how to be a scene queen

How to Become a Model on
from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can is the online magazine of scene queens and fashion. It is the most popular website of the scene and alternative genre in the USA according to With articles, pics and vids regarding all aspects of how to improve a girls scene style and look, the site has no equal. This is not news to many girls in the style and they realize the relevancy of the resource is and want to become more than just a visitor to the site, they want to be come part of it.In order to be considered for there is an application to fill out. The application is in 2 stages or parts. This article will deal with part 1 of the application process, then part 2 (#1. to # 10.)
- Go to Scenequeens
- Click the "Join" tab at the top of the page.
- Read the join page to familiarize yourself on what is expected of you and if you feel that you can and want to do it.
- Before attempting to begin part 1 of the application to join, you will want to have your hair, make up and clothes ready for an impressive presentation. So go to work, so you can put your best foot forward so to speak.
- Part 1 of the app requires 5 things to be done correctly. The first is to make a sign for the site that will serve as your proof pic. There are a lot of fakes on the internet, so this is a very important step. A handwritten body sign is best as its is similar to a captcha. Take for example if you write on your hand, the contours of it create a unique 3D look versus a paper sign which is a 2 dimensional thing that can be photo-shopped by a faker. Some girls like to do a video instead and the application allows for this method too. Keep in mind that a vid can be deleted off of youtube so your membership on the site will be in jeopardy of cancellation with out a proof of an acceptable type. The sign should say, "" , just like that and no other way.
- You have done your look all up, taken the proof and shown your beauty, so now its time for you to show your brains. Write an article about some part of the scene and alternative fashion genre. It could be about hair styling, makeup, clothing or even what scene means to you etc. If your article is good, it will appear on the site along with your photos. This will allow people to get to know you and appreciate you more.
- So you got the proof and article completed but its time to double check that it looks good and is properly formated for emailing into the website for consideration. Pics should be right side up and not upside down or side ways. The article can be in any font and color but it needs to be readable so double check it or have someone proof read it for you, looking for errors to be corrected.
- Start a compose/new email with the send to address being: [email protected] , then put in the subject line: "to The SceneKing - new app". Attach the image file of the proof to the email and copy and paste the text of the article from your notepad, etc. into the body of the email. Look it over, click send.
- You must wait as long as 10 days before you hear back from the site.
- will contact you back by email to let you know if you look and style is keeping with the best intent of the site or not and you need to keep working on your look in that case. If you pass the first part you will be given the link to the second part of the application process.
- Part 2 of the application to join ! Well, now you have gotten an email from the site owner saying that you have been approved for the second part and the link looks like this: You can click it and goto the join application page.
- Read very carefully this page and also follow all the instructions to understand more about the terms of service and other important parts of being on the site if you are selected.
- Read and understand, if you can't then get some other person you trust to help you, like a parent, etc.
- Open up a new email and in the address bar/send to put: [email protected]. then in the subject bar put: To The SceneKing, new app. The app asks for 12 good scene/alt style pics of you so you will want to go to your pic files on your computer and find your best ones. Once you have got the best pics, attach them to the email, with gmail for example use the paper clip icon (gmail is the preferd email company and yahoo is the worst for pics). This is the most important part, it starts with "You must answer honestly answer YES to these statements...". This is where you answer to all the rules of the sites. You must copy and paste this part into the email. After doing that, type yes or no to all the statements.
- It's best to copy and past the whole page of the join app so you dont miss anything, and put it in the email to the site.
- After answering to all the statements, its time to put your name and your scene-name (which will be used on the site). Think of a good original one, before you start the app to make sure someone isnt using it already.
- Putting your name here is like signing that you are consenting to all the rules and regulations of the site, Now you are almost done but there is one good thing left to put in your email application. Those are your Youtube and Photobucket links. Its not required but it's good to add those to your page if you have videos. The Photobucket is more important as it allows you to make a slideshow of your pics and video that are in your account there. The slide show html code should be put in the application ideally. This will allow for updating and editing of that element when its actually on your page at !
- Make a slideshow and send in the html code. If you only send a link, make sure it's not on private otherwise it can't be seen. If you want to add pics to your page then this is the way.
- Scene is a fun and beautiful art form so if you have the look you are ready to show the world then is the right site to apply to so go ahead, CLICK SEND.
- It may take a week for the app to be approved or not. If it is, you will get the page url to check out and show people. Your pic will be on the homepage linked to your page within the site. Yaaaa!
- There is of course, much more to learn about , so try to get involved with our community of great people who are on the site and in the comments page visiting.
Juri-San the Austrian Scene Queen speaks about !Tips
- For tips on your style its best to goto the following social next work
- profiles, request to be added and look to chat with the many perfected
- scene and alt stylists that are members of the official
- family.
- If you are under 18 ask your parents permission before applying.
- You may become well known as the site is visited by people from 100 nations per month, watermark you pics if you worry about people stealing your pics.
- Never give out personal info to anyone you meet on the site, ever.
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Become a Model on All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.