Darlene Determinate

Be really nice to everyone you meet. Scene girls often come off as rude teens. Most people would be pleasantly surprised if a scene kid came up to them and was super nice, because most people immediately think that Scene kids are going to be arrogant and full of themselves because of the stereotype.People may confuse you to be emo but thats ok just correct them. Be sure you are very peppy sweet and happy. Dont act like you hate everything
Become active on social-networking websites. Start out with, of course, MySpace and/or Facebook. Add as many people as you can on MySpace, but save your Facebook for people that you know personally. After that, then try branching out to other sites that tend to be "scene-popular", such as Twitter, Stickam,thescenekidz.grouply.com, Buzznet, formspring.me, and Model Mayhem.Try sitemodeling. This is where you can "model" for different "agencies" run by other people, and it can earn you some major scene points. You can often find these sites as profiles on Facebook and Myspace. After a while, you can even go elite and apply for the elite agencies.Add a cute, simple background to your page (preferably something like Hello Kitty or a Victorian wallpaper), upload a few flattering pictures of yourself, make a playlist of some of your favorite music, and send friend requests to other scene kids. Having a catchy screenname, although totally optional, will also raise your scene-point quota.YouTube is also an important part of social networking. Have an account and maybe make some videos on "How to Style Your Scene Hair," etc. because they are becoming increasingly popular in the scene world and will increase your scene image. If you become more popular on YouTube, you could even start a video blog about anything you like.
Dress like a scene girl. Clothes are very important, and you must dress the part in order to be successful in this venture.Converse are popular.Wear flats like ballet shoes and even metallic/designer flats. Tutu like skirts are a must. Slip-on Vans are very popular among scene kids, as well as most other Vans. (Warning-wearing Vans too much if you aren't a skater could result in you being called a poser.) You could also try some checkered or colorful shoe laces.
Your Going To Need... Stuff Like:
* Reliable internet access.
* A good stylist.
* Straighteners.
* Wax.
* Comb.* Hairspray.
* Cute bows.
* Colored extentions.
* Washed-out skinny jeans.
* Any color jeans (just not the tide-dye ones).
* Band tees.
* Vans.
* Converses.
* Boots.
* Black skirts.
* Neon leggings.
* Hairclips.
* Necklaces with hello kitty.
* Hamma beads.
* Chains.
* Make-up brushes.
* Foundation.
* Powder.
* Concealer.
* Pencil eyeliner.
* Liquid eyeliner.
* Mascara.
* Full length mirror.
* iPod.
* Itunes.
* Good quality camera.
* Cool mobile phone.
* Lots Of Hairspray
Become active on social-networking websites. Start out with, of course, MySpace and/or Facebook. Add as many people as you can on MySpace, but save your Facebook for people that you know personally. After that, then try branching out to other sites that tend to be "scene-popular", such as Twitter, Stickam,thescenekidz.grouply.com, Buzznet, formspring.me, and Model Mayhem.Try sitemodeling. This is where you can "model" for different "agencies" run by other people, and it can earn you some major scene points. You can often find these sites as profiles on Facebook and Myspace. After a while, you can even go elite and apply for the elite agencies.Add a cute, simple background to your page (preferably something like Hello Kitty or a Victorian wallpaper), upload a few flattering pictures of yourself, make a playlist of some of your favorite music, and send friend requests to other scene kids. Having a catchy screenname, although totally optional, will also raise your scene-point quota.YouTube is also an important part of social networking. Have an account and maybe make some videos on "How to Style Your Scene Hair," etc. because they are becoming increasingly popular in the scene world and will increase your scene image. If you become more popular on YouTube, you could even start a video blog about anything you like.
Dress like a scene girl. Clothes are very important, and you must dress the part in order to be successful in this venture.Converse are popular.Wear flats like ballet shoes and even metallic/designer flats. Tutu like skirts are a must. Slip-on Vans are very popular among scene kids, as well as most other Vans. (Warning-wearing Vans too much if you aren't a skater could result in you being called a poser.) You could also try some checkered or colorful shoe laces.
Your Going To Need... Stuff Like:
* Reliable internet access.
* A good stylist.
* Straighteners.
* Wax.
* Comb.* Hairspray.
* Cute bows.
* Colored extentions.
* Washed-out skinny jeans.
* Any color jeans (just not the tide-dye ones).
* Band tees.
* Vans.
* Converses.
* Boots.
* Black skirts.
* Neon leggings.
* Hairclips.
* Necklaces with hello kitty.
* Hamma beads.
* Chains.
* Make-up brushes.
* Foundation.
* Powder.
* Concealer.
* Pencil eyeliner.
* Liquid eyeliner.
* Mascara.
* Full length mirror.
* iPod.
* Itunes.
* Good quality camera.
* Cool mobile phone.
* Lots Of Hairspray
XoXo Nicole

