Cheyenne Catostraphy

Who Is Cheyenne Sherrie Montgomery?
Shes Just Your Average Teen.Boy Trouble?Always.Drama?Always.
Shes Constontly Thinking of Various Things About Life.About Love.
Right Now She Believes There Is NO Such Thing As Love?
Why Should I Believe In It Because Everytime I Think I Have Found It I Find Myself Getting Hurt.
Get To Know Me?
Shes Just Your Average Teen.Boy Trouble?Always.Drama?Always.
Shes Constontly Thinking of Various Things About Life.About Love.
Right Now She Believes There Is NO Such Thing As Love?
Why Should I Believe In It Because Everytime I Think I Have Found It I Find Myself Getting Hurt.
Get To Know Me?
Bridgette Kaye

Every scene kid in the world is a love or hate deal. Personally, i like to be loved, but nobody can be loved by everybody. Don't judge people by what the look like. I hate people who pick on others for no reason; if you wanna pick on someone, pick on me!
Kaitlyn Kryptonite

No matter where you are there will always be people who criticize and discriminate you for what you look like or for the things you do, but you can't let them put you down. You are your own person. You should not let anyone influence you to be anything but yourself. Always be confident in who you are and what you look like. Whether you're big, small, short, or tall, it doesn't matter; Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Never let anyone put you down and never take people's negative views of you to heart. At the end of the day, what you think about yourself is all that matters. Please, don't be over confident. You may come across as a bit conceited. Most people don't want to be around someone who is constantly flaunting themselves and thinking they are better than everyone else. Be Bold! Stand out in a crowd and be unique. Whether its the way you do your makeup, to the way you dress, to the way you style or color your hair. Whatever you do, NEVER copy someone's style. Sure you can be influenced by it, but never just go buy the same exact clothes as someone else. You come across as kinda fake. Always keep your own personal flare in your style.
Savannah Stitches

When your scene people may look at you as a freak but just remember you are who you are and no one can change that!
Just remember youre loved by someone you may not know who but trust me your loved very deeply!
Just remember youre loved by someone you may not know who but trust me your loved very deeply!
Brooklin Stitches

