
im alyssa A.K.A candycrazy haha i love that name im like my style so dont be haten its mean and some people r just rude well im an artist i love drawing and i love being a scene kid :P

I'm Citric_Acid Birth-day my name:Fanny Szekeres
I love the extreme hair.
I had already many kinds.
I hope you like my pictures.
I love to make friends.
I am a Hungarian. And I'm proud of him. :'D
I love the extreme hair.
I had already many kinds.
I hope you like my pictures.
I love to make friends.
I am a Hungarian. And I'm proud of him. :'D

Were are you now
are you safe?
How do I no your in a better place.
There’s a hole in my heart,
just this big empty space,
were you belong,
and ill live long.
every step
every breath i take
is for you,
cause you made a big mistake,
i wish you were here,
drinking your beer,
im sitting here,
with this big empty space,
drops of t...ears,
are running down my face.
Tmnr ♥
you’ll forever be in my heart babe, always my bestfriend no matter were you are.
are you safe?
How do I no your in a better place.
There’s a hole in my heart,
just this big empty space,
were you belong,
and ill live long.
every step
every breath i take
is for you,
cause you made a big mistake,
i wish you were here,
drinking your beer,
im sitting here,
with this big empty space,
drops of t...ears,
are running down my face.
Tmnr ♥
you’ll forever be in my heart babe, always my bestfriend no matter were you are.


_Being Scene_
Being scene is knowing the sense of fashion..knowing that wearing to many colors is always a good thing having to much makeup is never wrong if you know how to make it look good.Music is a very importnt part,alot of scene people listen to screamo,techno,metal,rock type of music.Eyeliner is a Scene Person's bestfriend hairspray is also a plus you have to know good brands.Following the hairspray would be a comb and an amazing clip to finish it off.Being scene isnt just because your depressed(some people say) or some people think your being rebelious...But its a choice and a choice that is the best way to go:)And if people dont understand oh well do what makes you happy..
Being scene is knowing the sense of fashion..knowing that wearing to many colors is always a good thing having to much makeup is never wrong if you know how to make it look good.Music is a very importnt part,alot of scene people listen to screamo,techno,metal,rock type of music.Eyeliner is a Scene Person's bestfriend hairspray is also a plus you have to know good brands.Following the hairspray would be a comb and an amazing clip to finish it off.Being scene isnt just because your depressed(some people say) or some people think your being rebelious...But its a choice and a choice that is the best way to go:)And if people dont understand oh well do what makes you happy..

Haai. (:
Imm Ceeline. I Has A Best Freind Naamed Hunter ! :D Shes Amazing. My Name On heere is Electric Toxicana, annd her scene Name Is Barbie Massacre. ;P
I loove Nightmare Before Christmaas, annd other Tim Burton Thhings. My Role-Models Are Avril Lavigne,Jenn Curbstomp,Annd Tim Buurton. ;O
I Have Dyed my hair a couple times, Blue hair was amazing.. buut its hard to take care of. Dx
Imm Ceeline. I Has A Best Freind Naamed Hunter ! :D Shes Amazing. My Name On heere is Electric Toxicana, annd her scene Name Is Barbie Massacre. ;P
I loove Nightmare Before Christmaas, annd other Tim Burton Thhings. My Role-Models Are Avril Lavigne,Jenn Curbstomp,Annd Tim Buurton. ;O
I Have Dyed my hair a couple times, Blue hair was amazing.. buut its hard to take care of. Dx
SQ <3

Heyy ! I'm Kayla And I LOVE Scene Styleee ! (: i love my life and i hope to find a qood use for this website bcuz im probably qnna qet on it ALOT !!! ♥(:

People say scene kids are weird and creepy. The place I live is a small town where most of the people are rednecks, so seeing teens dress outside this style get a lot of critism. I started dressing scene when I first entered highschool because I was tired of looking the same as everyone else. I wanted to look different. Although people do make fun of me Im glad I made this choice because I am more confident with the person I am when I wear and look this way. I'd love to be on this site, to noost my confidence even more!
SQ !

