Christine Charmed

Scene . ... Scene is a style . It's fashion . Usually you see scene kids walking around in Skinny Jeans , Band Tees , and some kind of skater shoe brand , for example Osiris ( Very popular ) . But it's more than that . You don't always have to wear 'band tees' , get creative . Where stuff with cartoon characters , for example : Hello Kitty ( Not to much ) , Mario , Domo , ect. . Also , you don't have to wear skater shoes , i mean you could wear any kind of shoes except like Mary Jane's . What is really good for 'scene' style is Converse , flats , and the occasional skater brand shoe . But the most important thing about the scene style is HAIR AND MAKE-UP ♥ . First off , don't wear make-up if your parents don't want you to , they have reason . Hair ! - Hair for scene kids is probably the most important thing about their individual style . Every scene kid has there own personal touches to there hair , colored streaks , random burst of color , teased hair , swooshy bangs , straight bangs , side bangs , long thin hair , short thin hair , spikey , flat (mostly not) , poofy , and CHOPPY LAYERED . Choppy layers is the most important thing on 'scene' hair , and bangs of course . I wouldn't recommend cutting your own hair unless you are good at it , but in my position I am good at it and I cut my friends hair also . MAKE-UP ! - again don't wear it if you're not allowed . 'Scene' make-up isn't complicated , but it can be . Just counts on the way you want it to look . On a normal day to school I usually just wear eyeliner not to thick on the bottom and sometimes on the top eyelid and on the top waterline . Mascara is also good , that is good for school . But for pictures , you can put colorful eye shadow , like Blue , Pink , Yellow , Green , and even a little black , but not to much . You don't want the 'emo' or 'goth' STYLE label . This is practically the 'scene' style , but remember be different , try to be different , be confident , and you've got it all down .
- Signed ,
Christine Charmed
also known as ,
- Signed ,
Christine Charmed
also known as ,
xXKiller KatastropheXx McDougall

All around,ppl call me a fake.....and a poser.........but i'm neither one of those things. I wish ppl would let me be what i want to be...........scene....... I may not straighten my hair or tease it up big. I might not dye it wild colors,wear extentions,pierce my face,and all that other stuff.....but i AM me. If only ppl knew why i'm the gothic scene that i am..........hardships is all i'm saying. Well either way,i love myself the way i am and if you don't understand why ppl like to be scene,don't bother asking. Scene is what we are,no questions asked. Don't bother with the crap ppl give you for being who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Respect is all we wish for. I'm speaking up as a scene who wants to be wanted. Speak up as a part of this amazing website and stand up for scene's like me and you.
Love ya Scene King
~~ xXKiller KatastropheXx
All around,ppl call me a fake.....and a poser.........but i'm neither one of those things. I wish ppl would let me be what i want to be...........scene....... I may not straighten my hair or tease it up big. I might not dye it wild colors,wear extentions,pierce my face,and all that other stuff.....but i AM me. If only ppl knew why i'm the gothic scene that i am..........hardships is all i'm saying. Well either way,i love myself the way i am and if you don't understand why ppl like to be scene,don't bother asking. Scene is what we are,no questions asked. Don't bother with the crap ppl give you for being who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Respect is all we wish for. I'm speaking up as a scene who wants to be wanted. Speak up as a part of this amazing website and stand up for scene's like me and you.
Love ya Scene King
~~ xXKiller KatastropheXx
Dango Alicia