Scene? What is scene really? Its a self expression. Its a way to be your self and not care what anyone thinks. I used to be depressed because of my flaws and my insecurites. Then one day my friend dyed my hair BRIGHT blue; People stared and honestly, it felt good. I felt like i had found my place in the world. When i first started changing I lost a lot of friends because they didnt "understand" but I did. I knew exactly what was going on for once in my life and wasnt gonna let losing some friends chnge that. So what is scene? Scene is a way to be who you are and not care. Scene is a way to except your insecurities and embrace your flaws. Scene is a way to learn that you are born, you die and in between yoy make a lot of mistakes but you cant let that get you down. Scene is a lifestyle.
Kayl Kangaroo

Well, My names Kayleigh, I'm old enough ;D I'm into music, Screamo to be exact, the bands I'm into are;
-Asking Alexandria
-Bring me the Horizon
-A day to remember
-Enter Shikari
-Blood on the dance floor
I'm always dying my hair different colours aswell! :}
-Asking Alexandria
-Bring me the Horizon
-A day to remember
-Enter Shikari
-Blood on the dance floor
I'm always dying my hair different colours aswell! :}
Kaleidoscopic Kitty Zee

Summer Beauty Tips
Makeup and hair in the summer are obviously different than in the other seasons.
For me, hair is the hardest. Between humidity and heat, having the usual straight and down scene hair is a pain. With the humidity, it is nearly impossible to keep hair straight. Let me explain this scientifically with this excerpt
Now we get to second kind of bond between hair molecules. These are called "hydrogen bonds", and they’re much weaker and more temporary than he sulfur bonds. If you think of the sulfur bonds as being like staples, then the hydrogen bonds are more like paper clips. The amount of water in the air affects these bonds. When your hair dries, these hydrogen bonds get set up. If the air is dry, like on a dry day or under a hair drier, your hair will have a certain amount of curliness to it. If the humidity goes higher, then water dissolved in the air goes bouncing around into everything, including your hair. That is, your hair is absorbing a small amount of water, even though it doesn’t feel wet. The water has a very strong effect on the hydrogen bonds, and allows the "paper clips" to shift around a bit, but it doesn’t affect the permanent sulfur bonds. So the amount of curliness in your hair changes when the humidity goes up. If you have hair that has the sulfur bonds set for curliness (which it certainly sounds like you do!) then your hair will tend to get curlier, or "frizzier", when the hydrogen bonds relax. People with straight hair who curl it with curling irons or rollers or with a brush when they dry it have exactly the opposite experience to yours - their hair straightens out when it gets more humid, but for exactly the same reason. The hydrogen bonds that set up a temporary curliness get broken, and the sulfur bonds that in their case are set for straight hair take on their natural shape.”
So, basically, the water enters your hair and curls and frizzes it. The cure? Don’t straighten your hair. Curl or wave it. This way, you can create a cute look that will also work with the weather. You can still tease it up, but it will work with the weather.
Another summer problem is makeup and swimming. But really, fixing this isn’t as hard as it seems. Though water proof mascara’s and eyeliners are obviously a big help, they can also be unnecessary. Be sure to test before swimming in public, but most mascara’s won’t run in water. The real enemy is rubbing your eyes. With an eyeshadow primer on underneath, as long as you don’t rub your eyes, your makeup will stay put and just fine without any waterproofing.
Makeup and hair in the summer are obviously different than in the other seasons.
For me, hair is the hardest. Between humidity and heat, having the usual straight and down scene hair is a pain. With the humidity, it is nearly impossible to keep hair straight. Let me explain this scientifically with this excerpt
Now we get to second kind of bond between hair molecules. These are called "hydrogen bonds", and they’re much weaker and more temporary than he sulfur bonds. If you think of the sulfur bonds as being like staples, then the hydrogen bonds are more like paper clips. The amount of water in the air affects these bonds. When your hair dries, these hydrogen bonds get set up. If the air is dry, like on a dry day or under a hair drier, your hair will have a certain amount of curliness to it. If the humidity goes higher, then water dissolved in the air goes bouncing around into everything, including your hair. That is, your hair is absorbing a small amount of water, even though it doesn’t feel wet. The water has a very strong effect on the hydrogen bonds, and allows the "paper clips" to shift around a bit, but it doesn’t affect the permanent sulfur bonds. So the amount of curliness in your hair changes when the humidity goes up. If you have hair that has the sulfur bonds set for curliness (which it certainly sounds like you do!) then your hair will tend to get curlier, or "frizzier", when the hydrogen bonds relax. People with straight hair who curl it with curling irons or rollers or with a brush when they dry it have exactly the opposite experience to yours - their hair straightens out when it gets more humid, but for exactly the same reason. The hydrogen bonds that set up a temporary curliness get broken, and the sulfur bonds that in their case are set for straight hair take on their natural shape.”
So, basically, the water enters your hair and curls and frizzes it. The cure? Don’t straighten your hair. Curl or wave it. This way, you can create a cute look that will also work with the weather. You can still tease it up, but it will work with the weather.
Another summer problem is makeup and swimming. But really, fixing this isn’t as hard as it seems. Though water proof mascara’s and eyeliners are obviously a big help, they can also be unnecessary. Be sure to test before swimming in public, but most mascara’s won’t run in water. The real enemy is rubbing your eyes. With an eyeshadow primer on underneath, as long as you don’t rub your eyes, your makeup will stay put and just fine without any waterproofing.
Alexes hernandez

