Not everybody understands scene style; it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing.

Hiya my name's Sherri Leigh Worgan but called me Shezzee Kapow! I'm from United Kingdom :) I don't care about what people think or say about me, if you don't care about me then I don't care about you! Simple as (: My passions are singing, dancing, modeling, dawning manga/anime, music and fashion. I am 18 years old, I got famous boyfriend who i really in love with (: his name is Alex "Heartbreaker" Evans<3 and thanks for read me. The SceneKing<3 Shezzee Kapow! 'xo

Hi. im Riane. im 14 years old, i live in Edmonton, Alberta. Canada. i have 11 brothers and sisters. i think Scene means to be unique,to have there own kinda style. my out look on life is too think positive. not negitive. always paint a big old smile on you're face. & pretend nothing can bring you down.

No matter what you look like, people are going to hate you for something. You're never going to make every single person you meet, or see; happy, so you have to make yourself happy. I look the way I do because I find it an absolutely beautiful kind of style. It makes me happy, and it makes me feel pretty. I've never really liked the "normal style", I'm just glad I've found something that inspires me.
ppl SAY

People say scene kids are gay, obnoxious, wannabe emo people. I hate that. Those kind of people have no idea what being scene is. For me, being scene is just a way to express myself. I think people should get over it, if they judge me because of how I look. “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.” :)

Scene kids, you know us for the hair and the clothes. But you really dont know we love to rock out and be crazy. You know people call you a freak or a loser well screw them they have no sense of life and confidence like the rest of us do. Just have fun and live life till you have ''awesome, crazy, beautiful and funny'' written all over you. So life life like a scene kidd and have fun kids!

People say scene kids are weird. I'm from a small town outside a big city i'm the only scene person in my school and possibly in my town. I have as much confidence anyone could ever have. I get all kinds of names thrown at me. If someone says i'm weird i say "if thats what u think" i smile n walk away, i'm a nice person and i don't like how people are scared of me but they just don't know me. I love the uniqueness of being scene.. its just me.

Being scene is more than having colorful hair and colorful clothes. Being scene is more than just going to shows and shopping at the latest stores. Being scene is about knowing who you are and who you want to be. Being scene is about being confident and unique, and not being afraid to be yourself and be wild. People think scene kids are stuck up and materialistic because of they way they look and the way they act, but they never take the time to think about why they are the way they are.
To me, being scene is about being young and having fun. <3
To me, being scene is about being young and having fun. <3

Where I come from people judge on what kind of cloths you wear, how you wear you'r cloths and hair. so what if someone makes fun of you, you are who you are. If you want to wear all black bc thats ur favorit coler go ahead there are going to be people that hate you or dislike you your whole life mostly out of jelousy, but dont let that bring you down:) -Autumn melody-

I'm Jay-Jayy. Nicknames Bunneh haha.(: I got that nickname because I jump when I get poked. I loveee my lifee it's going good so far. for me I won't leave my house unless I look good. :p People think I'm weird but I say Screw the haters.(:

Namess Jay-Jayy! :D

My Name is Lona. but i don't like it. Well lets start out with that I'm a creative. I love stories that have death and dark horror. I'm not weird at all, Im just me. I love watching the stars ,and staring at the moon. I can get lost in my thoughts Have you ever try counting the stars, will you like to join me? People have their own styles and You cant judge a book by it's cover. If those who do, may have the most amazing person past by them and that you'll never know you two could be the most bestest friends in the world. Beleive it or not but im very silly and weird, i ten to say the most random things. If not right for people to try and act normal. NORMAL IS RETARTED. Iwant my life to be amazing, im not gona waist any minutes dealing with drama,bullshit, and ignorance. I want to find a guy that is different and that can make my heart melt. But who can do that to me?

Hey, I'm Hanna, and I wanna be a scene queen :D

I'm Dakota(:
My friends call meh Kotabearr tho(:
I don't like labels, but so far meh school has called meh "Scene" and "Emo"
Screw them!
But Here's how i dress/Do meh hair and makeupp:
I wear skinny jeans 24/7
Usually frilly tank tops that are unique or band t-shirts(:
I have 3 Necklaces i ALWAYS wear
My wrists are covered in fwiendship bracelets and some random cool ones i've found at thrift stores(:
Usually i use liquid eyeliner and just do the top lid and make a HUGE cleapatra kind of wing(:
Lots of mascara!
Foundation/Blot Powder
My hair is usually just straight and teased, but only to give it volume! Not the stereotypical scene tease.
It's dyed bluee and blackk(:
The End(:
Byee Byee!
I'm Dakota(:
My friends call meh Kotabearr tho(:
I don't like labels, but so far meh school has called meh "Scene" and "Emo"
Screw them!
But Here's how i dress/Do meh hair and makeupp:
I wear skinny jeans 24/7
Usually frilly tank tops that are unique or band t-shirts(:
I have 3 Necklaces i ALWAYS wear
My wrists are covered in fwiendship bracelets and some random cool ones i've found at thrift stores(:
Usually i use liquid eyeliner and just do the top lid and make a HUGE cleapatra kind of wing(:
Lots of mascara!
Foundation/Blot Powder
My hair is usually just straight and teased, but only to give it volume! Not the stereotypical scene tease.
It's dyed bluee and blackk(:
The End(:
Byee Byee!