Can't get that perfect scene makeup? Well fear no more, I'm hear to help with a few different makeup styles.
You've seen that black smokey eye, you've seen that black eyeliner half on top of the eyelid and in a thin line along the water line with gold in the corners of that persons eyes, and you've seen those rainbow-like eyelids, colorful right?
I have ways for you to do them all!
INSTRUCTIONS: First off, you'll have to do your base/foundation on your own, I'm just focusing on the eyes. Now what you'll need are these: eyeshadow platelet (in all colors if possible), eyeliner (liquid, pencil, or gel, various colors), brushes (for the eyeliner if you use gel, and for eyeshadow).
FIRST: Black smokey eye.
What I do is I take a black pencil eyeliner and go thick on my top lid, and waterline. (TIP: if you want the top lids waterline just do the bottom and squeez your lids together tightly when closing them). Then I take a black eyeshadow, do it the way you normally put shadow on, then take a black liquid eyeliner (optional) and line the top part of your eyes making a wing if you'd like. Mascara and then you're done!
SECOND: I use a eyeshadow stick, but a white pencil eyeliner would work best. Do the inner corner of your eyes half on the top and half on the bottom of your eyes, then take a black eye liner and do the outter half of your eyes making a wing, mascara then done!
THIRD: Rainbow eye makeup, I start with a light yellow in the inner corner of my eye, then go to a light green, mixed slightly with a darker green right next to it, then a light blue right after the green, purple, then pink at the very outter corner of your eye, fanning it out, next take blue eyeliner (pencil) and do your top lid, then do the bottom with blue also, ONLY ON THE WATERLINE, Blue mascara if you have it, and done.
Hope this helped.
You've seen that black smokey eye, you've seen that black eyeliner half on top of the eyelid and in a thin line along the water line with gold in the corners of that persons eyes, and you've seen those rainbow-like eyelids, colorful right?
I have ways for you to do them all!
INSTRUCTIONS: First off, you'll have to do your base/foundation on your own, I'm just focusing on the eyes. Now what you'll need are these: eyeshadow platelet (in all colors if possible), eyeliner (liquid, pencil, or gel, various colors), brushes (for the eyeliner if you use gel, and for eyeshadow).
FIRST: Black smokey eye.
What I do is I take a black pencil eyeliner and go thick on my top lid, and waterline. (TIP: if you want the top lids waterline just do the bottom and squeez your lids together tightly when closing them). Then I take a black eyeshadow, do it the way you normally put shadow on, then take a black liquid eyeliner (optional) and line the top part of your eyes making a wing if you'd like. Mascara and then you're done!
SECOND: I use a eyeshadow stick, but a white pencil eyeliner would work best. Do the inner corner of your eyes half on the top and half on the bottom of your eyes, then take a black eye liner and do the outter half of your eyes making a wing, mascara then done!
THIRD: Rainbow eye makeup, I start with a light yellow in the inner corner of my eye, then go to a light green, mixed slightly with a darker green right next to it, then a light blue right after the green, purple, then pink at the very outter corner of your eye, fanning it out, next take blue eyeliner (pencil) and do your top lid, then do the bottom with blue also, ONLY ON THE WATERLINE, Blue mascara if you have it, and done.
Hope this helped.
a little girl comes out of a well every 7th day and on the 7th day little boy death found his frist love:)
hello people im cupcake princess and i just wanna say that im glad to find a web site like this <3 it so muxx fun
well heres something about me hehe
im a hyper person but im fun i love anime ^///^
my fave color is pink and black i love all kind of music well i dont want to bord yaa so im going bye take care :) -cupcake princess
XxdinosaurxX shawndra**

i don't know what to put so i'll just say
haii =^-^=
haii =^-^=
cameron catastrophe

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are.....
sinisterxspider fraser

im going to embrace my flaws to all of you.. first.. i love everyone, i realy dont hate people unless they talk crap about me or just hate me for no apparent reason. second.. i love to take pictures, enywhere i go i take pictures. parties, hangouts, even at home, just boredone day ill take pics and yeahh. third.. i love to hangout with people. every week/weekend i go places and hang with my closest friends and just chill haha and yeah that meee!!!

