SilentAngel bartholomew

Seeing thing in few of others is the way to go.
-how i do my hair
*straighten it
i usaully flip my hair and the straighten it, the brand is wet to dry
*then tease at the roots
-then makeup
*wash face
*put ight colored foundation on (wet)
*light color pouder on eyes then any other color (be sure to make it different)
* mostly rainbows but sometimes black shirts ( can be tight or not what ever you perfur)
* tight pants skinny jeans or neon green tutu
*calm nice outgoing and friendly!
This is what i do mostly everyday!
-how i do my hair
*straighten it
i usaully flip my hair and the straighten it, the brand is wet to dry
*then tease at the roots
-then makeup
*wash face
*put ight colored foundation on (wet)
*light color pouder on eyes then any other color (be sure to make it different)
* mostly rainbows but sometimes black shirts ( can be tight or not what ever you perfur)
* tight pants skinny jeans or neon green tutu
*calm nice outgoing and friendly!
This is what i do mostly everyday!
Holly kitty xx:)xx

I decided to do my artcile on how to be a young scene kid, unde 14 years old.
As we are too young for real piercings, we can get fake clip on ones from costume shops and accesories shops.
We can temporarily dye our hair with wash-out dye or use clip-in extensions in a different colour to our hair.
Because I live with my grandparents, we have very strict rules on how much make up we wear, and I agree that in girls my age, a bit of concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner and lip balm is enough. I buy my make up from good shops, where I know they won't damage my skin.
As for accesories and clothes,that's easy!!
Just wear skinny jeans , which can be bought in most kids clothing stores, a tight(ish) t-shirt, a pair of converse or other cool shoes and for accesories, a cute necklace (mine is hello kitty) a bracelet,a wristband and a hair bow.
I, personally, am a BIG fan of silly bandz, the shaped rubber bands, which I wear around my wrists, and they can be bought at a lot of accesories shops, for low prices.
So thats your short guide to being a young scene kid, at a low price :) enjoy! (:
Luv u all,
Holly kitty xx:)xx
As we are too young for real piercings, we can get fake clip on ones from costume shops and accesories shops.
We can temporarily dye our hair with wash-out dye or use clip-in extensions in a different colour to our hair.
Because I live with my grandparents, we have very strict rules on how much make up we wear, and I agree that in girls my age, a bit of concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner and lip balm is enough. I buy my make up from good shops, where I know they won't damage my skin.
As for accesories and clothes,that's easy!!
Just wear skinny jeans , which can be bought in most kids clothing stores, a tight(ish) t-shirt, a pair of converse or other cool shoes and for accesories, a cute necklace (mine is hello kitty) a bracelet,a wristband and a hair bow.
I, personally, am a BIG fan of silly bandz, the shaped rubber bands, which I wear around my wrists, and they can be bought at a lot of accesories shops, for low prices.
So thats your short guide to being a young scene kid, at a low price :) enjoy! (:
Luv u all,
Holly kitty xx:)xx

Hi!!! I have decided to write my article on the best things aboit being scene....
The number one best thing about being scene is YOU ARE INDIVIDUAL! There is not one person out there just like you, you are not a clone, a fake or a phoney, you are you and you are individual!
Number two is cute stuff. Being a scene kid You can get away with carrying around a hello kitty or a skelanimals plush toy ( I have my polar bear :) ) and wearing cute things and kid-like accesories.
Number three is eyeliner!!! I LOVE EYELINER! there are so many ways to wear it, and you can make it unique and individual, just like you!!
Number four is friends! When you are scene, your friends will think you are awesome! But you have to be prepared for some angry glares, as not everybody likes scen kids, and there are haters out there too (POO U HATERS!! :) ) but your friends will still love you, scene or not!
Andf finnally.... number five..... *drumroll*... is!!! this site is amazing and shows off really unique people just being themselves! I love this site and I LOVE SCENE!
The number one best thing about being scene is YOU ARE INDIVIDUAL! There is not one person out there just like you, you are not a clone, a fake or a phoney, you are you and you are individual!
Number two is cute stuff. Being a scene kid You can get away with carrying around a hello kitty or a skelanimals plush toy ( I have my polar bear :) ) and wearing cute things and kid-like accesories.
Number three is eyeliner!!! I LOVE EYELINER! there are so many ways to wear it, and you can make it unique and individual, just like you!!
Number four is friends! When you are scene, your friends will think you are awesome! But you have to be prepared for some angry glares, as not everybody likes scen kids, and there are haters out there too (POO U HATERS!! :) ) but your friends will still love you, scene or not!
Andf finnally.... number five..... *drumroll*... is!!! this site is amazing and shows off really unique people just being themselves! I love this site and I LOVE SCENE!
Sara JawwSmasherr

