Lauren Shivers

I think scene is a way of just being yourself. Not caring and having confidence.I Bleed Glitter.If you're lucky enough to be different, don't ever change ♥ SCANDAL. WAITING.TO.HAPPEN*♥ Be Yourself. And i like midnight cereal parties with myself at the kitchen table <3 Te amo xoxo


Yes, I probably have a lot of similarities with other kiddos on here, but I am unique. I would love to be a part of this site and I really hope you recognize me as an individual and not just another girl. I respect everyone and I am always very friendly :) Peace Love Unity Respect. <3
AuriLeigh Xstacy

Be yourself and show everyone what your made of because scene is just something you are its a lifestyle. It's something you should take pride in, your different in every amazing way. Why be the same as everyone be unique their is no REAL scene look, but what people interpret it to be is good. Sometimes they say your not scene because you don't look it and just keep your head up because they aren't you and they don't know you. Be random, Unique, Exquisite, and Yourself, Be SCENE (:
SaMM!3 S3dUcT!0N

Hey, y'all, SaMM!3 here, and I'd just like to say that being scene isn't so much about how you dress, or the way you cut your hair... Its not about who your friends with or the type of music you listen to... To me being scene is aspiring to stand out... Attempting to be you in the most out there way possible... I think that being scene is also trying to teach others and be a.... well an "inspiration" I suppose you could say... To teach up coming youth you don't have to be like everyone else, because as long as your you no one will care what you dress like or how your hair looks.... Anyways.... That's what being scene means to me....
**Hugz 'n' Kissez**
SaMM!3 S3dUcT!0N
**Hugz 'n' Kissez**
SaMM!3 S3dUcT!0N
Mandi Nightmare

For everyone:
No matter who you are people tend to criticize or bring you down. It’s just natural that someone will always hate on you or dislike you for who you are. It’s really hard to make every single person happy so don’t waste your time darlings. Everyone needs to embraces and love their differences. Those differences make you who you are as a person. One thing to know is that if someone hates on you they’re jealous or they do it to make themselves feel better. So stand out to be confident and not just to be cool. Just remember not to become overconfident because no one likes a person who thinks there all that. Also no one likes to hang out with someone that acts like jerk. Yet never let anyone walk all over you so stand up for yourself. One thing you need is just to be nice to everyone. Also don’t listen to what haters say about you. Some more things “scene” is a style but it’s also about binging open to putting yourself out there and be confident. I say just be different, try to new things, play around with your style, be confident, and you've got it all. Just be yourself most of all!!!
With Love,
Mandi Nightmare
No matter who you are people tend to criticize or bring you down. It’s just natural that someone will always hate on you or dislike you for who you are. It’s really hard to make every single person happy so don’t waste your time darlings. Everyone needs to embraces and love their differences. Those differences make you who you are as a person. One thing to know is that if someone hates on you they’re jealous or they do it to make themselves feel better. So stand out to be confident and not just to be cool. Just remember not to become overconfident because no one likes a person who thinks there all that. Also no one likes to hang out with someone that acts like jerk. Yet never let anyone walk all over you so stand up for yourself. One thing you need is just to be nice to everyone. Also don’t listen to what haters say about you. Some more things “scene” is a style but it’s also about binging open to putting yourself out there and be confident. I say just be different, try to new things, play around with your style, be confident, and you've got it all. Just be yourself most of all!!!
With Love,
Mandi Nightmare
Deborah Disastrous

Hi, My name is Deborah. I get called fake,poser,etc. All because of the way I look/Act. Where I live people like to talk about you.. A lot. Theres also not a lot of scene/Emo people either,we are very rare. So thats another reason why we get talked about. Anyways, when I get called fake/poser all I say is "Kay,thats cool. Or "Oh yes,Im so fake.Check the back of my neck,it may say "made in china" So, I always say Don't judge someone you don't know,because you don't know their story. Life is not so easy when people hate on you all the time. It gets to the point where you just wanna go home,crawl under your blankets,and play pokemon all day. Lulz at least for me. :) So, that is all. Bye-byes. Thank you for reading this. :)
Tiana Toxic

There's always goning to be people that hate on us . All the popular girls with their snobby stares and evil glares. They won't ever leave us alone. It's like their goal in life to torture us. But , they don't understand , that we dont mind the glares and the haters , they're just gonna make us even more famous one day. We don't mind being alone for long periods of time , with only a few friends that actually care. It doesn't matter. Their world is completely different than ours. They have preppy , up-beat music & we have our more emotional life-related music. But we still don't care. You know what i say , Thankies Haterz!
xJay-Jay. Killsx

