Morggie Massacre

People will judge you no matter what, it's just what comes with being scene. Either way, you have to be confident and be happy with yourself no matter what anyone says. Being scene allows you to dress in crazy colors and wear your hair and makeup in all sorts of insane fun ways. It's all about expressing yourself and having a good time doing it. Just love yourself, because you're worth it. <3 ;)
zint ♥♥

People around will always put you down for being different! Instead of crying in your room stand up to them and say FUCK YOU! :)
you are who you are! If you like dressing in rainbow colors then HEY! do it clothes were made for showing who you are!♥♥ and to show the your unique style!!! Scene is beautiful is not all about big hair and awesome style is confident on your self and not being afraid of what other would say is being tru to yourself and showing it in your own unique way!! n_n
you are who you are! If you like dressing in rainbow colors then HEY! do it clothes were made for showing who you are!♥♥ and to show the your unique style!!! Scene is beautiful is not all about big hair and awesome style is confident on your self and not being afraid of what other would say is being tru to yourself and showing it in your own unique way!! n_n
Seductive Sammie

Hello its Sammie A.K.A Seductive Sammie (:
My Daily Thing (:
Well First I straighten my hair usually pin straight, then i tease it really big and soften it a lil bit. Sometime i dont tease it at all, just straighten it.
Fer Make-up i use alot of eyeliner on bottom and a lil on top. then i use bright color eye shadow, or just plain old black. Then i apply mascara that i got from claires (:
Fer clothing i wear skinnies, a band t-shit or bright colored one (:, and i have like 6 different pairs of converse.
Stay Seductive!
Seductive Sammie
My Daily Thing (:
Well First I straighten my hair usually pin straight, then i tease it really big and soften it a lil bit. Sometime i dont tease it at all, just straighten it.
Fer Make-up i use alot of eyeliner on bottom and a lil on top. then i use bright color eye shadow, or just plain old black. Then i apply mascara that i got from claires (:
Fer clothing i wear skinnies, a band t-shit or bright colored one (:, and i have like 6 different pairs of converse.
Stay Seductive!
Seductive Sammie
Secret Marie

I love fire, just call me a pyro. I love caffine and cant begin a day without it. I love sunsets and stars and clouds. Im moving to NewYork. I love Paris. Alex Pardee is my favorite artist. I smoke. I have a mouth like a sailor. Im smart but dont try. I have to have breakfast everyday even if i wake up at 4pm. I love pokemon and xbox. Castel Crashers, Starcraft[I and II] World of warcraft, Call of Duty, Left for Dead are probably my favortie games. Im an anime freak. I play piano. I cant drink out of a can with a straw. My hair changes alot. And i WILL be a scene queen one day;)

SIMPLE SCENE MAKEUP ♥ by JinxxedJasmine
Teased hair and band tees aren't the ONLY things you need to become scene. Makeup is just as important!
But it doesn't have to be all out, just grab some eyeliner, mascara, and foundation/conceiler for a simple scene makeup look.
1. Apply foundation/conceiler accordingly.
2. Grab your black eyeliner. Pencil or gel work best for this part. Apply a pretty thick amount of eyeliner on the waterline of your lower lid. After, apply a good amount of pencil or gel eyeliner on the inside of your upper lid. It doesn't make much of an effect, but it helps a lot with the finished product.
3. After that's done, you can use either gel or liquid eyeliner for the upper lip. Start at the at the very inside of your inner eyelid. (Start with a thin line) Carefully work your eyeliner all across to the other end of your eyelid, thickening the line as you go.
4. After, take your eyeliner and under the waterline of your lower lid, make a very thin line from the inner eyelid to the outer eyelid, curving the end up, creating a wing, and connect the line you made on your upper lid with this (Again, thicken the line a little bit as you go.)
5. Apply plenty of mascara to make eyelashes look longer and more fuller, try to avoid clumping.
Also to make your eyes look a little bigger, apply a lot of mascara to bottom lashes, making them look as long as possible.
And viola! Your simple scene look(:
(You can add eyeshadow, lipstick, etc. if you feel this look doesn't feel complete. However, it is a SIMPLE scene look.)
- Truely Yours, JinxxedJasmine♥
Teased hair and band tees aren't the ONLY things you need to become scene. Makeup is just as important!
But it doesn't have to be all out, just grab some eyeliner, mascara, and foundation/conceiler for a simple scene makeup look.
1. Apply foundation/conceiler accordingly.
2. Grab your black eyeliner. Pencil or gel work best for this part. Apply a pretty thick amount of eyeliner on the waterline of your lower lid. After, apply a good amount of pencil or gel eyeliner on the inside of your upper lid. It doesn't make much of an effect, but it helps a lot with the finished product.
3. After that's done, you can use either gel or liquid eyeliner for the upper lip. Start at the at the very inside of your inner eyelid. (Start with a thin line) Carefully work your eyeliner all across to the other end of your eyelid, thickening the line as you go.
4. After, take your eyeliner and under the waterline of your lower lid, make a very thin line from the inner eyelid to the outer eyelid, curving the end up, creating a wing, and connect the line you made on your upper lid with this (Again, thicken the line a little bit as you go.)
5. Apply plenty of mascara to make eyelashes look longer and more fuller, try to avoid clumping.
Also to make your eyes look a little bigger, apply a lot of mascara to bottom lashes, making them look as long as possible.
And viola! Your simple scene look(:
(You can add eyeshadow, lipstick, etc. if you feel this look doesn't feel complete. However, it is a SIMPLE scene look.)
- Truely Yours, JinxxedJasmine♥

