xX!Jessica The Jewel!Xx

I've had a very rough life... my dad abused my mom in front of e and my little brother.. no matter what i did it was never good enough for my dad... my mom finally got up the courage to call the cops.... after my dad got out of jail and got visitation.. he raped me... the cops never arrested him.. till now he stalks me and my family. everyone at school bullies me calling me an emo cunt. but they dont get it. im scene not emo. being scene has helped me so much.. by helping me ouch through the bad things and not caring what people think. scene means everything to me. its helped me through life.. thats why id love to be a scene queen.<3
Emii Elektrikk

For me, Scene is about being yourself, being unique. Scene can be stereotyped as emo or rude. Sometimes we're random, and don't care what others think of us. It's about being yourself. To be Scene is art, an art of your own. Being Scene is a form of expression c[= Be confident and just be yourself(:
Erika Esoteric

Hey everyone! This is Erika Esoteric.
I'm from Montana and if anyone knows anything about Montana, it's that there is barely any creativity. Thankfully I live in a fairly decent sized city so no I don't have to ride a horse to school... Even with living in the city, there's not a lot of room for eccentric people. This would pose as a problem for me, but over the years I've come to embrace myself and walk down the hallways of my school proud!
I wasn't always into huge, colorful hair and a buttload of makeup, but when I hit middleschool I started to experiment with it. I went to a private Catholic middleschool where we had to where uniforms, so my dress wasn't what I would call "scene" or even remotely cool but I found any possible way I could to stand out from the preps with long, straight, brown hair. My first experiment was red streaks in my dirty blonde hair. Not too drastic, but a good start.
When I hit highschool I really decided to stand out. I finally had the opportunity to wear my own clothes and I took advantage of it. Skinny jeans are now my best friend along with Big Sexy Hair hairspray and cheap eyeliner sticks. None of the other people I go to school with look unique in my opinion, which is a real shame. Everyone should take a chance and try something different, even if you end up looking rediculous! My peers see me walking down the hall with my big ass blonde and black hair and think I'm a freak, but I love it. I guess one could say I do it for the attention, but really my style is my own way of saying, "Hey look! This is a fair warning of how crazy I really am!" Plus I simply like the way the style looks.
My number one thing to remember is that deep down everyone has their favorite colors of their personality, so express them for the world to see! Even if other's find it strange, do what feels right to you and I garuntee you'll feel great and confident!
I'm from Montana and if anyone knows anything about Montana, it's that there is barely any creativity. Thankfully I live in a fairly decent sized city so no I don't have to ride a horse to school... Even with living in the city, there's not a lot of room for eccentric people. This would pose as a problem for me, but over the years I've come to embrace myself and walk down the hallways of my school proud!
I wasn't always into huge, colorful hair and a buttload of makeup, but when I hit middleschool I started to experiment with it. I went to a private Catholic middleschool where we had to where uniforms, so my dress wasn't what I would call "scene" or even remotely cool but I found any possible way I could to stand out from the preps with long, straight, brown hair. My first experiment was red streaks in my dirty blonde hair. Not too drastic, but a good start.
When I hit highschool I really decided to stand out. I finally had the opportunity to wear my own clothes and I took advantage of it. Skinny jeans are now my best friend along with Big Sexy Hair hairspray and cheap eyeliner sticks. None of the other people I go to school with look unique in my opinion, which is a real shame. Everyone should take a chance and try something different, even if you end up looking rediculous! My peers see me walking down the hall with my big ass blonde and black hair and think I'm a freak, but I love it. I guess one could say I do it for the attention, but really my style is my own way of saying, "Hey look! This is a fair warning of how crazy I really am!" Plus I simply like the way the style looks.
My number one thing to remember is that deep down everyone has their favorite colors of their personality, so express them for the world to see! Even if other's find it strange, do what feels right to you and I garuntee you'll feel great and confident!
Avree RockIt

Never be afraid to be yourself. Individuality is a very important trait. When you have confidence in yourself, people around you will accept you. Never listen to what other people think. The way you see yourself is what matters the most. Being scene is being yourself. Be scene to please yourself, not others. Be yourself. Best advice ever.
Tiara Tragedi

