Jocelyn Jelousy

hi there, my name is Jocelyn Jelousy and i want to be a scene queen. scene means to me to be who you are. i really dont care what people say. I just wish i could have a normale life im turning 14 in 5 months and im in 7th grade. a while ago i got heald back. it sucks cuz i feel old when im around people at my school. i have not had the best life when i was little my dad beat me. when i was two my dad left me and i didnt see him for ever. now that i have got to see him i wish i never met him. my dad has changed but his wife has not. so back to talking about scene when i was lil i used to look up scene girls on google and say i wish i where them i got to know some of them and most of them asked me are you scene? and i never knew i really was but i was scene i was exacly like them. i love all the beautiful scene queens and hope i can be one to. i just want to say being scene means everything to me. i love when people say stuff about me i really dont care about it.i just keep on living my wonderful life full of love :) and i love music it makes me get a weirod feeling in my heart but i love it :) <3 when i listen to music it makes my heart follow the beat and try to set free :) i hope i can be a scene queen :) i love you scene king <3
monstorus miranda

fallow your heart and dont let anyone tell u diffretnt forget all the haters there just sinleing u out because your beautiful. dont let people get you down just be u and do wat u want in life not wat other people want u to do or become . most people will call u emo or goth or some other retarted name thats not true so u just smile and think of all the things that rnt tru and u just say thanks and walk away...

Being normal is over rated, I love to stand out and be myself. I've learned that people will judge you no matter what or who you are.When Ithink of scene kids, I think of unique, beautiful people that don't care what everyone else thinks.
Naive Nikki

Do you ever wish you could be glamorous and famous at the same time? Well, you can by becoming a scene queen, but if you think it's not the right thing for you, then, best luck to you finding something else. And with models you could be all glamed-up one day and when you get home you're not, but you can be BEAUTIFUL everyday. Just look up "How to Become a Scene Queen". But you can't, and I mean CAN'T become scene queen in just one day it could take maybe a couple of YEARS, but no matter how long it takes, just know you're beautiful, maybe not on the inside, but on the out, or maybe the other way around. And DON'T just tell people you're scene. Also, don't let others put you down, unless you WANT to be called a poser!! Which I'm hoping you don't, but if you do get called one, just walk away, they'll leave you alone sooner or later. Have Fun!
xxLexi Lushxx

I LOVE BEING A SCENIE! <3 its not about teased hair. racoon eye's, coontails, or anything. its about being yourself. its not about 5 peircings on your face. or wearing skin tight skinnys. its about YOU! Sure scenes have jet black hair. or platnum blonde with crazy colors. but not all do(: you dont have to be look like another scene if you dont want to. if another one has cool hair & you like it. try it. your not being a poser for trying things. & no scenes are alike. so there are no poser's. The only downer of being scene is that your gorgeous & sadly girls get jelouse & steal your pictures. But the bright side is that your being yourself, you have people who look up to you & want to be like you. Don't let anyone put you down :) I am a scenie & I am proud:)
whitney wreckless

To be scene you need to be yourself. You don't just buy a bunch of skinny jeans and band tees or you'll be just a poser. You have to have self confidence and not let anyone change you. Scene isn't just about hair, make-up, and style. It's a lot about the music, music is what every scene kid needs. Scenes don't care what anyone says about them. They just be them selfs and have fun. Scene hair is one of the biggest things about being scene. Most have long or short layered black or blond. Others have amazing bright colors and layered. Scene fashion is mostly a lot or very accessories, band tees and some girly shirts, skinny jeans any color and skirts, convers or vans. Or just anything you like and that's you.
<3Destinyee KillsDiamonds<3

how i became scene i was just searching the internet and i was looking at hair and i saw a picture with a girl with some colorful hair and some nice make-up and it was teased and i was reading more about the picture info and these girls who have teased hair and nicely done make-up are called 'scene' and so i was searching scene and and there hair and make-up inspired me a lot so a couple months later i was starting to do scene hair and stuff and so when i was scene i kinda did my own hair styles that are sceneish and i was just trying to be myself and so thats my little story and i know that i can do amazing tips for scenes and many inspirations thanks for reading!
Madisen Metallic

Being scene is a way you can express yourself and be more confident. Scene kids are different, sometimes people think theyre different in a bad way, but in my opinion, scene kids are AWESOME! Were not afraid to express ourselves in alot of different ways. Yeahh, we get alot of brootal comments about the way we look, but who cares!! most people probably LOVE the way you look and alot of people will like the fact your outgoing and dgaf about what other people think or say (: ♥
Tw!sted Cookie

You all may hear this alot..but who cares..Yes im black and scene .Most people HATE that and I just ignore it. Anyway some people just label blacks as people who likes rap & hiphop , stuff like that .But everyone is different and you shouldn't try to be something ur not just to fit in . Theres a whole world with different people. And sometimes we all label people by their race EXAMPLE: Asians,Japenese,Chinese =SMART , Blacks =rappers,gang members,and ghetto etc.. Byee
Arroya Isabela

