Killette Pyro

If You Even Knew, What Goes on my mind, You would call me mental. But no one knows, those Crazy thoughts That go on in my mind. These Thoughts, And voices, Tell Me to do stuff. Dont hate on me, All because im diffrent. Dont Hate on me Because im insane. Dont Laugh at me because im odd. And Finaly, dont call me crazy, You Dont know me. Haterz Make Me famous.
-Killette Pyro.
-Killette Pyro.
Macy Viruss

Soo i know that this site is for people with eating disorders but im not sure i even have one. My name is Macy, and i have struggled for years with depression. For the past five years or so ive been completely obsessed with my weight but i usually never lose any. I go for days without eating and then eventually crack and eat and gain it all back. I cant seem to get out of the habit, but food and whether to eat or not is all i think about all day long. Its ruining my life and i wish i could stop. I want to be thin and pretty but i dont ever see that happening. I give up to quickly and i wish i didnt have an obsession of having the perfect body.
Iv also had a cutting problem, but ive been clean for almost 5 months. Even though iv stopped its hard to ever forget. Whenever i get depressed i can always feel the urge to go back but i know i just cant do it.
Iv also had a cutting problem, but ive been clean for almost 5 months. Even though iv stopped its hard to ever forget. Whenever i get depressed i can always feel the urge to go back but i know i just cant do it.
Cindi Cinderella

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are emo.Whitch we are not.They just want the attenion they want.
AshleyEats VanillaCookies

Be positive no matter what people think or say.
Kaykay CookieMonster

Never let ANYONE bring you down! They will dis and talk crap on you but never ever let them get to you! Don't listen to anyone who says bad things about you, love who you are. Be yourself and be proud!! If no one supports you on your ideas or your way of life then thats THEIR own fault. Live your life and don't change for anyone! You are who you are. Live, Laugh, Love :)
Dana smackatee:)

Most people get mixed up with scene and emo. honostly, theres a huge difference. even though scenes might wear alot of black and others wear colors, doesn't mean anything. every single scene is different.
Satan Silence

"No matter where you are, people will critisize you."
I completely agree with this statement, but I personally believe that it all depends on how you accept that criticism. I know that sometimes it hurts to be criticized, especially when it's simply because you look or dress a certain way. Or because your hair has different, unnatural colors, or because your make-up looks different. But when it comes down to it, those who criticize you, are just jealous because they are afraid of change and they are afraid of being unique. I, personally, am not hurt by criticism. I accept criticism with open arms and I tell my critics "thanks." And I smile. :)
Many of my critics think that I am weird, even more so, because I say thank you when they criticize me. The truth is, that the criticism does not bother me anymore. It used to get on my nerves and it would make me mad, but it doesn't have a negative effect on me any longer.
My advice to everyone that is changing their style, the music they listen to, and their persona all together is don't be afraid of change and accept all of the criticism with open arms, a whole-hearted "thank you" and a big smile. I don't get criticized any longer because i accept it. :)
I completely agree with this statement, but I personally believe that it all depends on how you accept that criticism. I know that sometimes it hurts to be criticized, especially when it's simply because you look or dress a certain way. Or because your hair has different, unnatural colors, or because your make-up looks different. But when it comes down to it, those who criticize you, are just jealous because they are afraid of change and they are afraid of being unique. I, personally, am not hurt by criticism. I accept criticism with open arms and I tell my critics "thanks." And I smile. :)
Many of my critics think that I am weird, even more so, because I say thank you when they criticize me. The truth is, that the criticism does not bother me anymore. It used to get on my nerves and it would make me mad, but it doesn't have a negative effect on me any longer.
My advice to everyone that is changing their style, the music they listen to, and their persona all together is don't be afraid of change and accept all of the criticism with open arms, a whole-hearted "thank you" and a big smile. I don't get criticized any longer because i accept it. :)
Chloe Caye

Always Follow Your Dreams. Try To Do Your Best, And Try Harder Then The Last Time You Tried. Learn From Your Mistakes, And Use Them For Better Results.
Brookie Fuxk face

