Maxyz MaxOut

You should always love someone like you love yourself when i got done watching "DEAR JOHN" i learn a life lesson and the lesson was ( you love someone as long as you can no matter where you are at in the world, no matter if you are on one side of the world and the person you love is on the other side of the world, you can still love them even if they died or if they are still alive just love them until the end of time) when my grandmother died in 2006 on mother's day i was so upset for weeks i would cry about how much i miss her and i love her with all my heart,my great grandmother died in 2007 i still love her with all my heart,my couisn cory died in 2008 i bearly ever got to see him and yet i still love him with all my heart, my uncle scott died in 2009 he was one of the best uncle i ever had until i die i will still love him with all my heart no matter what happens he will stay in my heart.
Aelixzerias Addikshion

it turns us into porcelain dolls. standing in the midst of beauty and perfection..
craving attention. living for the eyes that fall upon us..
striving for eternal envy.
we are drenched with a disease. oh, vanity, yew are my true love....
disguise ourselves with beauty appliances and sew our clothing with threads of arrogance.
look in the mirror coated with soft light and gaze upon ourselves as if we are god like creatures....
our imperial affliction is self inflicted...
yet remains stable and throughout life, evermore creative...
we are love.
we are beauty.
we are life.
we are scene.
it turns us into porcelain dolls. standing in the midst of beauty and perfection..
craving attention. living for the eyes that fall upon us..
striving for eternal envy.
we are drenched with a disease. oh, vanity, yew are my true love....
disguise ourselves with beauty appliances and sew our clothing with threads of arrogance.
look in the mirror coated with soft light and gaze upon ourselves as if we are god like creatures....
our imperial affliction is self inflicted...
yet remains stable and throughout life, evermore creative...
we are love.
we are beauty.
we are life.
we are scene.
Farrah Fersure

My real name is Farrah sophia whitebutterfly, i'm fourteen years of age, i attend Lincoln High....Go Links + i was born on the 9th of july in 1996 . i have naturally light brown hair but i'm always dying it different colours + yes, i wear extensions. i have brown eyes. i'm around 5'4 + . i have a few piercings, i want tattoos asap. i really don't care if you think i'm 'fat', if your going to insult me, please, use more interesting insults, than 'fat'. cos seriously, i'm bored of them now. i also have my best friends whom i love lots, they all know who they are :') i'm in actual love a lot of bands, their music means the world to me. fact, they are the best bands in the world, k? i HATE bullies, with a passion. so don't even bother talking to me, if you are one. cos i swear to god, i will rip you to shreds. i like correct spelling + literacy. i don't like slang apart from the odd word. but iit piiss3s m3 0ff wh3n ppl lik3 2 tlk lik3 tiis. no, just no. i tend to make people laugh alot, sometimes just out of my own pure stupidity. i love every sort of music out there, from metal to pop; classical to r'n'b. i'm very fussy + can be quite picky at times. i don't have much confidence but when i'm hanging out with the friends, jeez i can be loud, so watch out. most of my friends' parents think i'm a 'bad influence' + 'immature'. what can i say? thats just me. i act like a boy, half of the time. you will hear me burping, farting + swearing. but i love being girly too. i suffer from jealousy + paranoia. i see the negatives in everything, rather than the positives and i hate it. i'm really clingy + some people don't like that. i like to feel loved, so hugs are always welcome. i can be really annoying at times, + i like to make sure that i get my opinion across. i'm a really friendly person, most people think i'm not even before they've spoken to me. thats probably because of all these stupid stereotypes. but anyway, i am nice + i like to help people out. i treasure all the good memories in my life, they keep me going, when things get tough. i have really bad mood swings. i can be over the moon one minute, then wanna punch a wall the next. so, thats all i can think of right now, so if you wanna know any more, just cmmnt me in here or on my profile and i'll get back to you. get to know me, before you judge me. i'm 99.9% sure that i'll be nothing like you expected.
Missy Shady

