
que o_o.. Hey'sz well I'mm Barbie(;.. Idk If I'mm Doingg This Right XDD (Crxp)
Well'sz I'mm Pretty amazing once yuhh get 2 know Me aha>:)..
Parent'sz Dohn'tt like meD;.. My age is 13... Hmm'sz Well i think every1 shoudn't GAF what ppl thinkk,, && express Themselve'sz.. Every1 Should learn 2 love their hater'sz<3,, They just make yuhh get noticedd(:..... Well I Love SceneQueens.com, && Wuhld Love it more if i could be a part of it:D.. Weeeeeeeeeeell I'll Stop tiping now since it's Most likely I'mm Doing this wrong! n_n
Well'sz I'mm Pretty amazing once yuhh get 2 know Me aha>:)..
Parent'sz Dohn'tt like meD;.. My age is 13... Hmm'sz Well i think every1 shoudn't GAF what ppl thinkk,, && express Themselve'sz.. Every1 Should learn 2 love their hater'sz<3,, They just make yuhh get noticedd(:..... Well I Love SceneQueens.com, && Wuhld Love it more if i could be a part of it:D.. Weeeeeeeeeeell I'll Stop tiping now since it's Most likely I'mm Doing this wrong! n_n

To be scene, is to be unique.
Being scene isn’t just about the fancy names and how many friends you have on MySpace. It’s about expressing yourself in your own way. To stand out from the crud. To show that you dare to be different. It shows you have spunk kid and originality. But to be like this you must have to be strong. You must expect staring and criticism even from people you have no association with. You must expect the haters and people who will try and take your happiness and style away from you. Don’t take their jealous words seriously. Call them a duck and throw them in the mud :) because you are a beautiful person. And they obviously see that, so they try and bring you down for it. Sit back and laugh, watch how they make themselves look like complete bone heads.
You’ll be much happier for it :)
Now being scene doesn’t mean you have to have the piercings and tattoos to complete the look. You guys are only young. Slow down kid :) you don’t have to rush out and get poked and hole punched, you might regret it later. Think about it; make sure you’re sure with what you want. And wait and see if you’ve grown out of it. Or are still hardcore scene kids X)
Because you don’t want to end up 18 and cheerleading still bearing your Bring Me the Horizon shoulder tattoo from when you were 16. Wouldn’t go down well.
You can still have your fringe in your eye, your hair so big it’s like a wig. Mass loads of eyeliner and your skinny jeans with a Hello Kitty tee & you’ll be on a roll :D
So in the end, just be you. Don’t try and fake that just causes problems. Be you and people will love you for it. Even yourself. Choose what YOU want to wear and how you wear it. Who cares what strangers think. They’re just another face of un-importance.
Because you are beautifully, uniquely you :)
Being scene isn’t just about the fancy names and how many friends you have on MySpace. It’s about expressing yourself in your own way. To stand out from the crud. To show that you dare to be different. It shows you have spunk kid and originality. But to be like this you must have to be strong. You must expect staring and criticism even from people you have no association with. You must expect the haters and people who will try and take your happiness and style away from you. Don’t take their jealous words seriously. Call them a duck and throw them in the mud :) because you are a beautiful person. And they obviously see that, so they try and bring you down for it. Sit back and laugh, watch how they make themselves look like complete bone heads.
You’ll be much happier for it :)
Now being scene doesn’t mean you have to have the piercings and tattoos to complete the look. You guys are only young. Slow down kid :) you don’t have to rush out and get poked and hole punched, you might regret it later. Think about it; make sure you’re sure with what you want. And wait and see if you’ve grown out of it. Or are still hardcore scene kids X)
Because you don’t want to end up 18 and cheerleading still bearing your Bring Me the Horizon shoulder tattoo from when you were 16. Wouldn’t go down well.
You can still have your fringe in your eye, your hair so big it’s like a wig. Mass loads of eyeliner and your skinny jeans with a Hello Kitty tee & you’ll be on a roll :D
So in the end, just be you. Don’t try and fake that just causes problems. Be you and people will love you for it. Even yourself. Choose what YOU want to wear and how you wear it. Who cares what strangers think. They’re just another face of un-importance.
Because you are beautifully, uniquely you :)