Most people think scene people are entirely rude.
Well no were not,I'm scene obviously and trust me I don't come off rude.
Scene teens are like every one else,there mean at times and nice.
People look at us as if were crazy,And ya we are crazy in the fresh scene way.Were creative and neat,we do everything in are on way.we don't like to blend in with every one its not "cool".
But one thing i have to admit is we come off conceited :3.
LOL anyways im alexes:) But my scene name is Alexes ate them or alexes adore.
i have a random personality wich people come to (adore).
Thts how i got my nick name.
And im 13 yrs young.
K bye:D
Well no were not,I'm scene obviously and trust me I don't come off rude.
Scene teens are like every one else,there mean at times and nice.
People look at us as if were crazy,And ya we are crazy in the fresh scene way.Were creative and neat,we do everything in are on way.we don't like to blend in with every one its not "cool".
But one thing i have to admit is we come off conceited :3.
LOL anyways im alexes:) But my scene name is Alexes ate them or alexes adore.
i have a random personality wich people come to (adore).
Thts how i got my nick name.
And im 13 yrs young.
K bye:D
Lexxii Dinosaur

Hii. My name is Lexxii-Dinosaur. I'm 13 years old. I'm a Nice Creative Silly Random and Adorable Scene Girl (: I love to sing draw and write on my arms. I Love Dinosaurs (RAWR!) Cookiez and Milk,Cheese, My Hair Extentions, My Flat Iron, Sesame Street, and of coarse Smiley Faces. I luv my friends ALOT. There always there for me. Yhu can be my friend (;
Ashley AngelWings

What i think basically how to become scene is wear a lot of diff colours, skinnies, and graphic tees mostly from Hot Topic, Spencers, and Hot Rags..etc. lots of Hello Kitty, Gir, Skellanimals. big bows, teased hair, diff colours in ur hair;even just streaks; necklaces that are longer i guess with characters i mentioned earlier even tutus, skirts with leggins, vand, converse, flats. have to be random, cute, shy a bit, and really sweet
Rachel Radioactive

How To Do Scene Make Up My Way :)
What You'll Need:
Black Eyeliner
Black Eyeshadow
Neon Eyeshadow -in your favorite neon color(s)-
Eye Primer
Powder -preferrably loose-
Eyeshadow brush
Facial Sponge(s)
So, this is how I do MY makeup :) If you don't want to do it this exact way then change it up however you like, if you don't like my way at all just don't use it :) This also works for guys, but I've never seen any guys wearing Make-up where I live so I have no Idea what it would look like :P
Step 1~
First, cover any spots on your face you want to cover up with concealer -acne, dark circles, scars, etc.-
dab the concealer with your finger so that it blends in. Don't rub it in.
Step 2~
Cover your face with a little foundation, too much will look bad so only use a good amount. Different foundations work differently. only apply it while smearing down, the hairs on EVERYONES face -not just you- will show if you smear any other direction. You can use a foundation brush or your hands or a sponge. It's Your choice :)
Step 3~Get a little bit of your facial powder. Make sure to use a sponge! Make sure it's not too light or dark or it'll look weird. aply it the same way you applied the foundation, downwards.
Step 4~
Apply eyeliner on bottom waterline. -the waterline is that white-ish peice of skin right under your eyes, it's usually wet...-
Step 5~
Apply Eye Primer to upper lids, not too much not too little. It should only take a small dab. make sure both sides are even :)
Step 6~
Apply the neon color to your upper lids. Optional- put a second color on the other half and blend the two together.
Step 7~
Put a Small amount of Black Eyeshadow on the tip of your eyeshadow brush, rub it into the creases of your lids. -the creases are the part of your eye you can push into without poking your eye into your head xD it's right below your brow bone-
Step 8~
thicken the eyeliner at the bottom as much as you want, but make sure the outer corners of your eyes have thicker eyeliner, it makes your eyes look more round and big :3 Optional- put a thin line of eyeliner on the upper lids :)
Step 9~
Also, in all my pictures I'm usually just wearing simple black eyeshadow and eyeliner, that's because I don't like the way this make up looks in pictures in case you were wondering x3
What You'll Need:
Black Eyeliner
Black Eyeshadow
Neon Eyeshadow -in your favorite neon color(s)-
Eye Primer
Powder -preferrably loose-
Eyeshadow brush
Facial Sponge(s)
So, this is how I do MY makeup :) If you don't want to do it this exact way then change it up however you like, if you don't like my way at all just don't use it :) This also works for guys, but I've never seen any guys wearing Make-up where I live so I have no Idea what it would look like :P
Step 1~
First, cover any spots on your face you want to cover up with concealer -acne, dark circles, scars, etc.-
dab the concealer with your finger so that it blends in. Don't rub it in.
Step 2~
Cover your face with a little foundation, too much will look bad so only use a good amount. Different foundations work differently. only apply it while smearing down, the hairs on EVERYONES face -not just you- will show if you smear any other direction. You can use a foundation brush or your hands or a sponge. It's Your choice :)
Step 3~Get a little bit of your facial powder. Make sure to use a sponge! Make sure it's not too light or dark or it'll look weird. aply it the same way you applied the foundation, downwards.
Step 4~
Apply eyeliner on bottom waterline. -the waterline is that white-ish peice of skin right under your eyes, it's usually wet...-
Step 5~
Apply Eye Primer to upper lids, not too much not too little. It should only take a small dab. make sure both sides are even :)
Step 6~
Apply the neon color to your upper lids. Optional- put a second color on the other half and blend the two together.
Step 7~
Put a Small amount of Black Eyeshadow on the tip of your eyeshadow brush, rub it into the creases of your lids. -the creases are the part of your eye you can push into without poking your eye into your head xD it's right below your brow bone-
Step 8~
thicken the eyeliner at the bottom as much as you want, but make sure the outer corners of your eyes have thicker eyeliner, it makes your eyes look more round and big :3 Optional- put a thin line of eyeliner on the upper lids :)
Step 9~
Also, in all my pictures I'm usually just wearing simple black eyeshadow and eyeliner, that's because I don't like the way this make up looks in pictures in case you were wondering x3
Pandii Love

