
Hey, im Lauren, Im 13! My Scene Name Is lustyLaurenLiz
I am A Trend Setter, and i am always myself. I love scene make up- hair, fashion!
Where ever you go you will always be judged and criticized so i always put my best foot forward being the best person i can be!
My passion is truly make up, and i love to try new things with my make up. I find scene make up especially as a art form! It is aamazzing the things you can do with make up.!
I also love to dye and try new things with my hair! I always find myself cutting a couple more layers in my hair! :) Haha!
For Fashion, I love Skinny Jeans, Color, Anything unique!I love unusual- colorful clothes and i hate to blend in with the croud!
I am nice, confident, and scene! I am who i am :)
~I'd rather be hated for who i am, than loved for who im not~
I am A Trend Setter, and i am always myself. I love scene make up- hair, fashion!
Where ever you go you will always be judged and criticized so i always put my best foot forward being the best person i can be!
My passion is truly make up, and i love to try new things with my make up. I find scene make up especially as a art form! It is aamazzing the things you can do with make up.!
I also love to dye and try new things with my hair! I always find myself cutting a couple more layers in my hair! :) Haha!
For Fashion, I love Skinny Jeans, Color, Anything unique!I love unusual- colorful clothes and i hate to blend in with the croud!
I am nice, confident, and scene! I am who i am :)
~I'd rather be hated for who i am, than loved for who im not~
Nadia Narcotics

The beauty of "Scene" fashion is that its everywhere in the world.
Mexico, U.S.A., Europe, The Middle East, South America, (ect.)
We are a cult of beauty, music, and talent. Always ready for a photo and always ready for a party! We are one of a kind. Each and everyone of us are also UNIQUE in our own spicy way. Being "Scene" is something to be proud of. I know i am. (:
Mexico, U.S.A., Europe, The Middle East, South America, (ect.)
We are a cult of beauty, music, and talent. Always ready for a photo and always ready for a party! We are one of a kind. Each and everyone of us are also UNIQUE in our own spicy way. Being "Scene" is something to be proud of. I know i am. (:
La Belle Annabel

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are.....

Being scene is a way to express yourself and be unique. Don't be scene cause you wanna be catorgorized as scene that is not a good reason. Haters gotta hate it's what they do, BUT IF YOU WANNA GET BACK AT 'EM just ignore. My final piece of wisdom is *BEING SELF CONCIOUS IS THE ONLY THING BRINGIN' YOU DOWN, BREAK FREE*
~with love GADIA <3 GRINCH
~with love GADIA <3 GRINCH
Larissa Liquor

Have you ever looked back on your life and wondered, "What the hell was I thinking?"
I have, that's when I started the big hair and crazy cute outfits. All I ever do at parties is drink liquor... That's when the name Larissa Liquor came about. At school, the mall, even my own dentist office.. everyone seemed to know me as Larissa Liquor. That's how you get a "Scene" name I think. People choose it for you. It goes off of something you do. I am the only "Scene" kid at my highschool. People envy me. They call me names like emo, scene, etc. They start rumors about me, I could care less. To me being "Scene" isn't about who has the biggest hair or who can dress the loudest... to me being "Scene" is not giving a fuck about what people are saying/thinking of you. It's about YOU and ONLY YOU. YOU are the BIG DEAL and EVERYONE KNOWS YOU or has HEARD OF YOU. So embrace your awesomeness and don't let stupid crap bother you, because in the end... YOU ARE YOUR ONLY FRIEND.
I have, that's when I started the big hair and crazy cute outfits. All I ever do at parties is drink liquor... That's when the name Larissa Liquor came about. At school, the mall, even my own dentist office.. everyone seemed to know me as Larissa Liquor. That's how you get a "Scene" name I think. People choose it for you. It goes off of something you do. I am the only "Scene" kid at my highschool. People envy me. They call me names like emo, scene, etc. They start rumors about me, I could care less. To me being "Scene" isn't about who has the biggest hair or who can dress the loudest... to me being "Scene" is not giving a fuck about what people are saying/thinking of you. It's about YOU and ONLY YOU. YOU are the BIG DEAL and EVERYONE KNOWS YOU or has HEARD OF YOU. So embrace your awesomeness and don't let stupid crap bother you, because in the end... YOU ARE YOUR ONLY FRIEND.
Jessica Colorful Star