Sometimes you're going to fall. Sometimes you're going to make a complete fool out of yourself. No matter who puts you down or tells you "no", you need to go out and fight for what you deserve. Many people have told me that I'm not going to become what I want to become. But I let the negativity brush past me. You need to be strong and independent, and if you really want something, you won't find will find YOU. Believe me, you will trip up at times, you will embarass yourself, you may have to struggle and fight for what you want. But trust me, the ending result will be the relief. So who cares if you get made fun of or denied. If there's a chance you will make it, take it.
Lynn Lockdown

Scene is a unique style everyone would want to have. Haters are justt hating on the stlye! ... but youu know whaat, who gives a fuckk. FUCKK THE RESTT, WE THE BESTT <3
Kiersten Karmaa<3

Work on your self-confidence. No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please someone. Also, if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. If you act like it doesn't bother you, people will get over it. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance.But dont get too confident to where you're considered rude.
Be nice. People say scene kids are horrible, nasty little teenagers who spread mean rumors about others and are very harsh to other people they know. You don't need to fit this trend. Instead, make a good effort to be kind to others, and have an understanding that everyone has their own problems, not just you. Who knows? Maybe through your actions, scene kids will be considered really nice. The main reason why scene kids are criticized is because of people assuming they are mean and self-centered.
Become internet "famous" or well known.
Scene kids' music tastes are typically very versatile. Anything from the softest acoustic tunes to fast, brutal blastbeats/breakdowns to some pop/electro-pop can be found in any scene kid's playlist. Bands/artists that tend to be very "scene-popular" include A Day To Remember, The Devil Wears Prada, VersaEmerge, Bring Me The Horizon, Pierce The Veil; and more recently, the genre of "dubstep" has become very popular amongst the scene crowd.
Also having a scene or creative name for yourself thats describes your personality
have fun and sorrii this was sooooo long ^-^
Be nice. People say scene kids are horrible, nasty little teenagers who spread mean rumors about others and are very harsh to other people they know. You don't need to fit this trend. Instead, make a good effort to be kind to others, and have an understanding that everyone has their own problems, not just you. Who knows? Maybe through your actions, scene kids will be considered really nice. The main reason why scene kids are criticized is because of people assuming they are mean and self-centered.
Become internet "famous" or well known.
Scene kids' music tastes are typically very versatile. Anything from the softest acoustic tunes to fast, brutal blastbeats/breakdowns to some pop/electro-pop can be found in any scene kid's playlist. Bands/artists that tend to be very "scene-popular" include A Day To Remember, The Devil Wears Prada, VersaEmerge, Bring Me The Horizon, Pierce The Veil; and more recently, the genre of "dubstep" has become very popular amongst the scene crowd.
Also having a scene or creative name for yourself thats describes your personality
have fun and sorrii this was sooooo long ^-^
Sarah Siren

I was a January Scene Queen. Now it is my birthday month, I decided to apply for March! I have a and .org account so check me out.
Shayzee F. Baby

Name; Shania
Nickname; Shay
& I Live For The Nights That I Can't Remember With The People I Won't Forget <3
Here's where we prove all your fairy tales wrong.
I'm a mess of insecurities.
I will admit, I'm not perfect so don't expect me to be.
I have the strangest way with words and bleed through the tip of my pen; I love poetry.
[And photography]
I'm not your average girl, i can wiggle my ears and lick my elbow.
I live to see the sun set, not to see it rise. I live like there's no tomorrow,
and try to fix the puzzles that are missing half the pieces.
[We only breathe for so long so make the best of it]
I am not invincible. I live fast, cry easy,
and fall hardest for the ones who don't even deserve me.
I'm still waiting on that one exception.
I am not the person anyone would want to be, I've been called everything in the effin book.
But I'm real, I'm me.
Nickname; Shay
& I Live For The Nights That I Can't Remember With The People I Won't Forget <3
Here's where we prove all your fairy tales wrong.
I'm a mess of insecurities.
I will admit, I'm not perfect so don't expect me to be.
I have the strangest way with words and bleed through the tip of my pen; I love poetry.
[And photography]
I'm not your average girl, i can wiggle my ears and lick my elbow.
I live to see the sun set, not to see it rise. I live like there's no tomorrow,
and try to fix the puzzles that are missing half the pieces.
[We only breathe for so long so make the best of it]
I am not invincible. I live fast, cry easy,
and fall hardest for the ones who don't even deserve me.
I'm still waiting on that one exception.
I am not the person anyone would want to be, I've been called everything in the effin book.
But I'm real, I'm me.
Amy Anesthetic