People say we are different(Emo,Scene,Goth..watever) but we say screw them. You ask which color? We say rainbow. You say pop...we say screamo. You say Pooh Bear. We say Hello Kitty and Brass Knuckles <3 Yes we have different colors in our hair, and yes we do have piercings and big hair...SOO!!??!! whats your point>?!!! :D Why do you laugh at us for being different?? Haha now i laugh at you for being just like everyone else. If your weird,goofy, awkward then flaunt it! now matter what other ppl say. Keep on staring it gets me more attention. Yeah..you wish you could be like us!!! Their opinion doesn't matter at all. They only one that matters is yours. There is NO flaw in being Scene. Scene is beautiful. Scene is killer. Scene is YOU!!!! <3 <3 <3
Miss Lauren

I am positively sure that the world is obscured in it's own way. But that is what makes it perfect. Perfect for total disaster. We live in an obscene world. I vomit just thinking of the way people live. Not environmentaly, but mentally. People have their own ways putting others down. Verbally or physically. But the thing is, it should be in our nature to defend ourselves. We should not care what others think of us. We should not care of what others tell us. We should not care. But you should care of what you think of yourself. You are the only person that should matter towards your thoughts and personality. So what if our shoes are "in" or not. So what if that bitch across the street calls you a freak. The only freak there is her, for calling you a freak. So what if you're not academically good in school. So what if people judge you. You shouldn't let the negative feedback, remarks, etc interfere with who you are. This is your life, not theirs. Life is like a Tv show. Everyone is waiting and watching to see what happens next. So give them something to talk about. You

I'm on SceneQueens.net!!!
:D :D :D
I love people who love me for me;I love the people who hate me;because you still give attention to me.
HaHa! I'm really not that pretentious. I do have a heart that is for others, not just for me.
:D :D :D
I love people who love me for me;I love the people who hate me;because you still give attention to me.
HaHa! I'm really not that pretentious. I do have a heart that is for others, not just for me.
Lea laceration

scene kids are awesome. we all have our own personality and we let it show thru our style.
Cassandra Smi:)Lynce

...some may laugh because others are so called "different" and those others laugh because those all seem the same... who knows... so may sing fer sure maybe, others sings fer sure NOT! the commonly quoted saying to those who are familiar with those lyrics or sayings... Is anyone one really different or the same, or who sees the so called beauty and perspectives of this world... some may though who knows.. oh curiosity .. and open mindedness how fun to adore those
Black Princess(:

Kenny Karma

So my name's Jennyfer, and I was born on November 3,1996.
I'm pierced 10 times and I plan to get more.I like photography and piercings (no suprise there!) I'm not perfect and I do stuff I'm not suppose to but it's MY life. No one is ever going to force me to do something I don't want to. I'm Mexican and yes I was born in the U.S.A. Alesana and Asking Alexandria are my top favorite bands.I'm a differnt child, I guess I'm weird? I like cementaries. They're peacful and they help me think. I'm really good at writing but I have to type it. I like to stand out but at the same time I hate attention.I stand up for myself and I don't like drama!I plan on becoming a mortician/funeral director when I grow up. I'm Asexual which means I like no gender but I still date. Many people try to figure me out but they never get far. I'm 5'8 and I love my height! My personality is very childish and simple. Most of the time I smile and joke around. I hide my true feelings and I always try new things. Texting is a favorite thing of mine. I like dying my hair different colors. Right now it's a blue green and black under.People at school think I'm weird and don't like me very much and many don't share my love for hardcore/post-hardcore/"screamo"/"emo" music. Sadly I never been to a concert as mum says I am too young.Um I learned to just be yourself. I wasn't very confident in my skin but now I learned to just say "fuck it" and do what you please. My role models are Spike Zombie (famous Scene queen) look her up she's gorgeous! Amii Sykes is another one of my role models. They're both grogeous and show that you don't have to be stick thin to be Scene. But other then that I say be yourself and fuck what people say and think of you!
I'm pierced 10 times and I plan to get more.I like photography and piercings (no suprise there!) I'm not perfect and I do stuff I'm not suppose to but it's MY life. No one is ever going to force me to do something I don't want to. I'm Mexican and yes I was born in the U.S.A. Alesana and Asking Alexandria are my top favorite bands.I'm a differnt child, I guess I'm weird? I like cementaries. They're peacful and they help me think. I'm really good at writing but I have to type it. I like to stand out but at the same time I hate attention.I stand up for myself and I don't like drama!I plan on becoming a mortician/funeral director when I grow up. I'm Asexual which means I like no gender but I still date. Many people try to figure me out but they never get far. I'm 5'8 and I love my height! My personality is very childish and simple. Most of the time I smile and joke around. I hide my true feelings and I always try new things. Texting is a favorite thing of mine. I like dying my hair different colors. Right now it's a blue green and black under.People at school think I'm weird and don't like me very much and many don't share my love for hardcore/post-hardcore/"screamo"/"emo" music. Sadly I never been to a concert as mum says I am too young.Um I learned to just be yourself. I wasn't very confident in my skin but now I learned to just say "fuck it" and do what you please. My role models are Spike Zombie (famous Scene queen) look her up she's gorgeous! Amii Sykes is another one of my role models. They're both grogeous and show that you don't have to be stick thin to be Scene. But other then that I say be yourself and fuck what people say and think of you!
Jodie Juvenile

