Barbie Braindead

Hello. Im Barbie Braindead :p I Was Once a Scene Queen. But i Quit For awhilee. my name was, "Lady Deuce" thenn. but noww im back :p i LOVE Modeling for scene queens
Jessica Juvenile

*~Dressing Scene~*
Dressing scene is pretty simple. A scene outfit usually consists of a slim vintage tee, some shoes such as vans or converse, and random accessories like hello kitty or even domo! But dressing as a 'scenster' can not be completer without having the scene hairstyle or some kind of scene or emo hair to go along with your scene style.
Makeup also plays a big part. It's up to the individual though to come up with their unique scenster look by choosing their own scene clothing, applying their own scene makeup, and creating a scene hairstyle to complete their look. :D
~Jessica Juvenile
Dressing scene is pretty simple. A scene outfit usually consists of a slim vintage tee, some shoes such as vans or converse, and random accessories like hello kitty or even domo! But dressing as a 'scenster' can not be completer without having the scene hairstyle or some kind of scene or emo hair to go along with your scene style.
Makeup also plays a big part. It's up to the individual though to come up with their unique scenster look by choosing their own scene clothing, applying their own scene makeup, and creating a scene hairstyle to complete their look. :D
~Jessica Juvenile
Sarah Palmer

~How to make coon tail extensions using food coloring~
Things you'll need:
Hair weft (not to dark! Blond would be the best if you want them bright, light brown if you want them dark)
Sew on clips
Food coloring
Time: 45 mins tops! Maybe more is you're slow. :o and it also depends on how long you let it sit.
This is an easy and fun way for you to make coon tails quick and cheap! Lets start!
1.Sew the clips onto the weft after you've measured how long you want it to be.
2. Put the extension down on the towel
3.Pour the food coloring on the extension. Make sure it's fully covered in the coloring over wise it will look stupid
4.Let it sit as long as you want. I let mine sit for 30 mins, but that's only because I want to make sure it dyes dark.
5.Rinse the coloring out in the sink until there is barely any color in the water.
6.Blow dry it!!!
7.Put on flat surface.
8.Start sharping the black part of tthe coon tail.
9.Put in your hair and enjoy!
Things you'll need:
Hair weft (not to dark! Blond would be the best if you want them bright, light brown if you want them dark)
Sew on clips
Food coloring
Time: 45 mins tops! Maybe more is you're slow. :o and it also depends on how long you let it sit.
This is an easy and fun way for you to make coon tails quick and cheap! Lets start!
1.Sew the clips onto the weft after you've measured how long you want it to be.
2. Put the extension down on the towel
3.Pour the food coloring on the extension. Make sure it's fully covered in the coloring over wise it will look stupid
4.Let it sit as long as you want. I let mine sit for 30 mins, but that's only because I want to make sure it dyes dark.
5.Rinse the coloring out in the sink until there is barely any color in the water.
6.Blow dry it!!!
7.Put on flat surface.
8.Start sharping the black part of tthe coon tail.
9.Put in your hair and enjoy!
Liddiee lovedead

How to do Reaal big scene hair;
What you will need;
1 can or good hairspray
a teasing comb/comb
and a bow.
1.onto clean hair, spray roots with hairspray and run your fingers from the middle up to the top of your hair. however you wish.
3.take your teasing comb/comb and tease the f**k out of the roots of your hair and spary with hairspray.(dont tease the bottom part, leave it).
4.use your fingers to push yor hair down a little then spray your whole hair again.
5. add a bow to the top of your bangs!
What you will need;
1 can or good hairspray
a teasing comb/comb
and a bow.
1.onto clean hair, spray roots with hairspray and run your fingers from the middle up to the top of your hair. however you wish.
3.take your teasing comb/comb and tease the f**k out of the roots of your hair and spary with hairspray.(dont tease the bottom part, leave it).
4.use your fingers to push yor hair down a little then spray your whole hair again.
5. add a bow to the top of your bangs!
Alex Alwayz

What is Scene?
Well, to me scene means...
Not caring what people think about you. Being wild, bold, crazy, out there. Being scene is not just being emo with colors. Or your everyday girl, but with think eyeliner. Most scenes wear bold colors with dark eyeliner as makeup. For hair they usually have blonde with black,a bright color, or even light pink highlights; black with bright highlights; or even brown with black. For some girls, they keep their natural hair color and just use Clip In Hair Extensions ( available at Hot Topic). For clothes they usually wear skinny jeans or a tu-tu with a band tee- shirt or a Cartoon tee-shirt/tank top (Hello Kitty, Invader Zim, Domo etc.) But it's not about the clothes. It's about how they express their indivituality and express themselves.
Well, to me scene means...
Not caring what people think about you. Being wild, bold, crazy, out there. Being scene is not just being emo with colors. Or your everyday girl, but with think eyeliner. Most scenes wear bold colors with dark eyeliner as makeup. For hair they usually have blonde with black,a bright color, or even light pink highlights; black with bright highlights; or even brown with black. For some girls, they keep their natural hair color and just use Clip In Hair Extensions ( available at Hot Topic). For clothes they usually wear skinny jeans or a tu-tu with a band tee- shirt or a Cartoon tee-shirt/tank top (Hello Kitty, Invader Zim, Domo etc.) But it's not about the clothes. It's about how they express their indivituality and express themselves.
Ari Bunneh

haii haii .
sorree ihf yuh cannut readd muh handd writin ,
juhss saee iht outloudd .
im nutt thaa moss confidentt puuurrsonn .
juhss sayinn .
nuu , i duu nutt teasee muh hurr .
nuu , i duu nutt dyee muh hurr .
yuss , i havee overr 3oo pics uff muhselff
on facebook . add meh [Ari Gabrielle Bunneh]
yuss , i amm bisexuall .
mmm baii baii .
~Ari BTL Bunneh
sorree ihf yuh cannut readd muh handd writin ,
juhss saee iht outloudd .
im nutt thaa moss confidentt puuurrsonn .
juhss sayinn .
nuu , i duu nutt teasee muh hurr .
nuu , i duu nutt dyee muh hurr .
yuss , i havee overr 3oo pics uff muhselff
on facebook . add meh [Ari Gabrielle Bunneh]
yuss , i amm bisexuall .
mmm baii baii .
~Ari BTL Bunneh