How to make your room scene!!

STEP 1: ThemeFirst you want to be original and you need a theme for your room! Do you want it to be only one subject? For example do you want everything Hello Kitty? Or do you want a mixture of different cartoon characters? What about animal prints? If you’re simple, then keep it simple. Remember it is YOUR ROOM. Don’t make it into something you wouldn’t actually like. Decide what colors you love best and put them together to create something stellar!STEP 2: DecorateStick to your theme, however NOT everything has to match perfectly. After you chose your main theme you need to start working on getting items for your room that match the theme and colors you picked. Start with the walls. They can be just plain white or any color you like. Each wall could be a different color and your theme could be rainbow! Keep it ORIGINAL. Keep it YOU. If your parents won’t let you paint your room your favorite color it’s ok you can work around it or if its white just leave it plain white and make sure the things in your room will distract from the wall! Just to be safe you could ask them just if you could paint just one wall in your room or just the ceiling and make that your favorite color. Also if it is just one plain color and you don’t like it you can put posters from your favorite bands and movies, colorful paintings, and pictures of you and your friends having a blast! For your pictures you could get a cork board. Wall stickers are fun too and look REALLY RADD!! An all white room with a black ceiling looks pretty cool especially if you can get Star glow in the dark wall stickers and put them up there! Lightning bolts, Brass knuckles, Polka Dots, or other symbols you like and some of your original sayings would be fantastic on your walls. Also magazine clippings or patches from clothing make it more original and shows your personality. Think of your wall like an open canvas and it encloses your room so it’s important! If you’re not even allowed to do anything to the walls that’s understandable and like I wrote before you can work around it. Huge stuffed animals and your bed definitely distract from the wall if it’s plain, but also if it’s another color other than black or white try and make the theme work with it. For example if its pink you can get a black and pink bed comforter and base all the other colors in your room to be black and other shades of pink. If you have shelves utilize them for trinkets and small stuffed animals and even little sculptures and toys of your favorite things, characters, and animals. You should already own things like that if the stuff is really your favorite. If you just never thought about it then start to! I personally love beanie babies and have a ton in my room! If you like dolls I bet they are already on your shelves anyway! Just utilize the space in your room and the toys you already have from when you were little and put ‘em on your shelves. Put your plushies on your bed and get a comforter that you like and matches your theme. Make your room memorable and unique! STEP 3: Keep it realAs written above, remember it is your room and you should style it as you please. You don’t have to follow everything in this guide and you certainly should just be yourself and show your personality. Even if you don’t like any of the ideas in this guide it’s alright no harm done. So just be yourself and have fun! This is just a guide if you need ideas! ***Miss. Chievous***