Scene Poetry; it's a big part of expressing your feelings.. Here's an example of one of mine:]
How is it, that something so powerful can be so meaningless?
I don't understand how you can love someone so whole-heartedly, and nothing will ever come from it. How can something that feels so wonderful be denied? How can it go from feeling wonderful to feeling like you're completely hollow, but sinking?
I won't believe that what I feel isn't legitimate. It's so real; I wish it could be seen. I wish you could see it. I wish it's beauty was enough to make your heart melt. I wish I didn't know how dead this is... maybe I wouldn't be ashamed every time I wished for it. Maybe I'd be asleep right now.
How is it, that something so powerful can be so meaningless?
I don't understand how you can love someone so whole-heartedly, and nothing will ever come from it. How can something that feels so wonderful be denied? How can it go from feeling wonderful to feeling like you're completely hollow, but sinking?
I won't believe that what I feel isn't legitimate. It's so real; I wish it could be seen. I wish you could see it. I wish it's beauty was enough to make your heart melt. I wish I didn't know how dead this is... maybe I wouldn't be ashamed every time I wished for it. Maybe I'd be asleep right now.
Harlie Cwin

Never have I come across a clear definition of what 'scene' is, or 'how to be scene,' or I have not in my eyes. There must be a reason for this. I know why. Every time you look at a Scene Queen, or anyone scene really, they are each unique and their own. They express themselves. Each person has different hair, make-up, style of clothing, etc. Sometimes it may be similar, but never the same. They are who they are. That's what scene is to me. Being who I am, and also being proud of it. Outside, people get put down, discrimination and ostricized, critisized and bullied because of how they dress or act. It will happen no matter what. You cannot please everyone. In the end, you need to stand up and be firm, be proud, and love you you are. Look at the models here on They put themselves out there, in the line of fire where words can be thrown at them like grenades on a battlefield, set to rip them apart. But they still do it. They take it, and they take it in stride. Many Scene people learn to do that, for not always will you be appreciated for your sence in style.
Also, the style of the 'Scene' is ever changing. You can look at one Scene person and see them wear skinny jeans, while the next may be wearing yoga pants. It all depends on the person's personal style, and what they can work. There's never a set 'how to dress scene'. If there was, life would be much more simple for some people.
Never become Scene because you want to possibly get attention, be unique, different, or anything else. It's who you are in that present moment in time. That's not going to change. So become your own Scene Person, make your own trend, start something new. Everything starts from somewhere. But remember, keep your head held high when a verbal gun and fired at you, and always, I mean ALWAYS, be yourself.
Also, the style of the 'Scene' is ever changing. You can look at one Scene person and see them wear skinny jeans, while the next may be wearing yoga pants. It all depends on the person's personal style, and what they can work. There's never a set 'how to dress scene'. If there was, life would be much more simple for some people.
Never become Scene because you want to possibly get attention, be unique, different, or anything else. It's who you are in that present moment in time. That's not going to change. So become your own Scene Person, make your own trend, start something new. Everything starts from somewhere. But remember, keep your head held high when a verbal gun and fired at you, and always, I mean ALWAYS, be yourself.
kaytee RawRR

Scene, often considered an offshoot of emo, has become a bigger influence on youth, with the emo stereotypes purposely avoided to instead focus on innocence and playful youth definitions. Black dyed hair and an entirely black wardrobe has been replaced with a rainbow of loud, bright colors. Clothes purposely clash and accessories accentuate youth, such as candy bracelets and lighted pacifiers.
Łanna Łollipop

I Łove hello kitty, skelanimals, cupcakes, diamonds and other sweet stuff ^^.
Music is a huge part of my life. It's my escape from the real world.
I hate all fake friends.
Famous? you decide. Bitchezz? yes, but not yours.
If u don't like something I say get the fuck over it. Haters make me FAMOUS!
I bite. And hard.
Music is a huge part of my life. It's my escape from the real world.
I hate all fake friends.
Famous? you decide. Bitchezz? yes, but not yours.
If u don't like something I say get the fuck over it. Haters make me FAMOUS!
I bite. And hard.
skittlez star

im proud to be who i am and i hope all of you are too. we're are own special person. if it wasn't for everyone being who they are i wonder what the world would be like. so be yourself and be proud.
Isabelle Simone

I'd like to say that once you start high school life gets easier, but it doesnt. Boys brake your heart, girls stab you in the back, you fail tests, you ace tests, you realise your flaws, people realise your flaws. The list goes on and on. In high school people become cruel. You meet the bitchs in life whos "perfect life" you want to ruin, why? Because they flaunt it. No one can really make out that their life is that great and have it be true. Im still going through high school, just about to change to a different one in fact. Why? Because i was sucked in. I felt as wortheless as some people do. I could have ended in suicide if it wasnt for my music. I had my own style and my own way to live but people didnt like that. So they exiled me and bullied me until i felt like all the words they called me. I got better. I got stronger. I became proud of my image and the way i dress and look. I became me and i let it shine. I stopped letting people stop me. I have videos of me singing on YouTube, and i can say this for a fact, those girls said i was awful, that i had no talent what so ever. Guess what. That is most definatly not the case. If i have a point to this article, its this. F**K the haters. Do what you want. Flaunt yourself. Be loud and wild. But only if thats who you are. Dont let any one say you arent worth it. Your a Scene Queen. Your different.
Tori Terrorize

