Sara SceneKid<3

People say scene kids are wierd. People say scene kids are depressed emo children, who cut themselves to feel good. But that's not even the point of being " Emo. " And you don't have to pull of the Emo, Goth, Or a Scene Kid look to cut yourself. I think the point of being Scene is to stand out in a way that nobody else does. That's my point. Rainbow hair, Bright clothes, and Converse shoes. Hello Kitty, Girr, and Band Tees. Blonde streaks, and Extensions. All these to be a Scene Kid. I love to stand out. It doesnt matter to me whether I'm the prettiest, or most popular girl in the school. Because I like the way I stand out to people when I walk down the halls. First impression, people probably think Scene Kids are mean, and scary. They probably think we're going to be total jerks to them when in reality, thats how they are to us. We love the silliest things, and we're probably the funniest, most crazy people to be around. (:
Chrissy Chaos

People try to say that Scene's are like preps but, in reality they really aren't. Don't you just hate how some scene's give everyone else a bad name because of something they've done? I personally beileve we all stand out differently than others that are also labeled "scenes"
megz murder

Look around you, outcasts, freaks, fags, the whole game. Look at your self, you're the same deep down. I'm the person who looks at people that are "different" see's past that and walks up to them any ways just to say hi and have a conversation.
a scene kid is a person who isn't afraid to show their true self, they express themself through their look, their music, and the way they act over all. They say they're all clones when in reality each one has a different personality, each one adds their own flare to their style, and each one likes whatever :).
a scene kid is a person who isn't afraid to show their true self, they express themself through their look, their music, and the way they act over all. They say they're all clones when in reality each one has a different personality, each one adds their own flare to their style, and each one likes whatever :).
naya RAGE!!

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are wanna be's well they are wrong, we are special in our own ways and if they dont like it its to damn bad!! you cant be a shy scene kid because well we just arent shy wear it out and be flashy.
dino cupcake

It doesnt realy matter what race you are or if your super skinny or bigger,what matters is that your expresing your self in your own way and not some one elses. What ever haters say cant offend you. If they say "oh your so ugly" why should you listen? There just like bullies but you love them all because when they hate on you they are making you more popular. You cant and shouldnt listen to what other people say about you. Just dont be shy to express your self or walk around with every one staring at you. Just because haters make you mad or angry (which they shouldnt) dont be mean back or be rude to any one. Just be nice and dont be an a** hole. No one will like you if you are. Scene kids stand out so dont stay with one color of the rainbow, go with all of them. Like neon colors and the darker colors. Theyre all your friends haha.
Shayla SaurusREX

I am always talked about at my school. Always called a poser, devil warshiper, girl-who-cuts-herself, emo, etc. And its not fun. Where I live, "emos" and "scenes" and people of that genre are very scarce. There alot of "ghetto" girls and they think just because I'm partially black, I should be like them, Well no, I am me. I don't label myself as anything really. I'm proud to dress how I want. Everyone says to "Be different" In my school, and I am alot different then them, I still get talked about, I learned to just leave it alone and ignore it. You got one life to live, don't spend it trying to please others. :)

Let’s face it; there are people out there that just want to be bullies. And if you have your own alternative style then you are no stranger to this kind of abuse. Just because you see the world differently that is no excuse for someone to put you down. You just need to know that there are people out there that will help you. Even you can’t find that person right away, do not be discouraged. Keep on trying!
No matter what, Scene kids must have confidence. There will always be people to call us names, and do we listen to them? WE SHOULDN’T! Everyone is unique, and we are no exception. We can’t let the “in” crowd at school get us down! Let us live OUR lives!!!
No matter what, Scene kids must have confidence. There will always be people to call us names, and do we listen to them? WE SHOULDN’T! Everyone is unique, and we are no exception. We can’t let the “in” crowd at school get us down! Let us live OUR lives!!!
BloodyBrenda Gorham

Hello Im Brenda (: Iv Always Wanted To Be A Model! Ahaa My Friends Showed Me This Site! My Friends Are My Lifee So AIs My Family Im 14 Years Old. I Would Say My Favorit Person In This Whole World Is Best Friend Krista<33 Hahaa. Im Not One Of Those Girls Who Like Drama Or Start It. Just Sometime Drama Just Happens I Guess It Happens To Every One But Anyways I Love Taking Picz And Ihope You Guys Enjoy This Pic :P
Asking Joanna

