How i do my hair/make up

(Well... My picture is actually not how I normally do my hair.... BUT my friend had stolen my curling iron so.... I couldn't fix it right! -.-)
First off, I straighten my hair.. Like perfectly. While straightning my hair, I plug in a small curlling iron. Let it heat up a while (Since I have THICK hair). Then I with perfectly straight hair, I take a small ammount of my hair, very small, and curl it till it hangs at about my chin with layers. I slowly travel all around my hair. When it's done, it normally stays down in a part that I choose or a certain hair style such as pony tail, half up, half down. braid, etc.
Make Up:
Alright... To start off put everything you'll need in front of you. (Cover up, eye liner, eye shadows, mascara, lipstick/gloss/chapstick, blush). first off, I put on cover up EVERYWHERE on my face, even eyelids. I then apply a very small ammount of blush on my cheeks (duhh) I then put on eyeliner... A little, or a lot it depends on my mood, all around your eyes. I select 2 eye shadows that match my outfit. Eye shadow 1 is the base, and then I take eyeshadow 2 around where my eyeliner is on the eyelid only, and on the very corner of my eye. It adds a blended effect. Obviusly.. Mascara as anyone would do it. With my lips... i first put on chapstick, then gloss, then the color of lipstick/lipgloss I would want, and another shade of gloss. Then take your finger and wipe each lip once with no pressure.. And that's how I do my makeup.