How To Become Scene 1.Hello Kitty is ur BESTFRIEND(:
2.Be Yourself.. Remember Scene is a Style(:
3.Your Hair is a BIG part of your looks so add a little color or whatever ur comfortable with :D
4.Gotta Have the Makeup..L.A colors for an example(:
5.Some cute accesories like.. Bows,Braclets,Earings,Neclces and hair extensions(:
6.SKINNY JEANS,Skirts,Shorts,Dresses and Tutu's are good daily wear too(: and some colorful shirts to match(:
7.Can Forget the Scene Nicknames ! :DD
8.Dont take peoples rude comments personal..Ignore it those people have nothing better to do..
9.Take lots of pictures ! and show them of maybe on FB,Myspace,Aim etc.
10. Have ur Mucic with yah(: like take an.. Ipod,MP3 and maybee ur Cell(:
12.Dont be shy ! All eyes ae gunna be on you.. Make those ppl think ur Confedent walk with pride(:
2.Be Yourself.. Remember Scene is a Style(:
3.Your Hair is a BIG part of your looks so add a little color or whatever ur comfortable with :D
4.Gotta Have the Makeup..L.A colors for an example(:
5.Some cute accesories like.. Bows,Braclets,Earings,Neclces and hair extensions(:
6.SKINNY JEANS,Skirts,Shorts,Dresses and Tutu's are good daily wear too(: and some colorful shirts to match(:
7.Can Forget the Scene Nicknames ! :DD
8.Dont take peoples rude comments personal..Ignore it those people have nothing better to do..
9.Take lots of pictures ! and show them of maybe on FB,Myspace,Aim etc.
10. Have ur Mucic with yah(: like take an.. Ipod,MP3 and maybee ur Cell(:
12.Dont be shy ! All eyes ae gunna be on you.. Make those ppl think ur Confedent walk with pride(:
Scarlet Starr

Scene is how I express myself!:)Wearing really dark eyeliner,TEASED hair,Bright&&Dark colors is just what I'm comfortable with.Piercings,dyed hair,and SKINNY Jeans is just What I am.Who I am.I'm proud of being Scene!":)'.When something screams out me,I go for it without hesitation.Not caring if anybody judged.The Fashion Genre I chose wasn't to make a point to others it was to show who I am without saying a word and if people like it Great I like you too,But if they don't I don't really give a ****.I'm bold and noting will change that.We "Scene kids" understand each other and are willing to understand.
Things I Use:
Black Eyeliner
Bright neon color nailpolish
But Also Black.
Favorites colors:
Purrple,Neeon Greeen,and Black!!":)'
Spaghetti's ,Tank tops, T-Shirt
Are the least of the varieties of shirts I wear!!
I try different things without limiting myself
BUT still in my range of style:)
~Scarlet Starr
Things I Use:
Black Eyeliner
Bright neon color nailpolish
But Also Black.
Favorites colors:
Purrple,Neeon Greeen,and Black!!":)'
Spaghetti's ,Tank tops, T-Shirt
Are the least of the varieties of shirts I wear!!
I try different things without limiting myself
BUT still in my range of style:)
~Scarlet Starr
Summer Strychnine

