Kitty Doom

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A scene person is like emo, only brighter. everything *must* be about them. they tease their hair, normally spending hours on it and often spend nearly an hour on their eye makeup.
How to be scene:
- get your hair cut choppy and layered
- start wearing *tight* skinny jeans
- wear a lot of eyeliner
- wear many colorful braceletes
- tease your hair (make your head look fat)
- wear little girl bows (cuz their so cute. :D )
- wear tight tee shirts with band logo's or such things as dinosaurs on the front. kids shows works just as well. ex: Ben 10.
- wear converse.
- you can wear a bright, multicolored jacket
- tutu's fit in perfectly :)
- make strange facial expressions and hand movements (it's just so much fun :D )
- be hyper
- take pictures from a down angle
- dying parts of your hair strange colors is good
- have a dark hair color, such as brown or black
- make sure your hair falls over part of your face!
- listen to bands such as Dot Dot Curve:) and Nickasaur!
-Be obsessed with Nightmare Before Christmas stuff and Gir
-More Detail about how to be Scene
Know what you're expected to be. The genuine scene girl is often described by society to be very bold, over-confident, and at times random. Although you could aim to be the cute, shy scene girl.Be really nice to everyone you meet. Scene girls often come off as rude teens. Most people would be pleasantly surprised if a scene kid came up to them and was super nice, because most people immediately think that Scene kids are going to be arrogant and full of themselves because of the stereotype.People may confuse you to be emo but thats ok just correct them. Be sure you are very peppy sweet and happy. Dont act like you hate everything. Hating everything is Goth and Emo. Become active on social-networking websites. Start out with, of course, MySpace and/or Facebook.
Add as many people as you can on MySpace, but save your Facebook for people that you know personally. After that, then try branching out to other sites that tend to be "scene-popular", such as Twitter, Stickam,, Buzznet,, and Model Mayhem.
Try sitemodeling. This is where you can "model" for different "agencies" run by other people, and it can earn you some major scene points. You can often find these sites as profiles on Facebook and Myspace. After a while, you can even go elite and apply for the elite agencies.Wear r flats like ballet shoes and even metallic/designer flats. Tutu like skirts are a must. Slip-on Vans are very popular among scene kids, as well as most other Vans. (Warning-wearing Vans too much if you aren't a skater could result in you being called a poser.) You could also try some checkered or colorful shoe laces.
Skinny jeans. Dark ones such as black and torn are good, but things like bright neon colors, leopard, zebra or checkered are good too.
Tight fitting, graphic tees are a must! You have to have at least 3 of these. Anything with cute monsters, fun sayings or just cool stuff works. Don't buy just black! Scene is a mix of black and neon colors. Wear any pattern you want. Animal print, checkers, plaid, stripes - anything that describes your personality.
Wear merchandise from places like Hello Kitty, Gloomy Bear, Care Bears, Elmo, etc. Brand tees are a must. Colorful skinny jeans, tutus, jean skirts, and Vans and Converse are awesome. Wear cool leggings with bold colors or stripes. Leg warmers too.
Wear bright random t-shirts with funky designs on them. Or you could go with the plain bold colour like red. Some very scene designs are: Alice in Wonderland, Stars, Hearts, Lightning, Skulls, Bats, Anything to do with bands or Childish stuff like ice creams and Lolly Pops.
Cartoon characters are very popular. Pokemon, Power Rangers, Keroppi, and especially Hello Kitty are big parts of Scene style. Printed T-shirts with cartoon characters or cute pictures on them are a must.
Get a gray hoodie, and wear it all the time with your hood up.
Pyramid stud belts, and classic white belts are good.
Huge sunglasses are a must, and the bigger the better. The newest edition to the scene girls sunnies are the old fashioned "cop" style sunnies (Ray-Ban Aviators). Horn-rimmed glasses with no lenses are super-popular in the Scene world, and they look super cute too!
Over-sized pearl necklaces or other long necklaces are a must. There are a number of ways you can wear them that will make you look like a mature young person.
Remember all those kiddish bracelets that you had when you were five? It's time to dig them out from under your bed. Don't wear too may though - you want people to see your arms.
Add a cute, simple background to your page (preferably something like Hello Kitty or a Victorian wallpaper), upload a few flattering pictures of yourself, make a playlist of some of your favorite music, and send friend requests to other scene kids. Having a catchy screenname, although totally optional, will also raise your scene-point quota.
YouTube is also an important part of social networking. Have an account and maybe make some videos on "How to Style Your Scene Hair," etc. because they are becoming increasingly popular in the scene world and will increase your scene image. If you become more popular on YouTube, you could even start a video blog about anything you like. Clothes are very important, and you must dress the part in order to be successful in this venture.
Get piercings if you like. They are automatically considered scene. So go for it as piercings are very popular among the scene kids.
Septum, Monroe, Snakebites, Spiderbites, Angelbites and Browbreakers are acceptable piercings; since your ears will probably be hidden under your voluminous hair you can either wear big earrings or none at all. You can try pearl earrings for a dash of preppy style. Gauges are also popular among scene girls.
Wear bright eye makeup. Pink, purple, blue, green, and red would do just fine. Remember to use black/silver/blue eyeliner. The makeup can be plain black eyeliner depending on how scene you would like to be. Do not go to over board with your black cause you could come off as an emo. Just some eyeliner maybe a little thicker then usual is accepted. It is also scene to add a little design to your make-up, such as wings. There are loads of different colours of eyeshadow you could use, but black or bright neon are very scene. Although you can also go for the clean, pretty scene girl look with just lots of mascara and some pretty eyeshadow.