Jordii :D
love taking photo's
love BMTH;YMAS;ETF;EMWIH;NSN; ect ect (:
im really kind, bout if your a bitch..dont expect me to be nice ^.^
dont talk shit if you dont know me.
idunoe what else to write... well yes, xx
Jordii :D
love taking photo's
love BMTH;YMAS;ETF;EMWIH;NSN; ect ect (:
im really kind, bout if your a bitch..dont expect me to be nice ^.^
dont talk shit if you dont know me.
idunoe what else to write... well yes, xx

Being a Scene kid,comes with alot of Confidence.. you have to be willing to stand up for your self,and what you believe in. People are going to criticize you,and possibly call you names. but your going to have to learn to stand up to that and tell them straight up that you are who you are. and no matter what,your not gonna change to please them. If anyone calls you names,hurtful names..thats problly because they are just jealous. Dont let those names get to you... shrug em off your shoulder,and embrace your personality. your true self... :) :D <3

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance.
you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are.....
you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are.....

Yes, My hair is ****ed up in my picture. Yes, i am rounder. Am i proud of that? No. But i'll admit it with a curly grin on my face and a glimmer in my eye that will blind the world. I dont believe half the things that come out of people mouths, whether theyre true or not. I can love you or be indifferent. But i never hate. No one deserves to die. Second chances are worth everything. I dont believe in religion because the idea of worship, is not something ill do. i can love, i can cry, i can feel everything. All my life i've been told i'm ugly, and fat, and stupid. But then again, i dont believe half the things i hear out of people's mouths. :) I'm your new best friend. This box can't hold me or what i have to say about anything. But know that i'm not about vanity, lies, or hate. Because if thats all you have, then in the end, you have nothing at all.

Name is Corie Marie,
I'm 16,
Scene and proud of it,
Taken<3 by Kody Kendall(:,
don't know me,don't judge mee,
love drawing&photographyy,
I'm bipolar but, I try to be as happy and in a good mood as I can be(:,
I love meeting new people (if there nice) lol, so don't be afraid to talkk.
I'm 16,
Scene and proud of it,
Taken<3 by Kody Kendall(:,
don't know me,don't judge mee,
love drawing&photographyy,
I'm bipolar but, I try to be as happy and in a good mood as I can be(:,
I love meeting new people (if there nice) lol, so don't be afraid to talkk.

Hey,my names daniielle mariie im 13 years old and i am trying to be sccene just like you guys out there(: and i hope you enjoy my photos i try my best at themm soo,, i am from united states...me and my friend skye are like almost only scene people in our whole middle school idek what else to write but fer now thank you very much ♥'s to all byee(:

Scene hair.
When you tease your hair make sure your hair is clean, and shiny. So you don't look like a hobo who doesn't brush there hair! Using a brush is a lot easier in my opinion if you have a lot of hair, it help a ton.
First part your hair so it in the middle of your head. Take the bottom part and all put all the hair together and tease, spray with Rave. and than take out your blow dryer and dry the hairspray so you can continue the top layer.
Repeat the step for the top layer.
When your done the top layer will not be as poofy as wanted so re tease and spray. Don't forget to blow dry to keep it from going flat! By the time your done your hair should be as big and wanted if want bigger re do steps again.:)
Then put any bows or beads in hair. :)
When you tease your hair make sure your hair is clean, and shiny. So you don't look like a hobo who doesn't brush there hair! Using a brush is a lot easier in my opinion if you have a lot of hair, it help a ton.
First part your hair so it in the middle of your head. Take the bottom part and all put all the hair together and tease, spray with Rave. and than take out your blow dryer and dry the hairspray so you can continue the top layer.
Repeat the step for the top layer.
When your done the top layer will not be as poofy as wanted so re tease and spray. Don't forget to blow dry to keep it from going flat! By the time your done your hair should be as big and wanted if want bigger re do steps again.:)
Then put any bows or beads in hair. :)

Haii, im lauren(:
I just turned 13 not too long ago and i've been doing the "scene style" for about almost a year? yeah, i dye my hair alot but im gonna do it all black soon and yeah(:
i really want to be a part of this website because it seems super fun - i used to site model for certain websites but it seemed like they didn't check there account too much so I quit (:
i have alot of confidence and I'm super duper nice and i'll participate as much as I can. i hope you accept me <3
I just turned 13 not too long ago and i've been doing the "scene style" for about almost a year? yeah, i dye my hair alot but im gonna do it all black soon and yeah(:
i really want to be a part of this website because it seems super fun - i used to site model for certain websites but it seemed like they didn't check there account too much so I quit (:
i have alot of confidence and I'm super duper nice and i'll participate as much as I can. i hope you accept me <3

0-o !