Hi My name is Jessica Colorful Star and i am 13 years old and i am a new scene girl. I love your website . i think its awesome. i live in michigan . i am african american and half puerto rician . i was born in michigan . i have to sisters. I love the colors black and neon colors.
X.x_Tortured Tanya_x.X Tanya Sidebottom

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are.....
Cristina Cervantes

Everyone will judge you, but you shouldn't let it get to you. Be who you want to be not something your not. Trying to be scene when you don't even like the style will make you a poser. No one is perfect , learn to respect your imperfections. Be confident about yourself , but if you become over confident you might start being a rude person and bringing other people down. However people might bring you down, don't let them do that to you. It doesn't matter what people say , believe in yourself.
kayla conrose

HERRO!!!!! i is Kayla Conrose! I am single i love purple zebras i am the mst randim B!TCH u wil ever meet but i love almost everyone!
Bethh Burlesque

Hello im Haylie(Beth Burlesque)
So far all through out my life i have been called many mean things and have done bad stuff, but they don't know me thats the problem and they choose not to get to know me well. Really im just a nice girl with a bit of a temper and can be crazy most of the time, hahaha :)
I hope that kinda helped u out a bit? Well i must go now (: goodbye .
So far all through out my life i have been called many mean things and have done bad stuff, but they don't know me thats the problem and they choose not to get to know me well. Really im just a nice girl with a bit of a temper and can be crazy most of the time, hahaha :)
I hope that kinda helped u out a bit? Well i must go now (: goodbye .
Jenni Jenerousity Jenni Nichols

I'm not sure what you want this to be about so I guess I'll make it about confidence. Being a scene kid in general you need a lot of confidence. Being criticized everyday just because of the way you look is hard to deal with. But if you just remember not to lose confidence in yourself you'll be just fine. Be nice to everyone else and don't look down on them for the way they look. Scene kids don't have to be rude. It's a choice, but all of the rude scene kids are giving the style a bad name. You shouldbe original and not try to please everyone else. If you show them that they're not getting to you they'll get bored of trying to hurt you and move onto someone else.
Zuii Spain Vanity Isui Manjarrez

I like to dress can fit the occasion, but always keeping my style that makes me different or be different than me, I love people to see my style, but I know not many people like, they may make children young children or not is for my age, but we know that people will never be agree with everything that you like, you can never make people happy everything, and if so we must accept ourselves as we are, and know how to respect others as are, of course we all are different, but we are human beings and we must respect each other.

Scene and proud<3
most people think scene is just about standing out and having big hair . to me , scene is about not only the image , but the music and the meaning of the look . I think to any type of label , theres music behind it . to me the music behind scene is absolutely amaing . it has meaning . its not just a bunch of pop singers trying to get rich for getting drunk and blacking out . inside the music is a story .
Although the music is great enough , who could hate the image scene kids give off . From the big poofy hair to the skin tight jeans , scene is an amazing style . it gives you a reason to stand out from the crowed and be your own person . Fuck what all the haters think , do your own thing . Haters words mean nothing . stand out and be scene . have the biggest hair , the tightest pants , neon colored make-up , and listen to the loudest screamo or electro .
most people think scene is just about standing out and having big hair . to me , scene is about not only the image , but the music and the meaning of the look . I think to any type of label , theres music behind it . to me the music behind scene is absolutely amaing . it has meaning . its not just a bunch of pop singers trying to get rich for getting drunk and blacking out . inside the music is a story .
Although the music is great enough , who could hate the image scene kids give off . From the big poofy hair to the skin tight jeans , scene is an amazing style . it gives you a reason to stand out from the crowed and be your own person . Fuck what all the haters think , do your own thing . Haters words mean nothing . stand out and be scene . have the biggest hair , the tightest pants , neon colored make-up , and listen to the loudest screamo or electro .
Jurassic Jessee

Being scene is just another way that people are trying to express themselves, really the same as other street styles, just with a different soundtrack. Each of the people who have chosen to follow the scene is their own person, they are just part of a scene that is tipped as being defiant and unacceptable, it's something we young people are drawn to.Your typical scene kid, guy or girl, will either have black hair, or some insane color, or just crazy streaks, with a shock of bangs covering up one eye or both. Hair MUST be dead straight. Sometimes it's poofy-spiked in the back, whatever u call it.Guys will typically have on extremely tight skinny jeans, sometimes girls jeans, with a really tight fitting band t-shirt and bracelets.Girls will normally have on the same thing or funky outfits that won't match but will go together. They will wear little kid barrettes and bows, bright eyeshadow, the hugest sunglasses in the world, and strands of pearls/beads. I love being scene it's just a fun way for my friends and I to express ourselves and our feelings.
Robyn Radiation

