zoe tsunami

bieng scene is about many diffrent things.but the main thing about being scene is to be who YOU want to be. you cant let poeple tell you who you can and cant be.you have to express your self throught your own ways,i mean ya there will be poeple who will not like you and probbly give you dirty looks when you walk by them but you have to remeber that those poeple are just jealouse of you because they dont have the guts to stand up and be diffrent because they are afraid of wht their friends or other people will think or say of them.to be scene you deffinatly have to get known for some type of signuatre,like saying somthing or doing sumthing. you also have to have a one of a kind name like for jessika your scene name could be jessika rampage or sumthing like that. just remeber to be scene YOU HAVE TO BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE!!!love chu all(muah):DD<3
JanaSauruss Sorenson:)

Names Jana i am 13 years old, and i hate the place I live in for all its worth, and i honestly belive that im sufferingimnotobivious to the rumors that go around about my style and personallity, but i guess i can find comfort in the fact that no one really knows me. So if rude comments are what you do best,than think what you want to thinkiculdn't care less. I'm the kind of girl who trusts more than i should and i've been left regretting it. so from now on, i've built a wall. if you want to get to know me, by all means try.it will probably be a harder thing to do then it ever used to be. i'm outgoing, quiet, compassionate, lost, confident, and irrational. i'm not perfect, I find love the potential in reality. My best friends are everything to me; without them, nothing would be okay. from now on, i am making it my goal, to be myself. i am sick of being called fake when i'm nice, and a bitch when i'm not. i have found out that i can't change myself; therefore i doubt that you could change 'myself' either. i have learned to accept who i am, and who i'm not. it would be nice if you could do the same. you don't know me, you never did
Sherisan Wharmby

Me as who i am im labeled "scene" I dont hate this label. Infact it has to be the one and only one i like but im not a soup can, i do not wish to be labeled to just one style.
My story :
Hello everyone!
Im just making this blog so everyone can get to know me a bit better.
Sooo.. my name is Sherisan.. Yes it is strange thats because my Dad made it up , he got the idea from Sheridan but my mum didnt like it so he changed it around.
I am bi.. i adore girls but i am currently in a 4year relationship with a guy
I am currently 18 my birthday is september 26th.
I am a hugeeee animal lover but sadly i am not vegetarian. I have tried to be i was for over a year but i failed. That does NOT mean i support animal abuse and i do not eat meat that wasn't humanly killed. Ireland is one of the most humane countries in the world for killing animals.. no its not nice but sadly im afraid thats life.
Im very short im only 4ft 11". Im far from skinny im not healthy and i think i really should start eating better and exercising.
I am pierced and tattooed and i am far from finished.
I am a make-up artist, im not the best MUA in the world but i am decent and i love what i do.
I am super friendly and i will talk to almost everyone. If you start being a bitch i will ignore you. I can be an amazing keyboard warrior like everyone on the net. But i tend to find that pathetic with open threats online which will never be carried out. but i know myself once you get angry sometimes its hard to stop yourself.
My style changes all the time, from my favorite colour to the clothes i wear but just because my style changes does not mean I do. I will always be me and i do not follow the crowd. If i have the same hair style or same item of clothes as someone else it doesn't make me a sheep it means i like it.
I am me. I am unique and i am who I am!
My story :
Hello everyone!
Im just making this blog so everyone can get to know me a bit better.
Sooo.. my name is Sherisan.. Yes it is strange thats because my Dad made it up , he got the idea from Sheridan but my mum didnt like it so he changed it around.
I am bi.. i adore girls but i am currently in a 4year relationship with a guy
I am currently 18 my birthday is september 26th.
I am a hugeeee animal lover but sadly i am not vegetarian. I have tried to be i was for over a year but i failed. That does NOT mean i support animal abuse and i do not eat meat that wasn't humanly killed. Ireland is one of the most humane countries in the world for killing animals.. no its not nice but sadly im afraid thats life.
Im very short im only 4ft 11". Im far from skinny im not healthy and i think i really should start eating better and exercising.
I am pierced and tattooed and i am far from finished.
I am a make-up artist, im not the best MUA in the world but i am decent and i love what i do.
I am super friendly and i will talk to almost everyone. If you start being a bitch i will ignore you. I can be an amazing keyboard warrior like everyone on the net. But i tend to find that pathetic with open threats online which will never be carried out. but i know myself once you get angry sometimes its hard to stop yourself.
My style changes all the time, from my favorite colour to the clothes i wear but just because my style changes does not mean I do. I will always be me and i do not follow the crowd. If i have the same hair style or same item of clothes as someone else it doesn't make me a sheep it means i like it.
I am me. I am unique and i am who I am!
Kitty-Kenzie Starstrukk