Get a new hairstyle, but keep it classy. The most important thing you should do with your hair is part it to the side, with bangs sweeping in front of your face instead. Little girl clips and dying your hair multiple colors are the classic style, but new styles are emerging, such as brunette Scene hair which I think is amazing! Also,you don't have to have long hair to be scene just tease the top of your hair and put your bangs to the side.
Short, choppy layers are very scene.
The scene mullet is popular, and is seen sported primarily by Asian scene girls.
A hairstyle that is quickly becoming popular with scene kids is straight hair with bangs. It is very simple to do if you want something not too extreme. You want long straight hair, of any color, and bangs that go straight across your forehead hanging in front of your eyes some.
Try using a straightener. They sell for very cheap at really most stores like FredMeyer, Target, etc. Once you purchase one, straighten your hair so it doesn't have any waves, and then make it look like it's layered. Your bangs can either be off to the side, of hanging down straight over your eyes.
Another classic scene style that will not turn heads as fast, and therefore is more acceptable to sport around your parents and other non-scene people, is tying the back of your hair in a ponytail and allowing chunks of hair to fall down where your sideburns would be.
Slightly long hair with ultra layers and choppiness right at the ear, below the ear slightly, or above the ear is considered extreme scene.
If you want, you could clip in hair bows with bright colors, headbands with skulls or bows, or skull hair clips.
A scene person is like emo, only brighter. everything *must* be about them. they tease their hair, normally spending hours on it and often spend nearly an hour on their eye makeup.
How to be scene:
- get your hair cut choppy and layered
- start wearing *tight* skinny jeans
- wear a lot of eyeliner
- wear many colorful braceletes
- tease your hair (make your head look fat)
- wear little girl bows (cuz their so cute. :D )
- wear tight tee shirts with band logo's or such things as dinosaurs on the front. kids shows works just as well. ex: Ben 10.
- wear converse.
- you can wear a bright, multicolored jacket
- tutu's fit in perfectly :)
- make strange facial expressions and hand movements (it's just so much fun :D )
- be hyper
- take pictures from a down angle
- dying parts of your hair strange colors is good
- have a dark hair color, such as brown or black
- make sure your hair falls over part of your face!
- listen to bands such as Dot Dot Curve:) and Nickasaur!
-Be obsessed with Nightmare Before Christmas stuff and Gir
-More Detail about how to be Scene
Know what you're expected to be. The genuine scene girl is often described by society to be very bold, over-confident, and at times random. Although you could aim to be the cute, shy scene girl.Be really nice to everyone you meet. Scene girls often come off as rude teens. Most people would be pleasantly surprised if a scene kid came up to them and was super nice, because most people immediately think that Scene kids are going to be arrogant and full of themselves because of the stereotype.People may confuse you to be emo but thats ok just correct them. Be sure you are very peppy sweet and happy. Dont act like you hate everything. Hating everything is Goth and Emo. Become active on social-networking websites. Start out with, of course, MySpace and/or Facebook.
Add as many people as you can on MySpace, but save your Facebook for people that you know personally. After that, then try branching out to other sites that tend to be "scene-popular", such as Twitter, Stickam,, Buzznet,, and Model Mayhem.
Try sitemodeling. This is where you can "model" for different "agencies" run by other people, and it can earn you some major scene points. You can often find these sites as profiles on Facebook and Myspace. After a while, you can even go elite and apply for the elite agencies.Wear r flats like ballet shoes and even metallic/designer flats. Tutu like skirts are a must. Slip-on Vans are very popular among scene kids, as well as most other Vans. (Warning-wearing Vans too much if you aren't a skater could result in you being called a poser.) You could also try some checkered or colorful shoe laces.
Skinny jeans. Dark ones such as black and torn are good, but things like bright neon colors, leopard, zebra or checkered are good too.
Tight fitting, graphic tees are a must! You have to have at least 3 of these. Anything with cute monsters, fun sayings or just cool stuff works. Don't buy just black! Scene is a mix of black and neon colors. Wear any pattern you want. Animal print, checkers, plaid, stripes - anything that describes your personality.
Wear merchandise from places like Hello Kitty, Gloomy Bear, Care Bears, Elmo, etc. Brand tees are a must. Colorful skinny jeans, tutus, jean skirts, and Vans and Converse are awesome. Wear cool leggings with bold colors or stripes. Leg warmers too.
Wear bright random t-shirts with funky designs on them. Or you could go with the plain bold colour like red. Some very scene designs are: Alice in Wonderland, Stars, Hearts, Lightning, Skulls, Bats, Anything to do with bands or Childish stuff like ice creams and Lolly Pops.
Cartoon characters are very popular. Pokemon, Power Rangers, Keroppi, and especially Hello Kitty are big parts of Scene style. Printed T-shirts with cartoon characters or cute pictures on them are a must.
Get a gray hoodie, and wear it all the time with your hood up.
Pyramid stud belts, and classic white belts are good.
Huge sunglasses are a must, and the bigger the better. The newest edition to the scene girls sunnies are the old fashioned "cop" style sunnies (Ray-Ban Aviators). Horn-rimmed glasses with no lenses are super-popular in the Scene world, and they look super cute too!