BEFORE I START I AM MIXED(:So here goes it.I don't like Scottish accents(total turn-off),love coffee,hate Farrah's mom from Teen Mom(so ugly),love New Boyz,love shoes,love socks,love necklaces,love being in love,so if you're reading this,thaank you:)I'm either at my mom's,home,with savanna,or swimming,or off doing something.I watch Jersey Shore like there's no tomorrow,and I hate a fair amount of them,but not all.I <3 Scene Kids.And Nutella. I have a bad past and only talk about it with people I really get to know on here.I'm not a virgin,doesnt mean ima hoe. I like all kinds of music.My fav colors are pastel.I'm super random.My bestie's Savanna.I love Taco Bell.I don't believe in perfect relationships,but I believe in second chances,even if it is a big risk taker. Want to know more?Mikaela.WHAAT I LIKE AN DISLIKE:)Likes: Hugs. Laughter. Highlighters. Late nights. Marlboro Ciggs. Peircings. Movies. Music. Friends. the color purple. Bring me the Horizon. A day to remember. Music. Batman. Aquaman. My best friends. Froggies. Rainy nights. Dogs. Memories. Rainbows. The Truth. Making random faces in my mirror. Gauges. Ballet. Panio. Subway! Paperclips. Summer. Spring. April. Hairspray. Piercings. Honaste people. Christofer Drew Ingle. Oliver Sykes. Good morning Texts. Starbucks. Love. Chalk Drawings. Sunlight.Conversations that are ALIVE.Dislikes: Sex based relationships. Liars. Cheaters. Two-faced people. Cats. Justin Bieber. Barney. Spiders. Pain. Crying. Kids. Drama. fights. Losing people you care about. being cheated. Used. Pot. Meth. Coke(soda&Drug). Acid. My hair. Math. Biology. Ice Tea. Heartbreak. Love.Peter Nye.Racist people.:D peace out motha fuckas an bithes! **** YOU NEED TO KNOW****READ IT DAMN IT! .Everyone deserves love without terms and conditins. Everyone has the right to live there life the way they want. Everyone has the right to be happy without being guilty. No one deserved abuse. No one is not good enough for healthy love. No one has the right to hurt anyone. Everyone can be happy. Everyone feels completely alone and lost sometimes. Its okay to be yourself. Its okay to do what you want to do. Its okay to be happy with yourself, your life. Its okay to say no. You need to be honest with everyone, and yourself. Live your life, be honest, love everyone-everything you can. Dont listen to anyone but yourself. Do anything you want as long as its not hurting someone else, dont take shit, you deserve the best, you can have it if you want it bad enough- Mikaelaa. i dont straighten my hair rarely i love my natural curls<3333 im only in it for the music period. im a song writer also.
princess in training Garcia

"hola" fella scene peoples :) my name is Emery Garcia im now only 13 and tryingg to become a scene queen thats why i call my self _<3_Princess inn training_<3_ i started to become a little bit scene in 7th grade but that was last year so im kinda a starter :) woot!woot! but my mom is always asking why do yooh wanna become scene so bad ! MOM! its because its what i wannna doo ! see ! scene qirls are so pretty to mee there like ugh so freaking PRETTY i wanna start dieing my hair and stuff but no cause my stupid school :) blahh !!(i HATEW school with a paction :) but i have a question does it hurt to get your lips pieced ?!? who ever can answere that can yooh tell me cause im ding to know that :D well thats all laters my people
_<3_princess in training_<3_
_<3_princess in training_<3_
Twigglet Hannah

No matter what anyone says or what anyone thinks, be yourself. Be confident, stand out from the crowd, start the trends and be unique! Backcomb your hair until it's as high as the moon if that's what it takes to be unique. No matter what anyone else mutters under their breath or thinks while they walk past you, be you. Embrace your style, uniqueness and show the world you're not afraid to stand out.

My name is aaliyah but most call me liyah im 14 years of age i love drawing,neons,writing,MUSIC,along with my friends i have no idea what i would do without any of thoes things.And i am black and i am scene but everybody thinks that oh black people cant be well some are so get over it!!!!!And if your reading this you might think that im a mean @*!#$ but im really not im really fun and random i hate it when people hated me:( And my number 1 fave thing this the band NEVERSHOUTNEVER!!!!!!!<3(AND SMEXY GUYS)!!!!!!!
My name is aaliyah but most call me liyah im 14 years of age i love drawing,neons,writing,MUSIC,along with my friends i have no idea what i would do without any of thoes things.And i am black and i am scene but everybody thinks that oh black people cant be well some are so get over it!!!!!And if your reading this you might think that im a mean @*!#$ but im really not im really fun and random i hate it when people hated me:( And my number 1 fave thing this the band NEVERSHOUTNEVER!!!!!!!<3(AND SMEXY GUYS)!!!!!!!
Ace Angelphace