People say scene kids are fake, but I think that they're far from it. Scene kids are confident and they know how to make that show. Personally, I love scene style, it makes me feel like I can be myself. You can truly be yourself in scene style. From colorful clothes, wild patterns, super long hair extensions, or even piercings. But you can make your style unique to you. Rip up a plain old tee, splatter it with paint. Or, dye your hair, whatever color your want, even add animal prints, or other designs. Being scene isn't being a stereotype or a label, it's being you. Even if people hate, just think of the saying, "Haters make me famous." It's true, if someone insults you, or talks about you, they're just giving you more attention. Don't ever let anyone bring you down or change you. Stick to what your heart desires. So keep making a scene, and show those haters what you can do!
GlamX'core Sanchez

In love the hard times will surely call, and no lover is without their flaw. But you must have rain to see the rainbows, and endure the thorns to have the rose. Music is my escape; from all the lies, all the drama, all the confusion, and all the hurt. Music is my escape from reality.Put the earphones in. Turn the music up loud. Close your eyes. And escape from everything else.Music speaks volumes, when words leave you speechless.Tomorrow is a blank page, just waiting to be filled with your dreams… All you have to do is be yourself and live the story of your own unique life. Be proud. Be confident. And most of all be is about trusting our feelings and taking chances losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the whats makes you with the ones who make you smile.laugh as much as you breathe & love as long as you live.
modesty murdered

scene queens and kings, princesses and princes are on top of there game all the time. ya ppl may judge them and criticize them but they are strong. thats what it means to be a scene kid.. to be strong to pull through when people spread lies. to push through all the roomers ppl make just cuz they dont like your skinnies, or you make up, maybe they don't like your big hair. we are all artist who show our creativity at all times. we are the people who choose to step out of that comfort box that world has put us in. we basically flick off the so called perfect society and redraw our own territory lines with rainbow choke and be different. scene kids are strong
Xx Joclyn Baybie xX

Being a scene queen isnt hard work. Just try to be the person inside tryn to let yourself out. like the song.... firework BABY YOUR A FIREWORK!!!
*xX Jocyln Babie xX
*xX Jocyln Babie xX
Lady Phoenix Niall

dont hate posers we all were once when we first started out give them a chance <3
vaniity massacre

my body isn't perfect. i may not walk with confidence. i get into fights with my parents and friends. some nights i rather be by myself than at a party. i cry over the smallest things. there are days that i get through with fake smiles and laughs. sometimes i try to convince myself that things are okay when there not. i not ugly or beautiful. i dont look good in real life as i do in pictures. there are some nights i cry myself to sleep. i constantly think im not good enough.i am imperfect, but im perfectly me.
LuLu Lunat!c

