Rizzlespop Riley

Hi yes my name is rizzlespop and i would love to be in your artical i know this isn't the best picture but i CAN do amazing things and i believe i'm just what your looking for i mean how many scene queens do you have with short hair?
I'm 13 and ready so please choose me i would love this.
I'm 13 and ready so please choose me i would love this.
Chloe Cannibal

Whats a scenceKid?! To me a scence kid is someone willing to bring somthing different to the world. soming kool, somthing amazing, somthing.. them. i dont just think scence kids have to do with fation and hair(although they play a big part)
I think being scence is all about showing people your true colors. making sure everyone know who you are what ever that may cost.I know pwople hate and juge us, but thats okay its the chain of life. we cant get mad, we just have to let it go. And im okay with that. If you dont like it thats okay, but dont make it known.Keep it too yourself, cause we dont do it to you. Anyway i think scenceKids are the koolest people around and im glad to be a part of them(:
I think being scence is all about showing people your true colors. making sure everyone know who you are what ever that may cost.I know pwople hate and juge us, but thats okay its the chain of life. we cant get mad, we just have to let it go. And im okay with that. If you dont like it thats okay, but dont make it known.Keep it too yourself, cause we dont do it to you. Anyway i think scenceKids are the koolest people around and im glad to be a part of them(:
Holly Hospital

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
Scene kids live, they live to the fullest. We dance in streets, scream in the middle of a crowd, wear eye catching clothes, have beautiful hair, and greet everyone with a smile. scene kids are some of the nicest people i have everr met, and the funnest. i dont know what i would be without 'scene'.
it isnt a label; its a lifestyle <3
Cat Catastrophe Cat Maples

To be scene, you need to be yourself. You can't follow trends, and other little fads. Be creative and dress like your personality wants you to. For example: Wear acid wash jean shorts over ripped leggings, or wear suspenders over a dress. You have to be creative. People are always going to talk. Even if you looked and acted like them, they are going to talk. So, if they're going to talk, at least give them something to talk about and NOT care. To be scene, you should be nice, and bubbly. Don't be mean and put others down. Be confident about yourself, and don't bad-talk yourself either. You should feel positive about yourself, and be yourself. All the time. Sometimes people say that scene kids are rude, annoying, and bad. They just say things because of appearances. They don't really know the person, and if they do really know them and they say those things they are either jealous, or the other person isn't a real scene kid. Well, this is what i have to say so.. (:
<3Amy All-star<3 Phoenix

The way i look at scene. That your different from everyone. Its always fabulous to be different I usually always where bright colours. and at my school everyone notices me with all the confidence thats what they like about me, and being unique is the best, cuz normal is boring!

I am a reader, an adventurer, a purple sheep in a family of black sheep. I live to breathe. I take the lemons life gives me and make them into apples. I live for the adrenaline rush, give me a rollercoaster any day. I love to be an individual and think outside of the cirlce. I am neither a blonde, nor any color besides the rainbow. I can't cook or write but I can eat and read. I am a character in a world of characters. People bring out the worst and the BEST in me. I want to see the world and all it holds. I want to see not only the good but the bad, the heart wrenching and the parts that fill your soul with sorrow. I am a dreamer in a house of insomnia. I have my faults and I learn from my mistakes. Perfect, I am not and I lavish in my imperfectness. I am a dreamer, a cat person, and I am Elizabeth.
Lady Deuce ;;

I've Been Wanting To Be a Scene-Queen.
For a LONG Time.
The Girl Who Inspired Me Was Katie Babyfayce;
Shes Such An Inspiratoin :)
I Wanna Be As Popular As Her.
If You Wanna Be a Scene Queen. Like Her. You Better Go Ahead And Understand There Are Gonna Fakes. No Matter What.
But Still, If You Wanna Be a SceneQueen.
Dont Let ANYONE Stop You.
Be Who YOU Wanna Be.
Dont Let ANYONE Get You Down.
If Its Somthing You REALLY Wanna Do. Then Do It(:
Dont Let Noone Stop You
For a LONG Time.
The Girl Who Inspired Me Was Katie Babyfayce;
Shes Such An Inspiratoin :)
I Wanna Be As Popular As Her.
If You Wanna Be a Scene Queen. Like Her. You Better Go Ahead And Understand There Are Gonna Fakes. No Matter What.
But Still, If You Wanna Be a SceneQueen.
Dont Let ANYONE Stop You.
Be Who YOU Wanna Be.
Dont Let ANYONE Get You Down.
If Its Somthing You REALLY Wanna Do. Then Do It(:
Dont Let Noone Stop You
Mikki Manic