Ermkayy, Scene has lots of Defentions. ‘scene’ is basicaly self-expression. Hence, most kids use the line ‘make a scene’ meaning be different, do what you want to do. I don’t give a cheez-it what you thihk. But, most scenes wear skinnys and converse/vans, hightops. Band tees and things you wouldn’t see on normal Everyday people. like big hair and loads of neon makeup. But scene has gotton like UBER famous since 2009! :o well, not nessicarially being scene more of the style of scene. Like what they wear and stuff. So yah, ACE ANGELPHACE OUTIE(:

OK my first article is gonna be on a band that I love and the band is Blood On the dance Floor. they are my most favorite band in hw orld I support them 100% and I love every songle song and Dahvie and Jayy and they are very sexy. They have been my favorite band for about almost 3 years now I'm a true fn I have two of their shirts an old one with Garrett and Dahvie on it and I just got a new one from their concert but has a treasure chest on with BOTDF and roses its pretty sweet and I got a pic with them that probably was my best night ever. BYE<3

It doesnt matter who you are, you are different. Its human nature that everyone is different, no matter who you try to be or who you want to be. There is no one exactly like you. You have to embrace the fact that you are different and make the absolute best of it all. Of course, there will be people who will judge you for who you are. People that will think of you differently because you have black hair, or piercings or you dress differently. There are people like that everywhere, not just in your school or community. People say scene kids are kids deprived of attention and are just scene because of their friends. If you are going to stereotype yourself as 'scene' then you need to do it because its YOU. Not because its your bestfriend, but because its who you are.
BombShell Briana

I may be young, but I know what I want in life :& that is to be happy. I may not be perfect but who is?? I will find someone one day who will except me for me :& love my imperfections. God made each :& everyone of us beautiful in our own way, we just have t own it. Giving up will never be an option in my book :& it shouldnt be in yours either. Be proud of who you are because u never want to "fit in" you want to stand out, be [U]nique. <333

-"I'm not your average girl, blahblahblah.." Actually, I pretty much am. -I'm terrible at controlling my laughter. -I like to be silly and have fun, but I know where to draw the line. -I'm not a people pleaser, whatsoever. -You're nice to me, I'm nice to you! That's just how I roll :) -I'm not going to say I'm not judgmental, because I am by human nature. -I support gays, I just happen to be straight. -Attractive guys with cute smiles are my weaknessss! -Don't take everything I say too seriously. I like to joke around (: -Yes, I'm a virgin, but think what you want because you're going to anyways. -I'm not a whore, slut, skank, etc., -Forget about what you see; Go for what you know. -I'm not good with change, yet it's something I'm constantly going through. -Cuss words are a huge part of my vocabulary. -I have a dirty mind, and speak quite vulgarly. -I'm hopeful, yet extremely pessimistic at the same time. -I'm proud of the person I'm becoming. -I try to be the best friend possible. Sorry if I fuck up sometimes. -I'm not one to give in to peer pressure. -Rarely do I drink. It's not my idea of a "good time." -I've never smoked or done drugs, and I plan on keeping it that way! -I'm determined to actually make something of my life. -I'm open minded and am wearing my heart on my sleeve. -I'm very opinionated and like to speak my mind; Don't like it? GO AWAY (: -I'm overly jealous, and easily annoyed. Keep that in minddd. -I have my flaws just like everyone else, and am not going to change for anyone. -If I'm a bitch to you, it's nothing personal. It's just how I am. -I'm kinda picky, and I have standards. Not high ones, but standards nonetheless! -I'm fairly easy to please, so go ahead and give it a shot. -Overall, I'm just me. Got a problem with that? Go suck a dickkkk!
Oliverly Zorbas