Hello! I'm LuLu <3
I grew up in a hillbilly town. Rednecks everywhere. I never found it interesting. I NEVER wanted to be like them. I went to school and I couldn't understand why everyone around me wanted to just "be like everyone else" or "fit in", so to speak.
I could never gain their approval, or even the approval of my family or who I called my "friends". I began to hate after a while... Hate them, hate me, hate everything. By the age of 12 I was as goth as could be. I wore black, black, black all the time. I embraced the romanticism of death and darkness, because at the time, I thought thats all there was.
When I turned 18 I ran into a cute scene boy. He was so... differrent. So happy and free. Up until that point I thought I hated scene kids... but I then realized up until that point I just didn't understand. This kid had a HARD life, and despite the fact he had to deal with so much, he still found all that sunshine through the rain... He was the like the rainbow.
The more I knew about him the more I liked and the more I saw... scene isn't just vanity or disregard, or stuck up kids who have never known pain. It's a way to turn the pain into creativity, instead of dwelling in it like I was doing. It's a way to express yourself, and be who you are, and do what you love, and not care if the rest of the world judges you.
It's being STRONG enough to be happy, even though the rest of the world may not want you to be.
The rainbow wrapped around my heart the day I met this boy, and it's never left me since. I fell in love with him on sight. His lessons and his love have transformed me.
I'm no longer the Moth dying in the rain... I'm the Butterfly braving it... Flying through the rainbow.
Yesterday was our two year anniversary <3 And our child is due in Late June :)
I grew up in a hillbilly town. Rednecks everywhere. I never found it interesting. I NEVER wanted to be like them. I went to school and I couldn't understand why everyone around me wanted to just "be like everyone else" or "fit in", so to speak.
I could never gain their approval, or even the approval of my family or who I called my "friends". I began to hate after a while... Hate them, hate me, hate everything. By the age of 12 I was as goth as could be. I wore black, black, black all the time. I embraced the romanticism of death and darkness, because at the time, I thought thats all there was.
When I turned 18 I ran into a cute scene boy. He was so... differrent. So happy and free. Up until that point I thought I hated scene kids... but I then realized up until that point I just didn't understand. This kid had a HARD life, and despite the fact he had to deal with so much, he still found all that sunshine through the rain... He was the like the rainbow.
The more I knew about him the more I liked and the more I saw... scene isn't just vanity or disregard, or stuck up kids who have never known pain. It's a way to turn the pain into creativity, instead of dwelling in it like I was doing. It's a way to express yourself, and be who you are, and do what you love, and not care if the rest of the world judges you.
It's being STRONG enough to be happy, even though the rest of the world may not want you to be.
The rainbow wrapped around my heart the day I met this boy, and it's never left me since. I fell in love with him on sight. His lessons and his love have transformed me.
I'm no longer the Moth dying in the rain... I'm the Butterfly braving it... Flying through the rainbow.
Yesterday was our two year anniversary <3 And our child is due in Late June :)
Tiffany Rosiebal

Sorry... I don't understand what you put here.. D:
Lulu Mcburger

No Matter how your life is you will always be yourself Even if you are rich or poor you will always Stand out Because no one can Steal your Style No one Can steal you outfit yea some people may hate you But Half of them Are Hater Because they cant dress as good as Us :3 even if your beginers or Pros at this Style Where Still ourselfs So what if we Stand out Thats Why people Love us :3
so be Confident and Never let no one Bring you down
so be Confident and Never let no one Bring you down

Holly Hood

Well heyloo guys ! My name is Holly Hood , and my fav color is lime green and black and hot pink lol .. And keep reading and you'll see what scene means to me ! Well I think Scene can stand for a lot of things, music lovers being one of them. Us Scene's tend to have a lot of different personality favors than most people, and very in many different ways from Goths and Emo's. Though we are also just another label, we are very much different from the others. Tending to favor polka dots and dinosuars more than others, we are also into the short choppy hair. Us Scene's tend to be a lot brighter than Emo's and Goth's and tend to be more into the social lifing.
Well I hope you enjoyed Scene King <3
- Holly Hood
Well I hope you enjoyed Scene King <3
- Holly Hood

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┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ ●●!peace out love! ●●
hii my name elizabeth.!!! and well im just trying to find away to fit in.. ive been called emo in 5th grade thu 7th so now i joined!!
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┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ ●●!peace out love! ●●
hii my name elizabeth.!!! and well im just trying to find away to fit in.. ive been called emo in 5th grade thu 7th so now i joined!!
Vannah Bear<33

Hola, Shavannahh hurr. Its reallyy savannah but it gets boring. You can call me vannah vanz vannahkins butt my scene name is VannahBear<33 hehe.~.~ IM ASIAN. hehe. well only a little. im 14(x im in 8th grade. Its all about;: ATL, P!ATD, eatmewhileimhot, nevershoutnever, heyhihello, beatles, bring me the horizon, asking alexandria, chelsea grin and etc. Lmfaao.(x Scene is AMAZING. I lovee it because yourr able to show who YOU are and express your ownn personality. I live in a place where theress not muchh scene kids. Im loosing some friends because of me being scene. I learned thatt it doesnt matter what theyy think, if they dont like me for who i am or what i look like or the music i like or what i changed about me then its their loss.
Adios Amigos.
Loverss youu.(:
Adios Amigos.
Loverss youu.(:
Dollface paige

