDER then is 6'4". not fair at all.
people call me Kili, Kilikat, kitty, GB, and Liila.
i am me. no one changes that.
forever and evers

hey i'm veronica and i'm 15 years old.
i love rock music and i love screamo music.
i don't go around and say that i'm "scene"...i say that i'm me but with a unique twist.
it's hardest being this way becuase of all the criticism i may get from certain kinds of cliques at my school or even from my best friend. she doesn't understand the way i am but i don't plan on changing just for her..i love the way i am and if someone has a problem with it, idc, cuz i most likely have a problem with them too.
the only people i may have who would support me would be my parents, older brother, my friend millie, kenny (<3 him), and my little sister taylor. but i hope that with being on this site, it could help me frind more friends who are like me and can understand where i come from with certain things c:
i love rock music and i love screamo music.
i don't go around and say that i'm "scene"...i say that i'm me but with a unique twist.
it's hardest being this way becuase of all the criticism i may get from certain kinds of cliques at my school or even from my best friend. she doesn't understand the way i am but i don't plan on changing just for her..i love the way i am and if someone has a problem with it, idc, cuz i most likely have a problem with them too.
the only people i may have who would support me would be my parents, older brother, my friend millie, kenny (<3 him), and my little sister taylor. but i hope that with being on this site, it could help me frind more friends who are like me and can understand where i come from with certain things c:

People in my town say scene people are losers. However, i embrace the fact that i stand out. i hang out with a small amount of people that accept me for who i am, an im happy i have them. Being scene to me is important. I love my colorful wardrobe and make-up. Scene.Is.My.Life

People around my town think that scene's are... stupid. they know them as the outcasts, lots of people hate. But to some, were just daring to be different! to stand out! to be ourselves. I go through ugly glares and nasty words spatted to me everyday, i just ignore them. I am confident of myself and others, and no, i don't judge. I love the styles and what scene's do with there hair... ha, i cant dye my hair...yet. But i really do think i should be part of this website.

First, the hair. Many people claim that scene girls can be identified by shorter hair, but this is not necessarily the case. Scene hair can be of any length but what stands out about scene hair is that, like many scene characteristics, it is unique. As we see in the pictures, scene hair is often highlighted by color and very teased and tossed. Scene girls will also often add something to their hair like a bow or a headband.
After the hair, we notice the scene makeup. A part of learning how to be scene is your choice of makeup. Scene girls are often identified by their bright, colorful makeup combined with a traditional type of black or blue eyeliner.
You won’t often see the eyes of scene girl because they will be hidden behind a pair of BIG glasses, which are common with the scene fashion. Scene fashions very quite a bit but are usually characterized by the use of lots of colors and tight, skinny jeans.
Like the hair and clothes, the jewelry worn by scene kids is meant to be scene. With daring colors and sizes, scene jewelry often stands out and is oversized. Body piercings are also acceptable and often applauded in the “scene” scene.
As you can see by now, scene kidz are not goth at all. They bright and daring and, though they will claim that they are not trying to noticed, you will notice them.
After the hair, we notice the scene makeup. A part of learning how to be scene is your choice of makeup. Scene girls are often identified by their bright, colorful makeup combined with a traditional type of black or blue eyeliner.
You won’t often see the eyes of scene girl because they will be hidden behind a pair of BIG glasses, which are common with the scene fashion. Scene fashions very quite a bit but are usually characterized by the use of lots of colors and tight, skinny jeans.
Like the hair and clothes, the jewelry worn by scene kids is meant to be scene. With daring colors and sizes, scene jewelry often stands out and is oversized. Body piercings are also acceptable and often applauded in the “scene” scene.
As you can see by now, scene kidz are not goth at all. They bright and daring and, though they will claim that they are not trying to noticed, you will notice them.

I know I have something special and I want to prove it.
I have something to be Scene Queen,for example my naturally curly hair that's "in the air"
I have something to be Scene Queen,for example my naturally curly hair that's "in the air"

What Is Scene?
Scene isn't something you become... Nor is it something you are or something you hope to one day be called- no. Scene is being yourself. While many may disagree and say it is yet another label society paints on certain people; I choose to believe that the title “scene” is about being able to express all the cute, quirky qualities in one’s personality without dealing with harsh criticism. Acting in this manner allows one to be different without being outcasted. Unfortunately, in today’s society people are ostracized for being unique. We are taught that special is wrong, change is malicious, and anyone who acts in an abnormal way shouldn’t be allowed to exist. If I went to school tomorrow wearing all rainbows and singing in the hallways, no one would think anything was out of place. This is because scene gives people like me… People like us an outlet, maybe even an excuse, to say “I am different. And I act like this because it is who I am”, and everyone accepts that. So it seems that without the scene title, worse names become the labels society deals us, some of which are already too familiar. So, for all the haters out there (h8rs gona h8! hehe), this goes out to you (because ILY!! <3). What is scene? Scene is U.
PS. My hair is black now and it is amazing and I love it.
Scene isn't something you become... Nor is it something you are or something you hope to one day be called- no. Scene is being yourself. While many may disagree and say it is yet another label society paints on certain people; I choose to believe that the title “scene” is about being able to express all the cute, quirky qualities in one’s personality without dealing with harsh criticism. Acting in this manner allows one to be different without being outcasted. Unfortunately, in today’s society people are ostracized for being unique. We are taught that special is wrong, change is malicious, and anyone who acts in an abnormal way shouldn’t be allowed to exist. If I went to school tomorrow wearing all rainbows and singing in the hallways, no one would think anything was out of place. This is because scene gives people like me… People like us an outlet, maybe even an excuse, to say “I am different. And I act like this because it is who I am”, and everyone accepts that. So it seems that without the scene title, worse names become the labels society deals us, some of which are already too familiar. So, for all the haters out there (h8rs gona h8! hehe), this goes out to you (because ILY!! <3). What is scene? Scene is U.
PS. My hair is black now and it is amazing and I love it.


i have a really odd style. mostly i love my braclets i NEVER take them off and i love my hair :3 i usually dont put on alot of makeup but sometimes i just love layering on the eyeliner. i love sparkles and i always put sparkles on my eyes. i love to dye my hair ive had it orange and black red and black blonde and black,black,brown,and blue.i dress in whatever i feel like wearing that particular day but i love my skinnies lol and my blood on the dance floor shirts thats my favorite band,,,makeup suggestions would be to use black eyeliner and if u dont like the pencil kind use liquid and if u have brown eyes dont be afraid to use lotsa purple and sparkles xD. blue eyes well you can pretty much wear anything with those just nothing like plain bold colors mix it up a little dont be afraid to wear what u wanna wear,,and the way i do my hair is i just usually straighten it and have my bangs to the side if i wanna i usually put some clips in it.