Eio my name ish Brookie if you fucking have a problem with me you better back off..I can be a major bitch but you will love me..I am into raving..I am 15 years of age..i am bi so back the fuck off if your going to bitch at me..I am single ready to mingle..I am scene ready to modal for your cameras and make you famouse..i am hot sexy purfect...I love screamo techno Jeffree star is my idol..Hes a bitch but i love that fake bitch..I hate exs i hate you..jkay i love you maybe..i will probly hate you it depends if your worth my time..
Lyssa OneOfAKind

Wondering where life will take you is a hard journey to follow. You see all of these celebrities wanting to be one so you go off trying to convince someone that your worthy. But deep down inside there is a voice saying you dont need that. so you keep trying and trying to figure out what to be. From there life feels like nothing can shoot you down. Then there's one day when you just fall so hard that your back at the beginning of everything wondering what happened. then that small voice inside of you tells you that you took the wrong pathway of life and you noticed what you truly needed was right there in front of you. You were meant to stay who you are and not change for anyone just because you see one person doing something doesn't mean you have to follow them. Make your own path and your own statement. Don't let the world just pass you by because yo wanted to be a follower instead of a leader.
LaDy PuDDiN' SkInS <33

so, a lot of people are jealous of scene people due to their gorgeousness. but i mean, in my case, im one unique individual, and my feleings towards people are, if you dont like me, get over it and suck my non existant cock! i mean really! its so stupid. but yeah, i am the type of person to care what people i care about think of me. so that's bout all. kthankbaiii (:
GiGi DropDead

Heeyyy , Its GiGiDropDead heree
im new here and im fourteen ,, i just want to say a bit about scenestuff ;D
Lets start of ,,,
were ever you go you will probably be stared at because you would look diffrent, colourful also be called stuff behind
IF you want to be scene you've got to be CONFIDENT and NOT to care what people will say in school or out.
You should be unique and yourself , have somthing that show's who you are and what no-one else has , only you.
Have diffrent/freaky hairstyles that stand out.
Scenestyle would probably have "heavy" eyeliner and stuff like that, also big hair alot of the time.
BUT thats your choice.
Well thats my opinion on scene , but everyone has there own style on it.
byeee :3
im new here and im fourteen ,, i just want to say a bit about scenestuff ;D
Lets start of ,,,
were ever you go you will probably be stared at because you would look diffrent, colourful also be called stuff behind
IF you want to be scene you've got to be CONFIDENT and NOT to care what people will say in school or out.
You should be unique and yourself , have somthing that show's who you are and what no-one else has , only you.
Have diffrent/freaky hairstyles that stand out.
Scenestyle would probably have "heavy" eyeliner and stuff like that, also big hair alot of the time.
BUT thats your choice.
Well thats my opinion on scene , but everyone has there own style on it.
byeee :3
Holly Eliz

Hi.! my name is xiomy
Jackie Munster

SCENE. The word that gets the most attention. Either people hate it, or people love it. Some people point and laugh, others wave and praise. When you are scene, your life may change alot. Some good and some bad. But confidence is key. You have to learn to deal with people that dispise you and stand your ground. You must also learn to deal with people that want to touch your hair.
When you're scene, you don't have to have what everyone else does. Such as, piercings or bright colored hair. Scene is actually a new style such as punk or emo and is one that many kids go crazy for. The scene style is a full package. It is not a hair style or a music trend, it is everything put together to come up with a look and attitude that is meant to be as unique as you can make it and as crazy as you dare.
When you're scene, you don't have to have what everyone else does. Such as, piercings or bright colored hair. Scene is actually a new style such as punk or emo and is one that many kids go crazy for. The scene style is a full package. It is not a hair style or a music trend, it is everything put together to come up with a look and attitude that is meant to be as unique as you can make it and as crazy as you dare.
Dani Diamond

throuought life people will look down on you. You wont realize this right away, but they r just jelous because you have the courage to be yourself. being yourself takes courage. Not many people have that courage, the courage to stand out, to go against the latest trend. Being a scene kid is more than the bright colors, the hardcore music, its about being yourself. People think that a scene kid id someone who wears bright colors, has multiple face piercings, and teased or spiked hair. But thats not true. Being a scene kid requires confidence, that same confidence to be yourself, to not care what other people say. Scene kids have to be confident or they will be pushed down. Sometimes being over confident is a turn off and will push people away.

