Article - As scene in my eyes

Scene is just another label like any other stereotype. Sometimes, it's hard to explain labels, me personally I hate labels. I mean anyone can be scene as much as anyone can be preppy, jock, or skater. The best way to explain scene is you basically please yourself with how you are. It really is who YOU choose to be. And it is a commitment, break out the hairspray and those old halloween costumes you wore two years ago, because they are necessary in your transformation to sceneness. Being scene isn't just about the look, because scene girls are often confused with "emo" girls which, emo isn't even a real label... But anyways, dressing scene is basically looking like everyday is halloween for you, hello kitty is your best friend, but you really want to express your own style through your hair, makeup and clothes. Every scene girl has their own signature thing whether it be a color, a way she teases her hair or a pose she does on myspace. Being scene really help you show how confident you really are and it helps you embrace that inner bitch. Haha (:
[S]tereotypical [C]olorful [E]lectric [N]oteworthy [E]xotic
[Q]uestionable [U]nderappriciated [E]xcellent [E]nergetic [N]ew [S]ouls