How i do my hair (steps).
1. i brush my hair.
2. i wash my hair in the sink.
3. i put on the heat protection
4. i dry my hair with a flat iron (straightener) when my hair is wet.
5. i part my hair from bottom to top.
6. after i straighten my hair, i brush it out
7. i part the bang on the left side of my face.
8. i tease my hair with a brush or a comb
9. i put on hair spray on the roots.
10. i fix the hair.
11. i put hair spray over the hair.
12. i push it up to make it look better
13. then i'm done with my hair.
1. i brush my hair.
2. i wash my hair in the sink.
3. i put on the heat protection
4. i dry my hair with a flat iron (straightener) when my hair is wet.
5. i part my hair from bottom to top.
6. after i straighten my hair, i brush it out
7. i part the bang on the left side of my face.
8. i tease my hair with a brush or a comb
9. i put on hair spray on the roots.
10. i fix the hair.
11. i put hair spray over the hair.
12. i push it up to make it look better
13. then i'm done with my hair.

i think that scene makes girls/guys more confident. they feel unique because there is no set way you have to look. every person is different and unique in their own way. People hurt your feeling and tease you but you think well they are all the same and they dont like that you want to be an individual. just go for it nobody should be told the way they have to look.

Well elloo theree my name iss Brooke But my scene name is Brookie Birdness I am veryy well scene i would love to be a modal for you it has always been my dream to be a scene modal i am 14 but turning 15 real soon i am veryy outrages and way gorgouse i am who i am i dont give a freak what people think i am the best and you will never be that is my quote i do rave and parrty wear lots of colors and my makeup is very exotic but it looks good i am dying my tips an exotic green so i will look way better next year i am getting venum bites and i will be more sexyy i am very random i love techno and if you know what your doing you will make me a scene modal because theres no one better then me.. I have gallons of bracelets..so add me otay cause all make you wont moree of me alright bye bye darlins..Takee care Brookiee!!!!:"{D..

Say what you like , i don't care .
I'm happy for who i am anyway ! :]
I'm happy for who i am anyway ! :]

Being Scene, is being you.
Fuck the haters.
Express yourself
There's no rules
Brea, <3 xxx
Fuck the haters.
Express yourself
There's no rules
Brea, <3 xxx

Im Raven...I absolutely do not care what most people think about me other than my friends and family...if anyone has a problem with me I could care less...I love the way I am im happy with the person I am im very funny and outgoing and spontanuous. Personally I think haters need to shut up and worry about themselves. Although I am pretty blonde at times I just think its funny and laugh it off and I can be a bit bossy but then I just stop myself from sounding like a bitch. I also enjoy life and enjoy what I have and would gladly do anything for any of my friends and family.

Well Fisrt I Can Say I Wanna Be A Scene Queen !..
My Friend Told Me Bout This Website So Yeaaaa'
And My Obession Is JustinDrewBieber<3
(Taken] By The Best Roy<3333
Thats Bout It
My Friend Told Me Bout This Website So Yeaaaa'
And My Obession Is JustinDrewBieber<3
(Taken] By The Best Roy<3333
Thats Bout It