It's Jay-Jay(:
Megan MassacreMonster

Being Scene is:
Being random:)
Being Colorful:)
Being yourself:)
If your going to be Scene,be yourself!
Don't be a scene kid just because someone wants you to,or if your copying someone.
My bffl was emo.
I became scene.
But then she started copying me,and said she was scene.
We're still friends,but I haven't confronted her about it.
Because we both care about each other,and I dont want to hurt her feelings.
just be yo self!! ^.^
Being random:)
Being Colorful:)
Being yourself:)
If your going to be Scene,be yourself!
Don't be a scene kid just because someone wants you to,or if your copying someone.
My bffl was emo.
I became scene.
But then she started copying me,and said she was scene.
We're still friends,but I haven't confronted her about it.
Because we both care about each other,and I dont want to hurt her feelings.
just be yo self!! ^.^
Kaate Sniffs Yettis

Acceptance is a huge thing.. You have to accept yourself before you can let anyone accept you! Don't wait for people to love you, love them first! Love yourself, because you're going to be you forever. No matter what kind of criticism you get, it will never kick you down as long as you're okay with who you are.Confidence is always, always a good thing to have too, you can't stand out and show the world who you are and why you were brought into this world without being confident! If you're a part of the Scene Crowd I'm sure that you know all of these things already. We're unique, no one can match us.. I guess that's what labels are kinda for.. I mean, people don't get us so they feel the need to label us so that they "know what we are" or whatever. It's kinda dumb how that ish, that they feel the need to label us. Label's aren't the kind of thing to just throw around, You can't just say "Oh she's scene", Or "Oh she's preppy." Just because of their hair or something else. (: Get to know people, make friends, always be who you want to be, not who anyone else wants you to be. Because if you end up as some old ladieee, or grandpa, all alone and petting cats all day just because someone tried to make you someone that you weren't and you failed them.. Then you should have just been yourself! And it's not worth waisting all that time trying to find yourself when you're right here! Just be you! It's sick how people try to be someone else, I know most Scene Models are gorgeous! But stop pretending! You could be just as pretty (: I believe in you<3 You should too.
Destiiinyy M

Ahh dont be scared to be who you are. Ya sure there are going to be people that dont like you but you cant worry about them. Being scene means (in my oppion) to be confident in who you are. Ha ya scene kids seem waird, but really once people get to know you/us they will see that you are super sweet just dont mess with us cause you know we will attack you haha. People say scene kids are emo, over dramatic, &that we try to hard but the truth is they just dont know us. But like I said dont worry aboutt them. They can hate all they want!(: Haha for every hater there are 100 people that like you but dont get to cocky!(: Clothse skinnys, skinnys, &more skinnys<3 band shirts, skirts, dresses. strightendd hair or big &puffy you take your pick!<3
Emy Emergency

Ohaii :D
I have no clue what to write in this boxy... Hmmm
The word "scene" to me means being yourself and not caring what anyone else thinks. Many people love to judge others on their personality or how they dress, you should just ignore them and keep doing whatever makes you happy. Stereotypes annoy me alot! Like if you're scene then you're just a colorful stuck up emo (Not True at all). Ignore the haters and let yourself shine.
Well i'm done, Bieee
~ Emy <3
I have no clue what to write in this boxy... Hmmm
The word "scene" to me means being yourself and not caring what anyone else thinks. Many people love to judge others on their personality or how they dress, you should just ignore them and keep doing whatever makes you happy. Stereotypes annoy me alot! Like if you're scene then you're just a colorful stuck up emo (Not True at all). Ignore the haters and let yourself shine.
Well i'm done, Bieee
~ Emy <3
Diobolic Angie

EXAMPLE: No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are!
DropDead. Barbie!