I've just gotten into scene style. I've been wanting to do it for a while now.
But. Im taking it slow. This summer i cut my hair in the choppist way i could get ;D. i bleached it. not too much, originally it was a really REALLY dark brown. I have 2 little black strikes in my hair. it's kinda hard to see them from a distance. There's no scene kids in my school, But there's a few of them in my highschool.
Summer '11 i plan to make being scene bigger. and no im not gonna say "BE SCENE!" Some of my friends and I are planning to cut our hair more choppier and be into it more.
You should never shout out im being scene.. posserrr. Lawl.
Scene is a bight cheerful person.
I hate being like everyone esle, same,same.
I love to go up to people and just start talking to them, then before you know it, it's like your there bestfriends.
You dont have to tease your hair, dye it. you can keep it original but make it choppy at least.
Be yourself. And NEVER let people let you down. Your so pretty. It's not even funny, there ugly for calling you labels
But. Im taking it slow. This summer i cut my hair in the choppist way i could get ;D. i bleached it. not too much, originally it was a really REALLY dark brown. I have 2 little black strikes in my hair. it's kinda hard to see them from a distance. There's no scene kids in my school, But there's a few of them in my highschool.
Summer '11 i plan to make being scene bigger. and no im not gonna say "BE SCENE!" Some of my friends and I are planning to cut our hair more choppier and be into it more.
You should never shout out im being scene.. posserrr. Lawl.
Scene is a bight cheerful person.
I hate being like everyone esle, same,same.
I love to go up to people and just start talking to them, then before you know it, it's like your there bestfriends.
You dont have to tease your hair, dye it. you can keep it original but make it choppy at least.
Be yourself. And NEVER let people let you down. Your so pretty. It's not even funny, there ugly for calling you labels
RavenRAH Raven

Scene, where im from, I dont here it much. Some people might just give up on being what they are, like scene, just because of that. Not me though. Before I was scene I was really inscure about myself. I was made funn of because I was fat and I was kinda a outsider. But then I descovered scene. Like Jeffree Star, Jenn Curbstomp, Vanna Venom, and Ledamonsterbunny. I had never seen such beautiful people before! They were all gorgeous with different styles, and they were confident, I could tell. I wanted to be like them, I wanted to be confident in myself like they were. So I started working out and I lost weight and pretty soon I loved my body and I was so much more confident in myself. And no, im not skinny I'll admit that, but do I need to be? No, I dont. I love my body, and my style which I am not afraid to say is scene. And I use to be so scared of saying I was scene because I was afraid I would be called a poser, but its not like that.Now, of coarse if you just change over night your gonna be called one, but it took me two years to become scene. But now im not so afraid to say im scene.I am proud of my style and anyone else like me who has been hated on. Because of coarse were gonna be hated on but it just happens. We can live through it though, and its gonna take a lot more then haters to bring the scene down:)
Isahh Insanity Luisa

Hello!((: My Real Name Is Luisa; But I'm Known As Isahh Insanity.
People Usuallyy Thingg That Being Scene Is Being A Poser.
We Are Nott Posers! We Just Likee Being Different; We Likee To Express Ourselves In A Different Wayy.
Thee Only Thing I Sayy Is Just Be Yourself; Have Your Own Stylee(: Don't Tryy To Copyy Someone Else; That Is Noo Cool!Hehe(x
Hehe Alritiee! If Anyy One Want To Know More About Me Just Hit Me Up:D I Don't Bite (Well Maybee I Doo; But Nott Hardd)xD JayyK
Love Ya!<3(;
People Usuallyy Thingg That Being Scene Is Being A Poser.
We Are Nott Posers! We Just Likee Being Different; We Likee To Express Ourselves In A Different Wayy.
Thee Only Thing I Sayy Is Just Be Yourself; Have Your Own Stylee(: Don't Tryy To Copyy Someone Else; That Is Noo Cool!Hehe(x
Hehe Alritiee! If Anyy One Want To Know More About Me Just Hit Me Up:D I Don't Bite (Well Maybee I Doo; But Nott Hardd)xD JayyK
Love Ya!<3(;
stormy strangle