~*~ S C E N E C L O T H I N G && M O R E ~*~
As many of you have probably heard Dahvie Vanity say in his song Mosh & Roll, "I'm Not A Trend-Sweater. I'm A Trend-Setter." For scene girls this is always true!
This article is mainly an example to show how you can rock out what you wear anywhere and everywhere you go!
~Scene girls are colorful!
My typical outfit calls for LOTS of bling!
I always wear a plastic rainbow beaded necklace,
a shiny black beaded chain necklace,
my favorite Hello Kitty necklace
and lots more!
Bracelets I like to let cover my wrist all the way.
Rubber write bands with Band names or random words are
what I usually looks for.
Wrist bands in particular are also stylish for scene looks.
I have a red, black and black & white checkered one.
~Converse VS. Vans!!
Many scene girls prefer Vans but I love to stay old school!
I always choose Converse over everything else!
I like to stand out by having bright-colored ones as well.
(Yellow, electric blue, lime green, or comic strip patterned).
~Skinnies, Tights, and Leggings!
I usually wear skinny jeans everywhere I go.
Skinnies look there best colored!
I only have 2 pairs of skinnies that are standard blues.
I have a purple pair along with teal, and white snake-skin patterned. Zebra stripes and hot pink. Be creative with the colors and patterns :D
Tights....I always wear under shorts!
Kick it old school and but some crazy ass tights under
some colorful and creative shorts.
I like to put my zebra print tight under my green Gir shorts. Creative and cute ;D
Leggings...I always wear them instead of pants at times. Many of my leggings look like jeans and there tight! So why not wear em'? Plus they feel more comfortable then Jeans at times!
Band T-Shirts are a must!
Random shit is cool too!
I LOVE wearing my new Black Veil Brides Shirt out
orrrr even my very old Fall Out Boy Shirt (Even though I'm not too big of a fan of them] I have a Scene Hello Kitty shirt that I like to wear out as well.
Shirts of your favorite/ or just of a very popular cartoon are also pretty stylish! I Have a Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends Shirt and an Invader Zim shirt :DDDD
Gangster shirts with brass knuckles of guns work too
I have some like that that match my braces [there gold not yellow..GOLD!! x3]
Usually I like the typical black eyeliner when doing scene makeup but i also like rainbow patterns, or neon colors.
Be very creative with your makeup!!!
I like a thin line of black eyeliner with lime green eyeshadow <3 x3
It's PIMP!!!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Hope some of this helped! Now rock your own style or use some of mine, either way, be creative!! Again hoped this helped! $ Heather Homicyde $ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
As many of you have probably heard Dahvie Vanity say in his song Mosh & Roll, "I'm Not A Trend-Sweater. I'm A Trend-Setter." For scene girls this is always true!
This article is mainly an example to show how you can rock out what you wear anywhere and everywhere you go!
~Scene girls are colorful!
My typical outfit calls for LOTS of bling!
I always wear a plastic rainbow beaded necklace,
a shiny black beaded chain necklace,
my favorite Hello Kitty necklace
and lots more!
Bracelets I like to let cover my wrist all the way.
Rubber write bands with Band names or random words are
what I usually looks for.
Wrist bands in particular are also stylish for scene looks.
I have a red, black and black & white checkered one.
~Converse VS. Vans!!
Many scene girls prefer Vans but I love to stay old school!
I always choose Converse over everything else!
I like to stand out by having bright-colored ones as well.
(Yellow, electric blue, lime green, or comic strip patterned).
~Skinnies, Tights, and Leggings!
I usually wear skinny jeans everywhere I go.
Skinnies look there best colored!
I only have 2 pairs of skinnies that are standard blues.
I have a purple pair along with teal, and white snake-skin patterned. Zebra stripes and hot pink. Be creative with the colors and patterns :D
Tights....I always wear under shorts!
Kick it old school and but some crazy ass tights under
some colorful and creative shorts.
I like to put my zebra print tight under my green Gir shorts. Creative and cute ;D
Leggings...I always wear them instead of pants at times. Many of my leggings look like jeans and there tight! So why not wear em'? Plus they feel more comfortable then Jeans at times!
Band T-Shirts are a must!
Random shit is cool too!
I LOVE wearing my new Black Veil Brides Shirt out
orrrr even my very old Fall Out Boy Shirt (Even though I'm not too big of a fan of them] I have a Scene Hello Kitty shirt that I like to wear out as well.
Shirts of your favorite/ or just of a very popular cartoon are also pretty stylish! I Have a Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends Shirt and an Invader Zim shirt :DDDD
Gangster shirts with brass knuckles of guns work too
I have some like that that match my braces [there gold not yellow..GOLD!! x3]
Usually I like the typical black eyeliner when doing scene makeup but i also like rainbow patterns, or neon colors.
Be very creative with your makeup!!!
I like a thin line of black eyeliner with lime green eyeshadow <3 x3
It's PIMP!!!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Hope some of this helped! Now rock your own style or use some of mine, either way, be creative!! Again hoped this helped! $ Heather Homicyde $ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Well, to start off, i have my own style. I call it, "Shitty Alexx" XD It's just some skinny jeans and a band or regular tee i wear that's it.Or i would wear a shirt that is cut from the top so it would hang loose on your shoulders, those are my fave! With some converse to go with it. Have lots of braceletes on both wrist and maybe a necklace. I do sometimes tease my hair whenever i feel like it and put hairspray. I cannot go anywhere without my eyeliner and liquid eyeliner on! I love to do wings for my eyes cause it makes them look small.(:

Hi im brutal-Bekah.
Im fourteen years young, and im a mutt in human form, my idols are micheal Jackson,Brittney spears,Kat Von D, paris hilton, and jefree star. I belive to be a true scene queen you have to be yourself and not immatate the looks of others, I am a raver therefore i go by P.L.U.R in case you dont know or recall what that maybe it means, Peace, Love, Unity, And Respect. I am a lesbian i like girls and only girls. thats enough about me.
Im fourteen years young, and im a mutt in human form, my idols are micheal Jackson,Brittney spears,Kat Von D, paris hilton, and jefree star. I belive to be a true scene queen you have to be yourself and not immatate the looks of others, I am a raver therefore i go by P.L.U.R in case you dont know or recall what that maybe it means, Peace, Love, Unity, And Respect. I am a lesbian i like girls and only girls. thats enough about me.

