Scene According to Me

Scene Accordinq To Me...
Ever since I was 12 I realized the beauty of the color black && for a while i thought this made me Emo. I soon realized the true definition of being Emo && knew that it didnt define me at all . Im actually the opposite! Im a cup of fun with a dash of personality && a sprinkle of attitude!
I LOVE neon colors && my style is often called "different", "wild", "crazy", && "out there" (wherever "out there" is...) && I embrace this about me b/c at the end of the day im that kidd lookinq back in the mirror LOVING what I see. That's who I am && who i'll always be.
I live in the moment, I live in the scene.
<3 Corri' Touqh' Cookie
{aka} Kawaii.Dolly