If your scene or a scene queen ur still just a person and if they wan to say bad stuff about you let them it doesnt matter,but know that good or bad your always on there mind. Dont let people walk all over you just because your diffrent and you want to be a scene girl and they dont well newsflash to the haters: We arent ment to please yu

Scene isn't all about the big hair and pretty make-up. It's also about being YOU! That's the most important thing afterall (: You can't just say.."hey I wanna be that" Scene isn't something you decide to be..it's something you become. This doesn't mean you must dye your hair pink. Just be unique! Us scene girls are colorful and always smiling. We have a good attitude. And people who might steel your pics are just trying to be you and be pretty. But nobody is you..besides you. :D And that's the best thing you can be. No you don't have to tease your hair all the way to the cieling although that would be extremely fun! Scene also isn't about the pretty tight pants and you don't have to be super skinny. Breanne Breakdownn wasn't a twig. I'm not saying she was fat don't get me wrong but she wasn't some really tiny thing either. And R.I.P Bree <3 As I said, be yourself. You can be any size or shape. It doesn't matter. But to be scene..be yourself. It's the most important thing ever.

Hi ; my name is Verena,im 19 and from Europe.....but nearly everybody hates on me or try to put me down. They laugh, talk shit about me or just offend me. This hurts sometimes,but now im just confident and í never ever will give a f**k again what they say. Haters makes me famous ;D
Nobody is perfect & everybody is beautiful.
Nobody is perfect & everybody is beautiful.

Meep Meep
Be happy with who you are. Your happiness is the only thing that matters. So Smile =D
Be happy with who you are. Your happiness is the only thing that matters. So Smile =D

Hi hi im Jessi lol I love to think im perfect, even though in reality I know for a fact that im not. I have people all the time that tell me im absolutely gorgeous or extremely pretty. But to me I have way to many defaults, such as bad skin, not being as skinny as I want to be, I think im too short, I get way to emotional sometimes and can get extremely jealous when dating someone. My mom thinks im flawed because I am pansexual, but its who I am not who im choosing to be. I encountered people everyday that would walk by me and my girlie while we were holding hands, and they would have a look of disqust on there face. But me and he took it as yay we made someone look at us today, and we would count how many people did tht(our record was 50 i think :D) Embracing who I am has never been a problem to me, but around others i try to calm my natural bubbly self down. That's pretty much it for my artice but its me *_*.

I am not mean. STILL a little kidd.
-vegetarian <3
-vegetarian <3

Hi my name Deisy. I am 14 years old. my style is different from other girls. i am fun to hang out with and i like making new friends so dont be scared to talk to me i dont bite! <3

What if... What if I was the girl my parents wished I was... What if I liked different music... What if... What if... In the pass 2 years I have asked myself the same question "What if".. And just this year I have found the answer... If I wasn't who I am right now everything would be different. I would not have the great amazing friends I have come to meet. I would be a totally different person. Maybe I became the person I am because of the people I hang out with or maybe because it's the way it was met to be. Now that I think about it I would not change the smallest thing in my life! I love who I am.. I don't give a shit what people think about me and on top of all I don't care if people dislike me. I have my friend and family that's all that matters... At school I'm always the new girl never the cool girl.. like Chris Drew said. My parents love to move a lot.. And I like it too, yeah I hate the part of leaving all the friends I make but I know that i'll make new ones... There are four friends that I've had even after moving so many times and I guess we were met to be best-friends.. My life is a mess and yet after finding answers to some questions one question always comes back.. WHAT IF...

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance.
you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are full of themselves and annoying. I really dont think they are. They are individuals just as you and I. I personally think theyre more amazing than the average bear ((; SO many scene kids are criticized everyday. All you gotta do it let their crap roll off your shoulders like water rolls off a duck on water! teehee! I dont care if people say I'm ugly or weird. I am me. I love who i am. idont care if you dont like how i dye my hair a lot or the fact that i like wearing eyeliner or if you dont like how my ears are double guaged. Love or hate me. i dont care. I love myself for who I am and the person I will be ((:
Aalexandra Nicole xoxo <3333
you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are full of themselves and annoying. I really dont think they are. They are individuals just as you and I. I personally think theyre more amazing than the average bear ((; SO many scene kids are criticized everyday. All you gotta do it let their crap roll off your shoulders like water rolls off a duck on water! teehee! I dont care if people say I'm ugly or weird. I am me. I love who i am. idont care if you dont like how i dye my hair a lot or the fact that i like wearing eyeliner or if you dont like how my ears are double guaged. Love or hate me. i dont care. I love myself for who I am and the person I will be ((:
Aalexandra Nicole xoxo <3333

