Blair Bear

Well standing out and being unique is the kind of thing i strive for, blending in is being to much like a clone, makes you no different than any one else. Being crazy with your style is freeing and lets you be able to explore life in a new way. You can be over creative and its okay, as long as you like it then no other opinions should matter. But standing out isn't really the whole deal, you should be who you are, not what others want u to be. Be confident but not cocky, be bold and daring but not dangerous. Live positively, there's no other way going about life.
Tinysar GoesGrr

People in life like to judge by what you look like, how you dress and do your make-up. Why can't they just like someone by their personality and intelligence?
We've all had bad memories in the past && a lot of good ones. We all get stronger mentally and emotionally. We figure out who should be trusted and who shouldn't. Everyone can make mistakes. It's the people that learn to overcome them that make the biggest difference. Everyone is unique in all their little ways. But it's times when people criticize you for being different that makes us all want to be the same. stand out && be who you are. there isn't another you in this place we call earth. take advantage of the time you have && do things that make YOU happy. Who gives a crap what anyone else thinks.? if someone betrays you, let it go. Don't waist your tears on something you had no control over. if you don't like someone don't go around spreading bs. talk to whomever you have problems with. work it out.! there's a reason why it takes more muscles to frown. because it takes a lot to make someone smile again. of course, you might think everyone should be happy && being sad is a wasted emotion. but think about it for a second. the times where you sit alone && cry until you have no more tears to shed are the times you learn the most about who you really are && what the situation is.
-Tinysaur.! <33.
We've all had bad memories in the past && a lot of good ones. We all get stronger mentally and emotionally. We figure out who should be trusted and who shouldn't. Everyone can make mistakes. It's the people that learn to overcome them that make the biggest difference. Everyone is unique in all their little ways. But it's times when people criticize you for being different that makes us all want to be the same. stand out && be who you are. there isn't another you in this place we call earth. take advantage of the time you have && do things that make YOU happy. Who gives a crap what anyone else thinks.? if someone betrays you, let it go. Don't waist your tears on something you had no control over. if you don't like someone don't go around spreading bs. talk to whomever you have problems with. work it out.! there's a reason why it takes more muscles to frown. because it takes a lot to make someone smile again. of course, you might think everyone should be happy && being sad is a wasted emotion. but think about it for a second. the times where you sit alone && cry until you have no more tears to shed are the times you learn the most about who you really are && what the situation is.
-Tinysaur.! <33.
Audryna Von

Be comfortable in your skin, and never be a follower.
The ones that judge you most are the ones that want to be more like you. <3
The ones that judge you most are the ones that want to be more like you. <3
RaddRhon Kittehh

Dance as though no one is watching you, Love as though you have never been hurt before, Sing as though no one can hear you, Live as though Heaven is on Earth.
Haters make us famous, thank god every cool kid has them :')
Sitting at home on Saturday night listening to the lastest undiscovered scene band, spiking your hair, is that what we have become? Yes...We have...Long live the ones that dare to do what others only wish they could.
Haters make us famous, thank god every cool kid has them :')
Sitting at home on Saturday night listening to the lastest undiscovered scene band, spiking your hair, is that what we have become? Yes...We have...Long live the ones that dare to do what others only wish they could.
Kaesee ValentineXOXO

It doesn't matter what you look like people always critisize other people's flaws. Me? I couldn't care less what people think of me. I am who I am, and if you can't take that then you have no buisness even looking at me. I will not look like you or anyone else wants me to look like. Everyone is beautiful in their own way mine is just more unique then yours so back off. Take me as I am or not at all. I am Kaesee ValentineXOXO, I love blood on the dance floor, Hello Kitty, Invader Zim, Rainbows, Dinosours, And much more.(If you don't like that then so be it, you can just leave me now and not look back.)
Vanity Paige

Hater make us famous.
Yeah, it's a song lyric.
And it's seriously true.
Think, people hate, and scream, and then people back us up. Cause we're pretty, nice, we're ourselves. All that causes a scene.
A scene that more people will notice. So really, hater make us famous <3
Yeah, it's a song lyric.
And it's seriously true.
Think, people hate, and scream, and then people back us up. Cause we're pretty, nice, we're ourselves. All that causes a scene.
A scene that more people will notice. So really, hater make us famous <3
Miniature Morgan