you must be yourself. if you let the haters get to you whats the point... be yourself and no one can tell you anything diffrent...<3

I would love to be on here because i also get called names and always being bullied but i dont let that stop me for being me. Im real and i do me. I will never let down the scene look cause i come up with new looks each day. Hope i can show people that if you love yourself than dont worry about other people.

I'm Ericka, people call me Kitty as my nickname.
Being scene isnt a bad thing, it's about being who
you are. Moat of them are unique and like to stand out.
Being scene isnt a bad thing, it's about being who
you are. Moat of them are unique and like to stand out.

People who criticize you want what you have. Others do it cause they have nothing else better to do && it makes them feel better. What i have learn is to jusst ignore them && say okaay && walk away or dont even say anything at all. never say something mean back it may just hurt you. it is hard to forgive && forget but sometimes you just have too.
being scene does not make you better or special then other people it just means you wanna stand out more && there is nothing at all wrong with that!! never be afraid to show who you really arre. scene means alot of things to alot different people. it can mean what you want it to mean as long as you never say your better than anyone else. cause to be honest im not better or perfect than anyone else.
being scene does not make you better or special then other people it just means you wanna stand out more && there is nothing at all wrong with that!! never be afraid to show who you really arre. scene means alot of things to alot different people. it can mean what you want it to mean as long as you never say your better than anyone else. cause to be honest im not better or perfect than anyone else.
She did it her wayyy

No-one should need instructions on how to be scene.
I found and became "scene" in my own way.
After being fed up of trying so hard to fit in with the bullies (that had no style)
that we're supposed to be my best friends, i still didn't understand why people hated me
i realised its because i'm NOT them.
i could've tried as hard as i wanted to fit in, but it would never work
because i'm original. i couldn't be something i wasn't & i always knew i was different because i
was surrounded by utter BITCHES when i'm too nice. too nice for my own good!
After leaving school a little earlier than everyone else, and moving away from the area
at first i found it very hard to find out who i was.
i had no idea because for so long i was trying to be like the people i secretly hated
for everything they'd done.
i felt like i had lost myself.
Then one day
something changed.
i became scene.
i didn't need instructions, it just happened.
i began experiementing with my look, it was kinda automatic for me!
i tried out the big hair (teased/backcombed) look...
i was addicted!
i already had an obsession with different make-up & dark eyes, cute little bows e.t.c i just needed
the confidence to express myself through the way i look.
scene image had always been me & been deep down inside me,
i was just waiting for the opportunity to express it & finally be the person that would be confident
in her own skin.
i love being the girl that is totally random, i love people complimenting me saying my hair/style
is "awesome" :3
i love the confidence i've gained.
i just love being different.
I quickly got used to the stares of average normal people.
but they only stare because i'm different.
i understand that.
no-one can walk down the street as a scene kid & expect to not get looked at!
that would be madness.
im addicted to the attention though,
makes me feeel kinda famous? xD haha (:
don't copy people's "scene" style.
be who YOU are.
let it flow through you.
because if you copy someone's scene style & don't have your own uniqueness, well..
you're just not original are you!
don't let the haters bring you down.
you're stronger than that xD
I found and became "scene" in my own way.
After being fed up of trying so hard to fit in with the bullies (that had no style)
that we're supposed to be my best friends, i still didn't understand why people hated me
i realised its because i'm NOT them.
i could've tried as hard as i wanted to fit in, but it would never work
because i'm original. i couldn't be something i wasn't & i always knew i was different because i
was surrounded by utter BITCHES when i'm too nice. too nice for my own good!
After leaving school a little earlier than everyone else, and moving away from the area
at first i found it very hard to find out who i was.
i had no idea because for so long i was trying to be like the people i secretly hated
for everything they'd done.
i felt like i had lost myself.
Then one day
something changed.
i became scene.
i didn't need instructions, it just happened.
i began experiementing with my look, it was kinda automatic for me!
i tried out the big hair (teased/backcombed) look...
i was addicted!
i already had an obsession with different make-up & dark eyes, cute little bows e.t.c i just needed
the confidence to express myself through the way i look.
scene image had always been me & been deep down inside me,
i was just waiting for the opportunity to express it & finally be the person that would be confident
in her own skin.
i love being the girl that is totally random, i love people complimenting me saying my hair/style
is "awesome" :3
i love the confidence i've gained.
i just love being different.
I quickly got used to the stares of average normal people.
but they only stare because i'm different.
i understand that.
no-one can walk down the street as a scene kid & expect to not get looked at!
that would be madness.
im addicted to the attention though,
makes me feeel kinda famous? xD haha (:
don't copy people's "scene" style.
be who YOU are.
let it flow through you.
because if you copy someone's scene style & don't have your own uniqueness, well..
you're just not original are you!
don't let the haters bring you down.
you're stronger than that xD