How To Be A Confident Scene Gal
To be scene you have to be creative and individual. Individuality is key, nobody
likes a copycat. Just be yourself and have your own ideas, don't follow what
everyone else does. When you put together your outfits keep in mind you want to
stand out and be different, you want to make a scene. Dark colors with a Dash of
Bright color makes your outfit really pop. Or, just many bright colors all
together, that will turn some heads. Accessories are a must, wear random cute
charms on a necklace or bracelet. You can buy things like that at Hot Topic,
Claires, Betsey Johnson and many other stores. A lot of Scene Queens wear brass
knuckle necklaces, but you can also make your own jewelry to be more original.
Get yourself noticed, but be prepared to be criticized. Don't let peoples
criticizism get to you, they are either just jealous or they cant comprehend
your eye for style. Remember to be confident and stand up for yourself if
someone tries to put you down. Definitely don't be like anyone else, and never
let anyone try to tell you how to dress or act, be different. And if someone
doesn't like how you look, who cares? You like it and that's all that matters.
GOODLUCK on your road to becoming Scene!
With love,
Mikki Alexa Manic
To be scene you have to be creative and individual. Individuality is key, nobody
likes a copycat. Just be yourself and have your own ideas, don't follow what
everyone else does. When you put together your outfits keep in mind you want to
stand out and be different, you want to make a scene. Dark colors with a Dash of
Bright color makes your outfit really pop. Or, just many bright colors all
together, that will turn some heads. Accessories are a must, wear random cute
charms on a necklace or bracelet. You can buy things like that at Hot Topic,
Claires, Betsey Johnson and many other stores. A lot of Scene Queens wear brass
knuckle necklaces, but you can also make your own jewelry to be more original.
Get yourself noticed, but be prepared to be criticized. Don't let peoples
criticizism get to you, they are either just jealous or they cant comprehend
your eye for style. Remember to be confident and stand up for yourself if
someone tries to put you down. Definitely don't be like anyone else, and never
let anyone try to tell you how to dress or act, be different. And if someone
doesn't like how you look, who cares? You like it and that's all that matters.
GOODLUCK on your road to becoming Scene!
With love,
Mikki Alexa Manic
Casey carrotkiller

I don;t really know what to put in here.
So I guess I will just share alittle but about me.
I'm pretty much your ordanary average teen girl.
I make mistakes, I have flaws, & I tend to get myself into trouble.
But at the end of the day, I realize that my life couldnt be any better and I live it to the fullest.
I think fairly of everyone, untill they give me a reason not to. And I will respect anyone untill they give me a reson not to.
I don;t really know what to put in here.
So I guess I will just share alittle but about me.
I'm pretty much your ordanary average teen girl.
I make mistakes, I have flaws, & I tend to get myself into trouble.
But at the end of the day, I realize that my life couldnt be any better and I live it to the fullest.
I think fairly of everyone, untill they give me a reason not to. And I will respect anyone untill they give me a reson not to.
Effervesent Emilie

Being different is key. Who wants to be the same as everyone around you? Not me. Being Scene isn't all about big hair, thick makeup, or bright colors, its about being unique. Being unique is difficult, you often get put down, judged, and made fun of, but its worth it. You are yourself, and the people who do that aren't. Being yourself is wonderful, because than your true. Scene isn't all about beauty either. Scene is about art. Art isn't always beautiful, however it is always full of passion. As we Scene Kids are. Be Scene, its not as hard or scary as you might think.