I'm Tanisha(: im born 06.16.94<33 i love in Arizona(:
I'm a screamo singer ,also im a very friendly person(: I dont judge ppl. Music is my thing, im Half Asian&Native American(: well Im into photography&playing the piano or singing<3 Im active which i love soccer&volleyball(: Theres lots more i could talk about but thats all i have to say(:
I'm Tanisha(: im born 06.16.94<33 i love in Arizona(:
I'm a screamo singer ,also im a very friendly person(: I dont judge ppl. Music is my thing, im Half Asian&Native American(: well Im into photography&playing the piano or singing<3 Im active which i love soccer&volleyball(: Theres lots more i could talk about but thats all i have to say(:
Dani Dynamite

Beauty. It's subjective to some people, or a fixed idea for others. For some, it's long, shiny hair and perfect makeup, but for others, it maybe be short gelled hair and no makeup at all. Beauty isn't just in the eye of the beholder, it's in EVERYONE. If someone calls you ugly or fat, it's because they have issues with themselves and they're jealous. Don't let them change you to what they consider beautiful. Being self-assured and able to be yourself is true beauty. Some people become what the common idea of beauty is just to be wanted, but that usually just has negative connotations. Trying to fit in just covers who you are, kind of like bottling a firework. Doing that hides the colors, the sparks, the magic. Let yourself shine, and show the world your beauty. [:
xxEryn Ecstacyxx

Be who you want to be, not what others want you to. Scene. Thats me :] no body can tell me who i am and no body can change me. Scene. no such thing as to much makeup, no such thing as to much teased hair, and no such thing as one scene like another one. we are all different and we should show that. no two humans are the same. Ones girly and ones scene. ones emo and ones punk. Scene is a style, a fashion. Skinny Jeans-Band Tee's-Skater shoes, but you dont need all that. be creative (: dye your hair pink and pierce your lip and wear domo, hello kitty, and wicked fricken bright colors with converse and skinny's. i get called a fake and a poser every day because of what i look like. i may not have black and blue and weird colors in my hair( I'm getting there.) and every part of my face may not be peirced (I'm getting there too.) but i am who i am. and i can say im scene. scene does not have one certain style to it. I am Scene and I am pround to say it! I'm speaking out as a Scene Kidd. Speak out with me on this amazing website(:
Eryn Ecstacy (:
Eryn Ecstacy (:

How could you possibley please every one . Don't have your self revolve around others and what they want . Be your self . Inbrace your beauty .
Denni Schizophrenia

no matter what people say to you as long as YOU know who you are as a person NOTHING in else in the world matters. Just keep your head held high and know that in your heart when all they see is some "Emo" kid that they can pick on .. you know that you are so much more.
Always remember that we .. all of us .. you me .. everyone .. we are here. We will be whatever they need us to be, call us faggots, call us emo, call us assholes and cutters. Call us liars and cheaters .. tell people how awful we are and how little talent we have .. do whatever it takes to make themselves feel better because at the end of the day .. we are strong .. we can take it .. we all can. We don't need their approval to justify our lives. Each and every one of us has a fire that burns inside us and they can try like hell to put out that flame but as long as in our minds we know who we are meant to be, they don't stand a chance.
Always remember that we .. all of us .. you me .. everyone .. we are here. We will be whatever they need us to be, call us faggots, call us emo, call us assholes and cutters. Call us liars and cheaters .. tell people how awful we are and how little talent we have .. do whatever it takes to make themselves feel better because at the end of the day .. we are strong .. we can take it .. we all can. We don't need their approval to justify our lives. Each and every one of us has a fire that burns inside us and they can try like hell to put out that flame but as long as in our minds we know who we are meant to be, they don't stand a chance.
Rebel Kiss