BIG HAIR GET BIG HAIR!!Next, go buy yourself some girl's jeans. Face it, the tighter your jeans are, the more scene you will be, and the more the hardcore kids will hate you for it. Try on a pair of jeans and find that you're a perfect woman's 2? Buy a woman's 0 and suck it in. After you buy your jeans, go straight to Hot Topic and buy every single band shirt they have. Even if you've never listened to the band, or worse, never head of them either. If people ask you about them, just say you like the "old stuff" and no one will ever know that you actually hate Norma Jean. Never buy anything larger than a Youth Medium. Ever.
This is just a stereotyped "scene". But scene has grown bigger and has mixed with "hipster" and "indie". They are many types of scene.
This is just a stereotyped "scene". But scene has grown bigger and has mixed with "hipster" and "indie". They are many types of scene.
Annie Acid

Everybody's a CRITIC! thats what we hear from people at least once in our life time. So if this is true why do we have to hide who we are? If they dont judge us based on our cover then soon enough they'll judge our personality. whats the point of buying expensive designer clothes just to fit in? if EVERYBODY is a critic then why are we so identical in this society. I believe everybody should just wear thier hearts on thier sleeve and express themselves instead of hiding behind regular clothes that is ordinary within the teenage populaion. Everyone should have fun and be themselves considering someone will judge you no matter what then let them see what you really have to offer. Dont let them just see a cover make them read the book!
Brianna Bombdiggity

My name would be Brianna (Brianna Bombdiggity)
I have two different colored eyes.
I love teasing my hair.
Jamming to music and narwhals are my lifeeeeeeeeee. <3
I have amazing friends.
I have a Facebook and myYearbook.
Don't label me stupid things.
I don't put up with retarded stuff.
I am a student at Alwsihfslafh. :3
(Just kidding)
I put "-BBD." in my photos so no one will take them.
I decapitate fakes.
I'm not the prettiest girl, but I am one of the nicest.
I'm starting to run out of things to say...
....so I guess this is goodbye.
I have two different colored eyes.
I love teasing my hair.
Jamming to music and narwhals are my lifeeeeeeeeee. <3
I have amazing friends.
I have a Facebook and myYearbook.
Don't label me stupid things.
I don't put up with retarded stuff.
I am a student at Alwsihfslafh. :3
(Just kidding)
I put "-BBD." in my photos so no one will take them.
I decapitate fakes.
I'm not the prettiest girl, but I am one of the nicest.
I'm starting to run out of things to say...
....so I guess this is goodbye.
Ashanti Atomic

Being Scene isn't about being the best looking or who can edit their pictures the most,its about being unique and expressing your individuality through music, clothing and your hair. You don't have to be the brightest crayola in the pack to be Scene or the best looking fruit in the bowl,because Scene is a way of life not just some phase its about staying true to yourself,and you shouldn't change who you are for other people because if they don't like you for who you are normally then they don't deserve your time. Embracing what you have is important and learning to take critisism is something you have to do in life. Take the bull by the horns and try something new, dye your hair a crazy colour, get a outrageous piercing and walk around with your head held high and let people stare at you, and be happy about it because you're being noticed for something different and not following the crowd and being mainstream. xx
Allie Autopsy