Im sarah fraser aka SinistersareBear. and im a scene girl. I havnt posted a vid yet but i will soon.
i love bring me the horizon.
im 13 years old and i love to be with my friends and just chill.
senes i was 12 not to long ago ive been waiting to sign up for this site and now that im 13 im going to.
scene is my passion, i love it. before my sister died, she told me that i would become a scene queen. so im going to fullfill that. i hope u scene queens accept me to this site cuz it would be an hono
i love bring me the horizon.
im 13 years old and i love to be with my friends and just chill.
senes i was 12 not to long ago ive been waiting to sign up for this site and now that im 13 im going to.
scene is my passion, i love it. before my sister died, she told me that i would become a scene queen. so im going to fullfill that. i hope u scene queens accept me to this site cuz it would be an hono
Kenady Kannddii

Helloe (: , Scene king ! people around this world judge people for who they think people shoold be ! . but i think we shoold be who we truely are and noone else be yourself (:
lovee (: ,
Kenady Kanddii Lanndd (:
lovee (: ,
Kenady Kanddii Lanndd (:
CupcakeBunny Hanna

~I'm your King in SQ <3~
XAucAx ZomBiExPiEX

Hello Kitty B33tch

:D <3 :D <3 :D
Kerry Kryptonite

Heyy guys!!! It's Kerry Kryptonite! I just wanted to give you encouragement to be who you are! :D and also have to do the scene style! Here it is! down there!:3
Pants: Skinny, skinny, skinny! Skinny jeans are the best to wear and they are cute too! Your can also wear any kind of jeans tho! But most of your jeans in your closet have to be Skinny and a dark wash, but also spice it up with bright pants! :D
Shirts: Tank tops, short sleeve band and random stuff on it, three quarter sleeves, and long are all good! You: So like all shirt? Me: Nooooooo! Not polo shirts -those are nasty smasty!- ok off with our conversation! Heehee! Random shirts are stellar! Also get stuff with zebra stripes, polka dots, skulls, hearts, and scene diamonds!
Accessories: Long bead necklaces, Random rings and bracelet, Things that no one knows what they are but it's an inside joke to you and your friends, Chunky bracelets and necklaces, hello kitty necklaces, gir necklaces, Gloomy bear necklaces, and Kiddy beads!!
Hair: Your hair needs to be BIG! Actually not big... HUGE!!! Jk, jk! But do it as big as you want! Tease, tease, and more tease! is what i always say! :D You want some color too so ether get clip in color or dye it! :D but no madder what anyone tells you your regular hair color will be scene! You dont have to dye it!!
Hair Accessories: Bows, Ears, hats, little hats, head bands, bandannas, ribbon, scrunches, little clips, bobby pins, hello kitty and gir clips, and Beanies!!!!
So there is a start to your scene style!!! But be unique! don't copy others and be your self!
Gloomy Bear hugs,
Kerry Kryptonite <333
P.S. Don't let other people bother you about what they say about you just brush it off! XD
Pants: Skinny, skinny, skinny! Skinny jeans are the best to wear and they are cute too! Your can also wear any kind of jeans tho! But most of your jeans in your closet have to be Skinny and a dark wash, but also spice it up with bright pants! :D
Shirts: Tank tops, short sleeve band and random stuff on it, three quarter sleeves, and long are all good! You: So like all shirt? Me: Nooooooo! Not polo shirts -those are nasty smasty!- ok off with our conversation! Heehee! Random shirts are stellar! Also get stuff with zebra stripes, polka dots, skulls, hearts, and scene diamonds!
Accessories: Long bead necklaces, Random rings and bracelet, Things that no one knows what they are but it's an inside joke to you and your friends, Chunky bracelets and necklaces, hello kitty necklaces, gir necklaces, Gloomy bear necklaces, and Kiddy beads!!
Hair: Your hair needs to be BIG! Actually not big... HUGE!!! Jk, jk! But do it as big as you want! Tease, tease, and more tease! is what i always say! :D You want some color too so ether get clip in color or dye it! :D but no madder what anyone tells you your regular hair color will be scene! You dont have to dye it!!
Hair Accessories: Bows, Ears, hats, little hats, head bands, bandannas, ribbon, scrunches, little clips, bobby pins, hello kitty and gir clips, and Beanies!!!!
So there is a start to your scene style!!! But be unique! don't copy others and be your self!
Gloomy Bear hugs,
Kerry Kryptonite <333
P.S. Don't let other people bother you about what they say about you just brush it off! XD
Doodlesz Rose