Most people these days try to fit in, they try to be like everyone else. Just another person in this world. And then theres people who stand out, hav THEIR OWN personalitys. People who dont care about what other people may say. And the question is, who really r you? Are you really happy when you pretend to be someone you not? The best thing is to be yourself, dont care about what others say. You are who You are, and that is what really matters.
DaynaSarusRexx (:

Being a scene kid has taught me alot. It has taught me to be myself, don't let other people judge you, and to just be random and weird. Most people call me a fake, but I don't let them get in my way. If people are going to treat me like that then they're going to have to stop wasting their own time hating.I have alot of friends that are scene so I can be myself around them since they're weird and random just like me. I like to wear colorful, bright and out-going things. Just because people call you fake and say your weird doesn't mean that you are going to take that. It means your a person and who cares if your weird. Honestly people who call you a fake are just jealous of you. Dont let haters get you down. Tell them haters that they're making you famous(:
daliivon bolanos

Hi.. My name is dhalia or dalia, dahlia XD so I'm from peru :D <3 i come to nj >.> ... i love <3 and <33 my favorites :D MUSIC = LIFE
i want my hair >.> blue xD ...
i want my hair >.> blue xD ...
Cheyenne Caution

What do you think of when you hear the word scene? Is it Hello Kitty, coontails, Dani Gore, or BOTDF? Well I think of people who aren’t afraid to be themselves even if it makes them different! People who are confident, gorgeous , and amazing in their own way.
I go2a school that you either have to be a wana be gangster or a mountain person to fit in. My group of friends are the people who don’t fall in to those categories and we are damn proud of it!!! When I first turned scene people asked me what the hell I did and why, I simply would say “I changed my look because I felt like it.” If they keep pushing I gave it right back. When I first came to school with my hair teased I became the school’s petting zoo. Everyone wanted to touch my hair. Now people are use to it. Yeah, I will still here comments here and there, but I don’t pay attention to them because I like myself the way I am! I’m a generally happy, outgoing person that doesn’t let things effect me much.
I cause a scene where ever I go, AND I LOVE IT!!!:) <3
I go2a school that you either have to be a wana be gangster or a mountain person to fit in. My group of friends are the people who don’t fall in to those categories and we are damn proud of it!!! When I first turned scene people asked me what the hell I did and why, I simply would say “I changed my look because I felt like it.” If they keep pushing I gave it right back. When I first came to school with my hair teased I became the school’s petting zoo. Everyone wanted to touch my hair. Now people are use to it. Yeah, I will still here comments here and there, but I don’t pay attention to them because I like myself the way I am! I’m a generally happy, outgoing person that doesn’t let things effect me much.
I cause a scene where ever I go, AND I LOVE IT!!!:) <3
Annu Applepie

Why do people criticize each other? Why can't we all just be who we really are? I think being scene is more like being yourself. Out there might be thousands of people who doesn't accep you as who you are. But it really doesn't matter if you're confident enough. Don't even try to become something just to please others. Be you.
Ivy Fear

People should be able to be UNIQUE, INDIVIDUAL and simply who they want to be. Being scene gives you that MAY make some people dislike you, but if people dislike you for the way you are, they're not worth the time of day.
Be yourself, have a good time, be so random that you scare yourself. HAVE FUN WITH LIFE, you only have one. Don't worry about the funny looks and nasty comments from the unimportant people, BUT if someone that matters gets a bit funny towards you, try and be more normal. ;)
Live life to the full, be who you want to be and have a damn good time doing it. <3
Be yourself, have a good time, be so random that you scare yourself. HAVE FUN WITH LIFE, you only have one. Don't worry about the funny looks and nasty comments from the unimportant people, BUT if someone that matters gets a bit funny towards you, try and be more normal. ;)
Live life to the full, be who you want to be and have a damn good time doing it. <3
Nancy Nicotine

I was always told to be original, but everywhere i went they labeled me. I said call me whatever you want but at least I am true to myself. I have my confidences and my friends. I dont need horrid people like you bringing me down because i have everything i need and as long as i have haters i am doing something right
Brie Bubbles

Be your beautiful, amazing, unique self. Your creative, and no one can take your amazingness away from you. Your irreplaceable. No one can be you. Follow your dreams, and hit the world hard ;]
Rae-Rae RainbowTastic

In life. Everybodys a critic. Theyll judge you, hate you, try to break you, and do everything in their power to break you. You have to get back up and climb to the top, and you cant give up. You have to be yourself, and not care what anybody else thinks, says, or does. You cant do everything based on what everyone else says, or does. You have to be original. Like they say, its better to be hated for who you are then love for who youre not. Dont let the haters get to you. And hold your head up high. This world is ours for the taking. And im going to go out there and give it my all, everything i got. I am who i am. And i wish you would try to stop me for exceeding the expectations, And if you want to hate, hate. Either way your thinking about me. And i love it.
Savannah Savage