Not everyone will like you and you cannot impress every person you meet, but you should be nice to everyone and have confidence in yourself. You are who you are. Don’t become someone you’re not just to impress your friends, family or even the popular kids at school. Don't become scene to impress anyone.
You will come off as a poser and your peers will not trust you to be you.It’s important to embrace who you are and if someone insults you, don’t stoop to their level. Be true to yourself and know that if even your friends can’t except you, they are not real friends. You are perfect in your own way.
You cannot change yourself into anything you are not. Believe me, I’ve tried. Everyone seen right through me so I said “You know what? Except me for me and if you don’t, I don’t give a care”. Everyone still didn’t like me but like I said, I didn’t care.
Don't ever be too confident either because that will result to people not only hating you for you being scene but they will also hate the fact that you are a jerk because nobody likes a jerk.
You will come off as a poser and your peers will not trust you to be you.It’s important to embrace who you are and if someone insults you, don’t stoop to their level. Be true to yourself and know that if even your friends can’t except you, they are not real friends. You are perfect in your own way.
You cannot change yourself into anything you are not. Believe me, I’ve tried. Everyone seen right through me so I said “You know what? Except me for me and if you don’t, I don’t give a care”. Everyone still didn’t like me but like I said, I didn’t care.
Don't ever be too confident either because that will result to people not only hating you for you being scene but they will also hate the fact that you are a jerk because nobody likes a jerk.
Jessickah Vanityy

No matter who you are people will want to change you.
Some times they'll try there hardest too.
But no matter who you are, you shouldnt let that happen
Be yourself. Being yourself is what scene is too me.
I dont ever try to hard to be scene, because your not supposed to try. Its supposed to be what you are.
I dont know how I became scene. But I am. I get nasty glares, and mean comments all the time... but it doesnt bother me. Because scene is beautiful.. because its me.
Its how i express myself and its how I stand out.
No matter how scene you are, it comes down to one thing..
and its be yourself. and dont ever try to be someone your not for someone else.
Some times they'll try there hardest too.
But no matter who you are, you shouldnt let that happen
Be yourself. Being yourself is what scene is too me.
I dont ever try to hard to be scene, because your not supposed to try. Its supposed to be what you are.
I dont know how I became scene. But I am. I get nasty glares, and mean comments all the time... but it doesnt bother me. Because scene is beautiful.. because its me.
Its how i express myself and its how I stand out.
No matter how scene you are, it comes down to one thing..
and its be yourself. and dont ever try to be someone your not for someone else.
♥ Jennifer Jackknife ♥

Be Who You Are && Say What You Feel, Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter, && Those Who Matter Don't Mind.
Hello. I'm Jennifer. ^^
I don't like to follow the crowd, i like to do the opposite.
I wear tutus to school, and get dress code. At my school, I get criticized a whole bunches, but that's because i have the guts to do what everyone else can't. I'm sorta known as the Lady GaGa in my school ( not just because i love her to death, but because i act, dress, && think different from the rest of the people )
Being scene to me is a lifestyle , i wish i could be scene all my life, but then eventually I'm gonna be put on 'What Not to Wear'
I never liked to dress like the rest of the world. I love rainbows and unicorns and hope to own 30 tutus ^^
Being scene is having your OWN style, your OWN taste in clothing. Don't become scene if:
1) your boyfriend/girlfriend is scene
2) that's what everyone in your school is becoming
3) you wake up one morning and decide to become one
Just be who you want to be, not what others want to see.
-♥ jennifer jackknife ♥
Hello. I'm Jennifer. ^^
I don't like to follow the crowd, i like to do the opposite.
I wear tutus to school, and get dress code. At my school, I get criticized a whole bunches, but that's because i have the guts to do what everyone else can't. I'm sorta known as the Lady GaGa in my school ( not just because i love her to death, but because i act, dress, && think different from the rest of the people )
Being scene to me is a lifestyle , i wish i could be scene all my life, but then eventually I'm gonna be put on 'What Not to Wear'
I never liked to dress like the rest of the world. I love rainbows and unicorns and hope to own 30 tutus ^^
Being scene is having your OWN style, your OWN taste in clothing. Don't become scene if:
1) your boyfriend/girlfriend is scene
2) that's what everyone in your school is becoming
3) you wake up one morning and decide to become one
Just be who you want to be, not what others want to see.
-♥ jennifer jackknife ♥
Caitlin Chaos

stand strong through your life, because some time in your life you will be labled, made fun of, called name, and more. stand strong and ignore them, because your better than to let them get to you. they dont know you as well as you know yourself, and you know your scene and nothing else. backing down never helps. stand up for your look and personality , be wild and crazy and never give in. so what they dont like you , what do you care dont let them get to you! you know who you are! be yourself do what you want! because one point in your life, everthing that has happened will be exactly what you wanted!
Caitlin Calliope