I'm me. Brooklin Stitchs as you all know me. I have the best friends in the world, and even tho we fight I still love them to death. I dont really know what to write here so heres some of the things I like and dislike. (Oh and if you want to chat or whatever I have a omgpop account and my screen name is XxDORKxX ........ I also have a facebook and the link is:!/profile.php?id=100001805464833)
EMINEM <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Green tea.
My 3 pets. (2 dogs, T.J. and sally & my fish, Gizmo the Second)
Video games
Zeldaxlove64 (youtube) (Name: Christina Grimmie, please check her out! :))
The Taylor gang.
Insane laughter.
Smily faces. :)
My iPod
My FREEKING INZANELY WEIRD friends that I love to deathhh.
Guys with blonde hair and blue eyes. xD
Guys with liprings. ;) (:
Skinny jeans.
CoNvErSe!! :D
Hot topic.
Mountian Dew Voltage.
Blood On The Dancefloor.
My DC and NY flat top hatz.
Hair dye.
The number 3.
Rated R movies.
The sound of rain.
Walking in the rain
Going to the lake.
My family's house boat.
The mall.
Stuff to build thats hard for mose people.
Nice people.
Takeing pictures.
When the sky turns pink.
Sitting on my roof.
Roller bladeing.
Ice skateing.
Sleeping with my window open in the summer.
Lava lamps.
Scarry pictures that stare at me.
People that don't relize thiers a weight lemit on skinny jeans.
Brats that think the whole world revolves around them.
Most school food.
When my computer freezes.
When my iPod has no battery and dies.
When guys cheat on girls.
Green beans.
When people wont text me back and I have something important to tell them.
When my hair die fades and its white or blondee.
History class.
Girls that are OVERLY prepy.
The "popular" chicks in school.
The term xxxxphobia- its not LOGICAL
When I can't find the pair of shoes I wanna wear.
Getting called a fake.
Fake people.
People that can't take care of thier kids.
People that always act depressed about everything.
Spiders and most bugs lol.
Being cold.
Wearing glasses.
People that abuse children and animals.
People who do drugs.
When my bike tires goe flat.
Clouds that block the sun or stars.
Justin Bieber.
Bad hair days.
Being sick.
Being yelled at by the teacher.
Misplacing my iPod.
How I suck at spelling.
Adults that hate kids.
Mexican food.
Rude waiters/waitresses.
Clingly people.
The fact that knowing I need to stop complainging tho I could go on for days!!
sooo yeahhhhhhh. uhhhh
byeeeeee <3
EMINEM <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Green tea.
My 3 pets. (2 dogs, T.J. and sally & my fish, Gizmo the Second)
Video games
Zeldaxlove64 (youtube) (Name: Christina Grimmie, please check her out! :))
The Taylor gang.
Insane laughter.
Smily faces. :)
My iPod
My FREEKING INZANELY WEIRD friends that I love to deathhh.
Guys with blonde hair and blue eyes. xD
Guys with liprings. ;) (:
Skinny jeans.
CoNvErSe!! :D
Hot topic.
Mountian Dew Voltage.
Blood On The Dancefloor.
My DC and NY flat top hatz.
Hair dye.
The number 3.
Rated R movies.
The sound of rain.
Walking in the rain
Going to the lake.
My family's house boat.
The mall.
Stuff to build thats hard for mose people.
Nice people.
Takeing pictures.
When the sky turns pink.
Sitting on my roof.
Roller bladeing.
Ice skateing.
Sleeping with my window open in the summer.
Lava lamps.
Scarry pictures that stare at me.
People that don't relize thiers a weight lemit on skinny jeans.
Brats that think the whole world revolves around them.
Most school food.
When my computer freezes.
When my iPod has no battery and dies.
When guys cheat on girls.
Green beans.
When people wont text me back and I have something important to tell them.
When my hair die fades and its white or blondee.
History class.
Girls that are OVERLY prepy.
The "popular" chicks in school.
The term xxxxphobia- its not LOGICAL
When I can't find the pair of shoes I wanna wear.
Getting called a fake.
Fake people.
People that can't take care of thier kids.
People that always act depressed about everything.
Spiders and most bugs lol.
Being cold.
Wearing glasses.
People that abuse children and animals.
People who do drugs.
When my bike tires goe flat.
Clouds that block the sun or stars.
Justin Bieber.
Bad hair days.
Being sick.
Being yelled at by the teacher.
Misplacing my iPod.
How I suck at spelling.
Adults that hate kids.
Mexican food.
Rude waiters/waitresses.
Clingly people.
The fact that knowing I need to stop complainging tho I could go on for days!!
sooo yeahhhhhhh. uhhhh
byeeeeee <3
Ragin Crayon

Great minds have purpose, others have wishes. So wish upon that star and set goals for them to come true. Only you can hold yourself back. Embrace the fact that you are different. No one can tell you who you are. Only you know yourself inside and out. Theres always a "No" but never a "Cant." Don't let anyone tell you different from what you believe. You're entitled to your opinions. Scene kids stand out from everyone. Don't let people tell you different from who you really are. Scene kids are everyday kids. Sure you can be a jerk, but who wants that? No one. Keep positive, Think positive
Jessickah TheMonsterUnderYourBed

When I think of "scene kids" I think of people trying to express them selfs. Most people I know think "emo", "wanna bes", "ugly", "stupid." I think there is no wrong in expressing yourself, there fore there is never to much, or to little. Its not about what other people think of you, its about what you think of yourself. When you look in the mirror, are you happy? People try to change me, and tell me what I should look like, Or how i should act; Some people check my wrists, and call me so many names. But even though it does hurt sometimes, giving in is what they want me to do. So Scene queens, keep your head up high. Scene is unique, not a lable. Always be yourself, Never what someone else wants you to be
Blitzz&+ Glitzz