Scenes are unique and one of a kind<3
You cant just put on a block of makeup and paint your nails a diffrent colour.You have to stand out, You cant be afraid to dress diffrently, and you cant worry about the haters. Noone can please everyone, and who would want to please the bullys. People might call you emo, or fake, trust me ive been there far to many times to even count, but all i know is, there jelous because they arnt Jodie Juvenile, And that girls
hawt. (Btw thats me) ;D
Just remember, Be diffrent, and stand from the
crowd. <3
Stand out, and BE SCENE<3
You cant just put on a block of makeup and paint your nails a diffrent colour.You have to stand out, You cant be afraid to dress diffrently, and you cant worry about the haters. Noone can please everyone, and who would want to please the bullys. People might call you emo, or fake, trust me ive been there far to many times to even count, but all i know is, there jelous because they arnt Jodie Juvenile, And that girls
hawt. (Btw thats me) ;D
Just remember, Be diffrent, and stand from the
crowd. <3
Stand out, and BE SCENE<3
Shameless Cheyenne

We are the way we are because of the choises we make in life. You will always be the center of attention no matter where oyu go. You may get bad looks, funny looks, ugly looks, all kinds of looks, but know who you are and why you wanna be that way. If someone ssays something mean to you just ignore it, dont say anything mean back cuz no one likes jerks. Let everything go be free, don't sit there and keep it in, be wild. And if someone looks different or acts different dont make fun of them cuz don't forget your different too. People may look at you funny but that's their choice of what they think of you not everybody elses, you need to know that you are beautiful to yourself. Plus dont you think the world needs more different people, everyone cant just be the same thats sane.
MariexDork DarkRainbow

Whatever :)
Ppl who r rude they r just jelous :))))
Im Not Rude!! Im Just telling you this.... :/
SceneKing You Rockk DuDE!!!
Luvee Chuu!! My Smexie Gurllzz...<3
Keep up the gud WoRk Ps Im 13;))
Ppl who r rude they r just jelous :))))
Im Not Rude!! Im Just telling you this.... :/
SceneKing You Rockk DuDE!!!
Luvee Chuu!! My Smexie Gurllzz...<3
Keep up the gud WoRk Ps Im 13;))
Shana EatsMonsters

Being a scene isn't about how fancy your name is, or how many friends you have online, or how many colors you put in your hair. Its about showing people who you are. And just causing a scene!
Devin Effing Skylar

I don't really know exactly what to type... But I suppose I'll write a few of my "tips". And let me start by saying I don't fully consider myself "scene." Not yet anyways. Right now I'm just experimenting with different styles, and I like this website so I choose to get on it x) Well, I think if I were to define "scene", I guess I would say its making your very own style. Meaning, you make it your own, but its called scene. I guess, I mean. That's just what I would say:) I think the most important part, is to be confident. No matter where you go, people will critisize you. That can be in a good or bad way of corse. But as long as you are around people that support and respect your decisions, I think you shall be okay xD Well, that's all I'm gonna say for now:) Mmk baii-baii c: <3
Morgan Murdering