Hello! My name is Angy. I live in a little country in North of Italy .. I'm 19 years old. I'm a student.
I love fashion,make up, singing ,dancing, go out with my friends..so and so..
I love meet new people. Infact, I have a lot of sites where I met them.
I'm really happy to be here.
bye xD <3
I love fashion,make up, singing ,dancing, go out with my friends..so and so..
I love meet new people. Infact, I have a lot of sites where I met them.
I'm really happy to be here.
bye xD <3

my name is Elizabeth, and i live in cottage grove, Oregon. scene kids are extremely rare here. for example, i am the only one in this town who has hair bigger than i am. at first i did was discriminated against, put down, got weird stares, but i didn't let that bother me, and others who wish to express themselves shouldn't let people's opinions bother them either. if you are happy with the way you look, do it. don't try to please others because you will more than likely end up being unhappy.
some people say scene kids are 'pretty' or 'unique' because most are all original and know how to express themselves and make it work. others think scene kids are crazy or weird because they look different. that may be, but i would prefer to stand out and be different or 'weird' as some might say, because i don't like to be boring and blend in. you should be able to look the way you want to, and people need to respect that (:
some people say scene kids are 'pretty' or 'unique' because most are all original and know how to express themselves and make it work. others think scene kids are crazy or weird because they look different. that may be, but i would prefer to stand out and be different or 'weird' as some might say, because i don't like to be boring and blend in. you should be able to look the way you want to, and people need to respect that (:

Okay, i dont care what you think about me.
Im ugly, so what.
It really doesnt matter.
you shouldn't judge people by their looks.
We should all be thankful for who we are.
Im ugly, so what.
It really doesnt matter.
you shouldn't judge people by their looks.
We should all be thankful for who we are.

Short Scene Hair
Most scene hair is long with a lot of layers. You usually tease it big on top and long and straight on the bottom. When you style scene hair you can use hair extensions. Hair extensions are really expensive and not everyone can afford it. So how can you style short scene hair?
For a curly baby doll hair all you need is a curling iron, flat iron, hair spray, heat protection, comb, and hair clips to clip you hair out of the way. This style is good for a hair length to your chin and if you have bangs. First you need to part a section of your hair and brush it out and start curling it and keep doing this. Don’t forget the hair spray so it can last longer. After that, straighten you bangs and you're done. For accessories, if you want put a bow on top of your head or a hat, your choice.
Another style is pig tails, your hair length doesn’t matter. First straighten your hair then part it as you want. Put the hair in front and have a pony tail in the back. Start teasing the pony tails as much as you want or leave it as is.
Tease your hair for a classic scene style. This is simple just straighten and start teasing your hair. IF you have the money you can use hair extensions. The cost for hair extensions varies, real hair extensions can cost $100+. It all matters how long it is and where you get it.
You can spike short hair or do the flat guy scene hair. For the spiky hair just use wax and gel and style as much as you want. For the short guy hair style wax you hair and if your hair is long enough tease it in front of your face.
Here are some good brands of hair products to style your hair: Bed Head, Rockaholic, and Paul Mitchell. You can get this at any hair salon. To keep your hair healthy before straightening, curling, and blow drying use heat protection. Don’t wash you hair everyday. Too much teasing, blow drying without a diffuser and coloring your hair can damage it. Use a hot oil treatment if your hair becomes dry and unmanageable. I hope this helps some if you.
Lots of love,
Most scene hair is long with a lot of layers. You usually tease it big on top and long and straight on the bottom. When you style scene hair you can use hair extensions. Hair extensions are really expensive and not everyone can afford it. So how can you style short scene hair?
For a curly baby doll hair all you need is a curling iron, flat iron, hair spray, heat protection, comb, and hair clips to clip you hair out of the way. This style is good for a hair length to your chin and if you have bangs. First you need to part a section of your hair and brush it out and start curling it and keep doing this. Don’t forget the hair spray so it can last longer. After that, straighten you bangs and you're done. For accessories, if you want put a bow on top of your head or a hat, your choice.
Another style is pig tails, your hair length doesn’t matter. First straighten your hair then part it as you want. Put the hair in front and have a pony tail in the back. Start teasing the pony tails as much as you want or leave it as is.
Tease your hair for a classic scene style. This is simple just straighten and start teasing your hair. IF you have the money you can use hair extensions. The cost for hair extensions varies, real hair extensions can cost $100+. It all matters how long it is and where you get it.
You can spike short hair or do the flat guy scene hair. For the spiky hair just use wax and gel and style as much as you want. For the short guy hair style wax you hair and if your hair is long enough tease it in front of your face.
Here are some good brands of hair products to style your hair: Bed Head, Rockaholic, and Paul Mitchell. You can get this at any hair salon. To keep your hair healthy before straightening, curling, and blow drying use heat protection. Don’t wash you hair everyday. Too much teasing, blow drying without a diffuser and coloring your hair can damage it. Use a hot oil treatment if your hair becomes dry and unmanageable. I hope this helps some if you.
Lots of love,