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are.....weird and emo but thats not true some scene kids are rad and down to earth loving and caring scene is just a name not an act or action :)
Lucy Trashh

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice.
Atomic Ashley

Be Unique! Be You Be Scene:)
People are gonna love you, hate you, judge you, be jealous of you no matter where you go. Are you gonna let them stop your dreams? No! I'm not. Neither should you. Be unique! Don't follow the 'in-crowd'. Follow your heart. You can be atheist; You can be a god lover. It doesn't matter. We are all unique in some way. Why not show it? I'm scene and I'm proud. Are you?
People are gonna love you, hate you, judge you, be jealous of you no matter where you go. Are you gonna let them stop your dreams? No! I'm not. Neither should you. Be unique! Don't follow the 'in-crowd'. Follow your heart. You can be atheist; You can be a god lover. It doesn't matter. We are all unique in some way. Why not show it? I'm scene and I'm proud. Are you?
xXMissYourAddictionXx Hurt

Everyone around you is going to judge you from the way you look and act. No matter how hard you try someone some where will not like you. You need to know that your flaws are what make you pretty. The most important thing to know is who you are, also Haters hate because hating makes them feel like they are bigger and better than everyone. Stick out like a sore thumb be yourself. Just dont become scene to make people happy. If your going to be a scene kid and go somewhere where they are not seen much.. your going to get dirty looks, also you might not be accepted. You dont want to be around someone who bashes you all the time or acts really mean. Just be careful not to become overconfident. Most people say scene kids are these depressed smokers, druggies, and drinkers. Become the one who proves them wrong! When doing this and some one calls you some name stand up and say "You can hate me if you want. Call me what you want. I know who I am and NO ONE or NOTHING will change that about me!" Be proud of who you are!
xXMissYourAddictionXx Hurt

Everyone around you is going to judge you from the way you look and act. No matter how hard you try someone some where will not like you. You need to know that your flaws are what make you pretty. The most important thing to know is who you are, also Haters hate because hating makes them feel like they are bigger and better than everyone. Stick out like a sore thumb be yourself. Just dont become scene to make people happy. If your going to be a scene kid and go somewhere where they are not seen much.. your going to get dirty looks, also you might not be accepted. You dont want to be around someone who bashes you all the time or acts really mean. Just be careful not to become overconfident. Most people say scene kids are these depressed smokers, druggies, and drinkers. Become the one who proves them wrong! When doing this and some one calls you some name stand up and say "You can hate me if you want. Call me what you want. I know who I am and NO ONE or NOTHING will change that about me!" Be proud of who you are!
Bailey Boo Monster

Being scene isn't about being the same as everyone else. You have to stand-out of the crowd and be yourself. If you become what your friends want you to, your not yourself, your a clone. Being scene is being nice but still tough. You have to be powerful. You have to be tough to be scene because many of us get degraded by who we are. Everyone criticizes, it's how we are we can't help it, but don't let it get to your feeling. A flaw is just a word people use to tell you that you look wrong or act wrong but use it to your strengths, don't let it be a weakness. People say scene kids are scary, some say ugly, or wierd. That's not what we are, we are unique
Veggie HOMOcide

Crazy Hair, eccentric attitude, has alot of haters. Thats what scene Kids are to me. They make a Scene with their hair and sometimes piercings and loud bubbly personality. Scene kids are Unique. every single one is one of a kind and being a Scene Kid is like being accepted... not into a group or a club.. but being accepted for being different and cool all in one. Scene kids are dedicated to making people stop and stare. Sometimes with envy and sometimes with WTF?! either way... Scene kids are confident and amazing.
Veggie Darling