Scene to me is to be who are are and have fun. Go out with your friends you have your haters just let them be. I think being you is the best thing to do even if it has to do with trends just go out party and have fun. Be confident in who you are. And only you know who you are...
Jaynie Krayziee

Hey Guys, yeah where ever you go your gonna get judged, stereotyped, you just gotta learn too live with yeah, I meann, you are who you are, you can change but what happens if you just don't want too. People look at me and turn around and whisper but you know what..
Haters make Me Feel Loved.
Be who you are, not who they want you too be.. Theres always a them and and us, why not be a you and me group.
Dinosaurs go roaaarrr... but in my world they go rawwrr
Haters make Me Feel Loved.
Be who you are, not who they want you too be.. Theres always a them and and us, why not be a you and me group.
Dinosaurs go roaaarrr... but in my world they go rawwrr
XxSheila-SuicidexX <3

No matter where you go, people will hate, people will label you. But you shouldn't care, My family has told me to change to try a new look. I don't listen, I didn't change because I am who I am. I like how I look I'm happy this way.
So if someone tells you that you don't look pretty or they don't like how you dress, Push it away, like Botdf says: "They would love to see you fall" but your not going to so keep your head up high. We are scene kids we shouldn't care about what people say. We are expressing ourselves just like everybody else in this world but just in a more awesome way, And hey Haters Make us Famous(:
XxSheila-SuicidexX <3
So if someone tells you that you don't look pretty or they don't like how you dress, Push it away, like Botdf says: "They would love to see you fall" but your not going to so keep your head up high. We are scene kids we shouldn't care about what people say. We are expressing ourselves just like everybody else in this world but just in a more awesome way, And hey Haters Make us Famous(:
XxSheila-SuicidexX <3
Adriiana Dopestar

Scene isn't just colorful hair and ripped up jeans, it's about standing out and being unique. It's really more than just a style, it's a Lifestyle and it's the one that we chose to live. Being scene takes confidence, and uniqueness, not just a rhyming name and crazy hair. To be scene you need to know what you believe in and believe you are unique and special, know that you are one-of-a-kind. Scene kids don't just rock, they roll! Scene kids CANNOT let ANYONE step all over them, scene kids know how to live, laugh, and love. No-one can put them down, scene kids fight and they don't give up. We can't take discrimination, besides, we are who we are! We don't give a dang what others think, we're not like this to please others, we are like this to please only OURSELVES. We don't care if you hate us, HATE is just another word for JEALOUSY! We stand up for each other, and we believe in ourselves. NOTHING can stop us!
Yuki A

No matter where you are, or where you go people will always criticize you. There will be times when people doesn't like you're style you gotta live with it cus' this is life and life can be hard.simetimes people who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful.Be prepared for the many angry glares. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are....
Grace Gallows

Walking through the world you see many different things. Animals and plants all look different, but still have a group. People are the same way. Prep, Emo, Scene, Nerd, etc. Why do we criticize each other's differences? We embrace the beauty of different flowers. Who would want a world filled with only one? Each person should be loved for being different, not hated for it. Scene kid's are usually considered ignorant and bratty. Why is this? I don't know. I have never seen one scene person fit these qualifications. Each of us are different in our own way. Embrace who you are. Live life and be happy.
Cleo Clerific

Haii Theree Persoon(:
Well..When I think of Scene I think of being unique...I think of being yewr own person and being comfertable in yewr own skin. I think it has alot to do with not only the hair and make-up...but also the personality...i know tht not everyone can go as all out as they want to): I think its important for all of us to stick together becuz weer all the same in such different ways(: like..we are the same...but so unique in OUR own ways...i dont think its fair tht we are judged on our appearence.but thts THEIR problem not ours(: i love yew guys!!...even if i dont know yew(: hahaa -Cleo Clerific <3
Well..When I think of Scene I think of being unique...I think of being yewr own person and being comfertable in yewr own skin. I think it has alot to do with not only the hair and make-up...but also the personality...i know tht not everyone can go as all out as they want to): I think its important for all of us to stick together becuz weer all the same in such different ways(: like..we are the same...but so unique in OUR own ways...i dont think its fair tht we are judged on our appearence.but thts THEIR problem not ours(: i love yew guys!!...even if i dont know yew(: hahaa -Cleo Clerific <3
Cassy Lou