Want to know how to make a sweet smelling perfume that is all natural and will complement your style?
here's how! *note can be messy*
-one bright sunny day
-window silk that gets direct light from sun
-1-3 sweet smelling flower of your choice(my favorite mix is orange blossom and vanilla, if you want to use vanilla and can't get the flower buy vanilla extract and use a TINY bit, too much will make it sticky)
-1 Jar(small works best but any size will do)
-1 cup of water(1 cup for small, 1 1/2 for medium)
-1 strainer
-perfume bottle
grab the flower(s) that you picked and pluck the petals off of all the flower(s).
fill the jar that you selected with the water.
add petals to jar, seal the jar and shake for 30 seconds.
put the concoction on the window silk infront of sun(i feel that 2-3 1/2 hours is best because if you leave it any longer it will smell disgusting!)
put somewhere away from direct sunlight, especially florescent and indoor light(in a cupboard or somewhere else in your home where light wont lit it)keep there for 20 minutes or until cool.
once cool put strainer over bowl and pour(the petals should be the last thing left in the strainer&& dispose of the petals)
pour petal water through funnel into perfume bottle.
here's how! *note can be messy*
-one bright sunny day
-window silk that gets direct light from sun
-1-3 sweet smelling flower of your choice(my favorite mix is orange blossom and vanilla, if you want to use vanilla and can't get the flower buy vanilla extract and use a TINY bit, too much will make it sticky)
-1 Jar(small works best but any size will do)
-1 cup of water(1 cup for small, 1 1/2 for medium)
-1 strainer
-perfume bottle
grab the flower(s) that you picked and pluck the petals off of all the flower(s).
fill the jar that you selected with the water.
add petals to jar, seal the jar and shake for 30 seconds.
put the concoction on the window silk infront of sun(i feel that 2-3 1/2 hours is best because if you leave it any longer it will smell disgusting!)
put somewhere away from direct sunlight, especially florescent and indoor light(in a cupboard or somewhere else in your home where light wont lit it)keep there for 20 minutes or until cool.
once cool put strainer over bowl and pour(the petals should be the last thing left in the strainer&& dispose of the petals)
pour petal water through funnel into perfume bottle.
timeshia wilson

to be scene you cant let nothing bring you down are stend in your way dont make nothing that is little a big problem just ignore it and move on
Simone SystemXx

HI IM SIMONE!! when you hear the word scene you usually hear it in a negative context or is it?
Scene girls are annoying =scene girls are more confident than we are used to
Scene hair looks stupid= I don’t understand it so it’s bad
Scene is dead= I just want it to go away because deep inside I’m a little jealous
To me being scene is being a part of the style while putting your own twist in it and of course people aren’t going to like that your different from them but that’s when you have so suck it up and say “yea I’m different and I’m gonna BE different till I die” if they can’t deal with that they have bigger problems then you think so have fun tease your or don’t wear crazy make up or don’t wear colorful skinny jeans dye your hair or don’t as long as it’s you and your doing for nobody but yourself then its right
Scene girls are annoying =scene girls are more confident than we are used to
Scene hair looks stupid= I don’t understand it so it’s bad
Scene is dead= I just want it to go away because deep inside I’m a little jealous
To me being scene is being a part of the style while putting your own twist in it and of course people aren’t going to like that your different from them but that’s when you have so suck it up and say “yea I’m different and I’m gonna BE different till I die” if they can’t deal with that they have bigger problems then you think so have fun tease your or don’t wear crazy make up or don’t wear colorful skinny jeans dye your hair or don’t as long as it’s you and your doing for nobody but yourself then its right
Raven Shim

How to be a limited Scene Queen.
Does your school or job have a rule against rad colors, or are your parents just total squares? It doesn't matter. Though it might be popular, being scene isn't about having colorful hair, it's about causing a scene, which one can do even with a simple hair color! Here are a couple things I do as a limited scene girl.
1. Neutral hair color.
Like I said above, having a neutral hair color doesn't make you less scene. Look at Brookelle Bones for example. Though scene hair can come in any color, your best bet would be blonde or black. In my opinion, brown scene hair usually just looks messy. Layers, layers, layers! You need choppy layers in order to tease your hair with the best result.
2. Makeup.
If your parents don't let you wear makeup, and you cannot buy your own, then you'll either have to be a natural scene kid or download an editing program to edit on your makeup.
3. Piercings.
Do you really want a piercing to finish your scene look? It's not mandatory, but many scene kids have them. But if you can't get a piercing, buy fake, clip on snake bites! They look totally real.
4. Clothes & Accessories.
Not every scene kid wears flashy clothes and accessories, and you don't have to either. Getting yourself a pair of black skinny jeans and a Hello Kitty tank top is just as good! You can throw in a couple plastic bead bracelets if you want to, as well.
5. Be yourself.
This has got to be the most important step. People can smell a poser from a million miles away, and that's the last thing you want to be labeled as. Don't completely switch on the scene button over night, be gradual about it. Your personal style is yours, don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
So be yourself and have fun, even if you're limited!
Does your school or job have a rule against rad colors, or are your parents just total squares? It doesn't matter. Though it might be popular, being scene isn't about having colorful hair, it's about causing a scene, which one can do even with a simple hair color! Here are a couple things I do as a limited scene girl.
1. Neutral hair color.
Like I said above, having a neutral hair color doesn't make you less scene. Look at Brookelle Bones for example. Though scene hair can come in any color, your best bet would be blonde or black. In my opinion, brown scene hair usually just looks messy. Layers, layers, layers! You need choppy layers in order to tease your hair with the best result.
2. Makeup.
If your parents don't let you wear makeup, and you cannot buy your own, then you'll either have to be a natural scene kid or download an editing program to edit on your makeup.
3. Piercings.
Do you really want a piercing to finish your scene look? It's not mandatory, but many scene kids have them. But if you can't get a piercing, buy fake, clip on snake bites! They look totally real.
4. Clothes & Accessories.
Not every scene kid wears flashy clothes and accessories, and you don't have to either. Getting yourself a pair of black skinny jeans and a Hello Kitty tank top is just as good! You can throw in a couple plastic bead bracelets if you want to, as well.
5. Be yourself.
This has got to be the most important step. People can smell a poser from a million miles away, and that's the last thing you want to be labeled as. Don't completely switch on the scene button over night, be gradual about it. Your personal style is yours, don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
So be yourself and have fun, even if you're limited!
Amanda Sweet