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are.....
different; crazy. but i dont think they really know what being scene is all about, i think its about, being you, beong different or just fitting in. but no scene kid looks the same. if its weight, clothing, hair, or make-up, no one does it the same. so maybe people are right, scene kids are different and crazy. but hey lets face it no ones normal or sane
different; crazy. but i dont think they really know what being scene is all about, i think its about, being you, beong different or just fitting in. but no scene kid looks the same. if its weight, clothing, hair, or make-up, no one does it the same. so maybe people are right, scene kids are different and crazy. but hey lets face it no ones normal or sane
Brutal Britney

Scene kids. Why do they have such bad reputations? Being a scene kid doesn't mean that you cut yourself every night and hate the world. Quite the opposite actually. Being scene means that you are expressing yourself in a way that works for you and embracing your flaws. And not caring what people say about it. Kids can be cruel, and no one knows that better then someone who stands out among the crowd. And in most cases, that's how life is for scene kids. Especially for those who live in small communities where no one has ever heard of anything like it. They can be almost like the alien of the town, and can get the most hateful glares ever. But you just have to grow to accept that, and stand up for yourself. Don't let people walk all over you, and when you hear someone is talking bad about you, confront them. But be sure not to be too assertive... then you'll just come off as a bitchy "emo kid" . And that is definitely not something that you want. Overall, being scene is a way of life. Almost like a religion. It's not just half in - half out. It's either you are fully committed or not at all. Or at least, that's how I view it.
Chloe SexxBomb

My state of complection is the Scene doesn't mean "Emo" Scene mean how you choose to exspress yourself by how you dress and look. I think way to much of words...witch is not good people are going to say the dont like you but there just jellious :D Everyone and Anyone exspressed there self in a diffrent way than any other person.Exspress yourself in any way you can no matter what people think :D
cheyenne catastrophe

hello!im a scene kid!I use to down myself really badly,but i found out im beautiful in my own way,i dont think im better than everyone,i believe everyone is at there highest standard.I think its cool to be scene,my hair is pretty natural I never tease it.I've seen many scene girls i have many scene short,I have black hair,brown eyes,and im 13 :) I hope i become a scene queen one day
Insomniac Physco

I was judged in middle school. Sixth grade. I was the outcast. Just because I was the pink headed freak. In dance I sat alone by myself, I was a loner. I didn't care of what they had to say about me. I was different. I stood out. So what. I learned it's good to have attention to stand out to be different. Why be like every one else? Let them say what they got to say. I have flaws some may accept it some may not. Learning how to accept and embrace it is the best advice I can give to you. Be you Be Proud. Don't be afraid to make a SCENE <3 .
Chaotic Skies

This is an article about being scene. Being scene to me is fun and exciting, because you have your own style and attitude and personality. It’s about being unique with darker makeup, crazy hairstyles, and bright clothes. It’s also about being an individual and being what YOU like to be. Scene kids are always given dirty looks or glares because they are different than other people, but you always keep your head high and have very good confidence because it’s your style and you should walk around with pride.
Joscelyn Jewelry

So… how to set in? My name is Joscelyn and I’m a fifteen-year-old girl from somewhere in the universe of the USA. My name means ‘fight, fighter, warrior’ and it says the truth – I’m a fighter. Every scene queen is a fighter I think because if you are scene, you often look very different from the people around you. If you are scene, you look the way you like and that’s what I do. My hair is natural red – people usually say it’s orange (-.-) – and I’m never gonna dye it anyway! One reason is my hair color is rare and I really like it. Another reason is that to me ‘scene’ doesn’t mean having black or extreme blond hair. To me ‘scene’ means couching yourself with the way you look. Not everyone likes the way you style but who cares? The clou is you like it. And that’s it.
Elly Exopath