these photographs. they keep me alive. i laugh. i cry. i remember.
i remember the times. the times of us. when we were younge. when we were dumb. when we were funny. when we were smart. when we were in love. that reminds. it reminds me. reminds me of you. you and i. you and i together. forgotten moments pass through. they pass through my mind. not only once. but only. a thousand. a thousand times a day. these photographs. they are me. they are you. they are us
i remember the times. the times of us. when we were younge. when we were dumb. when we were funny. when we were smart. when we were in love. that reminds. it reminds me. reminds me of you. you and i. you and i together. forgotten moments pass through. they pass through my mind. not only once. but only. a thousand. a thousand times a day. these photographs. they are me. they are you. they are us
Nikita Narkissist Langnecker

I've been scene since I was in about the seventh grade and I'm in the ninth grade now. It does get annoying when people call me a cutter and emo but I love the way I look and who I am. Besides it's always the haters that make you famous right. ;D Anyways just be yourself and you'll be happy.
Signed: Nikita Narkissist
Signed: Nikita Narkissist
Chloe Chemicalz

Confidence. Something everyone needs. Scene kids are confident and not afraid to be different, but this doesn't please everyone. People may judge you if you're a scene kid; think you're 'weird' because of the way you dress or what music you're into. These
people should get to know you before they have an opinion on you, instead of 'judging a book by its cover'. No-one is perfect, but when
you know who you really are and you're happy with yourself, you'll fell more confident. Scene kids are happy with themselves, so they
arent afraid to stand out in a crowd, that's what makes them unique. Remember, be different, be confident, and most importantly, be
people should get to know you before they have an opinion on you, instead of 'judging a book by its cover'. No-one is perfect, but when
you know who you really are and you're happy with yourself, you'll fell more confident. Scene kids are happy with themselves, so they
arent afraid to stand out in a crowd, that's what makes them unique. Remember, be different, be confident, and most importantly, be
TwisteddTaylorr Taylorr

im twisteddtaylorr
or twisteddtaylorrxoxo for youtube(:
Scene is be your self!
thank you very much
buhh byee
im twisteddtaylorr
or twisteddtaylorrxoxo for youtube(:
Scene is be your self!
thank you very much
buhh byee
Dollface Diamond Kassidy

I love the scene style. It shows people that you aren't afraid to stand out. People will often give weird looks when they see my hair, but I love it. I love the fact that my style can cause heads to turn. I do this for me and no one else. I never wanted to be placed into a category, but I think this website is great, and would love to be a part of it.
Scarlett Catastrophe

I try to step outside the trends and embrace individuality <3, I can tend to be very shy but once you know me i open upp real fast. Im happy to help people and super friendly ^-^.
Tag along in my life if you want, its just a bunch of marvelous misadventures.. Im only human i have opinons, and feelings. If you honestly dont like me then the best thing i could say is look at the top of the page theres an X click it and i will disappear. I understand i cant please everyone and insulting people wont help, no ones perfect we all have flaws and its ok embrace them =3 dont let anyone bring you down.. i know im sensative and shouldnt care so i just delete it thats the best you can do. Be who you wanna be, do what makes you happy, party a little, and just live it upp is my scene kid way ;)
Myspace: <3Scarlett Catastrophe<3
Stickam: Scarlett_Catastrophe
Alyssa Mayndard AlyssaWants ToEatYou

to be a scene queen you have to be confident in your self and believe in who you are dont let people run over you but dont run over them being scene dosnt just mean makeup and hair its also personality so just be who you are and dont let anyone change you
Hazardous Haley