My Dog Napolean
Horror Movies
Super Mario
Happy Tree Friends
Boys Like Girls
Escape The Fate
The Ready set
Breaking Benjamin
Attack! Attack!
30 sec. to mars
Cobra Starship
Fall out boy
Horror Movies
Super Mario
Happy Tree Friends
Boys Like Girls
Escape The Fate
The Ready set
Breaking Benjamin
Attack! Attack!
30 sec. to mars
Cobra Starship
Fall out boy
Sinister SareBear

Hi! i just found this site like 2 months ago and i love it!! being scene is somthing ive always loved sence the 4th grade. my sister wer scene, my mom was scene when she little. so i want to be more than wat they were, i want to be a scene queen. IM 13 yeas old and its my dream to be a scene queen. before my sis died she told me that one day i would be a scene queen. soo please eccept me in your world of scene :]
Tace Ellis

Being scene is awesome although some people may look at you weird and say stuff about your style but who cares! I dont lol. A lot of people seam to like scene hair and the style any way. The best thing about being scene is the ability the express yourself in an awesome way. The scene style can be what ever you want it to be just choose your style from the heart (: what ever appeals to you buy it or do it!! Always be nice to everyone that way you have done nothing wrong to anyone and cant get in trouble for something you didn't do and people cant bitch at you for being mean. Sailormoon ftw ^.^

People get labeled as a "scene queen" or "scene kid" ect. Which is good because its a really nice style,but being scene is about being unique, confident and pretty much just being yourself. you dont have to listen to screamo& rock bands to be scene, youv just gotta stand out from the croud and stand up for yourself and dont let people put you down.

Scene style is all about being creative and being yourself. You have to get over the fact that some people will say thing about the way you dress or wear your hair. You need to ignore them cause' Scene is beautiful. It show personality, confidence and beauty. Don't let people get to you. They WILL talk about you. I live in a place where everyone is boring and dull. I stick out from the crowd and it is amazing. Some examples of Scene Style are: Skinny Jeans, Skirts, Colorful Belts, Cute Tops, Poofy, Layered hair, Extensions, Colorful hair. Be unique:)
Chandler West

Well to start off I've been really wanting to apply for this site for a few months now and I finally just got the nerves to go for it! People at my school judge. All the time. They don't accept me for me and I feel that scene queens is the most accepting place for me and my emotions and I want to thank you so much for letting people just express themselves and not feel judged. You are truly amazing. It would be the biggest honor to have myself on your site. That would be the best Christmas present ;) You guys ROCK! I love you.

Well Many people around the world will always judge you because of your skin tone or the race you are.Well it's time to become confident.You shouldn't be able to hind your true self you should let it out and express it because your you and no one can ever be you.That's why is a place where you can express your true self and show your true colors.But if you are to become scene you must know that there will be other people that won't except you and will dislike you because of want you are.You must never let them bring you now because the only reason they hate you is because your Beautiful and you have confidence that is why they bring you down so they would feel stronger but there not they are really afraid and they feel like they are not pretty.So don't let them bring you down because you know there the stuipd ones and your the one that has the confidence.Also when being scene you must act with kindness but don't act to kind and let your HATERS walk all over you.Just remember that the key to being a Scene Queen is to have Confidence and you'll make it.
mischievous jessica

scene is a way to express urself its a "lable" but at the same time not bc i think it can range from graphic t's to plain shirts to floral print its not limited to checkered vans and graphic t's it can be anything crazy weird and out there but cute at the same time but the biggest key to pulling it all together it CONFIDANCE AND NOT GIVE A EFF WHAT ANUYONE THINKS!!
Emi Ecstacy