What is sad is the people who search for emo related key phrases on the web, find these emo websites just to bitch. Let people be who they want to be. It's not your choice. Leave them alone and let them live their lives so you can go live yours. Like me Right now im starting to change my looks, with the 'scene' stuff. xP! People sometimes criticizes me , but i dont care if they dont like who i am fuck them :))
In conclusion, gain influences from everyone and everything around you of course, do what you want to do and be who you want to be!
In conclusion, gain influences from everyone and everything around you of course, do what you want to do and be who you want to be!
Makayla MonsterMashh<3

MY name is Makayla MonsterMashh<3, I loves it when People call me kandi, and I love it too 8] ,I like to wear extensions and fake eyelashes ,I can't live without hairdye -I'm addicted to piercings [but i cant have any at the moment] ,Guys are cute, but so are girls 8] ,Zebra and leopard print make me cream in my pants ,So does anything lacy, frilly, or sparkly ,I write to calm the chaos in my head ,I'm like a stoner minus the pot, a crackhead minus the cocaine ,Rainbow and Sparkly my favourite colours 8D ,I'm a ripped-skinnies-and-checkerd vans kinda girl -I'm not obsessed with music, but I couldn't live without it -Fashion is sex -I dot my "i"s with hearts -I don't have a "clique"; I never have -I hate being mean -I make an idiot out of myself to make people smile 8] (or just for fun) -i like to buy cotton candy at the fair8] -I sing in the shower AND the car -I love the night; i'm scared of the dark -I can never have too many friends
Bryahnna DinosaurBug

I'm kinda confused about this thing. But I'm just gonna say. If youh have a problem with the way I am, go solve it. I like the way I look. [: And none of your opinions matter to me. :D So um..yeah. Be nice please. [x
RawrReynee EatsFakes

RawrReynee again, juss sending the proof pic.
..sorry about this.
..sorry about this.
Ash Catastrophe

Ash Catastrophe; Age: 16
Not so much a looker, not quite scene. Yet.
I've been called a poser, a wanna-be, a loser, a freak, ugly, an outcast, and so on. But that shows how judgemental many people are. And sure I've let them get to me, but the one thing they left out that I've realized about myself is: I'm unique. I may not be Scene Queen material necissarily, but I'm on my way.
Not so much a looker, not quite scene. Yet.
I've been called a poser, a wanna-be, a loser, a freak, ugly, an outcast, and so on. But that shows how judgemental many people are. And sure I've let them get to me, but the one thing they left out that I've realized about myself is: I'm unique. I may not be Scene Queen material necissarily, but I'm on my way.
Emily BrokeMyHeart

People like you better when you're true to yourself. So, do not pretend to be someone else but yourself. Scene girls have self-confidence so do not be shy, be brave! Dare to use strong and bright colors your clothes. Give your hair style go wild and ready to go out with your friends. And do not care if someone would give negative feedback on your looks. They are either jealous or they just do not appreciate diversity. But do not be too confident, because then you are not considered. So, Be true to yourself because you certainly have the courage to be yourself!
Jessi Undeadd

Hai, It's Jessi heree, Not many people like me, but I'm glad I have the friends I do have, Everyone basically Calls me a Freakk because I stand out from others. Alot of people call me emo, but I'm definitely not Emo. StereoTyppes piss me off, I'm naturally blonde so people call me a dumb blondee. There is only 2 Scene kids in my Town, Cierra Suffocate and Me. My friends say im Super Crazyyy. Guess that's 'Nuff boout meee(;

My name is sierra im 13 years old and im really outgoing!
i love halirous people, and i wanna become a scene kid! xP
i don't care what people think about me i am who i am
an i wont change for anyone.
Im living my magical life how any-other normal kid would ;D!
and yeah. ALSO i love doing the chubby bunny !!!
and hope i meet new kool people here xP!
~Sierra :]
i love halirous people, and i wanna become a scene kid! xP
i don't care what people think about me i am who i am
an i wont change for anyone.
Im living my magical life how any-other normal kid would ;D!
and yeah. ALSO i love doing the chubby bunny !!!
and hope i meet new kool people here xP!
~Sierra :]
Saskirawr Unicornn