No matter what people think of you or what they say about you . who cares what they think. If you like how you dress or how you wear your make up there who cares what they think. If you like Neon/Bright colors then wear them . If you like being a Scene kid then be a Scene kid .
Be your own person not who people want you to be . But always be nice cause Scene kids are nice . But dont let peole be jerk and make you seem dumb. Some people will talk bout you but whos cares let them . You will always have someone that dont like you somewhere. But One thing you can not be is a POSER!
Be your own person not who people want you to be . But always be nice cause Scene kids are nice . But dont let peole be jerk and make you seem dumb. Some people will talk bout you but whos cares let them . You will always have someone that dont like you somewhere. But One thing you can not be is a POSER!
SQ :)

I love to expirement with my hair :] I'm really outgoing be my friend and I'll be yours ;] I dont wear makeup that much usally fondation and a little macarra and eyeliner My role modle Zui Suicide I absolutly lovee her <3 I love anime but I'm not an anime freak though C; get to know me and I'll get to know you. :D

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance.
you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are..... freaks but theire not. theire just original!
you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are..... freaks but theire not. theire just original!

People say scene kids are the people who dress in skinny jeans,tee shirts, and tutus. They say they wear vans and ballet flats. They also wear lots of eye makeup, bows, extensions, and they act like little kids. Allthough its true, people make it sound so badDX whats the big deal about it? No one really seems to care about how gangsters wear they pants on their knees, or how preps are branded by aeropostale, abercrombie, hollister, and american eagle. But scene kids seem to be talked about the most. Why?

People will always criticize you. Whatever you do or whatever you are doing for them, it won't be enough. They will always be in charge for who you are if you're doing those things for them. Remember, most people hate the 'cool kids' and won't even be involved with them. Others likes them and wants to be like them. Be yourself. Stand out, live your own life. Then you'll get a great life from when you're a kid, 'till you are all grown up !
People say scene kids are people who hurt themselves. Their hair looks funny and they are skinny as hell. SCREW THEM! Let us be however we want to be.
People always leave, but sometimes they come back.
Scene kids won't leave the world, 'cuz we are humans too.
People say scene kids are people who hurt themselves. Their hair looks funny and they are skinny as hell. SCREW THEM! Let us be however we want to be.
People always leave, but sometimes they come back.
Scene kids won't leave the world, 'cuz we are humans too.

i do what i do and i am what i am...no matter what i am me YOU cant change me no1 can...say what you want butt i am not in this battle i choos 2stay in my bounderyz and if i must go beyond that i must bring my soul with me...so hate i dont care i am what i am and u cant change my mind about it say and do as you pleez just stay out of my land of rainbowz....my land of happy can not be proswayed any further than my options in life so yes i am a freak and yes I AM AMAZING

Hai my name is Hannah and im 13 and i am obsessed with mario the sims 2 and music.I can play piano and im still learning guitar and im okay at some art.I live in san diego but its my dream to move back to washington.I have a Really good friend shes like a sister to meh her name is arianna but i had to move away form her but i miss her very much =(. Aside from that im a total computer nerd Im obsessed with facebook and Youtube and Gaia.
Well i dont know whatelse to tell yew...Well PEACE for now becuase i ran out of things to say..rofl sorry
Well i dont know whatelse to tell yew...Well PEACE for now becuase i ran out of things to say..rofl sorry

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance.
you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are.....
you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are.....