One of the most important things in life is to realize that you can't please everybody. You WILL have people that hate you and try to look down on you. Keep your head held high, eyes bright and alive, and keep on smiling, even when you feel low :] Tie yourself together with a smile and never let it come undone<3
For me, my friends at school and everywhere love my style [: And i'm really lucky to live among people who accept me for me<3 But the only people who look down on me because i'm scene is my parents, which doesn't give us a strong relationship... I'm 13, and growing up without having support from my parents is really hard. They'll always dis me about my hair, and my makeup. All the kandi bracelets i wear and make for my friends. Everything. having the people that raised you not able to accept you is confusing at this age and makes me wonder sometimes if i made the right choice. But now that i have to trust my own judgement, being me is easier than ever. [: There's some downers, but there's some advantages too!
For me, my friends at school and everywhere love my style [: And i'm really lucky to live among people who accept me for me<3 But the only people who look down on me because i'm scene is my parents, which doesn't give us a strong relationship... I'm 13, and growing up without having support from my parents is really hard. They'll always dis me about my hair, and my makeup. All the kandi bracelets i wear and make for my friends. Everything. having the people that raised you not able to accept you is confusing at this age and makes me wonder sometimes if i made the right choice. But now that i have to trust my own judgement, being me is easier than ever. [: There's some downers, but there's some advantages too!
kennedy Katastrophe

don't try to fit in and be "normal" because that is almost impossible, however being youself can be as easy as 123. being scene isnt isn't emo and isn't being a freak,it simply is being yourself and standing out from the croud,making a statment that you're not like everybody else and you dont give a fuck. people who laugh at you for being different are alienated by the perception of narmal. being me is who i wanna be.
Kaileen Kaleidoscope

Sometimes, it seems a little tough, but I thrive to be myself. I love all the colors, the clothing, and the makeup. It all excites me, and leaves me on edge wondering what next I could create. Whether it be a hairstyle, a song, or what bow I could create. I love making my own bows, they accent me so well. I've been criticized in public multiple times, like our school. I can't be myself at school and it angers me to no return. Being a scene kid gives me so much confidence, and lets me show my true colors. You can ask anyone that knows me, or doesn't know me to well. They will say I'm crazy, and happy, and friendly to all. I love being scene, it's the greatest feeling and style in the world.
Emily Electric

Scene Kids are amazing I really hope you accsept me to model for you<3 Scene is the best fashion ever and the scene will never die
xoxo Emily Electric
xoxo Emily Electric
cloe serenity

hey,i'm chloe, im really into scene/alternative fashion and music, i like to stand out from the croud, and not follow everyone else. i'm friendly and fun to be around, going out with friends is the best! i'm from a scene kinda social group, and would love to be on teh website! much love <3
Kaytee Killah

I'm 17 and growing up in the school I have been that outcast and being my own individual was hard. Being called every name: like Freak, Emo, Goth, Nerd, Weird, Loner. It used to put me down, but when it got to my last year I realised I was non of these things, because i did have the friends around me and i was just individual and being myself. I learned to realise that being who I am is nothing to be ashamed of. I became much more confident about myself, and stood up to the haters. They might not even like me now, but telling them I am who I am made me feel better about myself. They only made me a stronger person, so i thank them. :)
Being Scene makes people give me them odd looks and the abuse, but it doesn't bother me, i walk past with my head held high and a smile on my face.
Being Scene is hard, people stereo-typically think your a self absorbed person when your not, you are your own and acting like someone your not it just fake, you shouldn't please others and become someone your not. Doing that got me no where. And being myself made me who I am today. And im proud of it. <3
Being Scene makes people give me them odd looks and the abuse, but it doesn't bother me, i walk past with my head held high and a smile on my face.
Being Scene is hard, people stereo-typically think your a self absorbed person when your not, you are your own and acting like someone your not it just fake, you shouldn't please others and become someone your not. Doing that got me no where. And being myself made me who I am today. And im proud of it. <3
.:Lexi.Boo<3:. Lexi DLP