For a while people called me a "scene faggot". I denied it countless times, but then I realized, "I am what I am. If I'm 'scene' then let me be scene". I also realized just because I fall under a certain label, doesn't mean I'm not unique. I'm just me. I like big hair, colorful bracelets, and light pink lips. I'll be what I am. My personality is crazy, colorful, and wild so why would you expect my fashion sense to be dull and boring?
"Why are you trying so hard to fit in, when your were born to stand out?" --Jay; 'What a Girl Wants'
"Why are you trying so hard to fit in, when your were born to stand out?" --Jay; 'What a Girl Wants'

I think being scene is not about being overly popular but to stand out as much as humanly possible. Being that kid that everyone stops and stares at cause of our bright hair and neon clothes.
Being scene is bout changing our hair color more times than anything. Also to except whats wrong about you and taking that grasping it and making it look wonderful.
Its being that loud kid with the big hair and nice makeup being the one to be seen in a crowd of 50 people. its about just saying you are its about truley living that way. Wearing fluffy skirts and those rainbow neon socks. or spending 2 hours in the bathroom in the morning working on your hair.
Scene is a wonderful thing to be.
Being scene is bout changing our hair color more times than anything. Also to except whats wrong about you and taking that grasping it and making it look wonderful.
Its being that loud kid with the big hair and nice makeup being the one to be seen in a crowd of 50 people. its about just saying you are its about truley living that way. Wearing fluffy skirts and those rainbow neon socks. or spending 2 hours in the bathroom in the morning working on your hair.
Scene is a wonderful thing to be.
Quinn Elliot