Darkness is all I see
Darkness is all that surrounds me
I wander is darkness
Lost and alone
i continue to wander
Far over yander
Alone in darkness
the stabbing pain
Fills my brain
Its the dark
Almost like a loud bark
Year by year
Alone I wander
Far over yander
Will the darkness ever ease
As blood drips down my black fleece
The darkness will never rest
At last I bring upon my self
My very own
Darkness is all that surrounds me
I wander is darkness
Lost and alone
i continue to wander
Far over yander
Alone in darkness
the stabbing pain
Fills my brain
Its the dark
Almost like a loud bark
Year by year
Alone I wander
Far over yander
Will the darkness ever ease
As blood drips down my black fleece
The darkness will never rest
At last I bring upon my self
My very own
TeresitaXD Pereida

Elloz:) my name is TeresitaXD.I am 15 and i cut my own hair and tease it to :D i also cut other ppls hair. I were dark eye makeup I paint my hair different colors and were a few acesseries and were bright colors to stand out from everyone else ;D I were band tees n cute tees n skinnys:D One day I would like to be a SCENE QUEEN <333. Being scene to me it is being creative in your style and in your awesome special way and not being afraid of being who you are !!! Don't worry about the looks or the trash talk they are just HATERS. Think positive and don,t let ppl get you down :D
LittleMiss Mika

Starting out is always the hardest part of becoming scene. People will most likely never get used to it. Believe me because i was there at one point, and it seems like you just don't fit in. That's exactly why the scene queens are the people who always can relate to what your going through. Your friends may laugh at you or even tease you but does that ACTUALLY make them TRUE friends? The good ones are the ones who might not enjoy your new style but will stick up for you anyway. In my situation, i live in a city where theres only one other scene in my school. And probably only about 10 in my whole town. But you can't let minor things like that stop you from being who you are. Being scene is more than just an image, it's who you are. It's your style and personality and life. If you are starting out don't expect it to be easy, cause it won't be. But if you truely are entitled as a scene queen then you shouldn't let anything stop you. You are who you are and you can't change for anybody else. Now being scene is probably one of the best hings in the world because it means your unique. You also come out into life with the best experiances and advice because of the hardship and negativity that you probably delt with. You definately become a more confident person and are able to do things you probably wouldn't of been able to of done before. The scene communiy is getting bigger each day and, with me included will continue to thrive!Theres only one thing to do when you become scene and thats NEVER.GIVE.UP!
Korbynn Carrii

Ive always been the strange one in the crowd..
My imagination is wild and crazy.
Its amazing what kinds of deep and dark things you'll find in it.
Poetry is practically my life.
Writing it when I feel empty is the hard part..
Being alone is something im very familiar with, people ignore me all the time and acts like im not here.
Everywhere I go..I have people glare at me, With an evil glare I think a lot of people have gotten at least one time in their life. This evil glare is a glare that tells me that I don't belong here.
I use big strong powerful words but i have no idea the meanings of them.
My poetry is probably the best thing about me other than my personality.
I've been writing since I was 10 years old..
Around when I was 9 was when I found out about the "scene" style.
I never called it "scene" I just thought of it as a new way of expressing oneself.
Sorry if im going on and off subject here.. Just typing everything that comes to mind.
I have no clue how many people I have heard say "My life should be perfect but because of this and that it isn't"
Things like that bug me because Life isn't meant to be perfect, nor even close to it.
Sure, you'll once think your life is "perfect" but it's practically impossible.
There was probably at least one flaw in your so called perfect life.
Here we go jumping from one thing to another.. XD
Beauty, in my opinion, isn't about whats on the outside.. But whats on the inside.
Now I shall type one of my poems because it's me (:
I have this feeling deep inside me,
A little feeling just wanting to break free.
This feeling is almost rare,
Most of us don't notice it's there.
As my little feeling grows,
It breaks me with every decision I've chose.
Breaking more and more into my soul,
Reminding me of everyone's heart I stole.
It's crashing into my brain,
Trying to make me look insane.
Now this little feeling is taking control,
It's already ripped up my soul.
As I crash down to hell,
Can you remind me of how i fell.
How I fell so deeply in love with you,
And why the feeling went right through.
Its not the best one out there but ya :)
My imagination is wild and crazy.
Its amazing what kinds of deep and dark things you'll find in it.
Poetry is practically my life.
Writing it when I feel empty is the hard part..
Being alone is something im very familiar with, people ignore me all the time and acts like im not here.
Everywhere I go..I have people glare at me, With an evil glare I think a lot of people have gotten at least one time in their life. This evil glare is a glare that tells me that I don't belong here.
I use big strong powerful words but i have no idea the meanings of them.
My poetry is probably the best thing about me other than my personality.
I've been writing since I was 10 years old..
Around when I was 9 was when I found out about the "scene" style.
I never called it "scene" I just thought of it as a new way of expressing oneself.
Sorry if im going on and off subject here.. Just typing everything that comes to mind.
I have no clue how many people I have heard say "My life should be perfect but because of this and that it isn't"
Things like that bug me because Life isn't meant to be perfect, nor even close to it.
Sure, you'll once think your life is "perfect" but it's practically impossible.
There was probably at least one flaw in your so called perfect life.
Here we go jumping from one thing to another.. XD
Beauty, in my opinion, isn't about whats on the outside.. But whats on the inside.
Now I shall type one of my poems because it's me (:
I have this feeling deep inside me,
A little feeling just wanting to break free.
This feeling is almost rare,
Most of us don't notice it's there.
As my little feeling grows,
It breaks me with every decision I've chose.
Breaking more and more into my soul,
Reminding me of everyone's heart I stole.
It's crashing into my brain,
Trying to make me look insane.
Now this little feeling is taking control,
It's already ripped up my soul.
As I crash down to hell,
Can you remind me of how i fell.
How I fell so deeply in love with you,
And why the feeling went right through.
Its not the best one out there but ya :)
daliivon bolanos