All my life I wished I was prettier, and I always Hid in my shell because i was really scared about being judged, And thinking I had to be a sheep and follow fashion, and standing out was embarrassing and wrong, and in some points, ugly.
BUT then I thought, hey. . Why fit in, Why does it matter what people think of me? I Like being crazy and people thinking I'm weird, Wearing tutu's and bunny ears in public, With My hair huge with crazy colourful extensions.
Being Scene has Given me a way to feel fly, and unique and better in myself.
I just Don't care what people think of me anymore, I'm confident in who I am, and I think everyone else should to. People need to original, Following the crowd is just stupid, being a sheep isn't being yourself, it's being everyone else, And no-one can't be happy that way, hiding. I wish everyone could be themselves, and not hide in their shell like I once did.
People think Scene kids are Just another crowd. But we're not. We're THE scene, adding colour to a boring grey world full of sheep.
I am proud to be a scene Kid, and Everyone should follow our example of expressing our inner-selves.
BUT then I thought, hey. . Why fit in, Why does it matter what people think of me? I Like being crazy and people thinking I'm weird, Wearing tutu's and bunny ears in public, With My hair huge with crazy colourful extensions.
Being Scene has Given me a way to feel fly, and unique and better in myself.
I just Don't care what people think of me anymore, I'm confident in who I am, and I think everyone else should to. People need to original, Following the crowd is just stupid, being a sheep isn't being yourself, it's being everyone else, And no-one can't be happy that way, hiding. I wish everyone could be themselves, and not hide in their shell like I once did.
People think Scene kids are Just another crowd. But we're not. We're THE scene, adding colour to a boring grey world full of sheep.
I am proud to be a scene Kid, and Everyone should follow our example of expressing our inner-selves.

Lena Lovestruck

Katie Mayday

Your going to be judged, people are going to be judgmental. Just don't pay attention to them. Be yourself. Your beautiful inside and out, no matter what anyone thinks. Just realize who you are and be that person. no matter what. People who judge are jealous of your inner and outer beauty. Be strong. People will point out your flaws. Just don't listen to them, embrace yourself. Be confident. Just not over confident. Nobody likes someone who puts them down. Be nice. People are going to stare at you. So what? just don't let them overcome you. In other words just be confident!! [: [:
Erica Sceen

Sceene style.. what is that means? Doy you know? No! It means: Wherever you are, people criticize yow, they`re pushing you down to the earth, make you feel lika a jerk. But the sceene style is not like that. You have to feel something deep inside of you that screams to be showed.. but there is no other way than this style :)
Dyana Homicide

Never let the negative things in life bring you down and hold you back from moving on in the future. When the past holds you back you can never give anything your all since your focused on the past. take each day as it goes. plan ahead but always have an escape route if it doesnt work in your favor. love yourself for who you are not for what people want you to be. you can be fake even though your beautiful. Never doesnt prove anything. Be proud of who you are and make the best out of life...
Scene is a style of creativity, life, color, emotion, passion and so much more. people think just because were scebe we cut were rude we smoke atleast around where i live. theres always going to be a new day so always keep your face up and always try yuour best to stay positive. things wont get better if you stay down. :D
Scene is a style of creativity, life, color, emotion, passion and so much more. people think just because were scebe we cut were rude we smoke atleast around where i live. theres always going to be a new day so always keep your face up and always try yuour best to stay positive. things wont get better if you stay down. :D
mia massacre

what its like to be scene;
well I believe there are many different types of scene there's the colourful ones and there's the normal type ones that don't wear eye-liner and stuff, well im the colourful type i love wearing wacky bands even tho they hurt, i live in my yellow skinnys and gir tees I love makeup and teasing my hair, i love being different from everyone else. i live in a place called Australia and as u may know there's hardly any scene/emo people and especially where i live in qld theres like no one everyone looks the same except me i dress differently from everyone and sometimes its hard i must admit, i hate being judged i really do but i love expressing who i am and if that means getting judged alot i'll do it, scene isn't all about looks for me its mostly about personality, im very random and obsessed with kandi, dinosaurs and ninjas o.o im not sure why but i don't really care I dont usually wear black clothes, but i wear a lot of eye liner and black eye shadow i like doing eye tutorials i really enjoy it but my profession is hair :) I love new hair and trying new things and if you don't like it I don't really care because I am who I am and I wont change for anyone :) - Mia
well I believe there are many different types of scene there's the colourful ones and there's the normal type ones that don't wear eye-liner and stuff, well im the colourful type i love wearing wacky bands even tho they hurt, i live in my yellow skinnys and gir tees I love makeup and teasing my hair, i love being different from everyone else. i live in a place called Australia and as u may know there's hardly any scene/emo people and especially where i live in qld theres like no one everyone looks the same except me i dress differently from everyone and sometimes its hard i must admit, i hate being judged i really do but i love expressing who i am and if that means getting judged alot i'll do it, scene isn't all about looks for me its mostly about personality, im very random and obsessed with kandi, dinosaurs and ninjas o.o im not sure why but i don't really care I dont usually wear black clothes, but i wear a lot of eye liner and black eye shadow i like doing eye tutorials i really enjoy it but my profession is hair :) I love new hair and trying new things and if you don't like it I don't really care because I am who I am and I wont change for anyone :) - Mia