Alright, I'm different. I'm Quinn.
I admit it.
I wear thick eyeliner. I'm overweight. I'm weird.
My real eye color is hazel. People say blue looks more natural though.
So, where do I start when it comes to me? Like I said, different.
Sure, everyone is unique, but I'm unique in a unique way.
I'm on the tall side. I have wide shoulders and wide hips.
I used to be obese. 273 pounds to be exact.
I respect people trying to lose weight, I'm here for people to talk to if they need inspiration.
I'm friendly and I tend to be nice. Somehow though I manage to be cold and I have my head in the clouds with a generic smile.
I can be mean if I want to.I choose not to be because why would I inflict the pain I've felt onto an innocent?
I'm an outcast. I always have been. When kids listened to Radio Disney, I listened to The Offspring (I mean the shit before they hit mainstream). When kids listened to The Offspring, I listened to The Birthday Massacre. Now kids listen to The Birthday Massacre and I listen to Trust Me I'm A Doctor. That's just how I do it.
My music isn't the only thing that makes me different. It's my clothing choices. I don't dress scene, or emo, or Goth. I open my closet, smell a tshirt, throw it on if it's still good, put on my baggy jeans and a pair of flip flops. I then very crapily iron my hair, throw on some eyeliner and walk out the door. Most people love it or hate it, but I don't care because if they're talking about me it means a little help for the walk to becoming famous.
My overall appearance hasn't helped me fit in much either. I'm predominately European. I have porcelain skin, bright hazel eyes, and full lips. In a society desperately trying to make the Aryan race seem glamorous, you must understand I'm not like that.
I can be very cynical. I'm on the pessimistic side. I'm not a narcissist though.
I believe society is failing in terms of education and more and more people are finding themselves lacking in growth. I'm a nerd. I study at a college level. I can't help it.
I was never raised rich and I do admit I can be greedy. I want to buy skinny jeans and colorful clothes. Something about how everything is presented just makes me want to fit into the mindset it sets forth.
Sure, I get a lot of hate for that. But I'm just being honest, everyone will find at some point in their lives they will have an ulterior motive of greed. I can at least admit, I'm not without flaw.
I laugh all the time though I do remain cold like I said. It's not that I lack emotions, I just don't think my negatives should be the concern of others.
I'm honest. Brutally. I rarely lie, and I don't know how to filter. The "shut up" button disappeared in my mind. I only lie to people who deserve it. And when I lie it's the nice lie to spare feelings. I'm not going to tell a sad, morbidly obese, plain girl that she's ugly because I know how it feels to have nobody like you, and nobody deserves to feel that way.
I judge people. Quickly, no. I believe everyone deserves a chance and until someone personally proves to me they don't deserve kindness, I'll be curious and kind. I can't help the fact I jump to conclusions though. I was raised to. But you know what ? You do too. EVERYONE does, whether they like it or not. My main source of judgmental discrimination is intelligence. My teacher once told me I judge my brains like they judge me for my looks. Nothing else has stuck with me as much as those words. It's true. But it's all I used to have to give myself comfort. Well that and cake.
I'm the girl who is always a guy friend, never a girlfriend. I'm used to it.
I happen to be pansexual. I believe love is love and it comes in every form.
If you hate me because I'm not an anorexic, Aryan airhead that's fine. But I know I'm a stronger person because I don't get cheap thrills to boost myself worth temporarily.
I come from a troubled childhood. But then again, who doesn't?
If you want to get to know me, idle flattery will get you nowhere. Introduce yourself, articulate, and act like you have a shred of intelligence where the rest of society doesn't.
Here's my facebook:
the official one.
I've caught 3 fakes so far.
Feel free to stalk it.
I admit it.
I wear thick eyeliner. I'm overweight. I'm weird.
My real eye color is hazel. People say blue looks more natural though.
So, where do I start when it comes to me? Like I said, different.
Sure, everyone is unique, but I'm unique in a unique way.
I'm on the tall side. I have wide shoulders and wide hips.
I used to be obese. 273 pounds to be exact.
I respect people trying to lose weight, I'm here for people to talk to if they need inspiration.
I'm friendly and I tend to be nice. Somehow though I manage to be cold and I have my head in the clouds with a generic smile.
I can be mean if I want to.I choose not to be because why would I inflict the pain I've felt onto an innocent?
I'm an outcast. I always have been. When kids listened to Radio Disney, I listened to The Offspring (I mean the shit before they hit mainstream). When kids listened to The Offspring, I listened to The Birthday Massacre. Now kids listen to The Birthday Massacre and I listen to Trust Me I'm A Doctor. That's just how I do it.
My music isn't the only thing that makes me different. It's my clothing choices. I don't dress scene, or emo, or Goth. I open my closet, smell a tshirt, throw it on if it's still good, put on my baggy jeans and a pair of flip flops. I then very crapily iron my hair, throw on some eyeliner and walk out the door. Most people love it or hate it, but I don't care because if they're talking about me it means a little help for the walk to becoming famous.
My overall appearance hasn't helped me fit in much either. I'm predominately European. I have porcelain skin, bright hazel eyes, and full lips. In a society desperately trying to make the Aryan race seem glamorous, you must understand I'm not like that.
I can be very cynical. I'm on the pessimistic side. I'm not a narcissist though.
I believe society is failing in terms of education and more and more people are finding themselves lacking in growth. I'm a nerd. I study at a college level. I can't help it.
I was never raised rich and I do admit I can be greedy. I want to buy skinny jeans and colorful clothes. Something about how everything is presented just makes me want to fit into the mindset it sets forth.
Sure, I get a lot of hate for that. But I'm just being honest, everyone will find at some point in their lives they will have an ulterior motive of greed. I can at least admit, I'm not without flaw.
I laugh all the time though I do remain cold like I said. It's not that I lack emotions, I just don't think my negatives should be the concern of others.
I'm honest. Brutally. I rarely lie, and I don't know how to filter. The "shut up" button disappeared in my mind. I only lie to people who deserve it. And when I lie it's the nice lie to spare feelings. I'm not going to tell a sad, morbidly obese, plain girl that she's ugly because I know how it feels to have nobody like you, and nobody deserves to feel that way.
I judge people. Quickly, no. I believe everyone deserves a chance and until someone personally proves to me they don't deserve kindness, I'll be curious and kind. I can't help the fact I jump to conclusions though. I was raised to. But you know what ? You do too. EVERYONE does, whether they like it or not. My main source of judgmental discrimination is intelligence. My teacher once told me I judge my brains like they judge me for my looks. Nothing else has stuck with me as much as those words. It's true. But it's all I used to have to give myself comfort. Well that and cake.
I'm the girl who is always a guy friend, never a girlfriend. I'm used to it.
I happen to be pansexual. I believe love is love and it comes in every form.
If you hate me because I'm not an anorexic, Aryan airhead that's fine. But I know I'm a stronger person because I don't get cheap thrills to boost myself worth temporarily.
I come from a troubled childhood. But then again, who doesn't?
If you want to get to know me, idle flattery will get you nowhere. Introduce yourself, articulate, and act like you have a shred of intelligence where the rest of society doesn't.
Here's my facebook:
the official one.
I've caught 3 fakes so far.
Feel free to stalk it.