Scene is something to be envious of. For the people that are not afraid to be themselves, who are not afraid to stand from the crowd and stand proud. When people think 'scene", they think big hair and bright colors. I see so much more. I see indivisuality, a sense of randomness, kindness, comedy, loyalty, and open-minded expression. There's more to a scene girl beyond her heavy eyeliner. It's a soul that burns with fire and shows no fear to the peer pressured society. The best, most greatest word to describe "scene" would be: indescribeable. (:
SQ #1

my names tiffany in 13 im gonna be 14 soon and im scene :P
yea i went scene because i dont like being emo and im always happy and i love colors my fav ice cream is rainbow
sherbert ^-^ yep yep. my fav color is blue but my hair ish red ddnt wana dye it blue :[. anyways one thing i just one thing i wanted to say is that one thing i learned about being scene is to not listen to other about what they say about u just be u and love it :D be happy with who u are and stick to that kk? peace ^_^
yea i went scene because i dont like being emo and im always happy and i love colors my fav ice cream is rainbow
sherbert ^-^ yep yep. my fav color is blue but my hair ish red ddnt wana dye it blue :[. anyways one thing i just one thing i wanted to say is that one thing i learned about being scene is to not listen to other about what they say about u just be u and love it :D be happy with who u are and stick to that kk? peace ^_^

I know that where ever you go you will be criticized. The people only do it because they are jealous and should be taught a lesson. We are beautiful colourful people and nobody could take that away from us. I'm Chelsea aka BrokiexBrutall and honestly, I'm sick of people contradicting themselves to the max. I decided to join this site because it is a way to express myself. If you wanna be a scene kid, i suggest you should not go around bragging about it and be independent and do not care who you are. Dont put to much confidence because you'll get more teased. People say scene kids are a bunch of oxygen theives but no, we arent. We dont go around saying that people who arent scene are inferior and were superior because people will think we are nothing. Im a scene kid and im proud of it. You should be to because were all beautiful dont hide it!

Some people say scene kids aren't original. They say that all scene girls dress the same. I don't believe that. Everyone has their own style and their own personality. Yes, some people do "copy" other people's style sometimes, but what if that styles expresses the way you are too? Everyone wants to express themselves in any way they can. Scene kids just do it better than everyone else.

Hey there people
my name is Nikki im into Rap,Hip-Hop,Techno,Heavymetal,Rock
im the type of girl who likes to show what i love to do!!
im outgoing!
i love to mix clothes!
if i had 1 chocie of favoite color it would be Rainbow!
im into Big Gigs,Warp tour
i love raves
im 15 years old July 16, 1995!
i have 5 siblings all half
im a type a girl whos just out there does what i love to do with my life!
well thats me :)
my name is Nikki im into Rap,Hip-Hop,Techno,Heavymetal,Rock
im the type of girl who likes to show what i love to do!!
im outgoing!
i love to mix clothes!
if i had 1 chocie of favoite color it would be Rainbow!
im into Big Gigs,Warp tour
i love raves
im 15 years old July 16, 1995!
i have 5 siblings all half
im a type a girl whos just out there does what i love to do with my life!
well thats me :)

*well, I don't know of what theme I have to do the article, so I made it about Scene. Sorry If I have english's mistakes, That's because I'm from Argentina and my official idiom is Spanish xD*
Scene is a way to live a way to express what you are.
But, in that case... How can you be who you are being like a Scene if all scene's look the same?
Nice question...
So, If you want to be different from other for be yourself, Is correct tag yourself?
Maybe if the style let you express, i think it's ok.
Scene style, for me, it's my way to be myself-
I'm sure I don't follow 100 % all scene's rules, if there exist some rule.
Much people look like a Scene, but they feel like they are really Scenes when they look like their Scene's idol. But that's wrong. That make you a fake, a copy.
Be Scene it's about be beautifull accepting you like who you are, leaving your defects and being just yourself.
Scene style is a medium between you and the other. It's a tool, not something to put on you.
You have to take Scene and make it to your own way, not that Scene takes you like a puppet, and make you a copy from others.
That's my point of view. I haven't the universal truth, but I think I'm close to it. xD
Scene is a way to live a way to express what you are.
But, in that case... How can you be who you are being like a Scene if all scene's look the same?
Nice question...
So, If you want to be different from other for be yourself, Is correct tag yourself?
Maybe if the style let you express, i think it's ok.
Scene style, for me, it's my way to be myself-
I'm sure I don't follow 100 % all scene's rules, if there exist some rule.
Much people look like a Scene, but they feel like they are really Scenes when they look like their Scene's idol. But that's wrong. That make you a fake, a copy.
Be Scene it's about be beautifull accepting you like who you are, leaving your defects and being just yourself.
Scene style is a medium between you and the other. It's a tool, not something to put on you.
You have to take Scene and make it to your own way, not that Scene takes you like a puppet, and make you a copy from others.
That's my point of view. I haven't the universal truth, but I think I'm close to it. xD