Beauty and Your True Colors
A very brutal topic that most teenage girls come to face in this soicety is pressure to be "perfect"--to have artificial beauty. This puts pressure on most girls but here's a news flash to every girl out there: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.
Just because you're not that tiny double zero, doesn't mean anything. Every single person on this rock floating in space is different and instead of it being embraced,it's heavily discouraged.
"You're not skinny enough".
"You don't have the right look."
"You aren't what we're looking for right now,sorry."
Also along with numerous strings of very hurtfull and degrating terms that get thrown around like nothing comes of it,like no one ever gets hurt or offended by them. Too often enough girls aren't told enough how beautiful they are and how unique they are. True, the whole thing may sound utterly cliche, but it's not.
Women today are treated as if they can alter their appearence in the blink of an eye at any whim-but that is impossible to do becuase society has a constant changing mind. Is it fair? Hell no, but it's the world that we live in.
However, evey single girl out there can stand up and make a diffference by staying true to their true colors and embracing the drop dead goregous women that they are. All you need are these very few and simple things:
1. Confidence and
2. A drive to not be afraid to be who you are.
If you have these two things, then you can truely hold your head up high and see that girls,ever last one of you if beautiful.
A very brutal topic that most teenage girls come to face in this soicety is pressure to be "perfect"--to have artificial beauty. This puts pressure on most girls but here's a news flash to every girl out there: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.
Just because you're not that tiny double zero, doesn't mean anything. Every single person on this rock floating in space is different and instead of it being embraced,it's heavily discouraged.
"You're not skinny enough".
"You don't have the right look."
"You aren't what we're looking for right now,sorry."
Also along with numerous strings of very hurtfull and degrating terms that get thrown around like nothing comes of it,like no one ever gets hurt or offended by them. Too often enough girls aren't told enough how beautiful they are and how unique they are. True, the whole thing may sound utterly cliche, but it's not.
Women today are treated as if they can alter their appearence in the blink of an eye at any whim-but that is impossible to do becuase society has a constant changing mind. Is it fair? Hell no, but it's the world that we live in.
However, evey single girl out there can stand up and make a diffference by staying true to their true colors and embracing the drop dead goregous women that they are. All you need are these very few and simple things:
1. Confidence and
2. A drive to not be afraid to be who you are.
If you have these two things, then you can truely hold your head up high and see that girls,ever last one of you if beautiful.
Ashley Williams

Why I Became Scene:
I once went to a school that wore nothing but uniforms, everybody in that school started blending in and I didnt want to be a part of it. So one day I got a wild hair that once became my style :)
I started wearing Neon bows, Brighter and Brighter make up, Diffrent colored skinny jeans, and a few Tripp skinnies here and there. I pretty much wore EVERYTHING that was against dress code. yeah i got thrown in D-Hall and ISS and stff like that but I didnt want to be a paet of the crowed. I wanted to stand out.
After a year or so of that my dad told me we were moving to the town Im in now [wich will remained unnamed]. Here I can wear whatever I want and not get in trouble clothing wise you know? Well here in this high school there is only 3 TRUE devoted Scene Kids, and Im one of them :) We walk through the halls proud to be who we are. Yeah we get looked at because of our style and our hair but I rather know that out of a sea of people, we stand out.
Yeah I have a diverse range of friends, from Jugglos&Juggalets to Band nerds(wich im Proud to say Im one of them)& Metal heads. and I love every one of them in a diffrent way and yeah my BEST friend makes fun of my Sceneness but Im glad to say I hold my head up high and think to myself, at least I dont blend in Jigsaw xD
I once went to a school that wore nothing but uniforms, everybody in that school started blending in and I didnt want to be a part of it. So one day I got a wild hair that once became my style :)
I started wearing Neon bows, Brighter and Brighter make up, Diffrent colored skinny jeans, and a few Tripp skinnies here and there. I pretty much wore EVERYTHING that was against dress code. yeah i got thrown in D-Hall and ISS and stff like that but I didnt want to be a paet of the crowed. I wanted to stand out.
After a year or so of that my dad told me we were moving to the town Im in now [wich will remained unnamed]. Here I can wear whatever I want and not get in trouble clothing wise you know? Well here in this high school there is only 3 TRUE devoted Scene Kids, and Im one of them :) We walk through the halls proud to be who we are. Yeah we get looked at because of our style and our hair but I rather know that out of a sea of people, we stand out.
Yeah I have a diverse range of friends, from Jugglos&Juggalets to Band nerds(wich im Proud to say Im one of them)& Metal heads. and I love every one of them in a diffrent way and yeah my BEST friend makes fun of my Sceneness but Im glad to say I hold my head up high and think to myself, at least I dont blend in Jigsaw xD
Paula Reddington