Hey , are people hating on you because of you being scene? Well f**c them. Their just jealous cause you can pull off the scene look and they can't. Don't let the haters bring you down. Haters just hate on people to make them feel better about themselves. I have that problem too. People barely talk to me cause of my hair being different colors and the way I dress. They call me "Freak" "Emo kid" ect.. I have two friends that accept my randomness, and style. The other people can get a life. I don't care what they say about me, and neither should you. Always remember, their just jealous. ;)
-Tori Terrorize
-Tori Terrorize
Katie Kisses

Hey its Katie Kisses:P to be scene dosent just mean you look amazingly awesome, its also not careing what anyone thinks about you. its being confident in yourself and who you really are. to be outgoing and go that extra mile. scene is not the acceptance of others, its the acceptence of yourself. dont care what they say just be yourself, be unique. :)<3 Katie Kisses
Nuerotic Nellie

Heyy im Nellie and i am who i am and i dont give a damn. scene to me is just the way yuu express yourself, its different for everyone, its being yourself, knowing who you are, and not caring what ppl say or think. You dont pretend to be something your not just to be liked. The acceptance of others wont make you a good person its up to you. In the end the inside is what counts. What kind of person are yuu??! Love Yuu Lotss!! <3 Nuerotic Nellie
Mikky DGAF

You just got to learn and say "it is what it is". Being scene is not always about the looks. Its being different in your own kind of way. People that are different are beautiful. Thats were you come in. Being scene is about Being confident, and unique. However, There will be some haters in your life that think your not good enough. Just Keep your head up high.
Megan Mistaken

Don't Change yourself,You are who you are. Nobody whats so ever can change that. Everyone is special in there own way. Some are more sporty than others, some are more unquie than others. but if your a great person and people love you for who you are, dose it matter what haters say? There just jelous because there not loved or cared about like you are.dont be offended if they say "your emo trash" Or "eww what are you wearing"? It dosent matter. If your happy with the body you in and people love you for who you are then what all it really matters.
Lola Lover

Every day I stand out. I stand out at school, in public, at home and even in my family. I'm the one my family talks about. My "friends" start the drama cause of me. I'm proud of that drama and I'm proud of the haters. If the haters wanna sit there and talk shit about me, cool. In the end all its gonna do is just make me stronger. I'm a little crazy, I can be a little freaky, I can even be a little girly but all of those things just make me who I am and in school, in public, at home, with my friends, and even with my family I'm gonna be that crazy scene girl who people hate, love, talk about, wanna be, are jealous of, or even just wanna be nice to. I'm gonna continue to be me.
SammehLikes YourBeard

Idk what this is lol
eureka lovin'U

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are..... fake, but they are just jealus.
Aly Alligator

Every body is unique in there own way. everybody dresses diffrent and not one person looks the same.
Just because you look awesome and diffrent people will judge you and critasize you for it but, you need to take hold of your awesomeness.
not everybody will like you but there will always be millions who do.Be proud of your self and dont let anybody tell you other wise.
Just because you look awesome and diffrent people will judge you and critasize you for it but, you need to take hold of your awesomeness.
not everybody will like you but there will always be millions who do.Be proud of your self and dont let anybody tell you other wise.

well my name be anna and i am no fake im form california so you kno i can oarty i love my boyfriend so yea htats mainly it
~anna RAILER
~anna RAILER
Skottiey Circus

There is only one me,
and who is this me?
Skottiey Circus.
I am myself,
I dont let anyone interfere.
I like to dance and color
I am beyond weird,
and right now I am just writing stuff down.
I guess you could say I am "scene"
But I am just Skottiey(:
and who is this me?
Skottiey Circus.
I am myself,
I dont let anyone interfere.
I like to dance and color
I am beyond weird,
and right now I am just writing stuff down.
I guess you could say I am "scene"
But I am just Skottiey(:
Skottiey Circus

Skottiey Circus,
I love fashion,
taking pictures'
whoever I want to be
furry things
and colors (:
I love fashion,
taking pictures'
whoever I want to be
furry things
and colors (:
ashley pukes rainbows

Pablo Scenasso

Hello there ;)
Im 15 and I love hugs :']
I don't really know what
I should put here but..
I love BIG hair ;D
Im 15 and I love hugs :']
I don't really know what
I should put here but..
I love BIG hair ;D
Josey Genocide

What's the true secret to being Scene? There isn't one, you take what you like and make it your own, regardless of what other people think. You live and learn that your haters make you. Be different, be wild, be exciting, be free, be cute, be scene... But most important, be you. No one can be a better you, and no one can change your heart. Scene isn't just a style, or a "phase", it's a love, and a uniqueness, that's all our own. Stay proud. Stay Scene.