Hii :) my name is Brandee. Everyone calls me Veggie though because I am a Vegetarian :) I am 15 years old. My Birthday is February 1st 1995. I currently live in New York. Um.. I am Puerto Rican, Filipino and Black. Im also a Lesbian. Lol. Um.. my favorite color is green :) Im outgoing and really funny. Meeting new people is like a Gift to me. I love crazy wild people who aren't afraid to be themselves because thats exactly how I am. I'm pretty confident but of course everyone has flaws and I acknowledge that. I've been admiring Scene queens since I was 14. Soo becoming a scene queen would be a Dream come true. <3
Elizza Electrify

Unique is beautiful, beautiful is being confident. But not everyone's views of beautiful are always the same so no matter how you do your makeup how you dress someone is always like "wow". Beauty has no clarity, no size, no color. Yet you can always hear "she's ugly". Being scene is beautiful. Not one Scene boy or girl is exactly the same. We weren't born to be a wall flower we were born to stand out and rock it. People can judge all they want they're just jealous. It takes confidence to be able to live your life with multicolored hair and skinny jeans. <3

i love many things and can be really nice sometimes too nice
i trust way to easily so please don't hurt me i hate lying cas ill probably believe it
being with my friends is the best they are AmaZing people
i have a big mouth and it usual get in trouble for it
i don't think before i act most of the time
i can get really pissed and i'll probably talk tons of BS so please forgive me when i do
i love making new friends and i can be really affable (ima nerd) [affable=friendly]
i'm bi, but i haven't been with a girl yet all the ones i do fall for are straight :/
i can go guy crazy its really sad actually
im a HUGE nerd i love going to school [to see friends] i have good grades and i want to be an engineer
i will be turning 15 soon yay!!
i can't wait to drive and go to walmart!!! yes, walmart!! lol
i can be a huge bitch but its hard for me to get like that and i dont like to get like that
i love drawing writing reading pictures friends
ima a little pasephist [idk if thts spelt right] i hate guns and fighting its unnessasary
the only time i accept guns is if its a zombie apocalipse [haha Zomies rule!!]
at times i can be in all black and at others im the brightest person in the room [clothes wise]
i love tutu's and skinny jeans band tee's are the best ^.^
i trust way to easily so please don't hurt me i hate lying cas ill probably believe it
being with my friends is the best they are AmaZing people
i have a big mouth and it usual get in trouble for it
i don't think before i act most of the time
i can get really pissed and i'll probably talk tons of BS so please forgive me when i do
i love making new friends and i can be really affable (ima nerd) [affable=friendly]
i'm bi, but i haven't been with a girl yet all the ones i do fall for are straight :/
i can go guy crazy its really sad actually
im a HUGE nerd i love going to school [to see friends] i have good grades and i want to be an engineer
i will be turning 15 soon yay!!
i can't wait to drive and go to walmart!!! yes, walmart!! lol
i can be a huge bitch but its hard for me to get like that and i dont like to get like that
i love drawing writing reading pictures friends
ima a little pasephist [idk if thts spelt right] i hate guns and fighting its unnessasary
the only time i accept guns is if its a zombie apocalipse [haha Zomies rule!!]
at times i can be in all black and at others im the brightest person in the room [clothes wise]
i love tutu's and skinny jeans band tee's are the best ^.^
Josie Jellyfish

Modeling? Well, modelings deffinately one of my favourite things to do. Aside from being decently attractive, I'm photogenic. I lack much sefl confidence, but the little i do have will take me a long ways. In fredericksburg Virginia, there aren't many kids, nor people in general, like me. Hell, there's no one just like me. I'm Josie. I'm original. I live to love, and love to model. :)
(P.S. The sign isnt my best at all. I'm decently sick and its pretty late so i apologize)
- I'm also guessing you will ask for other pictures at a later time? Juss lemme know, if i even get a shot.
Much thanks and love!
- Josie Jellyfis
(P.S. The sign isnt my best at all. I'm decently sick and its pretty late so i apologize)
- I'm also guessing you will ask for other pictures at a later time? Juss lemme know, if i even get a shot.
Much thanks and love!
- Josie Jellyfis