Over-sized pearl necklaces or other long necklaces are a must. There are a number of ways you can wear them that will make you look like a mature young person.
Remember all those kiddish bracelets that you had when you were five? It's time to dig them out from under your bed. Don't wear too may though - you want people to see your arms.
Add a cute, simple background to your page (preferably something like Hello Kitty or a Victorian wallpaper), upload a few flattering pictures of yourself, make a playlist of some of your favorite music, and send friend requests to other scene kids. Having a catchy screenname, although totally optional, will also raise your scene-point quota.
YouTube is also an important part of social networking. Have an account and maybe make some videos on "How to Style Your Scene Hair," etc. because they are becoming increasingly popular in the scene world and will increase your scene image. If you become more popular on YouTube, you could even start a video blog about anything you like. Clothes are very important, and you must dress the part in order to be successful in this venture.
Get piercings if you like. They are automatically considered scene. So go for it as piercings are very popular among the scene kids.
Septum, Monroe, Snakebites, Spiderbites, Angelbites and Browbreakers are acceptable piercings; since your ears will probably be hidden under your voluminous hair you can either wear big earrings or none at all. You can try pearl earrings for a dash of preppy style. Gauges are also popular among scene girls.
Wear bright eye makeup. Pink, purple, blue, green, and red would do just fine. Remember to use black/silver/blue eyeliner. The makeup can be plain black eyeliner depending on how scene you would like to be. Do not go to over board with your black cause you could come off as an emo. Just some eyeliner maybe a little thicker then usual is accepted. It is also scene to add a little design to your make-up, such as wings. There are loads of different colours of eyeshadow you could use, but black or bright neon are very scene. Although you can also go for the clean, pretty scene girl look with just lots of mascara and some pretty eyeshadow.
Get a new hairstyle, but keep it classy. The most important thing you should do with your hair is part it to the side, with bangs sweeping in front of your face instead. Little girl clips and dying your hair multiple colors are the classic style, but new styles are emerging, such as brunette Scene hair which I think is amazing! Also,you don't have to have long hair to be scene just tease the top of your hair and put your bangs to the side.
Short, choppy layers are very scene.
The scene mullet is popular, and is seen sported primarily by Asian scene girls.
A hairstyle that is quickly becoming popular with scene kids is straight hair with bangs. It is very simple to do if you want something not too extreme. You want long straight hair, of any color, and bangs that go straight across your forehead hanging in front of your eyes some.
Try using a straightener. They sell for very cheap at really most stores like FredMeyer, Target, etc. Once you purchase one, straighten your hair so it doesn't have any waves, and then make it look like it's layered. Your bangs can either be off to the side, of hanging down straight over your eyes.
Another classic scene style that will not turn heads as fast, and therefore is more acceptable to sport around your parents and other non-scene people, is tying the back of your hair in a ponytail and allowing chunks of hair to fall down where your sideburns would be.
Slightly long hair with ultra layers and choppiness right at the ear, below the ear slightly, or above the ear is considered extreme scene.
If you want, you could clip in hair bows with bright colors, headbands with skulls or bows, or skull hair clips.
Margaux Mayhem

~~~How to tease your hair in 10 steps :D~~~
What you'll need:
~ Just washed hair.
~ Hair dryer.
~ Hair straighter/ Flat iron.
~ Hair spray.
~ Comb (Any kind works)
~ Hair spray.
~ Hair gel/glue.
~ A brush. (Any kind works, but I prefer circle ones xD)
~ Bobby pins. ( I only use one)
Steps C:
1: Wash your hair.
2: Dyr and straighten it.
3: Brush our your hair.
4: Put some gel on your hands and run it through your hair.
5: Take your brush, and tease from the bottom up. ( DON'T brush it out )
6: Spray your hair with hairspray where you teased.
7: Do that to both sides of your hair.
8: Gently brush out your hair.
9: Respray your hair.
10: Bobby pin your bangs in place if needed.
And wa-la C:
What you'll need:
~ Just washed hair.
~ Hair dryer.
~ Hair straighter/ Flat iron.
~ Hair spray.
~ Comb (Any kind works)
~ Hair spray.
~ Hair gel/glue.
~ A brush. (Any kind works, but I prefer circle ones xD)
~ Bobby pins. ( I only use one)
Steps C:
1: Wash your hair.
2: Dyr and straighten it.
3: Brush our your hair.
4: Put some gel on your hands and run it through your hair.
5: Take your brush, and tease from the bottom up. ( DON'T brush it out )
6: Spray your hair with hairspray where you teased.
7: Do that to both sides of your hair.
8: Gently brush out your hair.
9: Respray your hair.
10: Bobby pin your bangs in place if needed.
And wa-la C:
Chrissy Cakesz

Scene is a style that describes us... Who we are. So we can express our style.
Scene girls are very confident, Random, And Veryy bright. People will always knock you down about your style, But one thing you have to remember is "who cares what they think. This is me , If They dont like it. so what!" Just remember You Are Beautiful!