No matter where you are, people will always criticize you. Whether its in school, work, or at home. There will always be someone who doesn't like you. Dont let it bring you down though. You need to learn to embrace and accept your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Stand out to be confident. Be careful not to become overconfident. You dont want to seem cocky. Be nice, and sweet to everyone. The people who hate on you are just jealous of you. So let your beauty shine. (:
Jadye Gore

nom nom nom :3
Panic Attack

Why do people hate on us? All we do is dress a little differently, wear our hair and makeup differently. I've noticed that the more of us together in a group at once, the more people watch us closely as if we were gonna cause some trouble! Wow, that irritates me..does it not irritate anyone else?
Megan Monster

Everywhere we go (everywhere the scene goes) people wanna kno (everybody's askin) who we are (dang who them gals be they look plain wack?!!) so we tell them (yeah, be jealous cuz we is who we is) we are the scene's (we tha gansta's in girl form(: ) the smexy smexy scenes (: ... Dont let anybody bring you down (:
Becky Brooks

There will be always people who don't like your style. They'll always find some things to criticize you. If it's the hair, your make up or clothes. But it's important that you stand to what and who you are. Don't care about what people say. The most important thing is that you're happy with yourself and how you look.
I'm sure people will notice how selfe confident you are.
I'm sure people will notice how selfe confident you are.
Boo Freakin'Boistorous

Everyone is equal.
No one is better than anyone.
It doesn't matter if your, homosexual, biosexual, pansexual or any sexuality.
It doesn't matter if your hair brown, black or even pink.
We are all the same.
We might look different, but we are all equal.
No one is better than anyone.
It doesn't matter if your, homosexual, biosexual, pansexual or any sexuality.
It doesn't matter if your hair brown, black or even pink.
We are all the same.
We might look different, but we are all equal.
Karan Killed Kenny

Ohai, the name's Karan.
I was born on the 16th of october 1997, which makes me 13.
I live in a small town with so many different people.
Some people love how i look, some people think i look like trash, but at the end of the day i'm the one who decides if it looks good or not. So many people judge me by my looks, but when people get to know me, the hair and piercings aren't that important.
I'm myself, it's taken some hard stuff for me to learn who i am and i know that i will grow and i probably won't be or look like this in 20 or 30 years, but it will always be somewhat who i am no matter how old i do get.
I don't always like who i am, but it's me, you have to work with what you get(:
lots of love, Karan Killed Kenny(: <3 xx
I was born on the 16th of october 1997, which makes me 13.
I live in a small town with so many different people.
Some people love how i look, some people think i look like trash, but at the end of the day i'm the one who decides if it looks good or not. So many people judge me by my looks, but when people get to know me, the hair and piercings aren't that important.
I'm myself, it's taken some hard stuff for me to learn who i am and i know that i will grow and i probably won't be or look like this in 20 or 30 years, but it will always be somewhat who i am no matter how old i do get.
I don't always like who i am, but it's me, you have to work with what you get(:
lots of love, Karan Killed Kenny(: <3 xx
Kitty Kayla Kat

Being scene to me, is being who you want to be. Each one of us scene monsters are unique, outgoing, and have lots of character! My name is Kayla and I come from the middle of nowhere. Nebraska. In my community I stand out amongst others, because I am different. Being different isn't always easy, but I'm proud to be different! XOXO- Kitty Kayla Kat <3 RAWRZ
Jayee IceBlueberry

Ways To Handle Rejections.
1. Accept the fact that you got rejected
2. Cry, crying helps you get your feelings/anger out
3. Excerise, excerising actually helps you get your depression out
4. Know the reason why you got rejected
5. Take your mind off the rejection, just live your life normally and you'll end up forgeting about it.
1. Accept the fact that you got rejected
2. Cry, crying helps you get your feelings/anger out
3. Excerise, excerising actually helps you get your depression out
4. Know the reason why you got rejected
5. Take your mind off the rejection, just live your life normally and you'll end up forgeting about it.
Robyn Rave

Living in a small closed-minded town where everyone is similar isn't the best place for a "scene" person to be. I started liking the scene style when my friend moved from our small town to a bigger town in the state. I think being scene is just being yourself and being confident and not caring what people call you. I hope to be a scene queen so I can get my opinion of the style out there so maybe other aspiring scenes can get another view on it. :D
Ari Affreux