Scene isn't a style, its about how you feel in yourself. Scene is being individual. Scene is following your own ambitions. Scene is being YOU! Some people dress 'scene' by following other people. In my opinion that's not really scene. If your following someone else then your not being yourself. Scene is yourself! And that's all you need to remember. <3<3<3
L@L@ {brutal}

My name is Maria Lala Bricia Groves, also known as Lala, I am eighteen years of age. I live in lower part of the United States, where it is very conservative, so it’s hard to “fit” in. I know there are so many girls who like to consider themselves as emo, goth, scene ect... To me, you aren’t what you label yourself, you are who you are and others just provide the label. I don’t mean be who they want you to be, but let them give you whatever name they want. You know who you are on the inside. Being “scene” for me isn’t a fashion statement, it’s just who I am. I’m not trying hard at all, it’s what I like and what I’ve known since I was in junior high. I’m what you say, “unique” in a lot of aspects including the way I think and see the world. A lot of the way I see things is as art. I’m an artist in every way shape and form, I myself am also artwork. My hair, my tattoos, and my piercings are some of the art decorations I’ve added for my personal gain of becoming an art form. I have a distinct look, features and beauty. Beauty that doesn’t come from the outside, but from deep within. I’m a very intelligent young woman, who can do a lot of things in the world. In my being and in my heart, I know I’m a completely different person than the crowd where I live and I’m absolutely content with that. I enjoy being the “outcast” the “goth” and even the “scary” kid. I like knowing the way people think of me; because, in reality I’m not “scary” I may be a bit of a loner but it’s just due to the fact that I’m “different.” I’m actually very fun; although I’m shy I’m intelligent, artistic, and determined at life. If people, who are not like me, take the chance to know me they would see my brilliance “shine.” I am myself and no matter what I’m always going to be different. I don’t let anyone tell me how I should look or dress or what to listen to, so I think everyone should be allowed to be themselves. In that I would also like to add that beauty isn’t in the magazines! You do not have to be the body size of a ten year old weighing 95 pounds! If you ask me, beauty comes in different ways shapes and forms. Beauty to me is different; I like the unique sense of beauty. I am “beautiful,” and so is the girl sitting at home desperately wishing someone would ask her out on a date. We’re all beautiful. If you were that girl sitting at home I would ask you on a date, I’d probably get rejected but ehh I tried. So in conclusion I would like to say, I believe I’m a good candidate for SceneQueens and I would be very grateful for it. Thank you for reading this short introductory about myself and what “scene” is to me. ~Lala
MaYa MysteriouS

It's very important to be yourself. People will respect you that way, well not everyone because some people just don't understand about being open and having your own style. OKay, so let me tell you a bit about myself: I do my own thing, I have a boyfriend that I very much love <3 and I'm very weird, random, strange and crazy! 8P and I'm proud of it! Lol. I'm 14 and L-O-V-E dogs! My bestie is Maaike, but I call her Mickey. My friend Veronica is awesome and she's scene too! I have a black lab mix named Shadow and my hobby is... TEXTING. I text everyday and night! XD lolz so yes, being myself is what I do best. Hope you like my little article! Xx :]
Airee Queen

I'd love to be a scene queen i would be most honered if you let me do this
Thank you
-Airee Queen<3
Thank you
-Airee Queen<3
Lauren Loveless

Kitty StarStruck

Being Scene is very great. I think that when I became Scene it really boosted my self-confidence. I think its super awesome to be different and I love it. I love the big hair, tutus, and colorful colors. Even though i get a lot of negative remarks I also get good ones as well. My definition of Scene is a style that consists of many bright colors, happy people, and tutus.
Stormie EatYourHeartOut Adams