What you will probably need :
Hair straightner
Hair dryer
Gel/ Wax
Hair spray
Hair dye (If you want)
Eyeliner Nd&& Eyeshadow (Colorful)
Colored extentions
Layers (Hair)
Rattail comb
Girl things: (Hello kitty, Gloomy bear)
Hair bows
Nail polish
Skinny jeans (Bright)
Band tees
colorful tees
Cell phone (Ipod)
Myspace, Facebook, Aim. (Social networking sites)
Scene girls are very confident, Random, And Veryy bright. People will always knock you down about your style, But one thing you have to remember is "who cares what they think. This is me , If They dont like it. so what!" Just remember You Are Beautiful!
What you will probably need :
Hair straightner
Hair dryer
Gel/ Wax
Hair spray
Hair dye (If you want)
Eyeliner Nd&& Eyeshadow (Colorful)
Colored extentions
Layers (Hair)
Rattail comb
Girl things: (Hello kitty, Gloomy bear)
Hair bows
Nail polish
Skinny jeans (Bright)
Band tees
colorful tees
Cell phone (Ipod)
Myspace, Facebook, Aim. (Social networking sites)
Carly Crossbones

Hey. I'm Carly. People call me Crossbones. :) I'm here because I love the freedom and individuality of Scenesters. And Just like all of the people here, I have come to be a Scene Queen; So we can rule the world!! xD
SuiCidaLxMariex mariee

how to be a scene girl doesnt mean you have to be mean to other people just be your self and youll be fine most scene girls tease their hair big and some not to big medium and scene girls wear lots of cheetah print and zebra print well actually anything that has print they where lots of bright things and they also wear band tees and bracelets and over sized pearls on their necklace they also like hello kitty gir care bear elmo and more things they also wear bright colored make up
things youll need:
hair straightener
comb to tease your hair
animal print clothing
camera/ webcam to take pictures
blow dryer
brass knuckles/ hearts diamonds etc,
facebook ,myspace etc
mascara, eyeliner , and false eyelashes
also tight jeans
and hair dye any color
things youll need:
hair straightener
comb to tease your hair
animal print clothing
camera/ webcam to take pictures
blow dryer
brass knuckles/ hearts diamonds etc,
facebook ,myspace etc
mascara, eyeliner , and false eyelashes
also tight jeans
and hair dye any color
kaylle bunny

my way of being scene is regular. i dont really tease my hair alot its kuz i hate hair osraying it brushing and all that but i do it en im bored :) sooo to goo onn im a lil young to be scene but yess im only 11 very young but i have the talent to be scene :-) >:D also im very ugly but u kno what i dnt give a fuck bout it :\ sooo bye just be your own kinda scene ... LATERZ
Ally Amour

I don't know how to do this -_-
Cassie Catastrophy

What is scene?
Most people think of scene kids as hateful, depressed, and cut themselves when most scene kids are completely the oppisite. Their bubbly, love bright colors, mostly nice(unless you mess with them), and have awesome hair. For scene kids, or at least to me, music is life, I dont think i could live without it. There isn't one type of music either you can listen to all kinds. Scene isn't just a look it's also a way of life. (:
Most people think of scene kids as hateful, depressed, and cut themselves when most scene kids are completely the oppisite. Their bubbly, love bright colors, mostly nice(unless you mess with them), and have awesome hair. For scene kids, or at least to me, music is life, I dont think i could live without it. There isn't one type of music either you can listen to all kinds. Scene isn't just a look it's also a way of life. (:
xSavvyx Suicidex

Style ;D
Every scene girl or guy has their own style some can be colorful and random others can wear a few exstentions and tease their hair and then others can just be a regular scene girl or guy. but it doesn't matter what another scene person looks like you can always be a little diffrent in your own way mean come on shake it up a little if some has coontails in then you can just put some regular neon colored exstenions. So, when you read this article I hope you think to yourself "I'm going to start my own trend." BYE!! :D ;D
Every scene girl or guy has their own style some can be colorful and random others can wear a few exstentions and tease their hair and then others can just be a regular scene girl or guy. but it doesn't matter what another scene person looks like you can always be a little diffrent in your own way mean come on shake it up a little if some has coontails in then you can just put some regular neon colored exstenions. So, when you read this article I hope you think to yourself "I'm going to start my own trend." BYE!! :D ;D
Dallas Devotion

One of the best ways to fluff your hair: you should first straighten your hair to make it easier to fluff.You start from the back to then to the sides. Use one hand to hold a piece of your hair, about 4 inches wide but not too thick. With the other hand, back comb the hair then put hair spray under where you ratted it, but don't comb it yet. Do the same thing all around your hair where you want it to be fluffed. Then after you do what you wanted to do, lightly brush it down so it doesn't look so ratty but carefull not to brush too hard or you'll knock down your hair. When you're done, put hair spray on the top to help hold it in place. If you have any hair hanging down that you didn't rat, straighten it. If you have troubles ratting your hair there is a powder that adds texture to your hair, it is call "Powder Boost Volumizer", but if you are unable to get it, try adding hair spray before hand.
Maranda DownHILL

Hello Scene queens, okay so you wanna know what you have to have to be a scene queen? Lemme tell you all about it. Well first a have to have thing is your hair and clothes n jewelry. Nothing is perfect without all that stuff. Just be yourself and dont copie peoples looks, or you will have people saying stuff about you ALL the time( and not good stuff). The stuff you should always have in your position-
Hair straightner
Hair spray ( I use Got2Be it works best on my thick hair)
A teasing comb, or you can use a brush it doesn't matter.
Skinnie jeans, skirts , Tutus Etc.
Band tees, tank tops, wild shirts, Ect.