I'm from Peru <3
:D my name is Dhalia or dalia <3
i want my hair green lOl
i love many bands screamo rock metal <333 ^^
:D my name is Dhalia or dalia <3
i want my hair green lOl
i love many bands screamo rock metal <333 ^^

what do we put here?!?!?
Harmony Rose Shadowland

my name is harmony rose shadowland ^_^
i am 15, love hello kitty and rainbows :DD
i am truly one of a kinde and dont let anyone put me down.
i am very indapendent and love makeing new friends. my dream is to be a singer and i need this to help me.
please do accept me:)harmonyroseshadowland
i am 15, love hello kitty and rainbows :DD
i am truly one of a kinde and dont let anyone put me down.
i am very indapendent and love makeing new friends. my dream is to be a singer and i need this to help me.
please do accept me:)harmonyroseshadowland
Amm HeartBreaker

People say scene kids are freaks, weirdos, and harsh names. Scene people are incredable, they know how to speak for themselves, and exspress themselves. Just because their haris, and make up are off the charts doesn't mean you gotta' hate. It just means you don't appreciate. Scene? Yeah scene, is the way to go. Big hair, pounds of eye make up, and giant jewlery is so the way to go. Don't be jealious, appreciate the scene person by you. They have enough guts to be themselves, and not care who the freak makes fun. Scene is a way of life. It is seriously the best. Well, in my opinion it is. I love being scene, and you should too.
Vienna Vampira

There is a small but significant difference between being a girl that dresses Scene and actually being a Scene Queen. From Hannie to Aubrey to Brookelle, they all have special traits and manners that have propelled them to the top. So, how would you reach this coveted Scene Queen Bee title? Most would say that you need to rain supreme on social networking sites MySpace, Stickam, and BuzzNet, have tons of pictures, and too many friends to count, which raises the awareness of your existance. Second, you need to have an individual calling card, like being creative in fashion, speech, and skills. Most famous Scene Queens have started a trend or design clothing and jewelry. Inventing slang is another way to be noticed. Being different is so Scene! Also, to stand out from the crowd, try coming up with different poses when taking your pictures, showing your audience something that isn't the usual "Scene" pose. It is easy to get bored with all these regular Scene gerlz. Music should be an influence bigger than any other. Scene is built around the music, and even claims it's own genre. It is definitely my #1!!! And anyone that doesn't associate Scene with music, is more than likely a poser (sorry!). Your Scene hair and makeup are definitely important to seperate the Queens from the gerlz! Having bright, decorative eye make up and lipstick show your personality! What you do with your hair shows how creative and daring you can be, which compliments the one thing all Scene Queens need to have, confidence! You shouldn't be afraid of anything! You should be able to wear what you want, have big, crazy hair without a second thought, and rock those bright colors on your face with a smile! Without confidence, your just another cookie-cutter face in the sea of "Scene" wanabees! But with confidence, should come humility, being polite to everyone and not coming off as a snob just because you and others think of you as a Queen. Mix all these together and you should have yourself a killer, b-e-a-utiful, well dressed, tressed, sex of a Queen! Scene Queen that is!!!