
No matter what you do people are always watching. But being scene makes the difference from being watched and being stared at. No matter if you’re from a place where it’s normal to dress in the fashion or from a place where you’re the only one in crazy colors and skinnies you’re still trying to stand out. But it’s not always just about standing out. It’s about standing out with your originality. It’s not just about how you dress, it’s about your badass attitude and you’re out spoken opinions. If people are staring, give them something to really stare about. Stay original, and stay colorful.

being crazy and random is what i do best.putting smiles on everyone's faces s what i live for.im not a fighter im a love but i sure as hell will fight for what i love.i say random things like taco and i love music.to be honest i never expected to be scene i was juss beig me when i tuned scene.

Its not what people say.
Its what you think is rite.
Its what you think is rite.

how to be scene:
First, start with your hair. typical scene hair has short, choppy layers all over with colorful streaks. then, tease your hair at the roots so it gives it alot of volume. remember: THE BIGGER THE BETTER!!!
second, stock up on skinny jeans and anything colorful!!! neon belts, hair bows, cartoon tees, random colored skinny jeans, and converse are very scene. but dont stick to any guide lines, be random and be yourself!! scene is about self expression.
third, your makeup. neon colored eyeliners and eyeshadows are popular with scene queens. also, wear alot of eyeliner and focus on your eyes. the attention to be right there :). add dots, hearts, stars, ect to add a lil more pazazz.
First, start with your hair. typical scene hair has short, choppy layers all over with colorful streaks. then, tease your hair at the roots so it gives it alot of volume. remember: THE BIGGER THE BETTER!!!
second, stock up on skinny jeans and anything colorful!!! neon belts, hair bows, cartoon tees, random colored skinny jeans, and converse are very scene. but dont stick to any guide lines, be random and be yourself!! scene is about self expression.
third, your makeup. neon colored eyeliners and eyeshadows are popular with scene queens. also, wear alot of eyeliner and focus on your eyes. the attention to be right there :). add dots, hearts, stars, ect to add a lil more pazazz.

Being Scene
Okidoke, so being scene is all about standing out for once, but not being overly cocky about it either.
Most scene people i know are surprisingly rather nice people, and theyre not all the bad things people tend to say they are.
You can listen to any types of music to be scene, its kinda what makes you yourself, so dont change that for anyone, okay?
Okidoke, so being scene is all about standing out for once, but not being overly cocky about it either.
Most scene people i know are surprisingly rather nice people, and theyre not all the bad things people tend to say they are.
You can listen to any types of music to be scene, its kinda what makes you yourself, so dont change that for anyone, okay?

Hey im natty(: I guess you can say ima mix between scene and punk. Theres not a lot of scene kids at my school so it makes me happy i stand out kinda(: Scene kids are loved by many and hated by a lot but i guess thats what make most famous.
And sorry my camera died on me so i couldnt make a sign yet.
And sorry my camera died on me so i couldnt make a sign yet.

people will always assume the worst of you no matter who you are or what you look like. people like to put a label on you just because they always think they are gonna be right. but i dont let it get me down because i know everything they say about me are wrong. they might not know it but, they are. i just go out into the world and be myslef because id rather be hated for who i am then to be loved for who im not.
I think you shouldnt judge a book by its cover.. not untill you have atleast read the table of contents or maybe even the first chapter.
you wont really know who someone is until you have gotten to know them, and i think you should give everyone a chance even if you like them or not. you never know maybe one day you could be best friends with them.
you should always be open to new things and challenge yourself , you'll never know how good something is untill you give it a shot.
you shouldnt hold back on something you love just because your friends dont love it. be your own person and say how you feel , dont let others tell you how you feel, speak up for what you beilive.
and NEVER give up... on ANYTHING !!! no matter what. ... follow your dreams, ask your crush out, be yourself, dont be afriad to show the world the real you. you willl always have haterz no matter where you go , so be yourself you will find that specail someone out there, at the right time! and you will find your best friend.
I think you shouldnt judge a book by its cover.. not untill you have atleast read the table of contents or maybe even the first chapter.
you wont really know who someone is until you have gotten to know them, and i think you should give everyone a chance even if you like them or not. you never know maybe one day you could be best friends with them.
you should always be open to new things and challenge yourself , you'll never know how good something is untill you give it a shot.
you shouldnt hold back on something you love just because your friends dont love it. be your own person and say how you feel , dont let others tell you how you feel, speak up for what you beilive.
and NEVER give up... on ANYTHING !!! no matter what. ... follow your dreams, ask your crush out, be yourself, dont be afriad to show the world the real you. you willl always have haterz no matter where you go , so be yourself you will find that specail someone out there, at the right time! and you will find your best friend.