Everyone is different, so be yourself. People may look at you funny, they may laugh, but always remember your you and thats all that matters because "Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for."
Cali Biohazard

To be a Scene Queen you have to be strong, and stay positive even when people look down on you for your appearance. You have to be yourself, and be unique, you can't be afraid to start a new trend. To be comfortable in your own skin with the way you want to look, and the way you want others to see you.
Ecstatic Emily

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident.
blazzing Starr

Hey! im tiara. I love the scene hair and make-up. I think its pretty cool. Hello kitty is another thing im in love with. Although most people dont like it. I wear my make-up dark and some people say to dark but i dont care i like it. i like wearing bright colors and black. My favorite pair of shoes are converse or vans. I also LOVE Hot Topic or Spencers; they have the best hair dye eva!..Ohhh and i also love drawing =)
Maggi Murderscene

Being Scene is a form of expression. To show people that I am confident and I refuse to fall into whatever mold society wants me to. I say fuck society. Fuck fitting in. Im scene because I love it. I love to be independent, and colorful, and loud. I don't need anyones approval. I don't live to please. I am me, that will never change. I live in an area where being Scene means yer heartless and weird, and Im happy. Im happy that I have the courage to stand up and be myself instead of morphing into the person others want, even if people don't understand me. I may not go balls out with the look 24/7, but its still who i am. Get used to it. So who cares if my converse are different colors? Who cares if I have big, colorful hair? Who cares if I never match? I am a Scene kid. Fall in love, or fall in hate. See if i care. <3
Diamon Brookelle

Scene is being unique. I don't think it's just a style to dress as, its not all crazy colors, big hair, skinny jeans. it's being you, and only you. not afraid to be yourself and i'm trying to achieve that comfort, and anyone else who needs it should look into it. we're all together, kinda like a family, always helping each other with things, and giving advice. it's believing in your own beauty.
Aki Bluewolf

billie backfire

im 13 almost 14 :3 on april 28 is my bday :) my best friend isd alaniis lawson she is wonderful :D i love energydrinks and hellokitty :) micah <3 hes amazingggg :D i loved living in louisa but sadly i moved away from it and mt bestie D: but everythings okey :D i enjoy being a little diffreant then everyone else, i know im not the best scene person in the world but you know i will get beter over time :D im a natural blonde i think :3 its beem a while sence its benn that color ;)
Breanne Marie Brothers <3 R.I.P shes was the best scene queen i think :'3
i have been called names ever sence i have gotten pericings and have done things with my ahir but u know im happy with who i am :) and to that bye bye ;3
Breanne Marie Brothers <3 R.I.P shes was the best scene queen i think :'3
i have been called names ever sence i have gotten pericings and have done things with my ahir but u know im happy with who i am :) and to that bye bye ;3
Gabi rawr

Hey. I'm Gabriella, but people call me Gabi. I'm fluent in sarcasm. I'm convinced my lungs are blacker than my xbox, and I'm convinced my liver resembles a dried up prune. I never wear pants, ever, well only if i have to. I talk to much, and get over-eager. I Honestly think I'm better then everyone else, if you have a problem with that, don't talk to me.
Alex Electric

Hey. I’m Alex.
My whole life I’ve never really seemed to fit in with the other kids. I was shy and had a hard time making friends. As a people-pleaser, I tried to make everyone else happy and didn’t really think much of myself.
That’s until I realized, it wasn’t up to me to make everyone else happy, and I should stop trying to do what everyone else wanted.
I don’t want to be like that anymore. I want to be who I want to be. Not popular, not to be labelled, just me. I know there are lots of people out there who like to classify scene as a certain stereotype, but that’s not true. To me, scene is being yourself, no matter how it makes you seem to someone else. It’s not being afraid to express yourself. It’s being your own person.
Don’t let people judge you. The only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself. We are all different, we are all beautiful, and it’s important that we stay true to who we are.
My whole life I’ve never really seemed to fit in with the other kids. I was shy and had a hard time making friends. As a people-pleaser, I tried to make everyone else happy and didn’t really think much of myself.
That’s until I realized, it wasn’t up to me to make everyone else happy, and I should stop trying to do what everyone else wanted.
I don’t want to be like that anymore. I want to be who I want to be. Not popular, not to be labelled, just me. I know there are lots of people out there who like to classify scene as a certain stereotype, but that’s not true. To me, scene is being yourself, no matter how it makes you seem to someone else. It’s not being afraid to express yourself. It’s being your own person.
Don’t let people judge you. The only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself. We are all different, we are all beautiful, and it’s important that we stay true to who we are.
Krista Kutless