Hi, My name is Paula!
I'm scene!! My hair is currently shit!!
Please don't judge it! i have to redye it supper badlY!
I'm Not sure what to write? SO uhhhh.
It is kinda like emo in a way! Just not so freakng deprest! I personally think scene girls are always, Fun, crazy, Nice, Loud, Not afraid to be themselves, Did i mention crazy.
Something to keep in mindd!!!
Scene is a style for the outgoing crazy people!!!. If you are shy or quite. This may not be for you!
The skinny jeans! Must!
TuTu SHould!
Graphic or band tees!!! (If you don't know what i mean just fun shirts)
Crazy jewlery!!!
Hair bow or head band sometimes even sunglasses!
Um that's all
Crazy hair!!
Tease it
Straigten it
Hair spray it
dye it!
Bow it
Extention it!
(teasing is the must!!)
I'm scene!! My hair is currently shit!!
Please don't judge it! i have to redye it supper badlY!
I'm Not sure what to write? SO uhhhh.
It is kinda like emo in a way! Just not so freakng deprest! I personally think scene girls are always, Fun, crazy, Nice, Loud, Not afraid to be themselves, Did i mention crazy.
Something to keep in mindd!!!
Scene is a style for the outgoing crazy people!!!. If you are shy or quite. This may not be for you!
The skinny jeans! Must!
TuTu SHould!
Graphic or band tees!!! (If you don't know what i mean just fun shirts)
Crazy jewlery!!!
Hair bow or head band sometimes even sunglasses!
Um that's all
Crazy hair!!
Tease it
Straigten it
Hair spray it
dye it!
Bow it
Extention it!
(teasing is the must!!)
charlie brokensmile

so many people ask 'what is scene?'
scene is what you make it it is about being you and not giveing a damn most scene queens are seen with teased and straight hair but style it as you wish it is totally up to you just enjoy it and be proud and remember haters only make you stronger xx
scene is what you make it it is about being you and not giveing a damn most scene queens are seen with teased and straight hair but style it as you wish it is totally up to you just enjoy it and be proud and remember haters only make you stronger xx
Erica McChristian

Most Scene kids don't even consider themselves Scene, that's why I love them so much.
They aren't Scene because It's the latest fad, The do it without trying because it's just them expressing themselves.
They're so gorgeous, and most of the time they're soo sweet.
Unlike the wannbe scene kids who struggle with the latest trend. They run around calling themselves scene and act like they own the place&Talk shit non-stop about other non-scene kids.
Music is most scene kids lids life, It doesn't matter ifit's Screamo or pop.
They all have a different Music taste.
From NeverShoutNever! to Bring Me The Horizon
They aren't Scene because It's the latest fad, The do it without trying because it's just them expressing themselves.
They're so gorgeous, and most of the time they're soo sweet.
Unlike the wannbe scene kids who struggle with the latest trend. They run around calling themselves scene and act like they own the place&Talk shit non-stop about other non-scene kids.
Music is most scene kids lids life, It doesn't matter ifit's Screamo or pop.
They all have a different Music taste.
From NeverShoutNever! to Bring Me The Horizon
xXxAlbino DinoxXx

Scene Hair:
Every Scene Queen or Girl or Boy has their own sense of how they would want their Scene Hair to look like. Some try to get their hair to look like the more famous Scene Queens or King. When the Scene style says to make your own style yours. Try and look somewhat different than others. Where different hair colors or don't it's all up to you and now one else. Figure out how you want your hair to look like and try and be unique, and most of all have fun doing it. :)
Every Scene Queen or Girl or Boy has their own sense of how they would want their Scene Hair to look like. Some try to get their hair to look like the more famous Scene Queens or King. When the Scene style says to make your own style yours. Try and look somewhat different than others. Where different hair colors or don't it's all up to you and now one else. Figure out how you want your hair to look like and try and be unique, and most of all have fun doing it. :)
Antra Zagere

emmm an article on scene..well here goes nothin :)
scene to me means expressin my self through somethin diffrent and experimental it lets me be kid whit out feelin childish it makes me fel like i'm a part of somethin specieal somethin extraordinary :)i've always loved cartoons and anime i love bright colors it makes me stand out i dont like bein a blurr...to look scene for me is my hair has to be nice straight and teased not crazy i like wearin colorful hair extensions :) sometimes they get too itchy :/ ohh crapp gettin off topicc ehm so yeah i have to have either a top whiv a cartoon or just plain black :) i love wearin neon tights whiv tutus :)a hello kitty accesorry is a must!!!!
scene to me means expressin my self through somethin diffrent and experimental it lets me be kid whit out feelin childish it makes me fel like i'm a part of somethin specieal somethin extraordinary :)i've always loved cartoons and anime i love bright colors it makes me stand out i dont like bein a blurr...to look scene for me is my hair has to be nice straight and teased not crazy i like wearin colorful hair extensions :) sometimes they get too itchy :/ ohh crapp gettin off topicc ehm so yeah i have to have either a top whiv a cartoon or just plain black :) i love wearin neon tights whiv tutus :)a hello kitty accesorry is a must!!!!
Mercury von Mayhem