To be Scene? I hear now-a-days everyone saying on what a wanna be scene, they don't look good with that hair or that make-up. But in reality you don't have to look good or make yourself liked by everyone else, to be scene is to be who you want to be and show yourself as the person you think you are, or the person you want to be. you don't have to be Super Skinny, and wear Only Skinnies and Bright colors. You can DO what ever you feel like, how ever you feel like expressing yourself. To be scene for me is to present myself differently from everyone else, not be any where close to how they show them selves. I do my hair BIG and my make-up dark. I show off my flaws and present myself in a way that get's people to look at me in ways noone really should. I am confident i can be really cocky, but ive controlled it. (: I may not wear bright colors or color my hair different colors but in my eyes Scene is not about making a Huge scene it's about expression.
nicky massacre

No matter what u are you are you. WE been called posers , fakes and bitches. That wont stop us. Dont let other control you. Speak for yourself. :D
Tessa Tear

hi im tessa tear! lol to me scene is being free ( cant u tell im into poetry? XD) to be scene means that you arent afraid to show everyone who you are. Everyone will try to break you down for your flaws, so just embrace them!
i play on a high travel softball team and practice everday, i love it ,but like anything else, sometimees its 2 much.. also (like probably most people) i get down.. with a brother who was the best basbell player on his school and is in college for crimal justice, a sister who got a huge scholorship for just art- its tough. but really everything is tough. Being scene lets me express myself through all the times i feel like i cant get through. (believe me throught the years there are so many things i could have just sat down a quit everything that makes me myself) ill always fight with myself about "who i am" but it really should be thinking about "who've i become" oh p.s idc if u dont like me XD haha imma keep being me :3
i play on a high travel softball team and practice everday, i love it ,but like anything else, sometimees its 2 much.. also (like probably most people) i get down.. with a brother who was the best basbell player on his school and is in college for crimal justice, a sister who got a huge scholorship for just art- its tough. but really everything is tough. Being scene lets me express myself through all the times i feel like i cant get through. (believe me throught the years there are so many things i could have just sat down a quit everything that makes me myself) ill always fight with myself about "who i am" but it really should be thinking about "who've i become" oh p.s idc if u dont like me XD haha imma keep being me :3
Tabby Kat

Scene is an expression of who you are. It is colourful, creative, loud, and fun. Be original! Have fun! If its what you love, do it! Tell those who hate on you that you dont care, because you shouldnt. Tell those who say that you're copying them that you're not! Life is to short to try and make everyone else happy. Only make yourself happy, cause you are the only person who matters. And remember to love yourself, because you are amazing! <3
Tr!N!tY D@wN

RaWrrrr:p love life love my FRIENDS(:
Taylor Trapezoid

No one knows you until you knw yourself, but finding that out is a pain n the butt. You go through phase after phase and nothing makes you feel whole. A certain little girl went through that, but then she found the scene way of life. She felt confidence rush through her and started making friends, even if they weren't fond of the scene style, they loved her, not because she wore eyeliner and put harsh chemicals in her hair, but because she figured out her happy phase, the part of her that was content with life. A lot of kids, both boys and girls, find themselves through the scene way of life, which is why people should not hate, they should be supportive people scene kids aren't trying to be just cool and popular, they're just trying to be themselves. Scene kids are hyper, shy, random, loud, silent, nerdy/geeky, sad, happy, and unique. But, most importantly, scene kids are humans, just like everyone else.
Paigee BaybeeFayce

CONFIDENCE AND INDIVIDUALITY. What do these words mean to you? To me, confidence is the ability to be who you are and not care what ethers think because their comments are remarks will NOT change you. Individuality is to be you. Don't be scene, don't be goth, don't be emo, don't be prep. BE YOU. It's the only way to go. Take the path less traveled by because one day you may wake up and think, "damn I should've done that when I had the change", or in the worst case scenerio, you may not wake up at all. Don't regret anything. Be confident, don't let the popular girls bring you down. Because when you're out having fun and living life, they'll be out getting plastic surgery and botox and being, what else? FAKE. No matter what people say, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Embrace it, be confident. Be an individual. Pay no attention to the Paris Hilton's of the world. Be YOU, just you. So ask yourself; what do those words mean to you?
rachey radiant

There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. No matter where you are, people will criticize you. so be ready to take the criticizem. be perfectly inperfect and imbrace ur falws<3