1) You want to section your hair in about, 2-4 inches around the top of your crown (that is the hair on the very top of your head). It REALLY does help if you have layered hair, especially with short layers on top so it's easier to tease.
2) Grab a section of hair. Take the teasing comb and at the very root, you want to push the comb down and continue to repeat until you have something like, a clump of hair at the root.
3) Do step 2 all over your crown. It won't take long once you get the hang of it.
4) Once you're done, you want to take the comb and start smoothing out the bumps and some of the tangled/ratted hair to get a smoother look without losing the volume. The harder you comb, the smoother it will become and the volume will die out. You just want to comb the top layer a couple of times to your own liking.
2) Grab a section of hair. Take the teasing comb and at the very root, you want to push the comb down and continue to repeat until you have something like, a clump of hair at the root.
3) Do step 2 all over your crown. It won't take long once you get the hang of it.
4) Once you're done, you want to take the comb and start smoothing out the bumps and some of the tangled/ratted hair to get a smoother look without losing the volume. The harder you comb, the smoother it will become and the volume will die out. You just want to comb the top layer a couple of times to your own liking.

Makeup is important, but you don't need the expensive, or brand name stuff to make your face look gorgeous. I, personally get almost all my makeup at Wal-Mart.
The eye shadow I LOVE and use all the time, is L.A Colors. I also use their eye liners, too. I use the twisty pencil type thing, but my mom has some she orders from Avon that are really cool too, the Avon ones have sparkles in them that look completely stunning, especially if you have really dark brown eyes like mine.
Wal-Mart also has these colorful mascara's that are super awesome too, I have the purple one, because it complements brown eyes, and I just love the color purple. The problem with them is that they barely work and they cost about seven bucks.
Avon is the perfect place to get your makeup at, or order it, if you can get some. They have the real great stuff that works amazingly. I recommend getting their mascara or eyeliners if you can.
The eye shadow I LOVE and use all the time, is L.A Colors. I also use their eye liners, too. I use the twisty pencil type thing, but my mom has some she orders from Avon that are really cool too, the Avon ones have sparkles in them that look completely stunning, especially if you have really dark brown eyes like mine.
Wal-Mart also has these colorful mascara's that are super awesome too, I have the purple one, because it complements brown eyes, and I just love the color purple. The problem with them is that they barely work and they cost about seven bucks.
Avon is the perfect place to get your makeup at, or order it, if you can get some. They have the real great stuff that works amazingly. I recommend getting their mascara or eyeliners if you can.

how to tease scene hair:
spray roots of hair whever your going to tease with hairspray
start combing backwards,it should make it look knotty
spray with hairspray
comb lightly so it doesnt look like crap
and now you have teased hair,now go on and scare your parrents with it xD
spray roots of hair whever your going to tease with hairspray
start combing backwards,it should make it look knotty
spray with hairspray
comb lightly so it doesnt look like crap
and now you have teased hair,now go on and scare your parrents with it xD