To me being scene is being myself, though i am not allowed to dye my roots all the crazy colors i want i can buy all the clip ins from hot topic, i love the scene style the crazy hair, the make up everything
i remember as a little kid I'd always beg my mom to let my dye my hair ice blue or straight up pink this was when i was six, I've always wanted to be scene ever since i can remember
I am fascinated by the scene style
i truly don't give a flying fish stick if someone doesn't like my style or me they can point and laugh that doesn't make them a better person or any better
If they wanna call me fake emo or whatever i do defend myself but i don't let them get to me cause there just wannabe's
I am DreeMonsterBear ♥
Oh and dis my friend KristaChaos and I'll rip you're effing head off. ♥♥
i remember as a little kid I'd always beg my mom to let my dye my hair ice blue or straight up pink this was when i was six, I've always wanted to be scene ever since i can remember
I am fascinated by the scene style
i truly don't give a flying fish stick if someone doesn't like my style or me they can point and laugh that doesn't make them a better person or any better
If they wanna call me fake emo or whatever i do defend myself but i don't let them get to me cause there just wannabe's
I am DreeMonsterBear ♥
Oh and dis my friend KristaChaos and I'll rip you're effing head off. ♥♥

I think scene is being who i was meant to be, i was sometimes made fun of because i wasnt all girly llike thee rest of girls at my school i was quiter and i kept to myself, sometime hopefully sooner then later i want a ice blue coon tale in my bangs and on the side and a black coon tale on the other, i already have blonde hair buut i really want bleech blonde hair almost white.
i love the scene style it fits me almost perfectly. i feel scene is who i really am im not gonna try to be someone im not, and this style is really who i am. i dont couldnt care less of what people think of me about what kind of person i am i have my real friends who except me. i dont need those other people who talk or make fun of me because im me.
♥alwyas KristaChoas♥
i love the scene style it fits me almost perfectly. i feel scene is who i really am im not gonna try to be someone im not, and this style is really who i am. i dont couldnt care less of what people think of me about what kind of person i am i have my real friends who except me. i dont need those other people who talk or make fun of me because im me.
♥alwyas KristaChoas♥

Any time a girl mentions she wants a tattoo she mostly gets the same reaction 'no, girls shouldn't have tattoos' I have four and a sleeve on the way and many people have mentioned bad things about me just because I have some body art. I'm a tattooist my self and know that some girls are uncomfortable with getting some art done because of other judgement. So I say GIRLS if you want body art/tattoos then just do t don't let other opinions change your mind, its your body after all and your choice. Some people may say they look ugly on females but just look at 'Kat Von D', 'Hannie Dropkick', and many more there all gorgeous with there tatts.
Ranelle BunnyBites