Nobody in this world is perfect. Don't try to be someone that your not, be yourself. Everyone has there own style. Show off your style, it's unique because it's original something you created. Don't become scene, unless you truly believe it's for you. Be your own self and don't let scene take over your life. Don't hate if you don't want to be hated!

Scene Queenss (:
Since the creation of time, everything has dared to step out. to be seen. To be different. The Scene Kids of today, undeniably, are the ones who have took the dive into a world of hate, sadness and ultimate depression. The ones who come out alive are the ones who live stronger, the ones that are not at all afraid to do what they know is meant for them. They are the ones who believe, believe in themselves and their peers. Not because of awful things they've seen and heard in the past, but because it made them stronger, and they cannot be defeated. The scenes of yesterday are the ones who make the difference today. And when I am old enough to make a change in this world, believe me, I will.
Ashlea A.
Since the creation of time, everything has dared to step out. to be seen. To be different. The Scene Kids of today, undeniably, are the ones who have took the dive into a world of hate, sadness and ultimate depression. The ones who come out alive are the ones who live stronger, the ones that are not at all afraid to do what they know is meant for them. They are the ones who believe, believe in themselves and their peers. Not because of awful things they've seen and heard in the past, but because it made them stronger, and they cannot be defeated. The scenes of yesterday are the ones who make the difference today. And when I am old enough to make a change in this world, believe me, I will.
Ashlea A.

Hair for the trend of scene girls are mostly colorful and big or two toned and natural or just a plain solid color. However,black seems to be the most common. Most scene girls use hair extensions like wise as do I. They are very pricey depending on the brand and type of hair extensions you may use. Extensions vary in multiple colors to the natural colors to the neon wild colors. they're are two types of extensions Synthetic and Human Hair extensions. Human hair extensions are the best type quality a scene queen should get because you can do multiple things with them such as wash then blow dry them curl them straighten them and if they're blonde dye them as well as brush them all you want and they will never damage a lot. However synthetic hair extension damage quickly. For an African American such as myself I get weave because bleaching and dying my hair breaks off my hair. Never heard these terms before? heh,I figured some of you would be a little curious. Weave is like hair extensions just without the clips attached to them. When Hair breaks off it basically loses all healthiness hair should have a falls out from the chemicals damaged applied to the hair. Weave makes it easier for people with more difficult coarse hair who can't do too much with the hair they have. They're are two ways on how to put weave in a persons hair by weaving glue or sewing the hair on with a needle and thread on a braid. I recommend that every scene queen that wants a crazy unique hairstyle to get human hair extensions or weave and go all out and have fun :)

To me being scene isn't all about what you wear how you do your hair or what you look like. Its more of being yourself and expressing who you are. Being scene means having confidence in yourself. Its accepting who you are. Scene is being creative and expressing yourself.
The clothes ;D
Part of being scene is about the style. It is about the amazing make-up the awesome skinnies the bright colors. The big hair the crazy accessories we use.
Pictures ^_^
There is also the part of taking the pictures.The pictures have to be unique and something the really shows who you are. you cant really take the same picture over and over and expect people to really see who you are from the pictures.
Personality xD
You have to be out going and crazy. You cant always be shy and not show who you are. you have to be random and nnot care what most people say about you. You have to love who you are and how you present yourself. You can't really be a person teats shy never talks and has a boring personality. You have to make most things you do fun. You have to live your life like nothing can stop you and like its a party all day long.
To me scene is more than a style ;D
To me being scene isn't all about what you wear how you do your hair or what you look like. Its more of being yourself and expressing who you are. Being scene means having confidence in yourself. Its accepting who you are. Scene is being creative and expressing yourself.
The clothes ;D
Part of being scene is about the style. It is about the amazing make-up the awesome skinnies the bright colors. The big hair the crazy accessories we use.
Pictures ^_^
There is also the part of taking the pictures.The pictures have to be unique and something the really shows who you are. you cant really take the same picture over and over and expect people to really see who you are from the pictures.
Personality xD
You have to be out going and crazy. You cant always be shy and not show who you are. you have to be random and nnot care what most people say about you. You have to love who you are and how you present yourself. You can't really be a person teats shy never talks and has a boring personality. You have to make most things you do fun. You have to live your life like nothing can stop you and like its a party all day long.
To me scene is more than a style ;D