Lots of eyeliner (Any color)
Fake eyelashes, or just masscara
Very colorful eyeshadow
Converses, Vans, Pinkdice, Ect. ( Shoes)
Hair straightner
Hair spray ( I use Got2Be it works best on my thick hair)
A teasing comb, or you can use a brush it doesn't matter.
Skinnie jeans, skirts , Tutus Etc.
Band tees, tank tops, wild shirts, Ect.
Lots of eyeliner (Any color)
Fake eyelashes, or just masscara
Very colorful eyeshadow
Converses, Vans, Pinkdice, Ect. ( Shoes)
Effy Von Star

Getting That Scene Look No Matter What!
So you wanna be scene, but your hairs a funny length, you can't afford to get it cut right now and you're lacking in interesting clothes? Here's a way around all that ;)
Step One; The Hair!
Any hair can made scene if you just put your mind to it. Backcomb it like crazy! Then lightly brush the top layer to get the big look, rather than the knotty look! Then stick some extensions underneath.. Pink, purple, leopard, coon.. have fun :)
Step Two; The Make-up!
This part is super important! LOTS of eyeliner...all the way around your eye. Maybe add some flicks, whatever suits your eye shape the best. Bold and bright eyeshadow. Pale Lips and face. Lots of mascara. False lashes are even better if you can get some :) Light Blusher. Thin eyebrows!
Step Three; The Clothes!
Any clothes can look scene if you wear 'em right ;) Skinny jeans are a all colours. Even rip some and wear bright coloured tights underneath. Interesting skirts or shorts with bright crazy socks or tights. Tops must be bright and bold preferably with something cute or a cartoon character :) Shoes should be either Converse, Vans or pumps (Rocket Dogs are the best!)
Step Four; The Accessories!
This part is very important! Lots of bracelets of all kind! Funky earrings, but most off all..CHUNKY necklaces with cute characters on or the acrylic diamond! Hello Kitty is extremely popular ;) You can even make your own out of Hama Beads :)
And that's how simple it is!
Just make yourself look interesting and feel comfortable in what you're wearing (people will know if you're not!) Just stand out and make those people stare!!!
So you wanna be scene, but your hairs a funny length, you can't afford to get it cut right now and you're lacking in interesting clothes? Here's a way around all that ;)
Step One; The Hair!
Any hair can made scene if you just put your mind to it. Backcomb it like crazy! Then lightly brush the top layer to get the big look, rather than the knotty look! Then stick some extensions underneath.. Pink, purple, leopard, coon.. have fun :)
Step Two; The Make-up!
This part is super important! LOTS of eyeliner...all the way around your eye. Maybe add some flicks, whatever suits your eye shape the best. Bold and bright eyeshadow. Pale Lips and face. Lots of mascara. False lashes are even better if you can get some :) Light Blusher. Thin eyebrows!
Step Three; The Clothes!
Any clothes can look scene if you wear 'em right ;) Skinny jeans are a all colours. Even rip some and wear bright coloured tights underneath. Interesting skirts or shorts with bright crazy socks or tights. Tops must be bright and bold preferably with something cute or a cartoon character :) Shoes should be either Converse, Vans or pumps (Rocket Dogs are the best!)
Step Four; The Accessories!
This part is very important! Lots of bracelets of all kind! Funky earrings, but most off all..CHUNKY necklaces with cute characters on or the acrylic diamond! Hello Kitty is extremely popular ;) You can even make your own out of Hama Beads :)
And that's how simple it is!
Just make yourself look interesting and feel comfortable in what you're wearing (people will know if you're not!) Just stand out and make those people stare!!!
KT Dvuss

Scene is a style, scene is music. So many people of today have turned it into something it is not. When people are scene, its because they are carefree, and don't care what others think of them. Colorful clothes, crazy hair, different style. Scene is a large variety and mixture of other styles. From indie, to punk, scene is there in between. For me, scene is vintage, faded clothes, flower prints, red, white, and blue hair. Scene will always be a style that is in, even when others say its out.
amberly agony

how to be scene
scene girls are considered diffrent. they are bold, random, colorful and sometimesmean. they have self confidence. you would ushally expect a scene girl to be mean some arent some are the sweetest people you will ever meet.scene girls are all over the internet they have all kinds of diffrent profiles. they war stuff like tutus flats skinny jeans tight fitted graphic t shirts slip ons sandals corsets tank tops leggings. whatever describes your personality dont be a fake be yourself
what you'll need
skinny jeans
cell phone
portable music player (ipod)
hair spray
skin tight shirts
colorful hairdye
lightning bolt accesories
crazy funny random accesories
hair gel
alot of music
layered unique hairstyle
colorful eyeliner
colorful mascara and colorful eyeshadow
hello kitty or anything like that dolls or purses
a noteook to write and draw in
scene girls are considered diffrent. they are bold, random, colorful and sometimesmean. they have self confidence. you would ushally expect a scene girl to be mean some arent some are the sweetest people you will ever meet.scene girls are all over the internet they have all kinds of diffrent profiles. they war stuff like tutus flats skinny jeans tight fitted graphic t shirts slip ons sandals corsets tank tops leggings. whatever describes your personality dont be a fake be yourself
what you'll need
skinny jeans
cell phone
portable music player (ipod)
hair spray
skin tight shirts
colorful hairdye
lightning bolt accesories
crazy funny random accesories
hair gel
alot of music
layered unique hairstyle
colorful eyeliner
colorful mascara and colorful eyeshadow
hello kitty or anything like that dolls or purses
a noteook to write and draw in
Aime Monstrosity

Every scene girl must have the basic make up,(:
When i get ready i start with my make up. you'll neeed the following.