Well Hello There Beauitful!!!
I Am Hazardous Haley!
And To Start Off I Wanna Be A Scene Queen,For Sure!!!!
I Have My Lip Done !
I'm 14 Years Of Age :]
And I Like To Think I Live Up To The "Scene Life Style"
You Know The? Band Tees, Skinny Jeans, Going To See The Amazing Screamo Bands In Concert? Lmao,
I Love Screamo ! Some Of My Favorite Bands Are- Asking Alexandria, Born Of A Osiris, Bring Me The Horizon, Attack Attack, Never Shout Never, Black Veil Brides, Bullet For My Valentine, Kitty, Brokencyde, Dot Dot Curve, Blood On The Dance Floor, Devil Wears Prada, Chelsea Grin, We Came As Romans, Bless The Fall, I Sat My Friends On Fire, Job For A Cowboy, Beneath The Sky, UnderOath, In Fear And Remains, A Day To Remember, Motionless And White, From Autumn to Ashes, The Word Alive, And, Rob Zombie!!!!
I Can Be A Freak At Times But I love To Just Kick Back Dance Around The House In My Skinnys Blasting Screamo Mucic..
I Also Like Hello Kitty And Gir :] They Are My Best Friends..
Lol But, In My Scene Life Style I Get Picked On.. I Bet Most Of You Scenes Do Too Huh?
Well If You Do, Tell Them To STFU ! Don't Listen To Some Bitch ! Stay True To Who You Are !
- <3 Your Truly Hazardous Haley(:
I Am Hazardous Haley!
And To Start Off I Wanna Be A Scene Queen,For Sure!!!!
I Have My Lip Done !
I'm 14 Years Of Age :]
And I Like To Think I Live Up To The "Scene Life Style"
You Know The? Band Tees, Skinny Jeans, Going To See The Amazing Screamo Bands In Concert? Lmao,
I Love Screamo ! Some Of My Favorite Bands Are- Asking Alexandria, Born Of A Osiris, Bring Me The Horizon, Attack Attack, Never Shout Never, Black Veil Brides, Bullet For My Valentine, Kitty, Brokencyde, Dot Dot Curve, Blood On The Dance Floor, Devil Wears Prada, Chelsea Grin, We Came As Romans, Bless The Fall, I Sat My Friends On Fire, Job For A Cowboy, Beneath The Sky, UnderOath, In Fear And Remains, A Day To Remember, Motionless And White, From Autumn to Ashes, The Word Alive, And, Rob Zombie!!!!
I Can Be A Freak At Times But I love To Just Kick Back Dance Around The House In My Skinnys Blasting Screamo Mucic..
I Also Like Hello Kitty And Gir :] They Are My Best Friends..
Lol But, In My Scene Life Style I Get Picked On.. I Bet Most Of You Scenes Do Too Huh?
Well If You Do, Tell Them To STFU ! Don't Listen To Some Bitch ! Stay True To Who You Are !
- <3 Your Truly Hazardous Haley(:
Kitty_Killer Kayla Killian

Hi I'm Kayla Killian [kitty killer] :) I like the name kitty killer because 1. Cats HATE me, for no reason! 2. Kitty Killer has the initials kk, and that’s my initials and my nickname 3. Killer sounds like Killian... Kinda, I don't do much... I don’t play video games or sports…I'm boring :) I play the guitar and I love my music I like stuff from Kesha to Slipknot I have a boyfriend and I love him I know I'm not scene
I wish i was, I love there hair
I have a Best Friend named Sabrina Miller, or Sable_Marie
and I love her :)
I wish i was, I love there hair
I have a Best Friend named Sabrina Miller, or Sable_Marie
and I love her :)
KappukekiKitten Ainsley

I may not have colorful hair, I may not have the best make up, and I may not always show my best effort in things or take the best pictures but I'm sick of people telling me I'm not scene because of it. I try and I'm getting better at it. Even though people may call me weird or tell me I'm crazy, I like being like this and I don't mind the comments. I'm a happy person and I don't get put down by people who tell me I'm weird. And honestly, it doesn't happen often. I'm not afraid to show myself off and dare to be different. I've been excited and anxious to take pictures for this website and I just turned 13 so I'm new to this. I'm hoping I get better as/if I go along and I'm excited to see the results.
Katie Kat Francis