It shouldn't matter what race you are, or what nationality or sexual preference nobody should be judged we are all the same in our own way no difference, everyone has feelings and everyone should consider other peoples feelings. when you look a certain way people are going to judge you just because they don't know you and haven't took the time to get to know you, being scene is really fun because you get to express who you truly are so don't let anyone bring your self confidence down always try and hold your head high and say im proud to be who i am and if you don't like it i don't care because i know who i am, im not some stuck up judgmental jerk who thinks picking on someone is fun
Angel AgonyCore

true perfection is impossiblee...
however, that never stops us from trying
our individuality is what sets us apart
conformity is what tries to unite us
but always reach for the stars!
and never afraid to be who you are
however, that never stops us from trying
our individuality is what sets us apart
conformity is what tries to unite us
but always reach for the stars!
and never afraid to be who you are

My name is CaliforNIA_ZOMBIE
I always knew I had a different sense of style!
I would wear a bunch of eye makeup and tease my hair.
So I discovered that what I really am is a scene queen
I would love to be a famous scene queen because I am black and you barely see black scene queens.
And also I am very fun and I would love to model
My name is CaliforNIA_ZOMBIE
I always knew I had a different sense of style!
I would wear a bunch of eye makeup and tease my hair.
So I discovered that what I really am is a scene queen
I would love to be a famous scene queen because I am black and you barely see black scene queens.
And also I am very fun and I would love to model
Alex Arcade

My name is Alex. . .I used to be on scene but my name was Lexi Lollipop. Scene queens gave me an identity and a reason. It was my focus and it's the best website I think I have ever seen because it gives girls confidence that it does not matter how you dress or how your makeup looks that your amazing just the way you are <3 Scene queens is amazing and that's all. x<3x
Amberlynn Asphyxiate

Being scene is about being different. Expressing yourself, and wearing bright color's to stand out. Being like no other. We all know that people who are different get judged so harshly, and not everyone is going to like you. Dress to express, not to impress. -Amber.
Mary Jean

You have to be willing to handle being criticized in order to make your dream happen. Be strong. It may be tough but if it's what you really want, it shouldn't be too hard. Don't be afraid. Fear will only set you back. People are going to start rumors about you and gossip but that's ok. You know who you are and that's all that matters. Don't listen to them and you won't have drama. That's how I don't have any drama. Be nice, don't be rude. Don't judge others' styles. It's what they like and they can like it if they want. Stereotypes are just a way to classify someone. You shouldn't get upset because someone calls you "emo' or "scene". It's just a way to describe you. It's what you look like. It's kind of hard to explain what I'm trying to say here. I don't mind being put in stereotypes though. I wasn't really sure what to put here. So this is what I got. Ok, I'm done. :)
Jaii Jealouside

You've gotta be brave to be different. Noone likes the 'freak' kid. But I'll have my hair as big and colourful as I want, I'll wear the clothes I like, and my music taste is here to stay, so hate on it all you want.
'The power of love should overcome, the love of power.'
'The power of love should overcome, the love of power.'
Jaiimee Nyte

heyy world i dont know what to write but yeahh !!!! :D cinnamon frosting and toastt :D
scene monster

don't you jut hate fakes?
well i do.
its like why cant the post their own pictures of them selfs up?
well some of the reasons are for one they think their ugly.
two theythink their fat..
or three they are jusst flat out creepy!
well i think people that pretend to be someone else is pathedic.. i mean come on.. just use your real picture:)
well i do.
its like why cant the post their own pictures of them selfs up?
well some of the reasons are for one they think their ugly.
two theythink their fat..
or three they are jusst flat out creepy!
well i think people that pretend to be someone else is pathedic.. i mean come on.. just use your real picture:)
Acid Alex

People will talk where ever you go on how you look, speak, or act so theres no point in trying to be like everyone else. Be different and stand out give them something to talk about dont be shy make a scene. The people who talk about you or hate you dont matter...haterz make you famous! Scene is more then just a style of clothes or hair its about color, rave, hardcore, drugs, sex, glam, uniquie, danger, techno, family, strength, peace, death, life, love, screams, and pain. So be out there and get yourself noticed and be confident and live a little crazy because real friends wont judge and the ones that do aren't real at all.
Alexis eatsairplanes