* Liquid Foundation
* Pressed Powder
* Blush
* Fluffy brush
* Mascara
* Eyeliner [liquid & pencil]
* Eyeshadow [Gray, white & black are recomended]
to get started youll want to apply the liquid foundation first to even out your skin tone. Then you will take the fluffy brushh and use it to distribute the pressed powder evenly throughout your face to get rid of the shine that will cause you too look sweaty. this will also set yuur foundation so that it dosnt run if you get sweaty:o blush is optional but if you wish to apply it, you will also need to use the fluffy brush so that you getan airbrished effect. when applying your blush its very important that you start from you cheek bones and lightly and slowly go in an upword motion till you get to your hairline. do this as many times as desired just make sure to not overdo it. next for your mascara. i like to use a volumizing and thikening mascara. this is higly recomended because scene girls usualy have volumiezed dark lashes. start applying slowly from root to tip in an upword motion. dont go to fast to avoid clumping. apply as much mascara as you want and keep in mind that you cant EVER go to far with the mascara. if you wish to curl your eye lashes let the mascara dry for about 2 minutes to avoid getting stuck to the curler [yeah, it happens] hold down the curler for 5 seconds and slowly release it, this should prevent accedently ripping off lashes. now for the fun part, eyeliner
ihope you liked it:D
When i get ready i start with my make up. you'll neeed the following.
* Liquid Foundation
* Pressed Powder
* Blush
* Fluffy brush
* Mascara
* Eyeliner [liquid & pencil]
* Eyeshadow [Gray, white & black are recomended]
to get started youll want to apply the liquid foundation first to even out your skin tone. Then you will take the fluffy brushh and use it to distribute the pressed powder evenly throughout your face to get rid of the shine that will cause you too look sweaty. this will also set yuur foundation so that it dosnt run if you get sweaty:o blush is optional but if you wish to apply it, you will also need to use the fluffy brush so that you getan airbrished effect. when applying your blush its very important that you start from you cheek bones and lightly and slowly go in an upword motion till you get to your hairline. do this as many times as desired just make sure to not overdo it. next for your mascara. i like to use a volumizing and thikening mascara. this is higly recomended because scene girls usualy have volumiezed dark lashes. start applying slowly from root to tip in an upword motion. dont go to fast to avoid clumping. apply as much mascara as you want and keep in mind that you cant EVER go to far with the mascara. if you wish to curl your eye lashes let the mascara dry for about 2 minutes to avoid getting stuck to the curler [yeah, it happens] hold down the curler for 5 seconds and slowly release it, this should prevent accedently ripping off lashes. now for the fun part, eyeliner
ihope you liked it:D

To be "Scene" or not to be seen.
It's purely a choice to be Scene. To make that loud statement that you are going to be what you want to be.
Weather it's by wearing exciting clothes that don't match, bright colorful shirts with strips, dots, circles, animal print or just an original band t'shirt that you can wear with your skinny jeans or tutu. Add some flats or slip on vans.
Also what you do with your hair is a big part of being Scene, it can be big and colorful or sweet and simple. So get a hair straightener, LOTS of hair spray, a comb and some hair dye. If you really wanna be bold, color that hair to the extreme and make every head turn as you walk. Because they will also be looking at your cute Hello kitty necklaces, bracelets, your polished nails and the sweet little bows in you hair.
People can also look at your make-up: mascara, eyeliner, colorful eye shadow, all combined to make a piece of art on your face. Just don't go too extreme.
When you have all this done you can take some pictures for your Facebook or for any other social website you are associated with. Don't forget your I-pod to jam out to. Music is what makes up Scene, it expresses those who love music and know that it has helped in life.
Show people that you don't follow the trends of the world. That you are your own person, and you will show that you are different from others and you are proud!
"I hate to see these kids just being put down so painlessly.
And people say you dye your hair and wear tight jeans. That
doesn't mean that you can't scream, or like loud noise, you got a choice, you have a voice."
- A Knife called Lust by Hollywood Undead.
It's purely a choice to be Scene. To make that loud statement that you are going to be what you want to be.
Weather it's by wearing exciting clothes that don't match, bright colorful shirts with strips, dots, circles, animal print or just an original band t'shirt that you can wear with your skinny jeans or tutu. Add some flats or slip on vans.
Also what you do with your hair is a big part of being Scene, it can be big and colorful or sweet and simple. So get a hair straightener, LOTS of hair spray, a comb and some hair dye. If you really wanna be bold, color that hair to the extreme and make every head turn as you walk. Because they will also be looking at your cute Hello kitty necklaces, bracelets, your polished nails and the sweet little bows in you hair.
People can also look at your make-up: mascara, eyeliner, colorful eye shadow, all combined to make a piece of art on your face. Just don't go too extreme.
When you have all this done you can take some pictures for your Facebook or for any other social website you are associated with. Don't forget your I-pod to jam out to. Music is what makes up Scene, it expresses those who love music and know that it has helped in life.
Show people that you don't follow the trends of the world. That you are your own person, and you will show that you are different from others and you are proud!