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are wierd, "emo", too happy, and the list goes on an on. But it doesn't matter what others think. You expressing the way you want to express yourself and not worrying about being like everyone else makes you better than them. Unlike those people who look just like their friends, wear the same things, and don't try to be themselves, you are brave and confident and it shows it. Don't let them bring you down, and just keep walking the same road that you are on now. Being yourself is the best and it will get you places in life.
Seasy Slinger

Scene is like something that takes time to come to people it doesnt just happen over night i mean some people yeah but thats kind of being like a biggg poser! HAHA but a lot of things scene is hair make up clothes and accesories, personaly i do my hair striaght bangs some hair to the side. Then a big bow in the back after teasing and makeup and clothes did! Haha so this articlaee bettter help you
Love Seasy (:
Love Seasy (:


Well I guess I should put what scene is for me. Umm, being scene is just where I finally was grouped by people for my oddness haha :)My hair can get really big on days when my parents aren't around. And my makeup pretty crazy. same with the clothes. My hair would be crazier and I would have a buttload of piercings but some parents just don't allow that. Anyway, I love being scene. I love being who I am and not caring what everyone else thinks. Its just this great feeling of freedom. Ok well anyway I'm not so sure on the whole article thing so I will stop now XD
Well I guess I should put what scene is for me. Umm, being scene is just where I finally was grouped by people for my oddness haha :)My hair can get really big on days when my parents aren't around. And my makeup pretty crazy. same with the clothes. My hair would be crazier and I would have a buttload of piercings but some parents just don't allow that. Anyway, I love being scene. I love being who I am and not caring what everyone else thinks. Its just this great feeling of freedom. Ok well anyway I'm not so sure on the whole article thing so I will stop now XD
Tiara Starr<3

Hey i'm Tiara Starr. Starr isn't my last name but I like it better when luckette. I'm 13. I love fashion,singing(I suck),dancing,hanging with friends(what teen doesn't),jamming with my brother on guitar(I only know a little),and listening to music. I like Hip-hop,R&B,pop,country,and some metal. I played cheerleading and basketball. I do like Justin Bieber but im not obsessed. I love kittens and horses. I'm homeschooled right now. My favorite food is pancakes. My favorite color is purple. I hate long dresses. My favorite song right now is Situations by Escape The Fate. My cell got tooken away. I'm the youngest of 4. 3 brothers of they are 22,20,and 15. I only have a mom growing up untill 5 years ago. And i love to mix & match clothes.
Elmo Emely

Im Not The Average Scene Girl ; Im Not Into Girly Things Or Colors I Like Dark Colors I Mostly Wear Purple♥ && Green♥ Alot Or Black♥ : I Dont Wear Alot Of Make Up Or Tease My Hair Lot ' Unlike Most The Scene Girls Im Not Into Hello Kitty Im Into <3Elmo♥ That My Obsession I Love Rock Music All Types My # 1 Favorite Band Is Apocalyptica : Im Puerto Rican So Most People Dont Understand How I can Wear Tutus && Listen To Rock But Still Listen To Spanish Music && It Cuz Im Proud Of My Back Round && Pround To Be A Puerto Rican But Im Also Proud To Be Who I am ; I Listen To Rock Music More Than Anything Else. I Got Into The Scene Look When I Was Like 15 So I Been Dressing Like This For The Past 4 Years. I Love Tattoos && Piercings
Most People Dont Understand How Someone Can Be Who They Are Mostly B/c They Dont Understand ; But No One Should Ever Change Who They Are To Please Anyone. . . . Im Bisexual && Dame Proud Of It Im Attracted To Girls More Than Boys, Girls Are Jus So Gorgeous That It Impossible Not To Be Attractrd To Them :)
Most People Dont Understand How Someone Can Be Who They Are Mostly B/c They Dont Understand ; But No One Should Ever Change Who They Are To Please Anyone. . . . Im Bisexual && Dame Proud Of It Im Attracted To Girls More Than Boys, Girls Are Jus So Gorgeous That It Impossible Not To Be Attractrd To Them :)