A lot of people these days just don't get the fascination with "screamo" music. They don't get the sound, the lyrics, the instrumentals or even the appeal of the guys singing it. So they hate on it. Well, don't be put off by their discrimination. Music is music. Strip it down to it's bare essentials: sounds that make people happy. So next time someone calls you a weirdo for having heavy metal on full blast, don't turn it off and feel embarrassed - feel sorry for them, because that's a whole area of music closed off to them; emotions they won't be able to feel, because they're too narrow-minded. Stay individual, stay strong, stay scene. :3
Puhding Goes Rawr

The one best thing in life is that you can be who you want to be. Be who you want and can be. Don't follow the rules of others. Pretend nothing matters, do what pleases you. If you don't please yourself, then don't expect to be happy. A leader is a better person then the follower. Don't listen to the others, listen to your heart. Your heart won't lie to you.
xoxo Puhding.
xoxo Puhding.
alex eruption

HI there im Alexis and really dont know what to say infact know come to think of it i have alot to say no matter what u know u cant plz anyone no matter how hard u try some people hate he way i dress i love the way i dress some people talk about me i talk about them no matter what there is going to be someone who hates u or slightly dislikes u just have to make sure ur being u, whenever i here kesha's song "we are who we are" even thought i hate it it makes me fell happy about myself and know that im fine the way im and i shoud live my life up to the point were im tired of it.
Now u know whats going on im my head
ps. alex is a mass eruption
Now u know whats going on im my head
ps. alex is a mass eruption
Heyy Celestayy

My name is Celestayy, and I am normal. Although, your perception and mine of “normal” may differ. What exactly is “normal”? I believe normal is being yourself, in which I fit the category “normal” perfect. I am 16, and a junior. Animal prints are my best friend. Art is an important part of my life. My art consist of make-up and hair. Not a Picasso painting. I’m a September baby, and proud of the leaves that fall on the day of my birth. Eons from now it isn’t going to mattered what shoes I wore, or what color my hair is. All that will be significant is which UFO conquered the world. MUSTACHEO :}D
SHEDY shining

Everyone loves a person who has no fear when it comes to fashion, like us scene kids we love fashion and we make an effort to be different or have our own signature style
Don't ever become scene just to please someone.If you're always working to be someone you're not, you'll never be a happy person.Love and accept yourself as you are now.
If your from a place where scene kids are not well known.Make sure you actually are proud of yourself.Ignore hateful or mean comments from others if it's about how you are.No one has the right to change who you are. Only you have that choice.When people make rude comments about you, tell them you dont care and tell them you dont take negative feedback.
scene kids dont go around saying that they are a scene kid
its the biggest mistake and people will think of you as a poser.
Don't ever become scene just to please someone.If you're always working to be someone you're not, you'll never be a happy person.Love and accept yourself as you are now.
If your from a place where scene kids are not well known.Make sure you actually are proud of yourself.Ignore hateful or mean comments from others if it's about how you are.No one has the right to change who you are. Only you have that choice.When people make rude comments about you, tell them you dont care and tell them you dont take negative feedback.
scene kids dont go around saying that they are a scene kid
its the biggest mistake and people will think of you as a poser.
Rawr Reynee

well hey im reyne
and im a very unique person (:
i never really let what people say
bring me down, because i just dont care.
im confident in who and what i am and
i truly feel thats all that matters<3
scene is the way to be!
scenes are themselves and like to be
loud and stand out and be noticed(:
and thats me 100%
and im a very unique person (:
i never really let what people say
bring me down, because i just dont care.
im confident in who and what i am and
i truly feel thats all that matters<3
scene is the way to be!
scenes are themselves and like to be
loud and stand out and be noticed(:
and thats me 100%
Summer Rain

Iris Insanity

Hiii ^_^ I'm Iris Insanity! <3
I'm just your unaverage 17 almost 18 year old girl. :)
I'm crazy, random, and happy! :)
I love bunnies, the color pink, Jeffree Star (I love him A LOT), but what I love most is making a scene.
I'm proud to be a scene girl, and F U C K when people say scene is "dead." Even though MySpace has died, scene will live on forever. <3
I'm just your unaverage 17 almost 18 year old girl. :)
I'm crazy, random, and happy! :)
I love bunnies, the color pink, Jeffree Star (I love him A LOT), but what I love most is making a scene.
I'm proud to be a scene girl, and F U C K when people say scene is "dead." Even though MySpace has died, scene will live on forever. <3
jade west

the thing being scene some people arnt ment to be scene, but you can always try and never give up:), some scene kids get made fun of because how they dress and how their hair lookz, but youh gotta remember is that no matter what other people say you are unique in your own way. and just remember no matter how beautiful you are you will get criticized cuz some people are just plane jerks, and sometime think to your self even if its not true the only reason the make fun of you is because they want to be youh! try and never give up! XD