No matter where you are, people will criticize you. There will always be someone who doesn't like you; it's impossible to please everyone. You need to learn to embrace your flaws. It's important to know who you are and know what you want. Remember, most people hate because they're jealous or hating makes them feel powerful. Stand out to be confident. Don't ever become scene just to please your peers. Also if you are going to be a scene kid in a place where they are extremely rare, be prepared for the many angry glares and discrimination you will get from other people. However, be careful not to become overconfident. Nobody wants to interact with someone who puts them down or acts like a jerk, but don't let people walk all over you either. You need to know just the right balance.
you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are....
you absolutly shuld be nice. People say scene kids are....
Scene Life style

not a look, a life style, a way you act. anybody can throw on some scene gear, but there not there yet. you cant become scene over night, it takes years to perfect your style, attitude and look. There are no posers, only admirers (people who wish to be scene). The typical scene that you see a lot has crazy hair, bright colors within the hair, and outrageous makeup. people tend to class scene and emo as the same, sadly. those people don't know the difference. scenes tend to be happy and excited about life, emo, is the complete opposite.
with every scene, comes something unique. Example-Kiki kanable, biggest hair, brought coon-tails popular. every individual true scene brings something new to the tables (hair, colors, the way you wear clothes, jewelry) most of use do look kinda the same, but we all are special in some certain way.
the type of music a scene listens to can very. people tend to think that every scene listens to techno, hip-hope, screamo. not true... the music a scene would listen to is a music they love. you will find that every scene listens to the music they like, not something they don't. example-me, i like rap, hip-hop and CERTAIN screamo bands (abandon all ships).
Lastly, scenes do NOT let anything get in the way of there dreams, they live there's no tomorrow. they party harder then anyone. and they get there dreams, in the bag.
xxx hayleyAnne cupcakekiller <3
not a look, a life style, a way you act. anybody can throw on some scene gear, but there not there yet. you cant become scene over night, it takes years to perfect your style, attitude and look. There are no posers, only admirers (people who wish to be scene). The typical scene that you see a lot has crazy hair, bright colors within the hair, and outrageous makeup. people tend to class scene and emo as the same, sadly. those people don't know the difference. scenes tend to be happy and excited about life, emo, is the complete opposite.
with every scene, comes something unique. Example-Kiki kanable, biggest hair, brought coon-tails popular. every individual true scene brings something new to the tables (hair, colors, the way you wear clothes, jewelry) most of use do look kinda the same, but we all are special in some certain way.
the type of music a scene listens to can very. people tend to think that every scene listens to techno, hip-hope, screamo. not true... the music a scene would listen to is a music they love. you will find that every scene listens to the music they like, not something they don't. example-me, i like rap, hip-hop and CERTAIN screamo bands (abandon all ships).
Lastly, scenes do NOT let anything get in the way of there dreams, they live there's no tomorrow. they party harder then anyone. and they get there dreams, in the bag.
xxx hayleyAnne cupcakekiller <3

Im 17 And ii luve the wh0l3 3mo sc3ne it fitz my persn0nality sooo much. :)

I come from a small town full of rednecks and "thugs." Everyday I walk through the hallways at my school and get stared at, looked up and down, and whispered about. It's hard to believe how judgmental people are, just because I always have colorful hair, bright make-up on, and piercings, they think I am a freak, like I am less of a human being because of that. And this is not the case at all. Anyone who takes the time to know me knows I am one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and unlike everyone else in my town, I don't judge anyone. My own father treats me like I'm different, every time I see him (once every two weeks because my parents divorced when I was young) he tells me how ugly my hair is, how ugly my piercings are, and when we go out anywhere I can tell he is ashamed to be seen with me. It's one of the worst feelings in the world. All of this, because I'm a Scene kid. I hate saying that, because I am not a fan of labels but I suppose that's the only group I would fall in to. It's hard sometimes with all the judging going on, but I'm proud to be a Scene kid, and if you're a Scene kid you should be proud too. :)