How to be Scene

HOW TO BE SCENE: Now the first thing you need to remember when you're deciding to make the switch from the old you to the new Scene Queen is that you are going to be made fun of. Lots of people don't understand the "scene" fashion, but you just have to keep telling yourself that it doesn't matter what other people think of you, its what you think of yourself. Don't try and go scene because of someone else. Going scene is a choice that you have to make for yourself or else you will most likely not like it and people will probably call you a poser. You can ask any scene girl how to be scene and they will probably tell you how you should wear your hair, How to do your make-up, and what you clothes you should buy. But if you ask a true Scene Queen the same question she will tell you, being scene isn't about having big, colorful hair or wearing heavy make-up. Its about being yourself, Being original, and having fun with your own personal style. When you're first starting out in the scene world you probably will want to follow some guide lines but like i said be original! *Be the Part* -Being scene isn't just a fashion choice its also a life choice! You can't just dress scene and expect not to be called a poser, you have to act it too. Scene girls are usually very happy, and friendly to mostly everyone. And we one thing we are known for is our sort of childish ways of thinking. There are a few different types of scene fashion and you should try and pick your style by compairing a few to your personality! Don't change yourself to fit a style. Change your style to fit you! I really hope this helps you! to get tips on hair, make-up, and more check out other articles here @<3