Scene kids are different, yes, but that doesn't mean don't be one because your afraid of what people think. A scene kid is an "out there" type of person. They want to stick out and be different. It only makes them more unique. Don't get pushed around because of your looks. Make your choices. Be different and be proud of yourself. Confidence is important and it makes you more yourself. Be what you are because, scene is being who you are. You are what you want to be and never let anyone tell you diffeent.
McKenzie lollipop

mabe i was getting used to the unnormal
maybe it was becoming my normal
maybe i don't even remember how it was before anymore
maybe i hate the fighting but my life has becomea warzone
maybe i miss the peace
...maybe i miss you
maybe i miss when i was little and i didn't have to act like i was a grown up
maybe i just want to be a kid still
maybeif i could i wouldn't be the way i am but i am
maybe it was becoming my normal
maybe i don't even remember how it was before anymore
maybe i hate the fighting but my life has becomea warzone
maybe i miss the peace
...maybe i miss you
maybe i miss when i was little and i didn't have to act like i was a grown up
maybe i just want to be a kid still
maybeif i could i wouldn't be the way i am but i am
Phobia Fanasty

Heyo! im Megan aka PhobiaFanasty and im going to tell you who i am and why im so obscene mawhahaha:D...Okay i love modeling,Fashion,and Photography...I hang out with my friends love partying at techno clubs and The most important thing is that i love Teasing my hair... i have a addiction i tease my hair like every 30mins or so...I have a beautiful Best friend people say we look alike :D....I love school my favorite subject is Science...My favorite color is Black and Hot pink...The reason why i love being the way i am is because im different i hate being like everyone else i think its so not rad at all....well im going to tell you how i got my name...My mom always told me "your Phobia is like the best Fanasty in the world"...Every time she say that to me my fears would go away... :) i love my mom so much..being scene is not a thing you just become by saying your scene you have scene in you heart and soul...i have that i was scene when i was crawing and i still am im going to be this way until i can't scream no more... i have my own band called HomocideHazard i love screaming my soul out to every one i know... i love who i am...i am that black SceneQueen:D
Jenny Sext <3

Come on eileen <3
Annalisa Amphetamine

People stare. Look at you like you don't belong. Talk behind your back. Make fun.
Honestly... Who the cares?!??
Scene kids are one of a kind. Original. Different. We're the ones that always get complimented on our awesome hair and usually awesome personality. We always stand out from the crowd. Never become upset or discouraged about your choice to be or become a scene kid because of something someone said or did to make you feel as though you you didn't fit in or belong. Stay confident and never let anyone put you down for who you are. If you get a rude or nasty comment on a picture, your appearance, or for just being yourself, as I always say, kill them with kindness.. :)
Honestly... Who the cares?!??
Scene kids are one of a kind. Original. Different. We're the ones that always get complimented on our awesome hair and usually awesome personality. We always stand out from the crowd. Never become upset or discouraged about your choice to be or become a scene kid because of something someone said or did to make you feel as though you you didn't fit in or belong. Stay confident and never let anyone put you down for who you are. If you get a rude or nasty comment on a picture, your appearance, or for just being yourself, as I always say, kill them with kindness.. :)
Maria Mishap

Being a real scene kid is a way of life!
It's not just a style to dress or a stereotype. To be a real scene kid, you have to be scene on the inside too.
Even though having teased short layers in your hair is scene, it takes more than that to be a real scene kid.
A real scene kid just stands out with both their personality and their appearance because it's who they really are.
They'll continue to be real scene kids whether they're somewhere where being scene is either loved or hated because they aren't going to try to hide their true selves.
Posers and haters don't understand what being a true scene kid is. Being scene is actually very complex and beautiful.
Maria Mishap
It's not just a style to dress or a stereotype. To be a real scene kid, you have to be scene on the inside too.
Even though having teased short layers in your hair is scene, it takes more than that to be a real scene kid.
A real scene kid just stands out with both their personality and their appearance because it's who they really are.
They'll continue to be real scene kids whether they're somewhere where being scene is either loved or hated because they aren't going to try to hide their true selves.
Posers and haters don't understand what being a true scene kid is. Being scene is actually very complex and beautiful.
Maria Mishap
Psycho Savanah

What scene means to me is... When someone isnt afraid to express themselves and they are who they are. Its not about the different hair colors, piercings, or clothes, its about the inside and expressing yourself.[:
Dina Disaster

