Part of being scene is your attitude. You have to not care about what anyone thinks. THERE IS NO SCENE GIRL WITHOUT CONFIDENCE. People will leave mean comments on your photo, it's because they're jealous of you! Like Lil Wayne says, 'And haters at an all-time high. Everybody got a hater like a f*n iPod.' Its true, and scene/emo girl happen to be part of that everybody. Attitude is the second thing people notice about you. The first is your looks, which can give people a negative impression of you.. but who gives a f*ck?! Nobody can tell you who to be or how to look. Not even your parents. And if your parents dont like your scene style, then they should just deal with it or leave you alone. Its not like they never were rebellious when they were kids. IF you wanna be a friend to a scene, your gonna have to deal with their f*ck you attitude and love them for who they are. And if your real friends fall out on you, don't forget that there will aways be your scene girls on sceneque and myspace. <3
love you all :) and myspace. <3
love you all :)