Im Allie Autopsy, Never been the most licked and certain not the most popular. Hope everyone can be alike sometimes but i like being me, miss unpopular<3
TashaEatsDinosaurs Rawr

I am frowned upon in my school and living environments on a daily basis. However, what frustrates society so much is my determination to keep my style. I refuse to change for anyone. I am me and no one else. I love colors. I love hair. I love skinnies and skirts and especially my band tees. Just because others won't accept that, doesn't make it a sin. I am scene, and this story is how we shouldn't judge by style. Because even though my style doesn't match others, I am still a girl that has a goal in life and love to make others smile. So world, 'Hello, I am virtually known as TashaEatsDinosaurs and yes I am scene.'
Lissy Autopsy

Who Are you? your you in every litte way, just a little diffrent from the rest. Like a griaffe with mice, Like a goldfish with great white sharks. You just have to be you no matter what. Keep your head high but your confidence higher. Not to high though or youll be rejected like colored dye in black hair. You'll be invisible. Dont be a jerk, dont think your better when your along with everyone else. Dont dye your hair to much or it will die. Yes there is a difference. Be random, ifits silence make an awkward turtle or scream out a random word like rainbows or unicorns. If your no quiet a scene kid dont cang in a day, youll be labled poser or wanna-be gradually get to your status "Scene Kid". Dont shout to the world what you are just be who you are. Be active on a social site like Facebook or myspace. Take good pictures weather its with your phone or a fancy camera. Yo will get stares, its natural, just dust it off and act like its not a problem, they will later get over themselves and just leave it as it is. eople willhate either because their jealous or just do it to have power, dont let them get to you. Try your best to stay with the trend or even better start a new one. Weather it be drawing on yor hands or even just a style of clothing. It can be tugh t be ourself, but its always best. I think thats all. Thnkyou for taking your time to read this.
With all my lovely love from the top nd bottom of my heart,
Lissy Autopsy
With all my lovely love from the top nd bottom of my heart,
Lissy Autopsy
Bubbly Brittany

I saw this website and thought i could make it cuz im a cool person (tuh myself) just wanted to see if i could get on here :3 sorry i didnt put the .com on the sign
BrittGoesRawrr ward

People will always criticize you for what you wear or how you wear it but it doesn't matter what they think all that matters is what you think about yourself.Never become "scene" just to please people,become scene because that's what you feel about yourself and life.People will be jealous and make fun of you but that's just because they wanna be you.Don't try to please everyone because that will resolve in one big train reck.
gabbin' gabberzz(;

to be scene is to be you !
eevie pessimistic

look in the mirror and say your beautiful. because you are everyone shines in their own way who are they to tell you your cant? you are who you are there is no point in trying to change live with yourself and be happy. if people loo down on you look at them and say who are you? your just another person why should you care what they have to say? just be happy with yourself dont change for anyone.
Kayy Eats Airplanes

Well, haai. i happen to be Kayy.
I suppose i'm what you call "scene". However I'm not the biggest fan of lables. this site seems really cool and uber fun. :DD i'd love to be a scenequeen here. <3
thank you for your time and i hope you accept me.
Kayy Eats Airplanes
I suppose i'm what you call "scene". However I'm not the biggest fan of lables. this site seems really cool and uber fun. :DD i'd love to be a scenequeen here. <3
thank you for your time and i hope you accept me.
Kayy Eats Airplanes
chey XxSuicidexX

I just wanted to say we really need to help Japan! People have lost there homes PLeASE go help Japan now!
jessica brightlight

i been in the scream and scene for a while i love the colored hair and all of that i would love to join this modeling i been looking for a modeling company for a while i would love you have a chance to put my face out there and see what scenes about
taylar tigress