People say scene kids are weird or thats what I commenly get,but the simple fact is we are all diffrent. Scene to me is a term that means unique. We all have our own style no one person may be the same. So many of us are judge based on our looks instead of what is inside. I dont know about everyone else but I like to go against what others do. I do not like to have the same stlyle as someone else I try to mix it up every once and a while. I commenly get the term trashy thrown my way because of my peircings, make up, hair color, or style of clothing. I just look the other way because I love the way I look and I will not stoop to their level. I try to be as nice as I possibly can to everyone. When it comes down to the glares the song pretty girl rock by Kari Hilson pops in my head. All I can tell you is to be yourself. Don't dress or act a certin way to make someone else happy do it for yourself. Be diffrent that is what scene truly is to me.
Heleana Heartless

hey im heleana heartless! i love being who i am! its what im good at. being myself is the best. lots of people like my style. i like to go crazy with colors. everyone should love themselves. we are born who we are. in your life your the star so why not shine the brightest?
Scarlet Greene

Life has its bumps and stumbles. Just pick yourself up and continue on. Everyone has their opinion of you. Whether negative or positive, it doesn't matter what people think if you. Its your life, live it the way you want to. Don't let those who try to bring you down actually take you down. People everywhere will judge you. Be the more mature person and let it go. Don't let anything get to you and give up. That's what they want. Stand strong and proud for who you are. That's all you can do. Don't color in the lines. Scribble yourself everywhere. Don't follow the crowd. Stray away from it. Don't be close-minded. Open your mind to the world and make it your own. Splash your colors everywhere. Be who you are.
Mixxi!3 Mon$ter M!x-UP

Everyone is different and noone should be Critized for that. I myself am really outthere and don't care about what people think of me, im me and if you don't like ith well..then thats to bad because i tihnk im pretty damn awsome, along with other people i no. No i don't think im perfect but thats how i like it. To me anytihng "perfect" or "normal" is the farthest thing from it. i am perfectly unperfect. And im loving every second of it. so be yourself. Lifes to short to live the same day twice.
Keep the love <3
Keep the love <3
SugarRushSavannah Benton

I'm Savannah..I love meeting new people and i dont like drama...Hit me up xD
Susan Suicide

My name is Susanna, people prefer to call me Susan. I'm 13 years old, from Denmark. But i'm half Portuguese, i'm in 7th grade. I'm taken, and heterosexual.
LilMonster kikki

what is SCENe queens?!?!? its a site were you can express who you are and be yourself. being scene doesnt meen your weird , it just means you unique !! i rather be hated for myself then loved for whom i am not !!!! i personaly love scene queens :D
Casey CrazyBitch

Scene Is Not Unique, YOU are.
You all say that scene is such a unique style, but here's the truth: it isn't. THOUSANDS of people all over the world are scene, and guess what? They all look just alike. Big hair, bold make up, and eye catching clothing is cute, but it isn't unique. "Scene" isn't unique. All the scene kids do the same thing; they tease their hair, cake on eyeliner, get similar haircuts, wear similar clothes, talk alike, listen to mostly the same bands, and take similar pictures. You're not unique when you're just following some style that other people have set. What makes you truly unique is when you wear and do things that define YOU. Wear things b/c you like them, not b/c you're trying to follow some trend. And most importantly: don't go by any name other than the name your parents gave you and don't label yourself. You are YOU, you are different and special in all your own ways. Stay true to it.
So, if you get what I'm saying then tell yourself now:
"I am not scene, I am not emo, I'm [ your name here! ]"
Thanks for listening, I hope I've been an inspiration [:
♥, Casey.
You all say that scene is such a unique style, but here's the truth: it isn't. THOUSANDS of people all over the world are scene, and guess what? They all look just alike. Big hair, bold make up, and eye catching clothing is cute, but it isn't unique. "Scene" isn't unique. All the scene kids do the same thing; they tease their hair, cake on eyeliner, get similar haircuts, wear similar clothes, talk alike, listen to mostly the same bands, and take similar pictures. You're not unique when you're just following some style that other people have set. What makes you truly unique is when you wear and do things that define YOU. Wear things b/c you like them, not b/c you're trying to follow some trend. And most importantly: don't go by any name other than the name your parents gave you and don't label yourself. You are YOU, you are different and special in all your own ways. Stay true to it.
So, if you get what I'm saying then tell yourself now:
"I am not scene, I am not emo, I'm [ your name here! ]"
Thanks for listening, I hope I've been an inspiration [:
♥, Casey.