I'm 17 and growing up in the school I have been that outcast and being my own individual was hard. Being called every name: like Freak, Emo, Goth, Nerd, Weird, Loner. It used to put me down, but when it got to my last year I realised I was non of these things, because i did have the friends around me and i was just individual and being myself. I learned to realise that being who I am is nothing to be ashamed of. I became much more confident about myself, and stood up to the haters. They might not even like me now, but telling them I am who I am made me feel better about myself. They only made me a stronger person, so i thank them. :)
Being Scene makes people give me them odd looks and the abuse, but it doesn't bother me, i walk past with my head held high and a smile on my face.
Being Scene is hard, people stereo-typically think your a self absorbed person when your not, you are your own and acting like someone your not it just fake, you shouldn't please others and become someone your not. Doing that got me no where. And being myself made me who I am today. And im proud of it. <3
Being Scene makes people give me them odd looks and the abuse, but it doesn't bother me, i walk past with my head held high and a smile on my face.
Being Scene is hard, people stereo-typically think your a self absorbed person when your not, you are your own and acting like someone your not it just fake, you shouldn't please others and become someone your not. Doing that got me no where. And being myself made me who I am today. And im proud of it. <3
Emer@ld EyE$ Danielle

when i look at scene kids i think god.. theyre beautiful they have enough courage to be different then u look at some ppl and u kno deep inside theyre waiting to burst out.... scene kids are unique different theyre own person. free to be who they are and not let any words or any feelings get in the way of that...sure ppl will shut u down and call u names but its jus cuz they cant do what u have done.... <3
-Emer@ld EyE$-
-Emer@ld EyE$-

There are many different opinions on what it means to be scene. To me being scene means having the confidence to stand out and be different. It means walking with your head held high no matter what anyone says. Being a scene girl is accepting my flaws and finding the beauty in them. Its wearing what I want, where I want and not caring if other people think it's "weird". Its loving myself and my body. Everyone is unique, scene kids just aren't afraid to embrace it.
Chikk Icy Brii

Every person you meet isnt your frend. Well not always and dont trust every body because when you do every thing will be told to every one. Thats like wasting your valuble time on someone you just met or dont even like.So stop wasting your time live life to the fullest like party so hard you wont remember how you got in your bed the next day,jump off a cliff or something. Cause everybody knows they are going to die one of these days. You cant just sit in your in the dark listening to music or on your computer. Get some fresh air, talk to your friends, eat at a restraunt, get some exercise, just do something you enjoy. And never judge some one you dont know or make fun of them cause thats not cool.
Choas Chelsea

How i tease my hair. [x
The first thing that i do is straighten my hair, after your done with that make sure that its brushed out. I usually tease the back of my hair first (Habit of mine.) I grab the upper part of my hair, & pull it back in a bun, or a bow, to keep it out of the way while I'm teasing the bottom half. I then get my comb (Specially made for teasing!! :D) & tease the roots continuously, & then hair stray it. after i think it has enough volume, i take out the bow & let my upper half of my hair let down back in place, i then do the same to that, tease at the roots, hairspray, then i get a mirror & look at it making sure it looks good. I think do the exact same thing to the rest of my hair, & in 10-15 minutes of teasing, it looks perfectly teased and ready to go. (:j
The first thing that i do is straighten my hair, after your done with that make sure that its brushed out. I usually tease the back of my hair first (Habit of mine.) I grab the upper part of my hair, & pull it back in a bun, or a bow, to keep it out of the way while I'm teasing the bottom half. I then get my comb (Specially made for teasing!! :D) & tease the roots continuously, & then hair stray it. after i think it has enough volume, i take out the bow & let my upper half of my hair let down back in place, i then do the same to that, tease at the roots, hairspray, then i get a mirror & look at it making sure it looks good. I think do the exact same thing to the rest of my hair, & in 10-15 minutes of teasing, it looks perfectly teased and ready to go. (:j
Morgan Moshpitt™

First, the hair. Many people claim that scene girls can be identified by shorter hair, but this is not necessarily true. Scene hair can be of any length but what stands out about scene hair is that, like many scene characteristics, it is unique. As we see in the pictures, scene hair is often highlighted by color and very teased and tossed. Scene girls will also often add something to their hair like a bow or a headband.
After the hair, we notice the scene makeup. A part of learning how to be scene is your choice of makeup. Scene girls are often identified by their bright, colorful makeup combined with a traditional type of black or blue eyeliner.
You won’t often see the eyes of scene girl because they will be hidden behind a pair of BIG glasses, which are common with the scene fashion. Scene fashions very quite a bit but are usually characterized by the use of lots of colors and tight, skinny jeans.
Like the hair and clothes, the jewelry worn by scene kids is meant to be scene. With daring colors and sizes, scene jewelry often stands out and is oversized. Body piercings are also acceptable and often applauded in the “scene” scene.
As you can see by now, scene kidzz are not goth at all. They bright and daring and, though they will claim that they are not trying to noticed, you will notice them.
After the hair, we notice the scene makeup. A part of learning how to be scene is your choice of makeup. Scene girls are often identified by their bright, colorful makeup combined with a traditional type of black or blue eyeliner.
You won’t often see the eyes of scene girl because they will be hidden behind a pair of BIG glasses, which are common with the scene fashion. Scene fashions very quite a bit but are usually characterized by the use of lots of colors and tight, skinny jeans.
Like the hair and clothes, the jewelry worn by scene kids is meant to be scene. With daring colors and sizes, scene jewelry often stands out and is oversized. Body piercings are also acceptable and often applauded in the “scene” scene.
As you can see by now, scene kidzz are not goth at all. They bright and daring and, though they will claim that they are not trying to noticed, you will notice them.