"I hate to see these kids just being put down so painlessly.
And people say you dye your hair and wear tight jeans. That
doesn't mean that you can't scream, or like loud noise, you got a choice, you have a voice."
- A Knife called Lust by Hollywood Undead.
KamiKandi aKa ToxicTaffy

ish not sure wht im post to put here O.O"
Monster xtc

Stereotyping a scene kid. Everyone thinks that all scene kids are, are all trouble and very rude. Scene kids are very nice, not trouble at all, were just like you. Everyone just likes to judge. As a scene kid you should be very nice and go against what other people say about scene kids.
alley Katt

i love playing video a big to dye cut and style hair and am a very nice person :)
Analeigh Angel

What you think Scene is, somebody could think somethings completely different. Scene to me is showing your crazy, fun cute and amazing self. Don't be afraid to get crazy and if you think something looks cute, then wear it no matter what anyone says. If you show confidence in yourself, theres nothing that can bring it down. You are you no matter what anyone say. Your amazing and beautiful who you are. Haters just hate becuase they are to jealous to love. Be yourself, show your crazy side, be bold and cofident, don't let anyone or anything bring you down and most of all, Show the world whp you are, let them know your name and let them know that you are you! (:
Alehhh IzBeast

Being scene is all about glamor, being out there, and not being afraid to be yourself. If someone tries to but you down for being "different" just brush it off ur shouldur. Scenes shoudldn't let people get them down. So people are expected to follow the fashion trends of today but you should make ur own style.But if you do want to be scene there are things you will need....
Strightner...Stright hair will make it easier to tease
HIRSPRAY!- the right hairspray. spray it in ur hand let it dry if its realli sticki then it's perfect to use!
teasing comb/brush0u can also use a rat tail comb.
bows are a choice of urs but if u wear them then try to wear bright colors and big bows well enjoy being your sceneness of life :]
Strightner...Stright hair will make it easier to tease
HIRSPRAY!- the right hairspray. spray it in ur hand let it dry if its realli sticki then it's perfect to use!
teasing comb/brush0u can also use a rat tail comb.
bows are a choice of urs but if u wear them then try to wear bright colors and big bows well enjoy being your sceneness of life :]
Lexy Lullaby

So what if I wear mismatching socks, a Cookie Monster backpack, lots of eyeliner, and crazy hair? This is me, fuck what people say behind my back
Heylooo My name is Chelsea KillCare,
And I am Scene. Scene can mean a lot of things, but to me it is free-ness. Though Scene is just another lable like Goth or Emo, or "Normal"; Scenes' are very different from the others, unlike Goth's we dont have to be all dark and doomsday, actually we are as light as our innerselves are and though we are music lovers like the Emo's we aren't just about the pain and sorrow of emotions, we are the awesomness of them! And well as far as normals go we are not all boddled up, afraid of what others would think about us because we are the only thing that matter to us. We get one life, why not live it our way?! Thats what Scene is to me, all the free-ness of life, and we rock poka-dots and big bows, not to mention dinosuars! (:
And I am Scene. Scene can mean a lot of things, but to me it is free-ness. Though Scene is just another lable like Goth or Emo, or "Normal"; Scenes' are very different from the others, unlike Goth's we dont have to be all dark and doomsday, actually we are as light as our innerselves are and though we are music lovers like the Emo's we aren't just about the pain and sorrow of emotions, we are the awesomness of them! And well as far as normals go we are not all boddled up, afraid of what others would think about us because we are the only thing that matter to us. We get one life, why not live it our way?! Thats what Scene is to me, all the free-ness of life, and we rock poka-dots and big bows, not to mention dinosuars! (:
Jaime Manic

Scene is about being unique, and who you are. It isn't about who has the most money, or who can act this way or that. It's about showing your true beauty and being able to express the way you truly are. But of course, scene kids aren't supposed to think they are better then everyone else either, that's not a good way to act. But if you are yourself, and show your true colors you'll shine bright and be amazing.
Fairy- Boo

I love being scene doing my hair and makeup takes hours sometimes and well just here 2 days ago according to my fellow scene friends I am now a commtied scen queen. :d
Radioactive * Rose

Taking care of colored hair is a crazy job in itself and many of the awesome colors you put in there fade fast! Here’s some tips of mine that help the color in there last longer. But before you color it, do the following:
~Get rid of your split-ends before going for hair coloring. Trimmed hair makes coloring easy and at the same time enhances the look of the hair.
~Stay away from using harsh chemicals on your hair before you color it. Don't go for hair straightening or get a perm until after you color it. It is advised not to expose your hair to these things at least for two weeks before coloring.
~It is suggested to apply a pack of mayonnaise and egg whites in equal quantity on your hair. The pack should be left for 10 minutes and after that rinsed off thoroughly until the hair is smooth to touch. This should be done two days before conditioning.
After the hair coloring is done, don't use general shampoos. There are shampoos which are specially made for colored hair. These shampoos retain your hair moisture and it also helps the hair color to last long.
Make sure that you apply hair mask once in a week after coloring. Opt for a liable brand of hair masks, there are lots of hair masks available in the market, so don't get cheated.
At least twice a week follow a hair regime, which includes oiling, washing and conditioning. This will give you clean and moisturized hair.
It's advised to dry your hair the natural way and not to blow dry. If you want to dry it using a drier, then use the cool setting.