music-meaning open for interpretation
When people here music, some think loud racket, some think concerts, and some even think about their favorite band/artist. BUt when I hear music, I think "LIFE".
My motto: MUSIC=LIFE
Music can calm you down, hype you up, make or break a party, and even mend a broken heart (like chocolate ^_^). I know that without music, I'd go insane...especially since I listen to music every single day. I mean I may not like singing for other people to hear but when I'm listening to music, I lose myself and just let it out. It makes me dance, teaches you a new language (yup, I said it!), and for example, when I miss the Caribbean, I listen to songs that remind me of it. I don't listen to music, I feel the music. It lets my imagination run wild and I'm able to create scenes and videos for a song. Everyone has that special song or playlist for their moods. For isnatnce: When I'm calm or a little sad, I listen to my 'Feel Good Jams' which has soft music or rock that's not too hyped. When I'm hyper, I listen to 'Party Jams' or certain sections in 'All My Jams' (yes, when I make a playlist, I somehow end up making sections). So when I'm hyped I listen to brokeNCYDE, Hollywood Undead, Blood on the Dance Floor, Jeffree Star, The Lonely Island, East Clubbers, and so on.
So next time you listen to you Ipod, mp3 player, or even your computer, don't think "What do I want to listen to now.?", think, "What am I feeling right now?" Music is as powerful as any drug out there and can switch up our moods or emotions. No matter what, music is always there for you, music is EVERYONE'S best friend.
-Mercury von Mayhem
music-meaning open for interpretation
When people here music, some think loud racket, some think concerts, and some even think about their favorite band/artist. BUt when I hear music, I think "LIFE".
My motto: MUSIC=LIFE
Music can calm you down, hype you up, make or break a party, and even mend a broken heart (like chocolate ^_^). I know that without music, I'd go insane...especially since I listen to music every single day. I mean I may not like singing for other people to hear but when I'm listening to music, I lose myself and just let it out. It makes me dance, teaches you a new language (yup, I said it!), and for example, when I miss the Caribbean, I listen to songs that remind me of it. I don't listen to music, I feel the music. It lets my imagination run wild and I'm able to create scenes and videos for a song. Everyone has that special song or playlist for their moods. For isnatnce: When I'm calm or a little sad, I listen to my 'Feel Good Jams' which has soft music or rock that's not too hyped. When I'm hyper, I listen to 'Party Jams' or certain sections in 'All My Jams' (yes, when I make a playlist, I somehow end up making sections). So when I'm hyped I listen to brokeNCYDE, Hollywood Undead, Blood on the Dance Floor, Jeffree Star, The Lonely Island, East Clubbers, and so on.
So next time you listen to you Ipod, mp3 player, or even your computer, don't think "What do I want to listen to now.?", think, "What am I feeling right now?" Music is as powerful as any drug out there and can switch up our moods or emotions. No matter what, music is always there for you, music is EVERYONE'S best friend.
-Mercury von Mayhem
Sincerely Brianna

I'm Brianna.
Writing is everything to me.
I have the most amazing boyfriend ever.
I live in London, England.
I talk with a British accent.
I plan to kill all fakes.
I'm a very amusing person.
I give a lot of nick-names.
If you'd like to know more, just ask. :3
Writing is everything to me.
I have the most amazing boyfriend ever.
I live in London, England.
I talk with a British accent.
I plan to kill all fakes.
I'm a very amusing person.
I give a lot of nick-names.
If you'd like to know more, just ask. :3
lovelynn horror

I would not lable my self as 'scene' I lable myself as me, myself, my own style, but if I had to be labled scene, sure would be it. Hello Kitty and Gir are my main items I wear. I have always loved to color my hair, fake die or real, ever since I was a preteen. I've always been fasinated by percings my entire life. My friends say in general I am the most randomly sweet girl they know. yeah I know I don't fit in with my town, but that has never stoped me from being me. I tease my hair every day, my hair is my life it must be perfect, as big as it will let me go. I try to keep my colors bright and different. My main style for my outfits are it has to glow in the dark! Make up has to be dark if not as bright as neon. I put hearts, smiley faces, stars, stripes, dots, and flowers at the side of my eye's to show my mood of the day. Just cause your scene don't mean you can not be a bit of a tom boy also go ahead be like me I love to skate, that will just make me more unique. My skinny jeans tight its a must if they rip i just wear strip or prints of any color under them. Scene is just a lable. the lable every girl/boy should use is 'themselfs'.