If I have curves, I'm fat. If I wear makeup, I'm fake. If I like to get dressed up, I'm a hoochie. If I say what I think, I'm a bitch. If I cry sometimes, I'm a drama queen. If I have guy friends, I'm a slut. If I stand up for myself, I'm mouthy. Seems like you can't do anything now a days without being labeled.. So what, go ahead and label me, see if i give a crap i love myself for who i am and thats all that matters <3
Legacy Love

my names legacy and im 17 turning 18. i love to do anything that keeps me busy. i love music it brings me to life...
i love anime i love skater boyz and i hate eggzz suckz4yuh haha lata xoxo legacy love
i love anime i love skater boyz and i hate eggzz suckz4yuh haha lata xoxo legacy love
Dangerously Loved

My Scene name is Dangerously Loved,but my real name is debbie. I try and make everyone happy around me, when im not. I put people in first in my world. Its nice to see people happy around you happy to cheer you up. I've looked at SceneQueens before and always wanted to be one. They're always so pretty and creaive about how they look.
Kaitie Kamakazi

I am me. In all the world, there is no one else like me.
Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine,
because I alone chose it. I own everything about me:
my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions,
whether they be to others or myself. I own my fantasies,
my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes. Because I own all of me. I can become more acquainted with myself. By so doing,I can love me and be friendly with all my being.
I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me,
and other aspects that I do not know, but as long as
I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously
and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to
find out more about me. However I look and sound,
whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a
given moment in time is authentically me. If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded. I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me to my own liking. I am me, and I exist in my own reality.
Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine,
because I alone chose it. I own everything about me:
my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions,
whether they be to others or myself. I own my fantasies,
my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes. Because I own all of me. I can become more acquainted with myself. By so doing,I can love me and be friendly with all my being.
I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me,
and other aspects that I do not know, but as long as
I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously
and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to
find out more about me. However I look and sound,
whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a
given moment in time is authentically me. If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded. I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me to my own liking. I am me, and I exist in my own reality.
Ry Zombiie

Be who you wanna be. Me? I'm Ry Zombiie :DD
Cassie Dobie

It doesnt matter where in this world you are, there will always be that group of people who don't like you for the way you look or act. We we're all born beautiful either in our look, personalities or both. Don't listen to other peoples judgements of how you are, you are you. And you are damn beautiful. Don't take shit from people if their harrassing you, stand up for yourself, without violence.
xoxo love y'all
xoxo love y'all
Sailor Killz

Scene. Showing who you really are, If your being scene just to show off to your friends, then lets stop there. Because scene is what you are. Being scene will defiantly get you some mean comments from others. Don't be rude back just don't let it ruin you. Scene is DEFIANTLY different then emo. So please don't compare them as the same. You are who you are. Don't let anyone prove you wrong. You are beautiful. You are scene.<3
Caitlin Coreexx

people like to judge you by your looks or sometimes your apperance but that shouldn't stop you from being who you are right? You should be yourself and who you feel you truely are! Not everybody will be satisified with who you are but they might do that because they're jealous or they think it makes them seem cool. there are different types of 'labels' but scene is a big one. People may say scene kids are snobby and selfish, but in my opinion they're not. They're being themselves and not who others want them to be and that is important.
Breenie Blizard

Everywhere you go someone is going to criticize you. Weather if you are girly, scene or emo. You have to learn to ignore them and live with your flaws because they are the ones that aren’t happy in life. It’s important to remember to be who you want to be. You can’t please everyone in the world, but you can please yourself. Don’t ever become something just to please another person. Life is about creating yourself and not letting people create and walk all over you, but don’t let being scene go to your head and become a jerk. So keep your head held high, and enjoy the ride
Mari Mannequin