Okay , well im Alexis.
Im not really a scene chick , but i wanna give this a try. Me and my friend were going to do this together, soo yeah. im probably not the prettiest girl on here, but i think its worth a try. I think that not everyone is perfect , not even me, but I think that you should be confiden, and make yourself the center of attention with like cool make up or hair, and I think that all the girls pictures on here are gourgeous (:
haha , well yeah , bye <3
Im not really a scene chick , but i wanna give this a try. Me and my friend were going to do this together, soo yeah. im probably not the prettiest girl on here, but i think its worth a try. I think that not everyone is perfect , not even me, but I think that you should be confiden, and make yourself the center of attention with like cool make up or hair, and I think that all the girls pictures on here are gourgeous (:
haha , well yeah , bye <3
Rawr Jesso

Love music. Bring me the horizon, A day to remember, Attack attack, Emmure, Silverstein, Mayday Parade, Born of osiris, As i lay dying, Job for a cowboy, Rise against, Burden of a day, A skylit drive, Scary kids scaring kids, Atreyu, Brokencyde, Black veil brides, Burning season, Suicide silence, Escape the fate, 5 finger death punch, skillet.
Love chilling with friends, mainly my bestie Tysonn :)
Jamming out to music
Taking pictures xD
I love to be creative, funny, someone who STANDS OUT in a crowd, love to meet knew people, don't really care who you are, i'll talk to you ... Im deff not a FAKE>!!!
Love chilling with friends, mainly my bestie Tysonn :)
Jamming out to music
Taking pictures xD
I love to be creative, funny, someone who STANDS OUT in a crowd, love to meet knew people, don't really care who you are, i'll talk to you ... Im deff not a FAKE>!!!
Alysaa Exorcism

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutely should be nice. People say scene kids are.....
People say scene kids are annoying or stupid but to me ,I think that they are just trying to express themselves. I don't consider scene a 'label' . I consider it as a fashion/style trend. Scene is very unique & creative. You can express yourself with neon colors or rainbows. Scene isn't really about the big hair or if you have a lot of piercings , it's about being yourself and showing others who you are. There are going to be people who don't like it but that's their problem. They can't really change who you are. People may say that scene is ugly but it's not. It's beautiful. I think that scene should be more poplar then any trend.
People say scene kids are annoying or stupid but to me ,I think that they are just trying to express themselves. I don't consider scene a 'label' . I consider it as a fashion/style trend. Scene is very unique & creative. You can express yourself with neon colors or rainbows. Scene isn't really about the big hair or if you have a lot of piercings , it's about being yourself and showing others who you are. There are going to be people who don't like it but that's their problem. They can't really change who you are. People may say that scene is ugly but it's not. It's beautiful. I think that scene should be more poplar then any trend.
Kelly Crime Scene

Scene: Merely a style, not a personality. Normally confused as emos? Really, we are totally different, oh well who cares anyways. Got to live up to your accusations right? Haha hey, i just wanted to say that no body is perfect, everybody has there own definition of "scene" and a lot
of people get offended bye these different definitions. I go to a bunch of websites and look
up definitions, some of which offended even me! Just never give in and always be yourself!
of people get offended bye these different definitions. I go to a bunch of websites and look
up definitions, some of which offended even me! Just never give in and always be yourself!
Katie Darko

So many people judge you based on your looks. They call you names and start rumors. But not backing down and being true to yourself is all that matters. It took me quite some time to learn that.
I believe everyone is beautiful inside and out. Whether you have piercings all over your face or tattoos covering your skin, your beautiful.
In my opinion, being scene is mostly about confidence. If you walk around knowing that your an awesome person, people will see you as that. If you walk around with an "nobody likes me" attitude, nobody will like you.
As Barbie says, Be Who You Want To Be. Don't let anyone put you down. Skinny, Thick, Colored or White, your Gorgeous and you should know that.
Love & Rockets :)
I believe everyone is beautiful inside and out. Whether you have piercings all over your face or tattoos covering your skin, your beautiful.
In my opinion, being scene is mostly about confidence. If you walk around knowing that your an awesome person, people will see you as that. If you walk around with an "nobody likes me" attitude, nobody will like you.
As Barbie says, Be Who You Want To Be. Don't let anyone put you down. Skinny, Thick, Colored or White, your Gorgeous and you should know that.
Love & Rockets :)