Colored hair is prone to breakage. So never comb it when it's wet, slowly untangle the hair with your hand and use a wide-toothed comb to brush it.
Though this step would sound time consuming, it's advised to follow this for a healthy colored hair. Use only filtered water to wash your hair, because tap water may contain chemicals that would damage and will fade out your hair color.
Use leave-in conditioners for your hair. The sunscreen content of these conditioners will protect your hair from harsh ultra violet rays.
After coloring, avoid swimming for at least 2-3 weeks as chlorine can damage your hair color. If you are someone who can't do without swimming then make sure that you use swimming caps and condition your hair before you get into the pool.
Now you can have amazing hair that’s long lasting! ^_^
~Get rid of your split-ends before going for hair coloring. Trimmed hair makes coloring easy and at the same time enhances the look of the hair.
~Stay away from using harsh chemicals on your hair before you color it. Don't go for hair straightening or get a perm until after you color it. It is advised not to expose your hair to these things at least for two weeks before coloring.
~It is suggested to apply a pack of mayonnaise and egg whites in equal quantity on your hair. The pack should be left for 10 minutes and after that rinsed off thoroughly until the hair is smooth to touch. This should be done two days before conditioning.
After the hair coloring is done, don't use general shampoos. There are shampoos which are specially made for colored hair. These shampoos retain your hair moisture and it also helps the hair color to last long.
Make sure that you apply hair mask once in a week after coloring. Opt for a liable brand of hair masks, there are lots of hair masks available in the market, so don't get cheated.
At least twice a week follow a hair regime, which includes oiling, washing and conditioning. This will give you clean and moisturized hair.
It's advised to dry your hair the natural way and not to blow dry. If you want to dry it using a drier, then use the cool setting.
Colored hair is prone to breakage. So never comb it when it's wet, slowly untangle the hair with your hand and use a wide-toothed comb to brush it.
Though this step would sound time consuming, it's advised to follow this for a healthy colored hair. Use only filtered water to wash your hair, because tap water may contain chemicals that would damage and will fade out your hair color.
Use leave-in conditioners for your hair. The sunscreen content of these conditioners will protect your hair from harsh ultra violet rays.
After coloring, avoid swimming for at least 2-3 weeks as chlorine can damage your hair color. If you are someone who can't do without swimming then make sure that you use swimming caps and condition your hair before you get into the pool.
Now you can have amazing hair that’s long lasting! ^_^
canival bubble

I think to be a scene queen it´s not necesary has all that complicate things, just be yourself ....
Addie Acid

Scene... You should know who you are. Not fake or just wanting to be someone. No. You just let your personality shine and be who you are :D expressing it through colors or styles or whatever you like... For me its just everything. Haha. What its it for you? Hey, Do what you want, Listen to what you want and Be who you want(: There are no limits. For example.. What you wear, You could wear all the colors of the rainbow, animal print, skinny jeans are highlights.. So are vans(: I always carry my ipod around.. but whatever music deivce you have works!Be really nice to everyone you meet, be very bold! Shy? you can be sometimes.. like me(: See... so I really couldn't think of anything better to say than this because im having writers block... But I hope you understand my point(:
kukiez gone wild

Being scene isen't about being colorful and what ever steriotype's thin's about us.It's about being yourself and not letting people judge you just because your different.We scene kids express our self,not very much but if people actually got to know us they would find out that we're no different from them.We may dress different and sometime we probaly dont express our self's not very much but we are all the same ~kukiez
Zoie CuddleKandii

About Me:
HEY! my Name is Zoie CuddleKandii.
my favorite animals are bunnies.
My natural Hair color is dark brown.
i own my own jewelry company (CuddleBunnyKandii @ Etsy)
my youtube is PepperMintNinja! :D
My friends call me weird, crazy, fun loving and i have a bubbly personality.
i make my own kandii and sell some.
my eye color is hazel(and sometimes dark brown)
i love making videos and since its summer there's gonna be a bunch more! so check me out :)
i LOVE!!! ice cream sandwiches! :)
i'm single (NOT LOOKING! btw)
oh yea i'm straight but i totally suport gays and bis :)
my favroite band at the moment is Cash Cash and my favorite song by them is Red Cup. :)
I'm a Vegetarian.
and my favorite colors are purple blue and green :D
well thats pretty much it if you wanna know more about me or have any questions feel free to PM me on youtube thanks!! ^_^
HEY! my Name is Zoie CuddleKandii.
my favorite animals are bunnies.
My natural Hair color is dark brown.
i own my own jewelry company (CuddleBunnyKandii @ Etsy)
my youtube is PepperMintNinja! :D
My friends call me weird, crazy, fun loving and i have a bubbly personality.
i make my own kandii and sell some.
my eye color is hazel(and sometimes dark brown)
i love making videos and since its summer there's gonna be a bunch more! so check me out :)
i LOVE!!! ice cream sandwiches! :)
i'm single (NOT LOOKING! btw)
oh yea i'm straight but i totally suport gays and bis :)
my favroite band at the moment is Cash Cash and my favorite song by them is Red Cup. :)
I'm a Vegetarian.
and my favorite colors are purple blue and green :D
well thats pretty much it if you wanna know more about me or have any questions feel free to PM me on youtube thanks!! ^_^
Malarkeys Marley

The names Marley and I come from down BELOW!! I love unicorns and other junk