DropDead // Dynamite

how i do my make-up:
I actually don't use that much...
i underline the under lid with a lot of
black eyeshadow.I apply black eyeshadow all over
my upper lid. and thats all :) i don't use eyeliner or mascara.
eyeshadow is better,it lasts much longer^^
how i do my hair:
I'm just srtaightin it for like...2 or sometime 3 hours
(I'm african-american,so my hair's realy thick).
sometime i get extensions,long extensions.
mostley they are very very long and black.
I'll show you a picture on the end^^
what I am wearing:
normaly i wear black or pink leggins,
or realy tight black jeans.
on top of that i wear a lot of band shirts
(bmth,misfits,bfmv and so on). i also have shirts
made by,skellanimals,hello kitty,bye bye kitty and more.
i get my stuff from EMP
I actually don't use that much...
i underline the under lid with a lot of
black eyeshadow.I apply black eyeshadow all over
my upper lid. and thats all :) i don't use eyeliner or mascara.
eyeshadow is better,it lasts much longer^^
how i do my hair:
I'm just srtaightin it for like...2 or sometime 3 hours
(I'm african-american,so my hair's realy thick).
sometime i get extensions,long extensions.
mostley they are very very long and black.
I'll show you a picture on the end^^
what I am wearing:
normaly i wear black or pink leggins,
or realy tight black jeans.
on top of that i wear a lot of band shirts
(bmth,misfits,bfmv and so on). i also have shirts
made by,skellanimals,hello kitty,bye bye kitty and more.
i get my stuff from EMP