Many people have asked, “what is scene?”. Scene to me is more than looks, scene is inspiration. Inspiration is something that affects my life. Without it, I wouldn’t have the life I have now.
Like with piercings, scene is a form of self- expression. For people with piercings, they might actually mean something different. But it is certainly a form of expression or art. Scene is being yourself without being afraid of what other people think.
Like with piercings, scene is a form of self- expression. For people with piercings, they might actually mean something different. But it is certainly a form of expression or art. Scene is being yourself without being afraid of what other people think.
Kalie KravesZombies

scene is like art. And our body is the kanvas. We decorate with the things we love and adore. We show who we are as a person. We let out our creative side. But most people frown apon it. Why? Because we're different. But its ok to be different. Who wants to be plain? Not me. But if your just becomeing scene, prepare to get your ass verbally beat. Because you WILL have haters. they hate cause they dont have the balls to be us. or they just dont like people different from them. they will call you everything in the book. trust me. i know. but jus hold your head up high and ignore the comments. because you are BEAUTIFUL. and you are UNIQUE. never let anyone change you. be who you want to be. and always be nice. no matter how much of a dick everyones being, jus flash a smile. kill with kindness. all that matters is that you are confedant and comfortable in your own skin.
River Rainbow <3

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are..... fakers, copiers, etc. People who say that don't know scene kids, or they know one scene kid who they think is a jerk, but just because you know one scene kid doesn't mean you know them all. Scene is a way to let your creativity flow out in a stream of who you are. People try to look up how to be scene. You can't do that. You MUST be yourself to be a scene kid(:
mariha(colorqueen) toth

ohkay so im sence to please myself hello kitty is AMAZINQQ. im making an account on scene queen to make friends that will understand why i dress and were my makeup the way i do..
jessika ann

No matter where you are people will always be standing next to you listening to your conversation, and giving you a filthy look just because they are jealous cos we are the scene queens thye know we may be better than them at something that we know about and together we can believe in one thing and make it become a bigger thing to everyone in life.
Start thinking of the future and how you want it to be because i believe if we have a dream at the moment later on in life they may come true if something bad has happened let the close people come to you and you shall answer them and dont forget we are all the scene queens on here :) take care and godbless
Start thinking of the future and how you want it to be because i believe if we have a dream at the moment later on in life they may come true if something bad has happened let the close people come to you and you shall answer them and dont forget we are all the scene queens on here :) take care and godbless
Haleysaurous Rex

A little intro. before I get started(:
-14 years of age.
-extremely tall.
-blond and redish hair at the moment.
-frequent hair-dyer.
-korean music.
I'm new to the concept of "Scene." But I know it means expressing yourself. Well, I do that through clothes(: Sometimes makeup.. Lol, I've just started messing around with eye make up. I'm not that good at it. I'll be the first to admit. :p I do get called emo and goth.. I don't really understand why though. I think the most common name I'm called is "freak." I know a "freak" is somebody who is marked as "different." I take being called a "freak," as a compliment because it means that I'm not like everyone else! ^-^ Thanks for reading my little statement. Best wishes! -Haleysaurous Rex!
-14 years of age.
-extremely tall.
-blond and redish hair at the moment.
-frequent hair-dyer.
-korean music.
I'm new to the concept of "Scene." But I know it means expressing yourself. Well, I do that through clothes(: Sometimes makeup.. Lol, I've just started messing around with eye make up. I'm not that good at it. I'll be the first to admit. :p I do get called emo and goth.. I don't really understand why though. I think the most common name I'm called is "freak." I know a "freak" is somebody who is marked as "different." I take being called a "freak," as a compliment because it means that I'm not like everyone else! ^-^ Thanks for reading my little statement. Best wishes! -Haleysaurous Rex!
Vee HeartBroken

Just because your not the popular one of the school , or the most prettiest, does not ever mean your not pretty . We all are pretty in are own ways . There are people out there who will hate us, start drama , call us names , But the main thing is dont listen to them . Just because your a scene kid , some people will judge you on that , Dont listen . You are your own person . If your a scene kid , please note , you will get mean and unneeded looks , but you know what , just shake it off , Dont go too far though , because if you do too much , you could end up like them , being a jerk . Your a scene kid & be proud of it ! Embrace yourself , be kind , be yourself . (:
Ravens Cupcakes

how i tease me hair
2). spray my hair everywhere with mega hold
3). tease with fine comb or brush
4). then add a bow!!!
2). spray my hair everywhere with mega hold
3). tease with fine comb or brush
4). then add a bow!!!