Being scene is an amazing thing. It is a way to express yourself through your appearance and stand out nicely. Most people now a days have started to think that scene kids are fake or 'don't give a fuck' about anything. This is not true at all, scene kids are original and most are very genuine. The scene style is an amazing style and I love it, but it's not for everyone. To be scene you have to be strong and not care what people say about you. You have to be able to walk the hallways with your head high ignore the stares and be proud of who you've become. After all being scene is all about being badass and someone people would look up to. (:

hello my name is tori i'am 16 and i live in canada
lets star of why i wanna be a scene queen and what do i think of scene kids
so i dont really reach for beying famous and stuff i like taking picture i wont say t hat iam " cam whore" but i just want to people see something on my picture maybe feelings maybe thought maybe secret :)
what i think about scene or scene kids
i dont think that beying scene is bad evryone got it choice to shoice what to be " emo , fashion, scene..."
ps, sorry for my language :)
lets star of why i wanna be a scene queen and what do i think of scene kids
so i dont really reach for beying famous and stuff i like taking picture i wont say t hat iam " cam whore" but i just want to people see something on my picture maybe feelings maybe thought maybe secret :)
what i think about scene or scene kids
i dont think that beying scene is bad evryone got it choice to shoice what to be " emo , fashion, scene..."
ps, sorry for my language :)

EVERYONE has their own sense of style. Even if you copy someone else, you make it you're own. Being yourself isn't just about fitting in, its about acting how you want, hanging out with the people that you want and dressing like you want. If someone has a problem with that, I just ignore them. Those people need to realize that we're just being who we are. Scene isn't a label, it isn't a style, its being yourself. But you can call it whatever you want(:

All my life i had been critisized for being different. i didnt always DO what the crowd considered "Normal" so what happened? I got a hair cut. one that I liked. i dyed it and got clothes to match. i was finally pleasing myself before otheres. And after i did that? EVERYONE wanted to be my friends. i learned that i doesnt matter what other people think about. i matters about what you think about yourself, and sure enough, as people see that, they'll want to be able to do it to, to be your friend, and to be just like you. <3

well to get big scene hair, spray a thin layer of hairspray all over your hair
then take sections of your layers and tease them.
then spray with hairspray and tease until they are really big and then brush it to shape it the way you like it.
and finish with more hairspray and a cute bow.
and make sure that you use good hairspray&teasing comb or a brush.
then take sections of your layers and tease them.
then spray with hairspray and tease until they are really big and then brush it to shape it the way you like it.
and finish with more hairspray and a cute bow.
and make sure that you use good hairspray&teasing comb or a brush.

Standing up to the Critics
Anywhere you go, there's going to be critics. People won't like your style, or the way you look, or something extremely stupid and to the that rhythm. But, all you have to do is remember that you are beautiful, and don't listen to them. Be yourself, stand in your own lime light. Don't listen to the haters( : They're jealous. Don't change who you are to please anyone. If they want to like you, they will for who you are. Don't hide away in a closet, be confident. But don't go over board. Don't be that person that you hate; the one that thinks they own the world. However, don't let anyone walk over you, and don't act like a pushover. Just do your best to be you, and remember everyone in the world was made different for a reason; you're beautiful!
Anywhere you go, there's going to be critics. People won't like your style, or the way you look, or something extremely stupid and to the that rhythm. But, all you have to do is remember that you are beautiful, and don't listen to them. Be yourself, stand in your own lime light. Don't listen to the haters( : They're jealous. Don't change who you are to please anyone. If they want to like you, they will for who you are. Don't hide away in a closet, be confident. But don't go over board. Don't be that person that you hate; the one that thinks they own the world. However, don't let anyone walk over you, and don't act like a pushover. Just do your best to be you, and remember everyone in the world was made different for a reason; you're beautiful!