Make-up And Hair; How Do You Do It.?
There are 5 simple steps to doing my hair everyday.
Step 1; Part It; Top Layer/Bottom Layer.
So it's only half up.
Step 2; Straighten the bottom half. Pin straight, dont wanna look crazy now.
Step 3; I put my 18'inch extentions in on the straight layer.
I also Straighten the extentions so they match up with my other hair, Be sure to brush them out though.
Wouldn't want nappy extentions.
Step 4; Curling the top half.
I take about 15 mins to curl my top layer.
But sometimes it comes out like an afro so i straighten the tips to make it look decent.
Hairspray is the key to keeping the voulume all day.
Make up is what catches the eye ;
My make up is the EASIEST thing to do:
What you will need is Black pencil eyeliner, Light black eyeshadow, Black liquid eyeliner, cover up; thats about 2 skin tones lighter than your natrual skintone. And 2 diffrent mascaras; one for thick eyelashes: top eyelashes; And one for thin eyelashes; Bottom lashes.
Step one; I wash my face to make sure there is no makeup left over what so ever.
Step two; I put on my cover up on; I put it on my neck to so the tone diffrence will be a little shaded.
Step three; Pencil Eyeliner. Put it on the inside of your eyelids top and bottom. And if theres any on the outside whipe it.
Dont want any mistakes.
Step four; Eyeshadow. Put it lightly on your inner eyelid. spread it so it looks like its fading into you outer eyelid.
Step five; Mascara; Put it on your top and bottom lashed. Make sure your top lashes are really long.
Step six; Liquid eyeliner; From your inner eyelid to the outer eyelid make it a really fine line [ small ] and as you go out make it get a little bigger as you go. When you reach the end of your eye make a little cat eye going on and then go twards your bottom lid. DO NOT do you whole bottom lid. Only a little bit to make it look normal.
And there you have it ; Your hair and make-up should look like this :
There are 5 simple steps to doing my hair everyday.
Step 1; Part It; Top Layer/Bottom Layer.
So it's only half up.
Step 2; Straighten the bottom half. Pin straight, dont wanna look crazy now.
Step 3; I put my 18'inch extentions in on the straight layer.
I also Straighten the extentions so they match up with my other hair, Be sure to brush them out though.
Wouldn't want nappy extentions.
Step 4; Curling the top half.
I take about 15 mins to curl my top layer.
But sometimes it comes out like an afro so i straighten the tips to make it look decent.
Hairspray is the key to keeping the voulume all day.
Make up is what catches the eye ;
My make up is the EASIEST thing to do:
What you will need is Black pencil eyeliner, Light black eyeshadow, Black liquid eyeliner, cover up; thats about 2 skin tones lighter than your natrual skintone. And 2 diffrent mascaras; one for thick eyelashes: top eyelashes; And one for thin eyelashes; Bottom lashes.
Step one; I wash my face to make sure there is no makeup left over what so ever.
Step two; I put on my cover up on; I put it on my neck to so the tone diffrence will be a little shaded.
Step three; Pencil Eyeliner. Put it on the inside of your eyelids top and bottom. And if theres any on the outside whipe it.
Dont want any mistakes.
Step four; Eyeshadow. Put it lightly on your inner eyelid. spread it so it looks like its fading into you outer eyelid.
Step five; Mascara; Put it on your top and bottom lashed. Make sure your top lashes are really long.
Step six; Liquid eyeliner; From your inner eyelid to the outer eyelid make it a really fine line [ small ] and as you go out make it get a little bigger as you go. When you reach the end of your eye make a little cat eye going on and then go twards your bottom lid. DO NOT do you whole bottom lid. Only a little bit to make it look normal.
And there you have it ; Your hair and make-up should look like this :