What does it mean to be scene, emo, preppy, ect.? Why is the world so stuck on labels? Whatever happen to people just being, people? I believe we should be less worried about labels and more worried about creating and expressing all of who we are. You should never be ashamed of who you are or afraid of self expression. It's okay to stand out and be different. If you don't love yourself, how can anyone else? And in this day and age, the world could use more love. It all comes down to one thing, everyone is unique and thats what makes life fun. Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

we r who we r(:
well said KE$HA(:
well said KE$HA(:
Ella Rainbow Cupcake

~ Welcome to my childish world. Go fuck yourself ,bitch!♥
Rainbow Cupcake. I’m not who you think I am and I’ll never be who you want me to be. I’m special, all the people I’ve met along the way have made me the person I am today. Haven't you heared? I'm the crazy bitch around here!♥
I don't need your cheap love or your fake friendship.
Girl don't you think they care about you.
They don't give a flying fuck.♥
Rainbow Cupcake. I’m not who you think I am and I’ll never be who you want me to be. I’m special, all the people I’ve met along the way have made me the person I am today. Haven't you heared? I'm the crazy bitch around here!♥
I don't need your cheap love or your fake friendship.
Girl don't you think they care about you.
They don't give a flying fuck.♥
Scandalous Marissa

I'm Scandalous Marissa. I'm very fun and outgoing. I like to party and chill with my friends. I like to change my hair color every now and then. I get bored with people easily. I have a pet hedgehog that i love more then anything. I'm only a Jr. in high school. I turned 17 December the 2nd. I'm me and if you don't like it then GTFO(:
Kitteh Lovey

What is scene? Most people describe it as emo. But scene is literally described in the dictionary as "trend setter" not emotionally distressed. Cliques hate girls who are scene because we are prettier then them or we have problems in our lives and nobody cares. Cliques go for scene looking guys though and they want them to love them. The worst thing about being scene is having a person call you a cutter. whether your a cutter or not, that really hurts. If you've had a brother or sister who cuts you get very irritated and (atleast this is what i do) you go off on them. You yell at them and tell them never to say that again because they dont know how hard that is put on you and how you feel/gone through that. Being emo/scene doesnt mean to cut in any way shape or form.
Lexie Luxury

Well i Became scene because I was in love with the style, and hair.
But it didn't happen over night, you know ?
It started with hair, getting layers, wearing extensions.
and then i bleached it and dyed it blue.
and people looked at e weird, and i loved it.
i loved all the new attention i was getting, and the weird looks.
on my 13th birthday i got my nose and eyebrow pierced.
and i loved the look of piercings.
over the years i got many more.
did most of them myself.
now i'm almost 16, and i have changing colour hair, 12 piercings and 3 tattoos :D
my advice,
be yourself, and don't give a rats ass about what people think. :)
Well i Became scene because I was in love with the style, and hair.
But it didn't happen over night, you know ?
It started with hair, getting layers, wearing extensions.
and then i bleached it and dyed it blue.
and people looked at e weird, and i loved it.
i loved all the new attention i was getting, and the weird looks.
on my 13th birthday i got my nose and eyebrow pierced.
and i loved the look of piercings.
over the years i got many more.
did most of them myself.
now i'm almost 16, and i have changing colour hair, 12 piercings and 3 tattoos :D
my advice,
be yourself, and don't give a rats ass about what people think. :)
Mikki Monster

Scene is for girls and guys who don't care about what people say about them. They know people are going to make fun and critisize but they let them talk. Scene is where kids want to stand out and be seen. Scene is how kids show how tired they are of orginal and being the same, so they decide to stand out and make a scene!
tHe F.o.N DJ

Going along with labels has never really been something that I've done growing up. Recently, I've been referred to as "emo" and "scene" but for the first time I like the label I've been given. Scene is an art that many imitate but not all can pull it off. The style is different and free which is a beautiful thing after rummaging through fads the masses go through each and every season. Every Scene Queen is different but every Scene Queen is still beautiful. Colorful exhibitionists being who they really are and want to be.