Tips when you run out of eyeliner:
Oh precious eyeliner <3 <3 <3! Eyeliner can go FAST depending how much you use it. So when the last drop/bit is gone, and you forgot to get moar...
It can be hard to get that perfect lewk.
So I figured out a nice substitute for eyeliner.
Eyeshadow! Just use lots of it and line your eye with it. This is personal experience. It might not look as good, but it'll do!
Oh precious eyeliner <3 <3 <3! Eyeliner can go FAST depending how much you use it. So when the last drop/bit is gone, and you forgot to get moar...
It can be hard to get that perfect lewk.
So I figured out a nice substitute for eyeliner.
Eyeshadow! Just use lots of it and line your eye with it. This is personal experience. It might not look as good, but it'll do!

heii well im marina but ppl call me Barbie or Dark Star so from their i got my name Baarbie Vs. Dark Star..well im 16.. well i leave in el paso tx. were not alot of scene kids over here but i love to b 1 of thm>;D yea i had been walking thru the strrets and yea ppl stare at me if i were an alien but agh.1 idc i love to b myself.. i dnt rlly cre wat thy say..so juszt b ur self>;D

first i put on foundation to even out my skin colour
then i put on black pencil eyeliner below and above
then i do black masacra and gold sparkly mascara
after that i put on bright red lipstick and some gold sparkles
thats it yay!!!
then i put on black pencil eyeliner below and above
then i do black masacra and gold sparkly mascara
after that i put on bright red lipstick and some gold sparkles
thats it yay!!!

No matter where you are, You'll be the center of attention. People will look at you and maybe they'll think: Well, That's a pretty girl.
Or they might think: Ew, How does she look? Djeez. All the time, You really will be all the time, In the center of attention. Know that you're pretty. Its important to know who you are and know what you want.
You may get made fun of. Some people may call you a poser and you may get some hate mail.
Most of this people are jealous and they call you a poser because they want a style like yours.
Don't be lonely sitting at home for your pc.
Go outside, Make fun with friends.
Meet new people at meetings, Go to concerts and have a nice life.
In short, make new friends, have fun, take pictures that are original, be yourself.
Do not be surprised when people hate you, go to concerts and meetings, create a myspace profile.
Or they might think: Ew, How does she look? Djeez. All the time, You really will be all the time, In the center of attention. Know that you're pretty. Its important to know who you are and know what you want.
You may get made fun of. Some people may call you a poser and you may get some hate mail.
Most of this people are jealous and they call you a poser because they want a style like yours.
Don't be lonely sitting at home for your pc.
Go outside, Make fun with friends.
Meet new people at meetings, Go to concerts and have a nice life.
In short, make new friends, have fun, take pictures that are original, be yourself.
Do not be surprised when people hate you, go to concerts and meetings, create a myspace profile.

No matter where you are, You'll be the center of attention. People will look at you and maybe they'll think: Well, That's a pretty girl.
Or they might think: Ew, How does she look? Djeez. All the time, You really will be all the time, In the center of attention. Know that you're pretty. Its important to know who you are and know what you want.
You may get made fun of. Some people may call you a poser and you may get some hate mail.
Most of this people are jealous and they call you a poser because they want a style like yours.
Don't be lonely sitting at home for your pc.
Go outside, Make fun with friends.
Meet new people at meetings, Go to concerts and have a nice life.
In short, make new friends, have fun, take pictures that are original, be yourself.
Do not be surprised when people hate you, go to concerts and meetings, create a myspace profile.
Or they might think: Ew, How does she look? Djeez. All the time, You really will be all the time, In the center of attention. Know that you're pretty. Its important to know who you are and know what you want.
You may get made fun of. Some people may call you a poser and you may get some hate mail.
Most of this people are jealous and they call you a poser because they want a style like yours.
Don't be lonely sitting at home for your pc.
Go outside, Make fun with friends.
Meet new people at meetings, Go to concerts and have a nice life.
In short, make new friends, have fun, take pictures that are original, be yourself.
Do not be surprised when people hate you, go to concerts and meetings, create a myspace profile.