To every person, 'Scene' means something different. To some its a way of life and to others its just a style but to the great few; its both. Those who live and breathe 'Scene' know that they must not care for the looks of disapproval, and glares of hate. That they must be proud of who they are and not just say it.
If needed I will write another article if this one is too short.
If needed I will write another article if this one is too short.
Dylan Rave

To be 'scene'... I don't know the definition of how to be 'truly scene'. But you can't care what people think of you. You will be discriminated, made fun of, and called multiple things. like 'wannabe' 'fake' 'loser'or will call you even worse names. I go to a school in a small town and there are only a couple 'scene kids'. People look and whisper thinking we can't hear them. They yell in the hall ways about how were 'attention whores'. We've gotten multiple nicknames. So to be scene you have to be strong and believe in your self. When going to school keep your head up and stay confident. Don't let the rude remarks of the students in the hallways faze you.
matti Zajac

I use the Scene style to express my feelings. Sometimes its hard for people to understand, but what it really matters is how you come off to people. I personally get along with many, but some people can be IGNORANT and just not even try to understand. To those i thank you, because if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be trying to hard to prove you wrong that you are simple minded. To those who still believe that no matter what people say or do. i CONGRATULATE you!! So basically stand up for what you wanna do in life, weather its beings a circus or being scene! its you life live it you way! The sky has no limits!
Katie Kalon Kore

Style is the world and media's drug. While the economy and lifestyles go down, fashion is always there to stand the world back up on its feet with something new, eager, and exciting that makes everyone drop their jaw. While being a scene queen or a scene may make you get made fun of, all eyes are always on you and the style that you put out. Being a scene girl isn't the same as being a normal girl. Your hair in the morning takes 45-70 minutes, while other girls are just getting out of the shower. Your face is your picture and you paint a master piece on it every day, while normal girls are just brushing on mascara. Your wardrobe is a revolution of color, why normality sadly strikes the slaves of the ordinary. The scene style is America's drug of staying creative and original. A scene girl life is tough, but rewarding. Thanks to scene and the style, girls like me and others all around the WORLD get to be who they want and spread creativity in their own special unique way. 'Scene' isnt some cult, it's not some style that you pay millions for designers, but a style that anyone can with hold with enough courage, creativity, and imagination.
DinoRosii RawR

Katiee Radke

You shouldn't have to change if people don't like who you are. Be your own person. "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind", as said by Dr. Seuss, is perfect for this situation. You should act the way you want, but don't try to stand out too much. You might come off as obnoxious to some, and that's never good. Also, don't be too conceited. The whole, "Oh, I'm so pretty and I'm better than you" think never works. It just makes people dispise you. Although most people hate because they're jealous, this isn't one of those cases. This just makes you come off as stuck up and I would imagine people wouldn't like friends like that. Or at least I wouldn't. Then, if you're completely opposite of this, don't let words bring you down. If your stuck up, people will probably talk about you negatively behind your back, but if you're really shy, and just keep to yourself, you might be talked about negatively to your face because of the way you dress or the way you look. Don't let other people ruin the confidence you have in yourself. Not everyone in the world will like you, but that's no reason to let them walk all over you. Stand up for yorself. Everyone has friends, and they love us for us. That's all that should matter.<3