<3Scene Queens Forever!!<3
It’s an honor to be named a scene Queen in the scene community. I’m sure every scene girl would love to be given the title. A real scene queen should be confident and true to themselves. I honestly just feel bad for all the fakes and wannabes; because they’re so insecure about the way they are that they try to Photoshop all their imperfections or steal pictures of girls they just wish they could be. Wannabes just are the way they are because they want to be cool or whatever when they should just love themselves for who they really are.
Scene is my style 100%, I live and breathe it! I think I’m original and just myself, I can’t imagine being any other way I love it! I’m proud of who I am and wouldn’t change for a thing. There will always be haters and they will hate you, all you need to worry about is how you feel about yourself and accept yourself for who you really are. Scene Queens Forever!!
It’s an honor to be named a scene Queen in the scene community. I’m sure every scene girl would love to be given the title. A real scene queen should be confident and true to themselves. I honestly just feel bad for all the fakes and wannabes; because they’re so insecure about the way they are that they try to Photoshop all their imperfections or steal pictures of girls they just wish they could be. Wannabes just are the way they are because they want to be cool or whatever when they should just love themselves for who they really are.
Scene is my style 100%, I live and breathe it! I think I’m original and just myself, I can’t imagine being any other way I love it! I’m proud of who I am and wouldn’t change for a thing. There will always be haters and they will hate you, all you need to worry about is how you feel about yourself and accept yourself for who you really are. Scene Queens Forever!!
Morgan Veil

Okay, So my name is morgan and im 14 years old, going on 15 in about a month,I live in arizona, and me and my friends herd about this site from our friend SM Lena Lightning, so we thought it would be pretty cool to all do this togetaher. I have been doing a little bit of modeling going on in the mall. I would be surey greatful to be on your site and advertise for you. Thank you for your time.:]
Hallie Skys Hallie Jones

Hello {: i live in Arizona, Sierra vista. my dad is a perfessonal photoghraper he takes alot of pictures of me and some friends. i am 14 years old. i love the models are very pretty (: i use to do some modling in our mall here with some of my friends. I would love to be apart of your site. i kinda know Lena Lighting she is SO beautiful. i have a myspace you can look at my profile if you would wish too.
Thank you
Love Hallie Jones {Hallie Skys}<3
Thank you
Love Hallie Jones {Hallie Skys}<3
peanutbuttersmack selena

You go through a lot of hardships in life, but you wouldnt know how to enjoy happiness if it werent for those hard times. Life is beautiful, but it isnt easy. Just keep trying even tho u fail. For example if u try to cut your hair and u TOTALLY fail its ok try again next time or just let it grow out haha >_< i totally did that lol but never stopped me of course i was depressed but i got over it and kept goin. If somebody calls u ugly who freaken cares wat they think thats their opinion its yours that matters. But if u say your ugly then STFU xD its not trueeeeeeeee true uglyness depends on your attitude x]
Being scene does depend on hair,cloths,eyeliner :D also types of clothss u wear but that can be important but not everybody has that ..mostly depends on attitude lol the good kind
Being scene does depend on hair,cloths,eyeliner :D also types of clothss u wear but that can be important but not everybody has that ..mostly depends on attitude lol the good kind
Brittany Babycakes

Hey! I'm Brittany Babycakes. I'm 14 years old, and I live in British Columbia, Canada. I enjoy photography and art. I do many doodles and I like to take pictures of nature more than anything. ^__^
RayRay PandaBear<3

Im Raygan,I was brought into the world April 23,1996 I love to tease my hair a lot I'm a very random dork I love Invader Zim,Hello Kitty,Finn(adventure time) Bands: BOTDF,BVB,DotDotCurve,OwlCity,Metallica,and more. Im into the scene look and i love the raving i see so i want to be a raver.Im not your typical teen im always trying to help in every possibe way i can for my friends i get along with goths emos transgenders gays lesbians and bisexuals I'm not an angel and I'm a chick that a lot of people look i have a myspace,twitter,facebook,digg,ect. so you can find me in a lot of ways and from this youve read i hope you like me ut if you dont okay i really dont care im my own person and dont care what other people think so baii<3
Jessica will eat you!

: No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance, you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are.....