People say scene kids are "girly", "gay", "preppy", etc. But really, they're nice, creative people. They do what they want when it comes to looks and they have their own way in expressing their feelings to the world. They're polight to everyone but not so much to a person who tries to start drama with them. They're themselves and won't let anyone change them nor will they change themselves for others. They are unique and love to smile and just be themselves. They are really remarkable people. They are truely different and "Trend Setters." They go out and be themselves and have fun about it. They have their serious moments, but you can't excpect not to be noticed if you're with one. To be a scene kid in your town might be a little difficult. There will be people calling you a wanna be and a fake or even emo. They will bother you but you cannot let them get to you. Be confident about yourself and stay honest and fun to be with. That will get you far. :)
Miscellaneous Madi

Loud Proud Teen Machine of a Scene Queen. Call me a Trashionista. That's my gig. ;D
Lady Deuce;

Being Scene Is More Than Just a Style.
It's a Passion.
You Have To LOVE The Look;
Trust Me, It Takes Awhile To Get The Look Rite.
Trust Me, It Took Me a Year and a Half To Get The Make-up Rite. & It Took Me Almost a Year To Get The Hair Rite.
Cause It Takes ALOT of Practice. Belivie Me Dont Think You Can Just, automaticlly turn scene over night.
it takes Practice So be patient & Be confident about yourself.
to me scene is my everything. noone can change that. ever.
It's a Passion.
You Have To LOVE The Look;
Trust Me, It Takes Awhile To Get The Look Rite.
Trust Me, It Took Me a Year and a Half To Get The Make-up Rite. & It Took Me Almost a Year To Get The Hair Rite.
Cause It Takes ALOT of Practice. Belivie Me Dont Think You Can Just, automaticlly turn scene over night.
it takes Practice So be patient & Be confident about yourself.
to me scene is my everything. noone can change that. ever.
Raven Ransom

When you start to feel like the haters are right, you need to take another look at them, not yourself. Prove to them that you aren't worthless and that they aren't better than you. They call us immature for dressing the way we do and styling our hair in crazy ways, but they don't realize how immature they are for wasting their time insulting us for not giving in to peer pressure. Scene people don't let some pathetic, preppy little brat get them down. So never, EVER listen to the so-called "normal" people. Just be you. And you know, you're beautiful and no one has the right to tell you otherwise. <3
Whitney Whiplash

As odd as it seems, there have been times where I have been back up when being insulted for being me. Sometimes from friends who are not scene, and once, from my mother.
My dad has never been very supporting of me, but one time he took it way too far. He was drunk of course... And he began trying to talk me down. Calling me a freak and a disgrace to his family. He had the nerve to say this in front of my mom, and a whole bunch of his friends. A few people said something, others laughed at me. But my mom walked up to him and said "no matter how different our daughter looks, she will always be our daughter. You should be happy for Whitney and supporting her for having the courage to dress the way she does, and she expresses herself, and it is better than her being another barbie like your slutty girlfriend."
when she said this, it brought tears to my eyes. I never believed anyone would stand up for me. especially my mom, who had always wanted me to grow up as the preppy blonde cheerleader.
As hard as it may be to believe, people will always believe in you. they may hide it when you are being talked down and mentally abused simply for being yourself, but there will be silent friends who will stand up for you when you don't even know it.
My dad has never been very supporting of me, but one time he took it way too far. He was drunk of course... And he began trying to talk me down. Calling me a freak and a disgrace to his family. He had the nerve to say this in front of my mom, and a whole bunch of his friends. A few people said something, others laughed at me. But my mom walked up to him and said "no matter how different our daughter looks, she will always be our daughter. You should be happy for Whitney and supporting her for having the courage to dress the way she does, and she expresses herself, and it is better than her being another barbie like your slutty girlfriend."
when she said this, it brought tears to my eyes. I never believed anyone would stand up for me. especially my mom, who had always wanted me to grow up as the preppy blonde cheerleader.
As hard as it may be to believe, people will always believe in you. they may hide it when you are being talked down and mentally abused simply for being yourself, but there will be silent friends who will stand up for you when you don't even know it.
Abbi Autopsy

haii there ^_^
i guess its hard for me to think of something to fill these boxes, i allways stuggle:3 so i shall leave you in the cappable hands of oli sykes
"i'd rather live, than live forever"
muchos gracias
i guess its hard for me to think of something to fill these boxes, i allways stuggle:3 so i shall leave you in the cappable hands of oli sykes
"i'd rather live, than live forever"
muchos gracias